If the answer is Noel Edmonds, you might ask, then what on earth is the question? Nevertheless, it seems that this is Noel’s day to shine. The man who brought us Mr Blobby has started a boycott of the TV license, and it’s currently the most read story on the Beeb’s website.
Cometh the hour…
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Thanks to Peter on the previous thread we can all watch Noel Edmunds’s utterances on YouTube.
fantastic stuff.
i never thought in a million years that Noel Edmonds would turn into a folk hero.
Today there has been a very clear example of BBC bias.
A debate was published on Have Your Say at midday and closed at 2pm. The question being debated was “Should Gordon Brown continue as party leader?”
The response was extremely negative not just for Gordon Brown, but for the whole of NuLabour. Most commentators wanted a general election to annihilate NuLabour.
The debate only lasted 2 hours, and only 157 of the 337 comments were published. This must be the shortest debate in the history of the BBC’s Have Your Say section.
It seems like someone at the BBC cut the debate short.
Why they published such a provocative debate in the first place puzzles me.
Was the BBC been infiltrated by someone politically neutral? Or are the left-wing luvvies at the BBC so out of touch with reality to think that such a debate could be held without Gordon Brown and NuLabour being completely savaged?
The BBC is so biased it’ll publish a story on Noel Edmonds (who’s hated on them since they “sacked” him) publicising his new TV show. Brilliant. Why does this story even belong here?
you have to laugh at TV licencing blustering on about their database.
Your man was live on news 24 u dont need ur database to track him down
Fantastic stuff. The best bit of news I’ve heard in a while. They would be wise not to underestimate this guy.
whatever | 13.09.08 – 3:25 pm:
The BBC is so biased it’ll publish a story on Noel Edmonds (who’s hated on them since they “sacked” him) publicising his new TV show. Brilliant. Why does this story even belong here?
The story belongs here because a very high profile entertainer, so aggrieved is he about the Beeb’s menacing, extortive methods, announced on live TV that he doesn’t have a TV licence i.e. is opening himself up to legal action, a fine, and, potentially, imprisonment.
Having announced his stance on the BBC’s prime TV channel, witnessed by millions of viewers, the BBC could hardly pretend he hadn’t made it, could it?
here’s something that the BBC refuses to cover – the madness of policing in socialist Britain
worth a read
“Welcome to the public sector. The weird thing is, when Saturday comes, and I’m facing a dozen drunken, violent and dangerous yobs outside the taxi rank in the High Street, with only three PCs and a guardian angel on my side, our health and safety officers are nowhere to be seen.
Kettles and electric fans – too dangerous. Tackling 250lb of screaming, tattooed men when you’re armed only with a 50g tin of pepper spray which doesn’t work and an aluminium stick – you carry on, officer. ”
“Despite recent ‘spin’ to the contrary, bureaucracy, political correctness and target-driven baloney is now worse than it was before Copperfield.
Thousands of officers who should be on the streets nicking criminals are behind desks ‘auditing’ crime reports and managing detection figures.
I am concerned that our insane obsession with largely irrelevant targets will cost lives. It probably already has. “
obviously already has. thousands.
No health and safety when the mod wont give troops basic equipment.
Good for Edmonds. It’s about time he did something of note. However, does he really have to wimp out by saying he thinks the Beeb is a great organization and “fantastic value for money”? If it really were, then the BBC wouldn’t need to employ the muscle of the state in order to fund itself. People would gladly subscribe to it of their own volition.
The guy at this site offers an amusing monthly two-finger salute to the BBC (or rather Capita who manage the TV License database) who issue him similar threatening letters each month.
The clear message is they have no real power.
“Simply ignore TVL/BBC. Their letters are computer-generated and sent out by the hundred-thousand. The purpose of these “official warnings” and threats of “imminent legal action” is psychologial rather than actual. Once this is realised, the letters cease to have any effect or credibility.”
“People who work for TVL/BBC have no more right to enter private residences than people selling dusters.”
“They rely on householders’ own reaction to these letters, and on self-incrimination during street visits. Without YOUR co-operation, TVL/BBC is impotent.”
To prevent TVL/BBC approaching your property, write to them, stating that you have withdrawn their implied right of access. There is no need to indicate whether you have a television, and you do not need to give your name. You can withdraw access in the name of “legal occupier”.
The Rule for Visiting Officers is:
“If one of our Visiting Officers calls at your home they will … stop the enquiry if asked to leave … [they will] only enter a property when given permission” (page 4, About TV Licensing, December 2004).
Plenty of ammunition for everyone to cease paying their licence is at this site.
i cant help wondering – if a seriously high profile celeb like Noel Edmonds is doing this, might that encourage other folks to also say – “screw it , i’ve had enough…”
Mr Vance – and others who contribute to this blog – might it be a good idea to get in touch with Mr Edmonds? make him aware of this blog. point out the bias, by providing links to previous posts.
worth a go?
brilliant post here on how the BBC hides behind the TVL brand
with some mockup graphics on how those scarey billboards would look if they had the BBC logo on them.
bbcresistance blog
interesting set of photos on a “tvl detector van”..
only that – theres no detection equipment actually in the van.
I haven’t paid the TV license for the last 18 years. I should get a long service medal 🙂
I’d like to welcome Noel Edmonds to our side. But I’m suspicious. He is still a Beeboid: all that guff about great value…was this a sincere plea or just a great plug for his new show.
N.B. He didn’t answer the question “Do you still have a TV”? He probably still does and watches – if he does he’s “breaking the law” by not paying the TV tax. Will he now be prosecuted for not having a TV licence? Or does the BBC not want to go there?
Thank God I moved to the USA!
HSLD, I haven’t paid the TV licence in 22 years, can I have an even LONGER service medal?
I do find it amusing that people are actually scared they will go to prison if they don’t pay their licence. I’ve agitiated the Gestapo from TV licensing for my own amusement many a time. Admitted to having a set and no licence to one who stood at my door. The moment he started cautioning me (anyone can issue a caution by the way) I just laughed at him and slammed the door in his face.
I then went back to watching telly in peace and never heard from them again.
Except for their letters of course, which are good for writing inflammatory remarks inside, posting back into the letter box with “Return to Sender” and letting TV Licensing pick up the postage costs for their return.
I’ve got to say it left me with a very warm feeling watching Noel Edmonds launch that particular scud on live BBC. But notice the instant pavlovian response from the female presenter to Noel’s confession of having cancelled his license fee:
“But do you have a television?”
Which just dug a deeper hole for them when Noel said nobody had found him or knocked on his door.
Further pavlovian response from the male presenter
“I can hear the sounds of trucks approaching as we speak.”
These drones actually believe that not paying your licence fee unleashes instant and immediate action from some kind of TVL SWAT team.
Proving that the newsreaders are as unthinking and ignorant as their viewers.
The BBC is scum.
at least scum can be made to see the errors of their ways.
the bbc is more than that.
its just pure evil.
The BBC has been using the Detector Van story to scare small children into paying the license fee when they grow up for so long that Monty Python parodied them in the “Fish Licence” sketch from 1970. That’s probably before either of those dopey presenters – especially the female with her hand over her mouth – were even born.
After reading this thread, I am very
tempted to stop giving the bbc scum any more of my money. Oh god how I hate those smug gits and there very one sided and biased reporting.
Blah, you have got them figured.
They think in stereotypes.
Something just occurred to me.
Think of the situation with Microsoft. They’ve been attacked by the European Commission for what anti-trust types see as gaining an unfair advantage in the market, since computers are bundled with Windows. Yet none of this is forced. Manufacturers aren’t forced by law to bundle Windows with their computers, and consumers aren’t forced by law to buy only computers that have Windows preinstalled. In fact many do indeed buy computers without Windows and install Linux instead.
Now…when have you ever seen or heard the BBC stand up in defense of Microsoft? They haven’t. In fact you can bet your ass that the anticapitalist idiots at the Beeb stand up and cheer every time Microsoft takes a thrashing from the fascists of the EU.
But really, isn’t what the BBC does even worse? When you buy a TV set, you are forced by law to purchase a subscription to the Beeb. In effect the BBC is “bundled” with all TV’s in Britain. There are no opt-outs – you cannot decide that you’re going to buy a TV and never watch that station.
Isn’t it about time the license fee was referred to the European Commission? (In theory at least – I know as well as anyone that the EU would never in a million years do anything to harm a state-enforced leftist propaganda machine)
Ever tried to buy an Apple Mac WITHOUT Apples OS?
In fact try to buy the parts to make an Apple computer of your own. You can’t do it.
Apple killed off the Apple clone market years ago.
Could it be one rule for Apple and another for Microsoft? Why might that be? That an Apple computer is the primary choice for the ‘gay’ community which dominates the media and much of politics?
or Apple is the minority ethnic in the computer market
i now view Noel Edmonds in a different light, sod the Knighthood, he should be cannonised
Hugh: the main post is completely devoid of links at the mo. Might be an idea to update it with links to the boycott article and to the video linked by JBH above.
I’ve been a non-payer since I started reading B-BBC (nearly 3 years).
I watched so little of the BBC’s shite that it cost me at least £1 per hour of viewing, virtually all of it unsatisfactory. I don’t consider that ‘great value’. Perhaps I would if I were a millionaire like Mr Edmonds.
B-BBC motivated me to take the plunge and give up TV altogether, and I’ve never looked back.
With the advent of Zattoo, it’s now possible to watch TV online anyway, if you feel the need to remind yourself how shit it is. There is far better nerd-tainment available on Youtube (eg complete university courses), and even more if you have an open-minded attitude to (other people’s) copyright.
Could those News 24 presenters be more condescending? More patronising? It’s like they were talking to a classroom full of five-year-olds. They epitomise the BBC perfectly.
The BBC is misleading in its headline – “Edmonds begins TV licence boycott” – he’s not beginning, he’s been at it for months according to him!
at least scum can be made to see the errors of their ways.
the bbc is more than that.
its just pure evil.
Good to see that someone understands exactly what we are really dealing with here.
Which is without any shadow of any doubt whatsoever
Hegalian dialectic, fascism inspired, Bilderberg group subservient, elitist, corporatist, Common Purpose riddled, mind control propaganda of the absolute worst imaginable.
Well done Noel
With the advent of Zattoo, it’s now possible to watch TV online anyway, if you feel the need to remind yourself how shit it is.
fewqwer | 13.09.08 – 11:02 pm | #
Not currently available in the states unfortunately 🙁
We bought one of those Digibox things from Tesco last week. Not my decision, but my missis wants to watch the ‘Dog Whisperer’ and it’s currently badly placed in the torrent downloading queue after Future Weapons, Hell Ride, American Chopper and basically anything which isn’t a stupid program about retarded dogs.
The bird on the checkout asked if we had a Clubcard, which we don’t. She then said we would have to give our name and address for TV licensing, due to the Digibox purchase.
Dutifully we gave a name and an address. It wasn’t our name, or our address and I hope Mr M Mouse, who lives in the Magic Kingdom, won’t think too badly of us when a pathetic apparatchik with a clipboard arrives to ask him why he hasn’t got a TV license.
HSLD – interesting situation you describe, and a thought occurs to me – while it may be legal for the BBC to collect your details for licensing purpose – is it legal for a third party (not associated with them) to act on their behalf. You know, I don’t think it is.
However – on behalf of the Mouse family – You rotten sod!!!!!!!!
The Mail on Sunday has picked up on Noel Edmonds’s TV licence declaration:
Noel Edmonds: ‘I won’t pay TV licence because of ‘threatening’ BBC adverts
I don’t downplay the stance made by a public figure to disclose that he won’t pay his telly tax. Most noble of you Noel and delighted to have your support.
But presumably, if al-Beeb’s adverts were less threatening he’d be okay with it and pay up?
Anon: if you inform the DVLA that you have sold your car or taken it off the road, you don’t get threatening letters of people knocking on your front door asking to see your car tax.
Why is it different for a TV licence?
But the DVLA adverts are just as threatening as the BBC adverts are, aren’t they? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHS951iYvV4) Maybe we should all stop paying that as well?
Although Noel Edmonds worked for the BBC for 30-odd years that doesn’t necessarily make him a “Beeboid” in the B-BBC sense.
Some quick Googling will reveal his views on a variety of issues:
On immigration: “The bus is full. We haven’t got enough energy, we haven’t
got enough electricity, we haven’t got enough of a health service.”.
On the environment: “Ridiculous green taxes are just another way of prising money off people”
On crime: “I find it extraordinary that we live in millions of little prisons called our homes, with burglar alarms, when a relatively small number
of people walk around free. If someone’s caught with a knife they need to get off the street straight away. We need to build bigger prisons.”
I think it’s great that someone famous has the guts to publicly come out with this, he was basically telling those BBC snivellers to bring it on.
Though just wait for the inevitable beeboid sniping at his own programmes (Mr Blobby, Grab a Grand, you know the score…) and how wonderful the publicly-funded system is.
Maybe we should all stop paying that as well?
whatever | 14.09.08 – 12:11 pm |
I know some who don’t. But then, they don’t want, and hence use a car. Don’t think any have had a letter, either.
That said, I agree those ads are a) a total waste of time as the actual target audience* are not going to play a blind bit of notice anyway and hence b) its all another total waste of taxpayers’ money*.
*Anyone who makes a conscious decision to drive untaxed (with insurance also a likely optional lack of extra) will have assessed their likelihood of apprehension and, if ever ‘caught’, prosecution.
It would be nice to think such funds that could be diverted from rosy COI-comms budgets might make their way to actual looking at the data and then out the Panda window and making a real-life crime connection, but maybe that’s just crazee talk.
One of my daughters took her car off the road while she went travelling, and advised the DVLA. The DVLA reply was entirwly pleasant, saying she was therefore relieved of the need to pay vehicle duty – but would need to pay it if and when she put the car back on the road.
At the end of the 12 months – there was a letter fom the DVLA asking for the current status. She told them it was still off the road. They accepted that as fact, no attempt to challenge what my daughter had said, no waving around of threats.
That is – a citizen’s word is taken as being true, innocent until proved guilty and all that. The Beeb/Capita approach is that every citizen is presumed guilty no matter how many times they claim not to have a TV.
But I hope it carries on like this – cos I want the BBC to become more and more unpopular, so that it can then be cut down to size. Like 1 TV channel – max 2 channels, and just 2 radio channels – Radio 3 and 4. No sprawling website, no massive news organisation – it can have the same number of staff as Sky, that should be enough.
The rest can be provided by the market. The licence fee could be halved immediately – and phased out by switching to digital subscription.
Andy | 14.09.08 – 1:14 pm:
A very illuminating post. Now I know why Noel Edmonds was sacked – he obviously got under the beeboids’ noses.
I wonder if he’d had any arguments with the beeb’s commissioning editors, production staff etc. prior to his exit. What’s the betting he did….
John: seconded.
Noel Edmonds leads a boycott of the BBC licence fee
Can’t be too sure, but the voices in support of Aunty here seem… sparse.
According to Ariel (the BBC staff magazine) Edmond’s “boycott” doesn’t seem to have started yet:
“But the Deal Or No Deal host does own a current licence, according to TV Licensing. A spokesman said: ‘TV Licensing has checked its records and can confirm we have a valid current licence on record for his address.’
Edmonds’ agent said his client was out of the country and it was a matter on which only the TV personality could comment.”
Nick Reynolds (I work for the BBC but I have my own personal views about Noel Edmonds)
Damn! I knew it was a mistake to pin all our hopes on Noel Edmonds.
(I’ve always wanted to write that.)