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Got ‘the news quize’ on.
Is there nothing these leftie ‘comedianes’ can’t turn against the Tories?
This morning I was rudely awoken by a very loud and insistent knocking on my front door. I was expecting a parcel from Amazon so headed down the stairs. A ‘gentleman’ shoved a TV Licensing ID card in my face. I politely told him that I wasn’t willing to answer questions and closed the door. His rather wounded reply? “I came here in good faith” – of course you did you Stasi scumbag…
All the letters I’ve received have been addressed to ‘The Current Occupier’. Can they get a warrant based upon that? Are they able to check the Electoral Roll and get a name?
‘Have I got news for you’ yesterday.
10 min on the Deripaska Yacht affair (mostly kicking Osborne, though some pops at Mandy probably because Kevin Maguire was on and he hates Mandy).
More interesting was the US election round. McCain (too old, might die) and Palin (naturally) were criticised, very little said against Obama. In fact when a cutting from a U.S commentator suggested the ‘granny ill’ story was perhaps a tad cynical it was airily dismissed.
Most illuminating discussion was when Merton said ‘Doesn’t look good for the Republicans’.
Alexander Armstrong said ‘Yes that good’
Merton ‘Is it good that it’s bad for the Republicans?’
Armstrong ‘Yes I think it is good. I think we are agreeing. I think Obama is promising…’ then descends into muttering.
BBC Comedy Obama love fest…started with ‘Mock the Week’ continues with ‘HIGNFY’
Toadying…It’s what we do
Ah Yes, ‘The News Quiz’
I listened to the introductions…the minute it reached ‘Jeremy Hardy’ I switched off.
‘Jeremy Hardy vs the Israeli Army’?
How I would dearly like to see that snivelling little no-mark being chased by a Merkava
Abbas boosts West Bank security
Hebron has consistently been a flashpoint. A few hundred Jews live in the middle of 150,000 Palestinians, and the town is also home to the reputed burial site of the Patriarch Abraham – revered by both Jews and Muslims.
Did somebody say that the Muslims “revered” The Tomb of The Patriarchs?
Examples of Muslim reverence:
Muslims desecrate, urinate in Judaism’s 2nd holiest site (Note that the BBC never wastes an opportunity to tell us that Jerusalem is Islam’s third holiest site.)
Hamas flags found on burial chambers of Abraham, Jacob, Sarah
Posted: September 07, 2008
9:49 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM • Muslim worshipers at Judaism’s second holiest site this past weekend reportedly urinated next to Torah scrolls and strew Hamas flags throughout the structure.
The desecration occurred at the Tomb of the Patriarchs, which is believed to be home to the resting place of the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca and Leah. The tomb is located in the West Bank city of Hebron, site of the oldest Jewish community in the world.
“It is not all the Muslims,” he said. “But there always are a few who in the past have ripped mezuzot off the entrances to the rooms of worship or simply leave behind vandalism. Complaints have been filed with the police in the past, but no one ever has been arrested.”
Wilder added that in the past, Muslim worshipers tore up Psalm booklets and Jewish prayer books.
The book of Genesis relates Abraham purchased the field where the Tomb of the Patriarchs is located as a burial place for his wife, Sarah. It later became a plot for the rest of the family, except for Jacob’s wife, Rachel, who died when she gave birth while traveling and was buried on a road in Bethlehem.
Muslims trace their lineage through Abraham, as well. Palestinian leaders deny there is any Jewish claim to the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
“The Torah was falsified by the Jews. We don’t believe in all your versions,” stated Chief Palestinian Justice Taysir Tamimi in a recent WND interview.
Hebron is the oldest Jewish community in the world, with Jews having lived there almost continuously for over 2,500 years. There are accounts of the trials of the city’s Jewish community throughout the Byzantine, Arab, Mameluke and Ottoman periods.
In 1929, as a result of an Arab pogrom in which 67 Jews were murdered, the entire Jewish community fled the city, with Hebron becoming temporarily devoid of Jews. Jews returned when Israel recaptured the area in 1967.
King David was anointed in Hebron, where he reigned for seven years. A thousand years later, during the first Jewish revolt against the Romans, the city was the scene of extensive fighting in which many Jews were killed.
Inequality and Discrimination in Hebron
From the standpoint of some of the Israeli and international public, Hebron is an “Arab city.” This view is occasioned by Hebron’s location over the “Green Line,” its current demographic situation (tens of thousands of Arabs alongside only around 1,000 Jews in the inner city, plus 7,000 or so in adjacent Kiryat Arba), and incessant propaganda by the Left. History, however, did not begin in 1967. No cultured person who has studied Bible and ancient and modern history can deny the facts: Hebron is the first Jewish city in history. It is the place where the Jewish national patriarchs lived and were buried. Their burial plot—Ma’arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs—was the first Jewish property purchased in the Land of Israel, and one of the Jewish people’s most impressive monuments was built atop it. Hebron is an object of yearning for Jews throughout the Diaspora and is numbered among the four holy cities (along with Jerusalem , Tiberias, and Safed). The Jewish community in Hebron existed for thousands of years until it was brutally displaced in 1929—after Arab marauders murdered, raped, and burned to death scores of Jews and dispossessed the community of properties that included hundreds of acres of real estate.
If the Jewish people has undeniable rights anywhere on earth, it is in Hebron . The Jewish community of Hebron today resides on a relatively small fraction of the Jewish property that had been plundered in the 1929 pogrom. This community constitutes the basis and the beginning of the return of Jews to the world’s oldest Jewish city.
The BBC, in all their multi-cultural respectfulness, will never acknowledge that the Jews are the only religious denomination in the world who are not allowed to control or worship in their only holy places.
Here’s a story I can’t seem to find on the BBC Newswebsite;
Instead i found it here;
I wonder why the BBC aren’t shouting out this story at evening prayers?
Sharia law is now officially part of our legal system.
Bob, I thought they’d try to do this slowly, and they have. It’s creeping in there without most people knowing. And that MP in that article looks bonkers…