So, two men of Somali origin are arrested by police in Germany on a plane preparing to take off from Cologne-Bonn airport. They were said to be “possibly planning attacks” and had left suicide notes at their flats expressing their wish to die in a “holy war.” Mmmm, something missing though, isn’t there? Is it possible, do you think, that these two guys were followers of the Religion of peace and love? Might it just be conceivable they are Muslims? If we follow the BBC, we will never know!
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“I vaguely remember that this was the term the Turks used to describe Armenians during the 1915 genocide.”
Tut tut, there was no genocide.
The main reason for the BBCs reluctance to say anything on this is at all seems to be an instinctive aversion towards broadcasting a dramatic own goal. It wasn’t so long ago that he had this report from Cologne
“Street Clashes erupt in Germany”
It was those bad “right-wingers” bad-mouthing peaceful Islam again. Even the WDR reporting yesterday (BBC lite) was astonished that on one day not only did we have the terrorist incident at Cologne-Bonn airport, but also, and this appears to have been
left unreported by the BBC, again in Cologne, the revelation of an Islamist attack on 3 German policemen attempting to steal their guns, for terror acts against the US.
Schüsse auf Polizisten hatten islamistischen Hintergrund,1518,580712,00.html
I guess it was just too much ‘negative’ news to take in for one day, and once again, for the Jihadists, they appear to have cleverly reinforced the idea of a conference in Cologne about the threat of Islam as having some substance after all. Wasn’t it the mayor who pleaded with his citizens to avoid the conference and rejoice (in a multicultural sense) about the building of a mosque? I wonder what he is saying this morning?
Wally, I just thought it was a smart new way of spelling “gayer” and slid right over it.
If David Cameron would promise to annul the wicked EHRA, I would vote for him. Otherwise, no. Huge tranches of Islamics have to be sluiced out of Britain and Europe. They’re destructive to civilisation and the settled societies which they are attempting to colonise, and would be happier at home where they wouldn’t have to be so angry all the time.
Many thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, would go of their own volition once their housing and living expenses were cut off.
They could be dropped off anywhere in the Dar-es-Salaam (the house of Islam) so the nearest Islamic country would have to accept them.
BBC report, breaking news:
“Syrian car bomb attack kills 17”
At least in this latest atrocity in an Islamic country, SYRIA, the BBC acknowledges:
“BBC Middle East analyst Andrew Bolton says that although there will be a great deal of speculation about who was behind this latest attack, one area the authorities are reported to be looking at is the possibility that it was the work of Islamist militants.”
(-those ‘militants’ again ,BBC. eh?)
John Bosworth:
Call Poirot! Send for Miss Marple! Where’s Sherlock? Who could the “terror suspects” be?
Begins with “M.”
Must be the Mormons. Can’t think of anyone else with their record of global terror attacks and decapitations.
It’s not exactly bias and only marginally connected with the subject in this thread but what would you expect to see if you read this caption?
Sweet makers prepare special pastries in Damascus, on the fourth week and final of the Muslim fasting month Ramadan. (Photo: Bassem Tellawi/AP)
Check out THE BIG PICTURE here or here on the BBC Middle east page and explain the huge handgun on the pastry chef’s hip.
Alternative caption contest, anyone? 😉
Sarah Jane | 27.09.08 – 12:13 am |
don’t know if it is the same force of PC that seems omnipresent, or if it is something that is peculiar to the Beeb.
The Diversity At All Costs theme is a PC force of nature these days, especially in the US. In fact it has become something of a cottage industry, with most major companies having a division of their HR department devoted to it, and some even have a Department of Diversity and Inclusion.
It’s a big movement, with consultants and everything. The BBC is far from unique, but is probably fascist about it, like so many organizations with Left-thinking leaders. But, as you pointed out in your previous comment, it’s too often more about the letter of the law than the spirit, so the bosses remain painfully white. The required highly paid, fancy-titled ethnics are all in Human Resources or the Department of Diversity & Inclusion.
Lurker in a Burqua | 27.09.08 – 11:54 am | #
So three Muslim men attempt to torch a book publishers which is set to publish a book that Muslims find offensive, and the BBC deliberately omits the part about them being Muslims offended by a book about Mohammed.
Can any Al Beeb defenders here honestly say that they believe this disgraceful corporation would have kept quiet about the motives and religious affiliation of, say, a group of Catholics who set fire to a book store which sold a book that was offensive to Catholicism? Not that Catholics do that kind of thing – just a little thought experiment.
Here, the Telegraph gives all the details:
As does the Jerusalem Post:
The Times:
To those who say “it’s not the job of the BBC to demonize or judge”, hear this: it’s not their job to cover up either. They’re on the brink of becoming an Islamic propaganda machine.
Sorry, did I say “on the brink of becoming”? Slip of the wrist.
BBC report from Pakistan: what -no ‘M’s?
Elephant in room not mentioned:
“Pakistan welcomes US blessing'”
To make sense of this BBC ‘report’:
“Three men held under terror act”
-it is necessary to see this ‘Jihadwatch’ report:
“Four arrested in North London linked to possible ‘petrol bomb’ attack on ‘Jewel of Medina’ publisher”
Secularism, democracy, individualism and equal rights are all things that Islam does not and cannot tolerate, take the following quote from Hasan al-Banna the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (note that even the name of his group excludes women):
“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations, and to extend its power to the entire planet”.
My colleagues who live in Aachen (approx 40km from the airport) were mentioning reports on German radio indicating that the two incompetent terrorists were linked to this terror group.
The BBC should not have a problem mentioning the religion of these people, the Dutch, Belgium and German TV/Radio has had no such problems.
Alternative caption contest, anyone?
deegee | 27.09.08 – 5:49 pm | #
“You like my shoot pastry?”
I’ll get me coat…
How ‘Jihadwatch/dhimmiwatch’ reports it:
“UK: Muslims try to get alcohol banned at local supermarket”
How BBC reports it:
How interesting that the BBC refers to a “small” fire?
I guess it was not an important fire, huh?
John Bosworth | 28.09.08 – 7:58 am | #
Al-Beebers were probably disappointed that the fire didn’t do more damage. After all, any publisher who dares to insult the religion of peace and tolerance deserves to be incinerated with the heat of a thousand suns.
Incidentally, I wonder how many Beeboid lefties celebrated the day of the Brighton Hotel bomb attack in 1984 which nearly wiped out Mrs Thatcher. One of my teachers at school sure had a good laugh about it in class that day.
“Cameron: I’ll curb Muslim fanatics”
“A TOUGH package is being drawn up by David Cameron to tackle Islamic extremism. One of the key proposals is to ban sharia law courts from operating in this country.”
How will a seething dhimmi BBC report this?
It’s scary to see how far we have fallen already, that merely restricting the law to actual courts instead of Sharia “courts” applying a foreign theocracy can be described as “tough”.
No doubt Al-Beeb will seethe and spin this as racism, xenophobia etc though.
Did anyone else have the misfortune to catch today’s coverage from the Beeb? They’ve accepted that the economy is now a shambles, and launched a scathing attack – on the Conservatives, for not doing more to stop Labour making this mess.
the perverse thing about some comments in this thread also shows blatant racism – not all muaslims are terrorists – these arguments remind me of the old “all black people are muggers” or “all irish are terrorists/potato eating bombers.”
This isnt an attempt at flaming – just perhaps some people here would not be so ..racist? Yes racist – i work with a somalian -he’s a great guy,full of joy – maybe i’ll ask him how he got here, tomorrow at work,and then demand he go back because he obviously must be a suicide bomber in the making?
Calm it down with the labels…this should enrage some of the tick bigots here i hope.
Our nation was more than happy to pillage the entire world for 100,s of years making people in mud huts bow to some ugly lesbian miserable old cow in london -why cant we handle immigrants now?
Is it cos they is black?
maybe you guys should be criticsing the 3million on benefits – they are easy to spot -tracksuits,long cigarettes,white trainers,cheap gold,prams,special brew etc – and WHITE usually..
M word?
“He said the suspects – a 23-year-old Somali and a 24-year-old Somali-born German citizen – were “under suspicion of participating in a jihad [holy war] action and of possibly planning attacks”.
You dont really need the M word do you? This topic is redundant – there isnt an issue here,that paragraph more than makes it obvious that the suspects were Muslims – and yes – suspects – nothing proven yet – just like when Jean menendes was shot – he was obviously guilty of plotting to blow up a tube station also?
Cameron, the topic may indeed be redundant for you, however, for me and many other people it is far from redundant, why don’t you want to debate?.
Reasoned debate is what this site strives for, that may mean that some people use provocative and controversial imagery to make a point, this is perfectly acceptable, using racist language is most certainly not acceptable, and I would suggest that your own words fall under the definition of racism.
Many of the posters on this site write with a clarity and erudition that is superior to that found on most other blogs, so please do not try to question the legitimacy of these bloggers without first checking your facts first.
I have got my facts in order – i apologise for a percieved lack of clarity.
I think when debate starts to debase and spin into a “us and them” argument,that sometimes someone should stand up and say “hang on a second chaps!”
Which i did.
Oh and the article isnt biased – some here are – if people are so offended by the lack of the M word when it plainly states that the alleged terrorists were engaged in “Jihad” – then people need to really look at themselves- agin,which is what i am pointing out.
Yes – the BBC is biased, horribly so – but this observation is pretty ludicrous, and i just thought i would point that out.
Put your placards away:-)
It’s a question of clarity. We shouldn’t need to scavenge for ‘clues’ to the motivation of would-be terrorists (& it’s by no means just a question of easing off on “alleged” – they do it all the time). What’s more, put the “R” word back in the box – we’re talking Muslim here, which (by the way) is a religion, not a race.
we’re talking Muslim here, which (by the way) is a religion, not a race.
No? An ideology masquerading as a religion perhaps?
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 3:37 pm | #
No, not all Muslims are terrorists – but a frightening proportion of them have admitted that they support killing in the name of Islam.
Frighteningly few of them seem willing to take to the streets to protest Muslim terrorists who are supposedly “misrepresenting” Islam and bringing it into disrepute.
Frighteningly few “moderate” Muslims seem to want to speak out against the totally unreasonable demands of certain Muslims, for instance the banning of police dogs in the homes of Muslims, or the banning of the sale of alcohol in local Tescos, or the insistence of many that Sharia law should be applicable in the UK. Given that such nonsense is doing nothing but inflaming resentment against the Islamic presence in Britain, you’d think that those Muslims who disagree with this mindset would stand up in number and say something. The silence is deafening.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims. We are expected not to make a connection when 99% of all suicide bomb attacks in the world are carried out by Muslims? When the only people who are kidnapping hostages and beheading them on camera are Muslims?
11,952 deadly terrorist attacks carried out worldwide in the name of Islam since 9/11. How many in the name of other religions? Triple figures yet, even?
And please don’t bring up the old “we were colonialists once” bullshit. Of all the dog-eared arguments to wheel out. Our past of centuries yore has nothing to do with how we should or shouldn’t run our democracy now. Certain quarters are even giving to wondering if the problem with the 3rd world was that it just wasn’t colonized for long enough, and to expressing how much good we have done for the world in the process.
“And please don’t bring up the old “we were colonialists once” bullshit. Of all the dog-eared arguments to wheel out. ”
Well, i have and will continue to do so – subjugating most of the world to worship vick back home may sit with your politics – but it doesnt mine – just like islams obsession is so alien here – calm down mate,it’s only debate – ive got a few more to wheel out also.
I know many moderate muslims where i work,who are against any terrorism at all. I speak to them you see,not judge them before accusing them of being bombers/beheaders – whereas you probably suspect all brown people of maybe being guily of something perhaps?
Please dont trot out the old “ive got black friends” chestnut either – bet they would be pretty horrified at some of your not so ethnic friendly quotes.
Thats the only problem with discussing right wing issues – as soon as there is disagreement,the conspiracy theory rises and people like your self get automatically ad hominem .
Apart from deporting everyone – what is your solution to this “problem” we obviously have? Internment? deportation? Bolting the door?
try speaking to people of different faiths -i do,often.
Perhaps you could start by talking to a few coptics to get you in the middle eastern mood,then gravitate onto real muslims,beardless initially -we wouldnt want you getting all sweaty would we?
I await the accusations of being a beeboid [nope]
a labour leftie [nope -card carrying tory here]
Socialist? Oh yes baby,nationalise all the utilities maybe:-)
As Pat Condell says:-
Cameron No one on this site to my knowledge has ever said that all muslims are terrorists or indeed are engaging in jihad. Indeed I belive that one of the regular contributors Pounce is or at least was a muslim. That is not the point at issue.
The BBC treats the Islamic community with a sensitivity that it would never dream of applying to any other religion. It also fails to see how damaging that policy is, since it promotes the very Islamophobia that it seeks to eliminate.
The snide comments on this story about the absence of the ‘M’ word is not some silly racist jibe, but is calling attention to yet another example of the policy at the BBC to never, ever refer to the religion of any criminal if they are a Muslim. Christians and Hindus are fair game but in the eyes of the BBC the Muslim can never, ever be displayed in a negative light, even if the jihadist bastard is involved in a deliberate terrorist attempt.
It is not my view, nor I belive the view of others on this board, that the BBC should always treat muslims in a negative light, just deal with them as they would anybody else. That is the bias to which I object.
By the way there is a little game played on this board which is to try to guess the religion of the perpetrator of any crime when the BBC has failed to mention it.
Arthur Dent:
I appreciate your balanced response, and whole heartedley agree with all your points.
i do find some of the posts rhetoric a little like a NF rally at times. Which is what i am trying to point out.
I do like the game though – good stuff.
“Our nation was more than happy to pillage the entire world for 100,s of years making people in mud huts bow to some ugly lesbian miserable old cow in london”
Cameron=Is this a reference to Queen Victoria? If it is, it really is pathetic and abusive, and I have no idea where you are coming from?
Im sorry you are confused. i am pointing out that we never seem to like johnny foreigner,be he here,or where ever “there” is.
Every time a muslim is mentioned here with regards to the BBC a sizeable minority throw up the immigration argument,when,as is pointed out here also,islam isnt a race.
It’s just not cricket to criticise the BBC alone for it’s out of touch opinions – some opinions here are quite repulsive even.
Erm – aplogies for criticising queen victoria also.
You sound like a covert dawa artist to me. To criticise Islam is not a right wing act.
The BBC seems to think so and as a result produces a totally skewed coverage of both the religion and international politics where Islamic nations are involved.
I worked with Muslims for ten years, have been on courses taught and attended mainly by Muslims and once lived in accommodation sharing a kitchen with Muslims.
I think the power of Islam in the world and its presence and influence in this country has increased, is increasing and ought to be diminished
because, in the final analysis, it is not a source of good.
Is that repulsive enough for you?
“maybe you guys should be criticsing the 3million on benefits – they are easy to spot -tracksuits,long cigarettes,white trainers,cheap gold,prams,special brew etc – and WHITE usually.”
So who’s being the bigot now? Just because they dress this way they are automatically all on benefits?
kill the beeb. Nice comment there. Twat. I do slightly resemble a wet fish so appreciate the insult. Ok. Do i think it is bad to criticise the chav underclass? Nope! Do i love getting racists like you wound up so much you get personal and end up defending chav culture? No comment. Must try harder old boy! X x
wally. Great post. Very well thought out. You have some good points there.
All very interesting in theory, but await the day your loved ones have their legs blown off by a Somali tube bomber who believes he is empowered to “teach us (unbelievers) a lesson”.
Whaat is your tedious waffle worth then?
The problem is East African Moslems in Britain. Rid the bloody lot, tough on any decent ones, but they failed to speak up at the time – prefererred to carry on claiming benefits. I have hardly seen a single Somalian do a job of work locally. Work is not of ther culture.
So how come paying gits for nothing is of ours?
andrew. ‘rid the bloody lot’ so we are taking genocide now? I do understand such comments. I feel the same about most of my neighbours. None of them work. Not one of them. But you cant ‘rid the bloody lot’ with such problems. Thats what hitler thought. As a democracy we have signed up to all sorts of treaties that force us to accept all comers into our country and there is not anything you or i can do about it. Sad really.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
Well, i have and will continue to do so – subjugating most of the world to worship vick back home may sit with your politics – but it doesnt mine
Twas the way of the world back then, mate. People were subjugating and colonizing and invading and enslaving people all over the place. Britain and America are almost universally condemned for colonialism and slavery, while other cultures and peoples are somehow given a free pass for their less-than-savory histories. As D`Souza says in the article I linked to:
“Depending on how you count, the British were preceded by at least six colonial powers that invaded and occupied India since ancient times. Indeed, ancient India was itself settled by the Aryan people, who came from the north and subjugated the dark-skinned indigenous people. Those who identify colonialism and empire only with the West either have no sense of history or have forgotten about the Egyptian empire, the Persian empire, the Macedonian empire, the Islamic empire, the Mongol empire, the Chinese empire, and the Aztec and Inca empires in the Americas. “
Let’s also not forget that in the thousand or so years before the white man set foot on Africa and bought slaves, African slavers had a thriving trade with the Middle East – whose slaves suffered some would say a far worse fate than those who made it to America. The males were castrated and were not allowed to raise families, unlike their African American counterparts. What’s more, it took the superior cultures of America and Britain to realize that not only was slavery a terrible means of production, but that it was also immoral – and thus they mobilized their entire navies at fantastic cost to themselves in order to put a stop to the slave trade. Their biggest opponents in all of this were the Africans and Arabs, who didn’t want their thriving trade in humans (including children for sacrifice) to end. When Britain and America set up colonies for freed slaves in Africa, those colonies were frequently attacked by Africans and many of the freed slaves were enslaved again.
It’s just that I don’t hear any of this side of things whenever the subject turns to the “evils” of Western history. It’s all “us bad, them good” and it stinks. It’s time our ancestors received credit for the monumental ways in which they changed the world for the better.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
– just like islams obsession is so alien here – calm down mate,it’s only debate – ive got a few more to wheel out also.
Nobody’s losing the plot here.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
I know many moderate muslims where i work,who are against any terrorism at all. I speak to them you see,not judge them before accusing them of being bombers/beheaders – whereas you probably suspect all brown people of maybe being guily of something perhaps?
So the misrepresentation of Muslims is something which annoys you, yet you obviously have no trouble misrepresenting me and my views? Not once did I say that “all Muslims are terrorists”. This is something I’ve made quite clear in a previous post – something you choose to ignore in your demonization of me. You either understand the point about a third of Muslims “condoning killing in the name of Islam” or you don’t. It doesn’t mean that a third of Muslims are terrorists, but it does mean that a significant proportion of them have attitudes which are not compatible with Western society and which I say without hesitation, are not welcome.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
Please dont trot out the old “ive got black friends” chestnut either –
I didn’t. That would be the voices in your head. But for the record, I have.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
bet they would be pretty horrified at some of your not so ethnic friendly quotes.
Like what? Name one. Let’s thrash this out, since you seem so keen to accuse me of being a bigot.
Thats the only problem with discussing right wing issues – as soon as there is disagreement,the conspiracy theory rises and people like your self get automatically ad hominem .
Ad hominem…in what way? I don’t recall attacking you personally. Maybe you could update me on that. What conspiracy theories? What on earth are you talking about?
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
Apart from deporting everyone – what is your solution to this “problem” we obviously have? Internment? deportation? Bolting the door?
Bolting the door – possibly. There’s no reason why Britain could not put a halt to any new immigration until it fixes the problems it has with it’s current situation. Then, there is no reason why the criteria to live in the UK could not be made stricter. Deportation – for those who preach hatred, or who commit heinous crimes, or who refuse to abide by British law, yes! Certainly.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
try speaking to people of different faiths -i do,often.
I live in New York City. Your comment is therefore patronizing to the extreme. I probably speak to people of more different faiths and backgrounds in one day than you do in a month.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
Perhaps you could start by talking to a few coptics to get you in the middle eastern mood,then gravitate onto real muslims,beardless initially -we wouldnt want you getting all sweaty would we?
It sounds like you’re using this thread to indulge your sexual fantasies at this point. Please leave me out of them.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
I await the accusations of being a beeboid [nope]
a labour leftie [nope -card carrying tory here]
Socialist? Oh yes baby,nationalise all the utilities maybe
It just goes to show you can be a “card carrying Tory” and yet not be a Tory at all. It’s easy to carry a card in your wallet. Tories and nationalization? Nope, sorry.
Cameron | 28.09.08 – 7:05 pm | #
As Pat Condell says:-
Bloody hippies!
Sorry for the lack of line breaks in that post. Haloscan has been a bitch tonight – it refused to publish my post accusing me of having “64 carriage returns” when there were only about 20 – so I took them out, and lo and behold it went through.
jason.fascinating post for a while. You say you probably meet more people of differing racial backgrounds than i would in a month ? Strange. I live in a very diverse city. I just dont do question and answer sessions with my muslim .mates to decide if i should have them deported. You write like a male melanie phillips . Just because people say they support bad things doesnt actually mean its true. I mean not all yanks supported the ira did they? Well quite a few until americans actually witnessed horrific terror in your very city.any way fantastic response and give pat condell a look on you tube. You will like his videos. Peace.
cameron | 29.09.08 – 4:56 pm | #
Actually my job has me meeting hundreds of diverse people every week. No, I don’t do “question and answer” sessions either. I’m thinking that the Muslims who are your mates are not Muslims from the set of those who think it’s OK to kill in the name of Islam. If they were, I would wonder why the hell they were your mates.
And if they were of that opinion, yes I would want them deported. Who wants to live alongside people who support terrorism in the name of religion? Whether or not they can be legally deported is a different matter. If they were born here and are British citizens, then they are entitled to stay here. If they engage in any incitement or “planning” or anything like that – lock ’em up.
You may think that a figure like “one third of Muslims think it’s OK to kill in the name of Islam” is irrelevant and meaningless, but I don’t. It’s as scary as hell and raises legitimate concerns to anyone with a rational mindset.
“Just because they support bad things doesn’t actually mean it’s true”…sorry, couldn’t fathom your meaning here. It’s like saying “just because they buy socks doesn’t actually mean it’s true”. Do they (the third I’m talking about) actually support the killings, or don’t they?
And many who supported the IRA in America changed their minds after witnessing 9/11 on TV, never mind being in the same city. I’m presuming the Muslims who say they support Islamic terrorism saw the same events on TV.
By the way, I’m a fan of Pat. Three cheers for him! 🙂
what im saying is that, i do not honestly believe 1/3 of muslims support terrorism – i think they feel obliged to support terrorism because of religion and what all there mates in the mosque are saying
. The same way as Americans called pat or mick thought they had to support the IRA – and ALL of those FUCKERS did lol! Every single one of them so called “irish americans” – i think this mindset is similar,it just happens theres quite a few more muslims than there ever were Irish nationalists etc – that sort of gig.
You will find also – the most vociferous and anti western of muslims in the uk – the outspoken placard waving ones – tend to be british citizens – a large majority are british born.
The lack of identity experienced by the first generation of pakistani immigrants in our northern english towns opened the door for wahabism to creep in to the void – as explained in Melanie Phillips book. Which explains another problem – you cannot deport British citizens born in the uk. We cant deport anybody, full stop any way.
Also – 9/11 – there is obviously some grievence towards the USA for some reason. I wish it was as simple as they [muslims] are all insane. Cant be that simple can it?
Big subject this one – but i dont see the BBC surviving its own beheading video anyway.
And yeah – Pat really does rock doesnt he :-)!
Cameron, your comparison with Irish Americans is apt. They did raise millions for the IRA to finance the war against Britain.
Large tranches of islamics in Britain are wreaking equal destruction on our civil society and now, assaulting our legal structure with their Stone Age “religious” courts.
Totally off topic – and very contreversial -i did think “have some of that you bastards” when the americans got attacked on 911 – i really did, considering what those bastards had done to our country in the name of “oirland”, the funding,the stupid hollywood made films starring brad pitt, the relentless BBC and channel 4 IRA friendly documentaries etc etc – ive been affected by terrorism on the UK mainland so displayed a bias 7 years ago,that thankfully i dont have now.
Now i find 911 nauseating,cowardly and so so sad.
Now i think all terrorism is 100% unjustified – but there are “reasons?” for it. Im trying to find out what they are.
[ideology+religion seems to be the best bet]
The only difference i see with Islamic terrorism, is that these guys certainly will give there lives to take as many lives as possible – whereas the IRA were genuine cowards, and would pay people to carry bombs on buses/into chip shops/canary warf with a promise of a “free ireland” – the muslims reward is the virgins etc.
Similar obsession?
But unlike plastic paddies, usa and uk ones [gosh i still laugh at english and american people saying they are irish] – anyone can become a muslim – Plenty of people seem to be stepping up to the plate -is it the worlds largest death cult as pat condell says?
I personally dont think all of it is, i just wish people would realise the UK is actually a fucking awesome country that really doesnt need any more religious wars. We certainly seem to be in strife again over gods dont we?
Rant over.
lastly – one thing i would not have done after 911 would have been to help america at all in any war whatsoever – and still feel that.
America never helped us during the troubles,not 1 iota did they?
Cameron | 30.09.08 – 5:40 pm | #
If your life depended on it, would you place your money on your “I don’t think most of that 1/3 really support terrorism” theory? I wouldn’t!
Let’s face it, Islam tends to induce a fair amount of outright craziness in its followers (how many non-Muslim suicide attacks have you read about recently? I can’t think of one).
Now then. If Islamism encourages sufficient psychosis in its followers to persuade some of them to blow themselves to smithereens (and it happens all the time – over 11,000 Muslim terrorist attacks since 9/11, many or most of them suicide jobs), then I’m pretty sure that those who feel “pressured” into saying they support terrorism also stand a far better chance of being sucked into extremism and actual terror than those who don’t say they support terrorism. Do you see what I’m getting at?
I’ll tell you what you don’t see in America. You don’t see crowds of Muslims holding protests in a major city, waving placards that read “death to the West” and “America, you will get yours!”. They haven’t had any homegrown terror attacks like Britain (the 9/11 attacks were executed by visitors, not Americans). American Muslims don’t cram themselves into ghettos and riot and bitch about America.
On the whole, my experience of American Muslims is that they have a stronger work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit. Know why? They have caught the American Dream.
America did not herd them into ghettos and put them on welfare benefits – none were forthcoming. Like all other American immigrants, they face a choice – work or starve.
Yes im with that Jason.
Never noticed that.
No benefits in USA – which certainly does require people to be working rather than placard waving in the name of allah.
Case closed – get rid of benefits in the islamic equation and no more homegrown terror.
Agreed. They’re sucking at the teat of the West and planning its destruction at the same time. I can’t think of a better example of chutzpah.