let’s play “guess the blanked out email addresses” (click image to enlarge). Guido has the details of how the BBC are planning a rerun of their 1997 celebrations, US-style. Don’t forget how the BBC enjoyed that occasion, as documented in our right-hand column: “ the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles.” Unforgettable- and just look at how well it’s all turned out. Can hardly wait for The One.
(thanks to those in the comments eg. G. Cooper and George R who have already highlighted this story)
I’d like to know who is picking up the tab? The TV tax payer? If so my official complaint will be going in.
Oh come on, the Toby Mason party invites are dripping in irony – they are a response to the slurs about anti-Republican bias taken to the extreme. You know, just like this.
Apparently the Indy have under FoI discovered that ยฃ300k was spent on school fees!!!!!!!!!!!!
My guess is that’s for foreign correspondents, whose families go with them and who put their kids in the local british or us school through necessity The FCO does similar for its staff.
The invites are private, as will the e-mail addresses be. A faux pas for sure
Whitewineliberal – yeah, good thought – makes sense. Hmm.. kinda fair play I guess ish. Cheers.
Just saying.
Well I guess there’s editors etc in Cairo or Santiago – be mad for a reporter to take their kids but static folks should have the option of sending them to English speaking schools ( so not in Manchester then fnar fnar – )
Not sure of course, but there’s a hint as to who might be knocking back a few glasses come the day…
McCain Steals Baby! Rocks Stones!
In the likely event my comment doesnt get added to Peter Marshalls blog;
Tip for Peter Marshall,
Why dont you go cover the story about Obama’s links to terrorists, black racist hate preachers, slum lords and chicago political corruption?
You are so invested in Obama winning the election that you are wilfully ignoring the real issues.
I really couldnt care less about someone using music they have paid to use…what I care about is the track record of someone who is about to be elected in to the most powerful position on this planet.
And so far, you along with nearly every other journalist in America and the UK have utterly failed to uphold your own journalistic integrity (ie. to report the news, not your opinion).
Whats even more of a problem, you do all this on my tax pound!
F8ck me, my comment got let through ๐
Yeah! Roll on the day when the Tories get back into power, and the BBC only employees people according to quotas over who supports what. Or something.
I mean, it’s not as if it’s traditional for TV people to have a big boozy party at the end of each job, is it?
Dont you mean roll on the day Al Beeb reports the news and not their opinion?
Yeah, surely thats what you meant! ๐
Right…so now do you reckon Webb and co will recant the story of the deranged right winger who shouted kill him?
Somehow I doubt it.
I doubt it, too. Rome Hartman is the exec. producer of BBC World Puppet Show America, and he’s the guy who ran CBS News when Dan Rather soiled himself over those phony Bush/National Guard memos. He’s one of those proponents of the “false but true” school of thinking. The memos were fake, but Bush’s National Guard service was pretty weak. So they stood by it as long as possible, and their defenders did even after Rather and his producer got what they deserved. Webb is a fellow traveler.
All they have to do is do what the Duke University profs did when it turned out that the letter they all signed accusing those lacrosse players of racism and rape was based on a lie. They shamelessly said they stood by their accusations of innocent people because of the larger “truth” that racism exists. That’s what ol’ Justin and the BBC (and the defenders of the indefensible) do.
Even if nobody heard “kill him” at that rally, racism still exists, so they can maintain this false story because they believe it’s reflective of a larger truth. The nasty anger is still there, etc.
See how easy it is?
So what is more newsworthy…a comment only one person heard or this?
THIS is the kind of person we need running this country. Someone who knows what its like to struggle in every day life!
But no, for the last month and a bit we have had 24/7 character assassination, of which Al Beeb has only been to willing to take part in!
Ok, one of the funniest videos you will ever see , McCain ripping “The One” ™ a new one ๐
So what do you reckon Web et al will say about this? Racist? Bigotted? Out of touch with reality? Or just plain unhinged?
BTW, does anyone know if Webb and co will be running a story about the lefts hatred towards Joe the Plumber?
Seems this guy, who made the mistake of asking Obama an actual question, is getting arse f8cked by the angry left for getting “The One” ™ to answer truthfully a question.
The moral of the story…if you dont want to be stalked by the Angry Left, dont ask questions that shows their super hero in his real light (a socialist).
Sorry to swamp this thread with my bleatings guys…but Ive just replied to a comment from Petermarshallblogger here;
“I really hope you pill publish my comments below.
Sorry…but that is powder puffery at its best.
You state Obama’s connection to Rezko as merely being embarrassment by association. The reality is this is embarrassment by participation (some would even call it corruption). Obama finacially benefitted from his association with Rezko, and in return Rezko benefitted from his political connections with Obama.
The story here, if you ever bothered to look for one, is how a “businessman” came to own a “politician” for his own personal financial gain.
On Obama’s participation with Wright, you have at least got something right, in making references to bring up Obama’s connection with wright will be seen as racist by people. And of course, this is exactly what has happened.
Wright is off the cards because the battle field has been shaped in such a way that for anyone associated with McCain to go anywhere near Wright will instantly be labelled as a racist attack.
On Obama as a community organiser, this was used to negate arguements about him being an elitest. What you have singularly failed to do is to actually check to see what Obama achieved as a community organiser.
A journalist interested in the truth would have found problems like Grove Parc Plaza. As Im not paid to do your work for you, Ill let you do the digging on this little gem.
And just to clarify a point you made about the Weathermans crimes being pardoned. It was Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg who were pardoned by Bill Clinton, not Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn.
Obama was selected by Bill Ayers to be the chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) that ran educational programs in Chicago BUT the money didnt go to the schools who needed it but to programs the CAC deemed worthy. What has never been reported in depth (that I know of) is the fact that after around $150million USD had been spent, no one could find any measurable educational benefits.
You have also failed to report on Obama’s ties to the Woods Foundation, which guess who selected him to run as chairman? Yes thats right, Ayers. So while Obama initially said he was just a man in his neighborhood, the reality is this isnt just a man in his neighborhood…this is a man with strong ties to Obama.
For me, I look at Obama and then look at the people he has chosen to associate with and it sends a chill down my spine.
This is a guy who has purposely sought out racist hate preachers, socialists, unrepentant terrorists and slum lords and is part of the corruption that is the chicago machine.
This is a guy who has repeatedly lied about his associations (Ayers in the very latest persidential debate) and has only “released” people he was only too happy to associate with when it became politically expedient to do so (the term “under the bus” is pretty common these days for those Obama has removed).
What the BBC has done, on my tax pound, is inexcusable. You have a charter that states you will be impartial in your dealings YET while we get endless stories on Palins youngest son being her daughters baby (thanks to the BBC shamelessly spreading hate from the Daily Kos) and how she isnt qualified to be president (forgetting she is actually running as VP), the angry right (while you completely ignore Obama truth squads and the mud now being slung at Joe the Plumber for daring to ask a real question of Obama) and cries of racism should McCain dare to question Obama’s ability to lead, the BBC, along with the vast majority of the main stream media, has been complicit in covering up who the real Obama is (because questions asking who he is are now deemed racist).
We expect a higher standard of journalist integrity from the BBC. Instead what we get often leaves us in awe of how biased the BBC’s reporting has become. And as Ive said before, all this happens on my tax pound!”
Surprise surprise, my comment has been flung under the bus.
So I went and edited it to look like this, which hopefully hasnt upset Al Beeb too much;
“I really hope you pill publish my comments below.
Sorry…but that is powder puffery at its best.
You state Obama’s connection to Rezko as merely being embarrassment by association. The reality is this is embarrassment by participation (some would even call it corruption). Obama finacially benefitted from his association with Rezko, and in return Rezko benefitted from his political connections with Obama.
The story here is how a “businessman” came to own a “politician” for his own personal financial gain.
On Obama’s participation with Wright, you have at least got something right, in making references to bring up Obama’s connection with wright will be seen as racist by people. And of course, this is exactly what has happened.
Wright is off the cards because the battle field has been shaped in such a way that for anyone associated with McCain to go anywhere near Wright will instantly be labelled as a racist attack.
On Obama as a community organiser, this was used to negate arguements about him being an elitest. What you have singularly failed to do is to actually check to see what Obama achieved as a community organiser.
If you had investigated Obama’s time as a community organiser you would have found problems like Grove Parc Plaza. As Im not paid to do your work for you, Ill let you do the digging on this little gem.
And just to clarify a point you made about the Weathermans crimes being pardoned. It was Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg who were pardoned by Bill Clinton, not Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn.
Obama was selected by Bill Ayers to be the chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) that ran educational programs in Chicago BUT the money didnt go to the schools who needed it but to programs the CAC deemed worthy. What has never been reported in depth (that I know of) is the fact that after around $150million USD had been spent, no one could find any measurable educational benefits.
Another aspect of Obama’s ties to Ayers are his connections to the Woods Foundation, and guess who selected him to run as chairman? Yes thats right, Ayers. So while Obama initially said he was just a man in his neighborhood, the reality is this isnt just a man in his neighborhood…this is a man with strong ties to Obama.
For me, I look at Obama and then look at the people he has chosen to associate with and it sends a chill down my spine.
This is a guy who has purposely sought out racist hate preachers, socialists, unrepentant terrorists and slum lords and is part of the corruption that is the chicago machine.
This is a guy who has repeatedly lied about his associations (Ayers in the very latest persidential debate) and has only “released” people he was only too happy to associate with when it became politically expedient to do so (the term “under the bus” is pretty common these days for those Obama has removed).
The BBC has a responsibility to report the news, not to report its editors opinion. The BBC has a charter that states you will be impartial in their dealings YET while we get endless stories on Palins youngest son being her daughters baby (thanks to the BBC shamelessly spreading hate from the Daily Kos) and how she isnt qualified to be president (forgetting she is actually running as VP), the angry right (while you completely ignore Obama truth squads and the mud now being slung at Joe the Plumber for daring to ask a real question of Obama) and cries of racism should McCain dare to question Obama’s ability to lead, the BBC, along with the vast majority of the main stream media, has been complicit in covering up who the real Obama is.
We expect a higher standard of journalistic integrity from the BBC. Instead what we get often leaves us in awe of how biased the BBC’s reporting has become.”
I suspect, though it is no excuse on the BBC’s part, that the last para was the culprit, but if this is what you wrote I am intrigued as to what ‘house rules’ were broken for your views to be moderated out.
I have no way of knowing if all that you wrote is accurate, but then it is for the person who initiated the blog to address all points raised factually, objectively and calmly.
As one who has also fallen foul of the system, and for only airing reasoned views on their competency as publicly-paid members of the journalistic profession within the context of their own Charter, pulling the plug when it suits doesn’t bode well for the future.
I have actually felt for a long while that most correspondents on the Newsnight blog ‘post and forget’, so getting a reply was unusual. I remain unsure if this was Mr. Marshall or a ‘representative’, mind.
Lobbing toys out of the pram and taking the ball and pitch away if the game starts to go poorly as here is, unfortunately, too true to form.
These are the house rules;
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I can only assume what I said was racist! ๐
Well, rub me up the wrong way and call me spanky, my edited comment got published!
There is a god! ๐
Mailman | 17.10.08 – 12:12 pm |
BTW, does anyone know if Webb and co will be running a story about the lefts hatred towards Joe the Plumber?
If he does, the Democratic Underground lunatics have already given him his talking points: Joe the Plumber was a Republican plant. They’ve got all kinds of “evidence”, which is nowhere near as strong as that which ties The Obamessiah to ACORN and Rezko. Ol’ Justin will happily play along, of course.
Let’s see how he handles it.
Well, rub me up the wrong way and call me spanky, my edited comment got published!
Mailman | 17.10.08 – 3:17 pm | #
If it’s Ok I’ll pass on the rest, but well done spanky. Robert the Bruce would have been inspired!
Yes, of course the guy was a plant that Obama just happened to have walked up to and asked a question ๐
Looking forward to Webb and co running with that story (while totally ignoring the hit job being done on him for daring to ask a question).