If only the English weren’t such chavs, says Mardell, “with no intention of censure and certainly not moral superiority”, as he reports on a tantalising and – to me – baffling and pointless curry-house conversation.
England’s crowded: so what(’s new), says Easton – just in case anyone was a little misled by his earlier blog entry which, er, seemed to suggest it wasn’t. Still, he remains “unpersuaded that we cannot cope with the extra people”. Whodathunkit.
Paul Mason is hallucinating. He’s amazed some people have never read Atlas Shrugged. I’m amazed he’s economics editor but read music.
Some great comments on Easton’s blog, like:
“I’m sure that, as a city boy, you’re scared of anything green and you look down on little villagers and country folk as probably inbred, and predisposed to racism and homophobia and, therefore, their opinion is invalid. They live in the UK too, you know, and I thinki their opinion is more valid than someone who, quite frankly, lives in a little bubble of leftism which is unrepresentative of the country.“
If Mardell has such a low opinion of his fellow Brits why does he work for a corporation that has done more than most to dumb down the population? Just look at the trash like Eastenders and Top Gear that BBC TV shows for hour after hour every night and the glorification of drunkenness on Radio 1, by far the most popular radio station in the land for impressionable youth.
Mardell is part of the problem he whines about, but I expect his wages are more important to him than any principles.
why just English
Gosh, I rarely ever see Ayn Rand referenced in the UK press and now we have Paul Mason and…
Polly Toynbee at it!
Its very noticeable that, without any thought whatsoever, journalists are going to their base instincts and blaming who they want to blame in this financial crisis. IBD blamed Clinton-era “multi-cultural” legislation that forced banks to lend to the sub-prime – at least they’re trying to address the fundamentals rather than Toynbee and Mason.
It took 25 years and the greatest economist of the 20th century to get to the bottom of the reasons for the Great Depression, hint: it was the politicians and not markets to blame. If Paul Mason has the answers why is he working for Newsnight? He should be on a yacht docked just off his Caribbean island.
The arrogance of that prat Easton. He is “unpersuaded”. So what ?
The people who need to be persuaded are the stupid politicians who have allowed this to happen, not some BBC twat.
Of course, the UK is overcrowded. A good start would be to re-locate the BBC to Siberia or , maybe, the Sahara. That would be a start in ridding the UK of useless parasites.
Of course the higher the UK population, the greater the number of TV sets, the higher the BBC income from licence fees. Trebles all round.
Maybe, Mark Easton isn’t so stupid after all. And, maybe , he is after John Mason’s job.
If I weren’t rushing out to work right this minute, I would probably do the following:
1) Register at the nearest Ayn Rand forum
2) Inform the regulars there that a stinking BBC-funded socialist by the name of Paul Mason was using the latest state induced financial disaster in order to have a crack at Atlas Shrugged
3) Keep my eyes on the comments on Mason’s page. Paying careful attention to how many of them seem to have “broken the house rules”.
I might also do the same on the forum at Mises.org.
A country can get to be as crowded as we have in Western Europe if there is a sophisticated economy ie; one that is not agrarian . Such a country cannot be run as a Green Hippie commune such as advocated by BBC enviromentalists.
god, what a fukhead you are Easton.
How much do you earn?
“god, what a fukhead you are Easton.
How much do you earn?
adam | 17.09.08 – 4:23”
Enough that he can move to the countryside at some time as he finds convenient. So the lefty answer to population growth is to create a concrete island with a population density much like Tokyo. Lovely!
one minute he is claiming we are not overpopulated the next he is claiming we have always been overpopulated.
That argument jumping is the most convincing of all evidence of lefty bias.
Its classic lefty behaviour.
Do these opendoor unlimited immigration population explosion multicultural diversified types ever wonder how we are to treat human waste on this island ?