This time, it’s spot the bias in this piece of free association by Matt Frei. I mean, I know it is biased because… Well, because it’s by Matt Frei and is, as far as I can tell, about American politics. But what the hell does it mean?
…the latest opinion polls suggested the public was selling Palins and McCains and buying Obamas and Bidens. It was not a rally. But gambles are out and caution is in. The numbers were looking terrible for the Republican candidate … Novelty and shrillness almost induce an allergic reaction. The most reassuring thing that has happened all week is that Warren Buffet, the sage of Omaha, has decided to sink a cool $5bn into a revamped Goldman Sachs. I bet you many Americans are wondering if we cannot just outsource government to him until the storm is over. The campaign has been transformed…
It doesn’t get any better. Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it.
Pure, unadulterated waffle.
Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it.
…….about a hundred thousand a year.
Or. to put it another way the license fees of One Thousand hard working British families.
“…Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it…”
….top of Katy Kay?
Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it.
He was on his own.
Hugh: Is that not last week’s news?
THere is no date on it that I can see.
Well, it screams ‘Why should I have to make it clear what I’m jabbering on about? I’m a BBC employee, not some objective journalist!’ So, I’m going to go with cocaine, amyl nitrate and Dom Perignon.
Afghan Gold?
Hugh, Matt Frei was trying to be smug. He was saying that if McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden were companies, stockbrokers would be selling McCains and buying Obamas because Obamas were a safer investment. I don’t think Matt Frei knows much about the stock market, economics, or Americans. Oh well, what are you going to do.
“Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it.”
A computer.
Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it
a gravy train
The contents of Hunter S Thompsons medicine cabinet
I’d like to say he was on some class A drug like other beeboids, but the truth is more mundane. The man is a bore and typifies the messy thinking of the left.
I don’t believe many of the HYS commenters have actually sat down and READ this piece of ‘journalism’. If they did they would realise what a load of incoherent rubbish it is.
“…Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it…”
The toilet.
Martin 9:44
Are you suggesting that Matt Frei knows how to use a toilet ?
Grant: Well he spends a lot of time acting as one for Obama’s backside:)
Martin 10:39
I far too polite to say that, but you have made my day !
Just like “Brer Rabbit”, I laugh and laugh !!!!
This man is absurd.
“The original sin of this crisis – the bottomless pit of debts financing millions of piles of bricks losing money by the week…”
H-m-m…millions of piles of bricks…
Oh yeah! He means houses the criminals in the black caucus let illegals and persons of color buy with no money at all and no jobs and keep through deregulation of the saftey nets put in place after the crash and depression of 1929!!
“”…Bonus points to anyone who can tell me what Frei was on when he wrote it…”
If there is any justice, he and his ilk are all on their way to hell.
I’d like to think Frei will be on the dole if he keeps writing shite like that.
Obviously it was balls, but who cares? The public has decided the present government are crap & they are going to throw them out, whatever that addled fool in the US says. I just look forward to the consternation that will be apparent when the tories kill off the licence fee.
Hey, Frei: you can be biased if you want, but don’t expect me to pay for it.
When is Murdoch going to launch Fox UK?
Look at it, not as conventional journalism, but as blank verse. It’s not too bad – plenty of interesting metaphor and a jumpy, journalistic rhythm.
…The latest opinion polls,
Suggested the public was selling Palins and McCains,
And buying Obamas and Bidens.
It was not a rally.
But gambles are out and caution is in.
The numbers were looking terrible,
For the Republican candidate …
Novelty and shrillness almost induce
An allergic reaction.
The most reassuring thing that has happened,
All week,
Is that,
Warren Buffet, the sage of Omaha,
Has decided to sink,
A cool $5bn into a revamped Goldman Sachs.
I bet you,
Many Americans are wondering,
If we cannot just outsource government,
To him,
Until the storm is over.
The campaign has been transformed…
Could work as a Haiku
Sell Palins
Buy Buffets
An allergic reaction.
OK It’s only a first draft. 🙂
betyangelo | 03.10.08 – 10:48 pm |
left you a message back here.
St Obama is the safe bet in times of ecconomic trouble. Change which I have said before is good when it is St Obama / whatshisname offering it. Is bad when McCain/ Palin offer it and will bring you out in hives and damage your ears. Even a nasty capitalist (who I assume you all hate he is after all even richer than a BBC presenter we earn our money honestly in the glorious crusade to re-educate the lumpen masses while he evily got rich by proping up capitalism.) would be better than running America than Bush who is a Republican who must have cheated to win the election because not even the stupid Americans would vote for a Republican would they?
Rejoice St Obama’s campaign is surging ahead…
He is on a mix of hatred for the common people and a overwhelming sense of his own superiority.
I am on last nights left over beer.
Gavin Hewitt was very straight about the VP debate last night on bbc 10pm news. Got Axelrod to say Palin was good. Played it very straight
betyangelo | 03.10.08 – 10:48 pm:
Taking my cue from TPO, I’ve left you a message back there too:
whitewineliberal | 04.10.08 – 10:27 am | #
Just to be clear… how straight again? One more thumbs up and I’ll know what to think for sure without seeing it.
Frei was on the same stuff Gordo’s been on for the past ten years. Glue?
…on to something..?
{re read the piece}
No probably not.
whitewineliberal: “Gavin Hewitt was very straight about the VP debate last night on bbc 10pm news.”
BBC man does his job shock.
gambles are out…. caution is in… so people are voting for a man who has never achieved anything, and has less experience than Palin, let alone McCain? Yeah, right, Matt. That explains it.
deegee | 04.10.08 – 6:26 am |
OK It’s only a first draft.
Obviously, so was Frei’s piece. Yours made more sense, though.
This is a good example of why it’s a bad idea to give the on-air talent too much free rein.