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Critics say Ms Livni, a former Mossad spy, lacks political experience.
Livni to lead Israel ruling party
I’m no fan of Tzipi Livni and definitely won’t vote Kadima but that throw-away line grates. Who does the BBC think she is – President Putin? In all she worked for the Mossad 4 yrs. It didn’t define her.
Interesting things about Tzippi Livni that the BBC doesn’t tell you (look on the Knesset website).
She was General Manager, Government Companies Authority (1996-1999) – in charge of the privatization of government corporations and monopolies.
Lieutenant in the IDF.
Daughter of Knesset member (1974-84) Eitan Livni.
Speaks French, Hebrew and English.
Lists profession as Attorney
Married with 2 children.
At various times Minister of Regional Cooperation, Minister Without Portfolio, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Minister of Immigrant Absorption, Minister of Housing and Construction, Minister of Justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Acting Prime Minister.
I’m waiting for the same dismissiveness from the BBC about Barack Obama. Critics say Mr Obama, who never got his hands dirty, lacks political experience.
And the critics would be right.
I was holding this, as it has to be a spoof.
The BBC has ‘asked a family…’ to be filmed, ‘…and they were brave enough to say yes’.
Yeah, right.
In this fame-obsessed, ‘reality that never is’ age, what utter tripe.
No, the, er ‘stars’ are on the sofa now.
Your licence fee at work.
Oh, and in case you miss it, a BBC employee, one James Caan, has a book out, presumably for sale.
Check out BBC News politics page. There’s not a mention of the Mori poll with the Tories on 52%. It’s like it didn’t happen. Nothing to see here move along. These are not the results you were looking for.
It’s hilarious. Just waffle about Labour disunity (I love that ..disunity..great). The main news as always has some hot air about CO2 allowances. Jeez how the luvvies must be hurting today!
Oops. 2 minutes on. More books; this time from the makers of Dr. Who, which is nice.
Look out Borders. Take care Waterstones. Aunty is hungry and needs feeding!
No problems with the ad/promo budget in competition that can restrict other commercial operations, I’d hazard.
Alistair Campbell on radio 5 in full attack mode against the Tories. I’ve lost count of how many times this piece of scum has turned up on the BBC recently to back Brown. What a joke!
Is the BBC so worried about the polls that they think people in Enlgand are going to take note of this shithead?
Funny that at the end of the RAdio 5 breakfast show they read out some complimentarty emails, then Richard Bacon said “oh but there were lots just saying get that man off the air”
So why didn’t the BBC read THOSE out instead?
“Check out BBC News politics page. There’s not a mention of the Mori poll with the Tories on 52%.”
Maybe because it hasn’t been published yet.
Dear Anon,
Ceck out the Google News UK there are currently 2,236 news articles about it.
Are you suggesting that the Beeb does not know about it then?
Beeb to Mori…
I’m putting my fingers in my ears and going la la la la….
Anon: “Maybe because it hasn’t been published yet.”
Excellent point:
28 points ( ? I wasn’t able
Reuters one didn’t work for some reason:
Details of the Ipsos/Mori poll were published by the Press Association at about 2 a.m. today.
In the spirit of ‘The Gord taketh, and the Gord, er, taketh yet more..’
I was just over at my Mum’s, and sadly News 24 was already on. For this brief moment with the Chancellor on, in full waffle mode.
FULL CREDIT to the blonde for trying to make the point that the Europeans don’t seem to be facing the same level of reaction in their banking community as does the UK in the face of this ‘world crisis’, especially in light of Mr. Brown’s claim that the UK is well placed to weather this better than most.
Mr. Darling totally ignores this and goes straight back to talking about the bl**dy US situation.
He is either a liar or simply an idiot, yet will retire soon on a whopping pension co-funded by the likes of my Mum, who I have to care for.
However, and this is what gets me, this promising avenue of ‘debate’ is cut short…again (some Labour Pol waffling earlier seemed to be caught out on ‘fact’ by Rod Liddle in a piece on smoking, leaving me none the wiser as to what the truth was, and /or who these days is capable of speaking it)… probably to go to a critical skateboarding turtle update, by that most annoying of all news editorial/reporting/presenting mechanisms… ‘THAT’S ALL WE HAVE TIME FOR’.
Why do we have 24/7 ‘news’ if it is then incapable of running with a promising story as it unfolds!
deegee | 18.09.08 – 8:41 am | #
Knesset website? Surely you don’t expect the BBC to get information about a Member of Knesset from the Knesset Website or, for that matter, from any factual source.
Your post about the roots of the sub-prime mortgage mess, ACORN strong-arming of the lenders etc was superb.
The question is – can TeamMcCain get that message across – coupled with McCain’s attempts to have tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ? And pointing to Obama being up to his neck with ACORN, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ? Plus all Biden’s lobbying links too.
That is the attack ad that TeamMcCin should be running. McCain was warning long before the event, Obama is wailing after the event that he has been complicit in supporting / causing.
Jason: The lack of any thorough investigation by the MSM (except for the excellent Fox News) is a joke.
It isn’t as if there is not a lot of information out there.
However, this is exactly the same as the John Kerry Vietman story.
Kerry’s service in Vietnman was a sham as shown by the book Unfit for Command.
The BBC just never went there. They hated Bush and were openly in the tank for Kerry.
They are doing the same thing now.
Endless LIES pumped out by Frei and Webb as ‘news stories’ is a joke.
If those two cunts can’t put a half decent investigation story together on Obama’s background, they should both be sacked.
Hackers infiltrate Palin’s e-mail
And what do the BBC do?
They publish her personal email address!
“Hackers infiltrate Palin’s e-mail
And what do the BBC do?
They publish her personal email address!”
There is no harm in the BBC publishing the e-mail address now because it no longer exists. After the hacking came to light, Sarah Palin immediately had the address blocked and then deleted.
See my earlier post… the “website” that published the story also disclosed the mobile phone number of Palin’s children and that’s where I think the Secret Service should come in and arrest them. Somebody on the left needs to be taught a lesson and – as Barack said – families are off limits!
gunnar | 18.09.08 – 8:38 am |
I am also amazed that you know how the algorithm works, when you are not familiar with the space it attempts to fill.
Oh, please. Your simplistic description was enough to tell me exactly what this is. I hope you don’t think you’re the first person to discover these things, or that whatever you’re looking at is the first one of its kind, or that this is the first time ever in the history of mankind to use the terms “authoritarian” and “libertarian” in such a context.
Seriously, gunnar, stop with the games and will-o’-the-wisp tactics.
Maybe because it hasn’t been published yet.
Anon | 18.09.08 – 9:26 am
Boy, the Beeboid trolls really are going down in standard. Makes one pine for the halcyon days of “John Reith”.
Re: deegee | 18.09.08 – 8:41 am
Small victory :+: . The offending line now says, Critics say Ms Livni, a former lawyer and Mossad agent, also lacks political experience. Now how about further changing the line to Critics say Ms Livni, a former lawyer and Mossad agent, also lacks political experience despite ministerial experience over three Knesset terms? When the BBC quotes anonymous critics without a counter argument it comes across that the BBC agrees with the criticism.
The headline that now reads Livni wins Israel party primary is a more polite and accurate than the previous Livni to lead Israel ruling party effort. Israel is a parliamentary democracy led by a coalition of parties. Kadima only ‘rules’ if Livni can cobble together a majority.
Can you imagine a headline describing NuLab as Britains ‘ruling’ party, even though factually it it?
Mark2 | 18.09.08 – 12:36 pm |
Quite right, or left …
A responsible broadcaster however would have used the story but not published the email address, active or not. After all, what value does it add to the story?