…OK, I know I have focused on the BBC coverage of the RNC a lot this week but that’s because I think it has shown BBC bias in all its repulsive glory. So I wanted to finish this week with the coverage of John McCain’s speech last night on Today this morning and contrast it with that of Obama last week on the same programme. You’ll not be surprised to discover that when Obama spoke last week the BBC drooled over it, to the point of hysteria, giving it lead story significance. Today, ah well that’s a different story. Yes, they DO cover McCain, just after we got to hear from a trade unionist urging Labour to punish big business and just after we heard an update on that all critical Angolan general election. And when we DID first get to hear, Naughtie chose to ask two young republicans about Obama. Wonderful stuff from the BBC. They must have nightmares that the McCain/Palin ticket is going to beat their boy Obama and we can be certain that between now and November they wil use every opportunity to dampen down any enthusiasm for the GOP candidates. Last night, on Newsnight, I caught a vox pop they set up asking if Sarah Palin’s fantastic speech had swayed swing voters/Hillary voters to consider voting Republican. Unsurprisingly the overwhelming majority said NO – they were with Obama. So at EVERY turn, the BBC will be there to undermine one party and support another and THAT, my friends, is the sickening bias that we are asked to fund.
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The latest on numbers of viewers of the McCain, Palin and Obama speeches.
From Bloomberg 9.50 p.m. Sept. 5th.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain attracted a record 38.9 million television viewers to his acceptance speech last night, surpassing Democratic rival Barack Obama and McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin.
The total exceeded the 38.4 million who watched Obama accept the Democratic nomination in Denver on Aug. 28, Nielsen Media Research said today in a statement. Palin drew 37.2 million on Sept. 3 after three days of intense media coverage.
The last night of the Republican gathering in St. Paul, Minnesota, was seen in 28.3 million homes, breaking the record of the 27.7 million who watched Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. McCain’s ratings are the highest for a political convention since Nielsen began collecting data in 1960.
Yes. wanker Webb has just had to admit that McCain got more viewers that Obama.
Not bad considering there was a football match on!!!
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the BBC that let the code pink dykes in. Probably BBC employess.
Saw Webb. Did you see the vox pop that followed?
I would sum it up like this:
BBC’s coverage of the Democrats: naive
BBC’s coverage of the GOP: cynical
And, as has been said before, it’s not just because of the stories the BBC cover, but what the BBC does not cover.
The definite bias is in the choice of prominence, placement and frequency of articles, as well as their “headliners”
The BBC’s past coverage of “Global Warming” was a textbook example of this.
Like some other blogs have written, i think a better idea is to go above the BBC complaints department and take these issues up with the Trust.
DV: Yes I wondered how many bars they trawled?
Mind you did you see the guy who said he didn’t like McCain but would vote for Obama? He was either high as a kite or pissed out of his tree. A typical DEmocrat me thinks!!!
He looked like he had been in a fight, didn’t he? Bizarre. Justin obviously knows all the best bars.
Lurker in a Burqua:
‘Sarah Palin’
anagrams to
‘A sharp nail.’
Lurker in a Burqua | 05.09.08 – 7:45 pm | #
A sharp nail in Obama’s campaign coffin, hopefully.
THAT is an amazing story there! Who would have thought it, that more people watched McCain than Obama!
Perhaps Americans arent as dumb as Al Beeb and others make them out to be eh?
and here is the link (nothing al Al Beebs site though);
Makes for some VERY interesting reading, the highlights;
38.9mil watched McCain
38.4 watched Obama
McCains rating is the highest since records started in 1960
37.2mil watched Palin
24mil watched Biden
28.3mil homes tuned in, beating the 27.7mil homes that tuned in for Obama (setting a new record)
22.6mil tuned in on average each day to watch the Reps convention
20.4mil tuned in each day to watch the Dems convention
76.2mil viewers (combined) watched McCain/Palin
62.4mil viewers (combined) watched Obama/Biden
By all accounts the Dems just got their behinds handed to them in a sling.
So I wonder if Al Beeb will report this info and I wonder what their comeback would be for the Reps getting over 10mil more people watching thier people than watching the Dems?
Dont hold your breath waiting though!
Lurker in A Burqa – “Oprah is so far up Obamas ass that she wont give Palin airtime.”
Do you know how much money Oprah has spent on Obama’s campaign? And how many millions more she has raised among her friends? Of course she’s not going to give Governor Palin a platform!
It doesn’t matter what the self-righteous, needy morons at the BBC have to opine. No one in the United States has ever heard of them, except in connection with a few old late night sitcoms. No one knows what they are.
Check out BBC Newswatch. Looks like we’re not the only ones who think the BBC and Justin Webb is up the arse of Obama.
Webb is interviewed and you just can’t believe the brass neck of this twat.
I’m sure David Vance will want to put something up on this.
Palin getting hammered on Up all night on radio 5.
Looks like lots of British jouralist scum are running around Alaska digging dirt.
Apparently as Mayor she once wanted to ban some books from the library. WOW!!!
Putin invades a Country and slaughters thousands and the BBC love him, she once wanted a couple of books (funnily enough no one can remember which books or why so yet another non story) banned and that makes her unfit to be President. I say President because the old phrase a heartbeat away keeps coming up.
John McCain looks quite well to me and his mother is nearly 100 years old.
Oh and Dotun Adebayo. Hmm that name rings a bell. Oh hang on another left wing arsehole with links to a convicted terrorist.
i hope Palin becomes VP, i wouldnt mind sharing a cigar or two with her
Is that a Clinton joke?
Are al Beeb still using the heart beat line? The reason I ask is that I havent actually heard it on Al Beeb since about Wednesday morning.
Clearly I am not alone in being disgusted at having to fund such an overtly biased organisation as the Back Barak Campaign – sorry – BBC. The final straw for me was Noughtie’s interview with ‘Democrats Abroad’ who were flogging a web site through which Americans abroad could register and who, by his own admission tended to vote democrat. Such blatant vote gathering at this stage of the campaign makes one wonder what we can expect in the final weeks. Remember the Gruniads famous attempt to turn votes in the last election only to have it backfire. What can we expect from the BBC.
We are not ‘asked’ to fund this sickening (and illegal) bias: we are coerced to fund it by state thugs.
On the plus side, if McCain wins and ZanuLab lose really badly at the GE, we can expect scads of suicides at Al Beeb. Bring it on.
With so many people up Obama’s arse, it must be getting crowded up there.
I remember flicking over during an ad-break to the British Barack Channel as I was watching the GOP convention on FNC to be told after Governor Palin’s speech how much of an ‘extremist’ she is, and over here in the UK and Europe her kinda views would be unacceptable. FNC’s coverage of the 2 conventions was excellent. Glad they didn’t bring in the partisans to ruin both shows.
British TV news is so corrupt. I can’t watch.