Sorry, another quick one on the Beeb’s US coverage: apart from the branding and one quote from McCain would this really be out of place on the Daily Kos? Here’s the summary of the day: The candidates take part in emergency economic talks at the White House with President Bush… Material from Sarah Palin’s interview with CBS news is aired, in which the Alaska governor explains why her state’s proximity to Russia had given her foreign policy experience.
It then picks up on the Palin dig again with its key quotes:“It’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska.” Sarah Palin demonstrates her foreign policy experience.
I suppose it’s possible to read that last line neutrally, but it’s a bit of a struggle, isn’t it? Quite apart from the bias, the BBC’s tone in its coverage of the US election is making it increasingly hard to take it seriously. But that’s probably a good thing.
Interesting comment about the Polls. The BBC fails to point out that in most polls the gap for Osama is within the 3 point statistical error.
“Barack Obama retains his lead in all four tracking polls, except Gallup, which has the race tied.”
Bizarrely put? Gordon Brown retains the unwavering support of the British people, except 80% of them…
Different topic, sorry, but there is an article in today’s Daily Telegraph about the BBC in the comment section online. Maybe some readers of this website would care to post a few comments !
Zogby had McCain ahead by 2 yesterday. Or does that one not count?
I just stumbled upon this – from Justin Webb’s blog – at the time of the Joe Biden pick.
Unless my eyes are deceiving me, it is a frank admission of Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience…. and even ‘nous’.
Joe Biden is Vladimir Putin’s contribution to American politics – he is a necessary antidote to the Obama lack of worldly wisdom
I missed this at the time. Maybe Webb should be reminded of it each time he brings up the subject of Palin’s cv.
The summary..well summarises doesnt it?
“Britain needs a diverse and pluralist media, one that in the broadcasting field is not distorted by so-called impartiality rules – which mean a liberal-left BBC stranglehold of the airwaves.”
Oh …but when though – and when WILL one of the tories actually put this forward to the public? Never is my guess -it would take virtual a poll tax riot type of scenario to get the beeb abolished…
Different topic, sorry, but there is an article in today’s Daily Telegraph about the BBC in the comment section online. Maybe some readers of this website would care to post a few comments !
I’m afraid I couldn’t find the item. Could you post a link? Thanks.
Miv Tucker.
scroll down to “free the airwaves”
Hope this helps.
Mailman: Zogby tends to be an outlier
Cameron – many thanks.
Miv Tucker
No probs!
Any chance of a link to the Telegraph article? Cannot find it at all!
If the BBC wants to cover the debate about the US FINANCIAL CRISIS impartially, here is the sort of conservative American contribution which the BBC apparently has difficulty finding:
[Lawrence Auster]:
“Now the key House Republicans are giving a press conference on C-SPAN. They are proposing a very different plan, in which “Wall Street pays for its own rescue rather than the tax payer … by paying premiums for insurance,” whereby the credit block-up will be unblocked and economic activity restored. While I don’t understand the plan yet, I must say that these Republican House members–Eric Cantor of Virginia (a Jew with a pleasant Southern drawl), Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, Judy Biggert, and others–are so much more well-spoken, honest-sounding, honest-looking, and even better-looking than their corrupt-looking Democratic counterparts, particularly the Democrats’ grotesque point man, Barney Franks, that they seem on a higher level of evolution. ”
Pretty much everyone seems to think that the Republican splinter group’s plan is bloocks, but then I guess they’re better looking and one of them is Jewish (what??!!??) so that’s ok then….
George R
I believe O’Reilly went off at Barney Frank the other day, calling him an eviltoad or words to that effect.
What MIGHT happen is a triple whammy:
1 John McCain is seen to be cental in securing a fix in Congress (howver grubby) – with Obama merely on the sidelines, a junior Senator no-one listens to).
2 McCain then pins the original blame for the whole junk/sub-prime mortgage mess on Clinton’s legislation – which allpwd the shysters in banks and among the public to wade in. Plus shows that the Dems (including Dodd and Franks) blocked the legislation McCain was trying to promote in 2005 and 2006, s190, aimed at tightening up regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to avert financial disaster. With Dodd and Obama taking big bungs from F Mae and F Mac.
3 If McCain is instrumental in getting a fix, he shoots off to Oxdord for the foreign-affairs debate tonight and wipes the floor with Obama.
If all came to pass this weekend, Obama’s present poll blip would subside, McCain would be bound to gather support – and maybe crash through the magic 50% barrier.
How would Justin Webb cope with that scenario ?
What is blx is the Dems trying to tack all manner of support to mortgage holders and credit-card holders on to the fix – which would make the mortgage-default problem even worse.
A compromise will likely emerge – with McCain in the middle of it, Obama on the sidelines (where he belongs)
Pumping billions of dollars of tax-payers’ money into the financial sector (i.e. Wall Street) is nothing short of socialism. No wonder fiscal conservatives get the creeps when they hear the name George W. Bush.
John A – Yes, that’s gonna happen. And if it does, I’m sure Webb will cope just fine. Didn’t the GOP used to loathe McCain?
I’ve just gone back online and can’t find the Telegraph piece on the licence fee either ! It is absolutely not the sort of thing I would imagine. Surely, they are not monitoring Biased BBC ?
Maybe, I am just going mad !
Grant and Cameron:
Was this the piece?
It’s certainly the only one I found fitting the description.
Radio 5 still spinnig that McCain is a lsoer and that Osama is the new King and how dare McCain try to upstage Osama.
Truth is of course Osama is an irrelevant little turd that no one is taking any notice of.
Except his two rolls of Andrex of course called Frei and Webb.
OT . . .Since this blog is one of the featured links on the Gates of Vienna Counter-Jihad calendar for September 2008 I’m placing this comment:
Online Petition on Downing Street Website: Stop Sharia Law Being Used in the UK Sign Petition (UK citizens only unfortunately) Petition’s deadline is Oct. 4:
Perhaps domestic UK viewers would like to see what we have to put up with in the USA. Matt Frei interjecting his opinion within a question to Bob Woodward.
“In the final months of his administration – and this is one of the lamest lame-duck administrations that you can imagine…”
By the way, in the aside he’s sucking up to Woodward. If he was interviewing someone like Newt Gingrich he would not have slipped that statement in. The hidden message of the opinion within the question is: “I’m on your side, Bob”.
McCain doesnt want the bail out to be a freebe, his plan is to limit executive pay for those banks that take the money, which can only be a good thing and more importantly, make the money available loans that must be paid back instead of a unconditional gift.
However, the REAL problem here is the dems trying to force through a clause that would syphon off 20% of all profits to groups like ACORN (anyone want to guess who their lawyer used to be? Yes thats right, Barry Obama!).
No wonder the Reps arent happy!
Also, the farce we are seeing today is one created by the Democrats.
If Polesi had the balls to call a vote (which she has the power to do), then the Dems could pass the bill without the support of the Reps (because thats what majority’s can do a minority party).
Of course we will never see this happen simply because the Dems would rather play politics than support their people.
Not sure what exactly McCain’s plan is, mailman but I’m sure I’d prefer it to Obama’s. After all it’s people like (socialist) Frank that got us in this mess.
Fox News just reported that tonight’s debate is on after all. Can’t wait.
The Dems want to either shut the bailout plan down completely, or dilute it enough so that it appears worthless. The economy is the only issue they have now that Iraq is becoming a non-issue. This is a huge gift to The Obamessiah, who otherwise has lost some of his golden aura. Did Peston mention that yet? No? Curious. One would have thought he had some ideas on that, as he used to be the FT’s political editor. Have Frei Boy or ol’ Justin said anything like that in their brilliant analysis pieces? Analysis isn’t reporting, right? They can say something like that in an analysis piece, or on a blog, can’t they?
They’re all viewing this as a huge weapon against McCain, simply because most of the media – BBC included – has been portraying this as Bush’s fault. All one has to do is look at the comments on HYS or any news article about it, and see all the “Bush has ruined the economy”, “damn Republicans and their deregulation”, etc. to know that the lies have stuck. This is evident on both sides of the pond.
This is a political football, and only one side sees this as a game. The BBC is a biased referee. They’ve never reported that McCain wanted to stop the crap at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac three years ago. Could that possibly be why he went to Washington to get involved instead of doing a debate tonight, Justin? They have never admitted that The Obamessiah and Sen. Dodd are the top recipients of their lobbying money. Instead they have – as usual – followed the US Leftoid media talking points. Surprise, surprise. But as long as the British public perceives this as a McCain negative, that’s okay by the BBC.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
David Preiser (USA): See my comment about what wanker Webb just said on BBC 1.
And has anyone noticed that Osama has simply gone missing over the last 48 hours?
Has he been taking lessons from Gordon Broon by chance? Always there to take the applause, but absent when the shit hits the fan.
Why would McCain back out of a debate on his strongest subject?
I’m looking forward to Osama spluttering his way through the debate and waffling on and on and on.
Obama had planned several days in Florida to prep for tonight’s debate. He is playing nil part in the Dem leadership in Congress – Hillary Clinton is probably more involved than Obama would ever be.
I hope tonight is like Saddleback. But it also depends on how the parties spin what happens.
What is all this farago of comment about the lack of foreign policy experience of Sarah Palin. She has none, end of story.
Does it matter? Well it didn’t matter for the last few citizens elected to POTUS let alone the VPs (who were the last 5 VPs, can anyone remember?) Clinton was a lawyer turned Governor of Alabama, he had no foreign policy experience whatsoever. Jimmy Carter, don’t make me laugh. Reagan, Bush Senior & Junior had no experience either.
John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown equally novices at Foreign Policy (although JM was Foreign Secretary for a brief period).
Thats why political leaders surround themeselves with policy wonks and more to the point career diplomats and civil servants who do have experience.
Arthur Dent,
My sentiments exactly.
Obama turned down ten town hall meetings/debates, but insists he will be there for this debate, hell or high water. He blasts McCain for going to Washington to do his job as a senator, and says “call me if you need me”.
More and More I am creeped out by his very picture, the fake way he looks off into the distance is very disturbing.
Okay – drinking games. Everybody has to take a shot whenever McCain says, “My friends…” or Obama loses his place on the teleprompter.
Thats why political leaders surround themeselves with policy wonks and more to the point career diplomats and civil servants who do have experience.
Arthur Dent | 26.09.08 – 8:04 pm | #
This is a good point and one that is not being made by any of the MSM as far as I can see.
Perhaps some reruns of Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister would help us remember?
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 26.09.08 – 5:37 pm | #
Hi David,
You seem unusually antsy, but I think you will find it is the British Government that are doing the most to lay blame at Wall St.’s door, and the media are just reporting this.
The ‘maybe it’s our fault for taking on so much debt too’ voice is very quiet, but it is coming through a bit. Listening to Brown on the Today programme the other morning (where he was given an easy ride, presumably Humphrys wasnt allowed anywhere near him after the last one) you would think the UK economy was a result of external influences only.
From a UK perspective it looks like Bush is doing what he can to help sort the mess out, but the focus here is on our own attitude to regulation and willingness to take on debt when perhaps we should have been more frugal.
‘but the focus in the media here’ would be better.
Sarah Jane | 26.09.08 – 10:58 pm |
but I think you will find it is the British Government that are doing the most to lay blame at Wall St.’s door, and the media are just reporting this.
It’s not the Government trying to blame the bailout situation on Republicans – that’s being spun by the BBC and Leftoid media. Mr. Brown’s responsibility for the UK’s long-term economic situation is a separate issue from the this one.
In this situation, there is precious little mention of Democrat complicity in anything other than being the savior. The Obamessiah is quoted as laying the blame squarely on McCain and Bush, when in fact it was they who tried to get the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac problem nipped in the bud three years ago. The Democrats would have none of it, because they were getting the bulk of the $100 million in lobbying money. Dodd and The Obamessiah are at the top of that list.
If the BBC is so keen on reporting every last detail of the US election, they ought to mention something as important as that.
This whole thing is in large part down to Barney Frank’s plan to make banks loan money to people who couldn’t pay it back, and allowing them to do it with the variable mortgage rates, then compounding the problem by letting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac screw everything up. Instead of informing the public about the reality, instead the BBC portrays him as the potential hero, “leading the negotiations”.
Also, there’s the complete uselessness of the SEC (for which I would actually blame Republicans in 1999, on Clinton’s watch) in dealing with problems at Bear Sterns and Washington Mutual before it was too late. They did nothing, and McCain wanted the boss fired and the scene changed six months ago. Nobody at the BBC ever mentions that, and I bet it’s because they rationalize that by saying it wouldn’t be fair to make him look good during the election. There’s no way to balance that out by reporting something useful The Obamessiah did, because he hasn’t done anything. So they keep shtum.
It’s probably silly to worry about the “From Other News Sites” links, but sometimes, with articles like this one, they’re such easy targets.
The Daily Camera (I have no idea what this site is supposed to be, but the linked page is just an AP wire report, blaming Republicans.)
Washington Post
Al Jazeera
Not exactly the way to direct readers to other, independent viewpoints. I know it’s silly to bring it up, bit this combination was just too cute to pass up.
The presidential debate went about as I expected it to go.
Obama, when he was on message was fine but as soon as he strayed off topic or tried to ad lib…then we saw the real Obama, one who couldnt string a sentence together (which, credit due, at least GW can!).
Looking at his wrist to see the name of the soldier, will be completely ignored by the MSM (when in an earlier news item Al Beeb pointed out that Hurbert Bush lost his election because he looked at his wrist watch).
My favourite line of the night had to be “I dont have a presidential seal” and “I dont need on the job training” 🙂 beeb will whitewash (or is that black wash) these comments and call it a draw!
Miv Tucker
Thanks for the link on the Telegraph site – BBC and ITV and channel 4 losing money? TAX!
Replacing one failed Beeboid tax,with another tax – unbeliveable isnt it really?
Tax your shoes and your eyeballs and your remote control soon i reckon:-)