The Telegraph reports on a forthcoming BBC drama which promises us “a graphic murder, homosexual sex and the exorcism of Mother Teresa.”
“The series depicts a man possessed by the devil and being skinned alive in a gay sauna. Another episode shows a father threatening to sexually assault his daughter while in another, Mother Teresa is seen on her death bed. In other scenes blood drips from the eyes of those supposed to be possessed by the Devil. The series, called Apparitions, was the idea of the actor Martin Shaw, who also stars in it as a Roman Catholic priest. ”
When it comes to Christianity – plus ca change? Still waiting for the BBC drama series which challenges Islam. That one seems to be delayed for some reason….
Nice to see John Beyer weighing in about what is and isn’t a breach of the Broadcasting Code without even attempting to see the programme. Again.
TV journalists who want to stoke up some controversy have a habit of calling Beyer, knowing that they’ll be able to get a juicy quote from him within the space of a single phone call.
And then people like David Vance come along, again stoking the flames without ever bothering to check the source material.
Still, ignorance from David Vance, eh? Plus ca change.
Haven’t you got that busy blog of yours to be maintaining?
Are you saying you have checked the source material, David? Or are you, as ever, claiming that it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you’re talking about because we don’t pay you?
I always like Shaw acting, but this is simply ‘art’, and if its not to your taste (it’s certainly not mine),I recommend December Bride, which was shown at the QFT last week. It is a beautiful picture and protrays Orangism of yesteryear in a very good light, although the main character Sarah hates catholics.
Beautiful Northern Irish countryside, and some film shot inside Lisbane Church near Kirkubbin.
If you want a nice film, about a Christian sect that sees its self as seperate this film is for you.
Better still come visit…if not I’m sure you can get it on dvd.
Still so sign of that BBC drama about how dangerous Islam is to the brave new secularist world.. but as for those bad Christians…..
Given Scott’s new rule that we can’t criticise something until we’ve pored over every inch of the source material, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of Nick Griffin on the BBC. After all, who’s to say that he’s ‘extreme’ without hearing absolutely everything he says?
As for the show itself, it all seems vaguely familiar:
See, this is why we need to take money off barmaids and postmen and give it to luvvie scum!
‘A BBC drama which promises us “a graphic murder, homosexual sex and the exorcism of Mother Teresa.”
In the interests of spreading God’s love and tolerance, I’d just like to ask ‘What about the bloody Muslims? Will somebody please think of the Muslims?’
DV isn’t it your point of view that Christians are big enough to take it, that they don’t throw tantrums and threaten violence when Christianity is made fun off? Then what is your outrage now?
Is it because its the BBC and you pay a licence fee, so do many non christians, and many lapsed christians who couldn’t give a toss about what a drama contains about christianity.
A licence fee is not a restriction on what constitutes art, or entertainment – unfortunately. If you don’t like it switch over – easier on the blood pressure 🙂
Yes, partly agree. I believe Christians are big enough to take it all. But I object to having my cash used to ridicule ONE religion when a certain other pathology/religion gets a bye.
Who says this series will ridicule Christians, or that Christians will come out of it looking like baddies?
The Exorcist was a powerfully Christian film.
Who says this series will ridicule Christians, or that Christians will come out of it looking like baddies?
Martin Shaw is playing the part of a Catholic priest and you can be shaw that whatever part Martin Shaw is playing will be the ‘good guy’.
Yep, Anonymous, but I’m guessing Shaw will be a maverick priest, who doesn’t do things by The Book.
Channel 4’s ‘Undercover Mosque’ – which the BBC raged against – was an investigation into what was actually being preached in these places. It had an actual point. What’s this piece of dreck in aid of?
I defy anyone to get anything out of this toxic cesspit of liberalism other than that the creators really, really hate Christians. That’s the bottom line here: a large number of people are being forced by law to pay for a bunch of hateful nutters to stop by and defame their deeply held beliefs
True dv, muslims = different people – different customs – different treatment.
That seems to be how it works which is not fair, its multicultural.
One of those things.
Yip, it is indeed the multiculti hypocrisy – I just object to funding it. The BBC are welcome to indulge it 24/7 – just not with my cash!
Spot on.
“I defy anyone to get anything out of this toxic cesspit of liberalism other than that the creators really, really hate Christians. That’s the bottom line here: a large number of people are being forced by law to pay for a bunch of hateful nutters to stop by and defame their deeply held beliefs”
Well I’ve only read the press pack so far and have not yet seen any of the episodes. But that’s not the impression I get from any of the material I’ve seen so far — if anything, quite the reverse.
I fear, though, that there will be many who decide beforehand that it is anti-Christian — and many who, while watching it, are so determined for it to be anti-Christian that they don’t actually listen to what the drama says.
Kids TV ain’t what it used to be.
David Vance,
What’s this all about? It looks like The Exorcist made into an ugly TV series. If the priest triumphs over the evil, what’s the big deal? Unless they do an episode where he stops someone from voting Conservative, while holding a copy of The God Delusion and shouting, “The power of Chavez compels you!” or something, I don’t see how this can be considered anti-Christian. Showing scary things and bad guys desecrating Christian symbols isn’t the same thing as being anti-Christian. Some sensitive souls may be offended by the imagery, but it’s not the same thing as criticizing Catholic dogma or whatever.
Maybe you’re reading this as a show in which the bad guys – the molester, the bathhouse murderer – are all portrayed as über-Christians, who need to have that burden cleansed or something? And the priest is the most liberal dog-collar in town, etc.? I suppose that’s possible. The final episode of the first series shows the hero priest banishing an imitation of Sarah Palin from our dimension, right? Otherwise it’s a lowbrow, pseudo-Catholic X-Files, with the usual nudity and sensationalist sex for ratings. Can’t do an “adult” program without excessive nudity and graphic sexual themes, as usual. They do seem to have the one episode espousing Catholic sympathy for promiscuous homosexuals, though. So a bit of an agenda there. If the possessed murderer turns out to be some closeted Catholic, tortured over his own sexuality or some such drivel, then you can throw the book at them (so to speak).
I will grant you that once again the BBC cares very little for the sensibilities of Christians, whereas with Mohammedans, etc., etc. Hell, if they’re going to allow their News talent to state on air that people with certain Christian beliefs shouldn’t be allowed to hold public office, and that their beliefs make them dangerous, it’s no surprise the BBC doesn’t give a damn about who might be offended by this little show.
Having said that, demonic possession would explain Mother Teresa’s penchant for cozying up to dictators and enabling child poverty.
I much prefer Clive Barker’s Hellraiser stuff. Much more graphic, violent, and sickening, with no religious redemption in sight.
Freedom of speech does not mean the right to demand the financial support (TV licence) or the material means to express your views at the expense of other men who may not wish to support you.
The problem comes back to being one of *forced* financial support of an organisation that expresses views we may disagree with.
Private property is the cure; we can then pick and choose what views we are willing to finance.
PS I am not a Christian.
Yet another BBC sixth form style attempt to shock the grown ups. Hardly anyone will watch this new ‘drama’ and the BBC knows that. It’s more self-indulgence from BBC staff who know better than to do something really daring and challeging by making a similar programme involving Islam.
For all their claimed desire to provide thought provoking and sometimes controversial TV, BBC staff are really just jumped up local government officers at heart – suburban types who don’t want to rock the boat as they’ve got the mortgage to pay and the kids to feed.
David – have you heard of Thora Hird? Stairlift to heaven. That’s how Brits like their Christianity. Not all this Blatty stuff.
They were probably going to have radical Christians beheading peaceful Muslims, but Nosepickers beat them to it.
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 13.10.08 – 5:24 pm |
They do seem to have the one episode espousing Catholic sympathy for promiscuous homosexuals, though
That’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it?
The moral I’d take away from seeing someone in a bathouse skinned alive is “sodomy can seriously damage your health.”
Anonymous | 14.10.08 – 12:51 pm |
The moral I’d take away from seeing someone in a bathouse skinned alive is “sodomy can seriously damage your health.”
Depends on how they portray it. It could go either way, especially when the hero priest is friends with the young victim. He may just be trying to make the bathhouses safe for everyone.
With religion, so much has happened. The media has taken it in another direction, by promoting what is right and what they feel is wrong. It is all on the base of your religious belief, cause not everyone shares the same view. However, I feel the liberal illuminati have far fetched beliefs.