Just because he always does it…
doesn’t mean it’s not worth pointing out how far Justin Webb’s blog goes in ignoring the BBC’s obligations on impartiality. If the rules really do permit the Beeb’s North American Editor to suggest that Palin would be the number one choice (after McCain) to lead America for those that hate the country, what’s the point of them?
billybob: I thought Biden was shite, yet he gets a pass from the media. He’s made more fuck up in the election that Palin.
The problem is they’ve mishandled her. Of course she’s inexperienced in national politics. But so what?
Obama is the biggest asshole in the USA but no one holds that against him.
Don’t feed the Moby.
The politically myopic Webb misses out this on Obama:
“Obama would fail security clearance”
(by Daniel Pipes):
“Barack Obama’s Muslim Childhood”
(by Daniet Pipes)
“Close circle of Friends: Obama/ Ayers/ Khalidi” (by Andy McCarthy):
David – I am totally confused as to why you feel the need to insult me all the time. I am actually starting to get quite annoyed with it. I have done nothing to offend you that I can recall. If I have, please tell me. I expected that kind of talk from the far-left, but not on a respectable blog.
On topic, Palin vs Biden….Palin is more ready to be President than the Presidential nominee Obama! Obama doesn’t have any experience! He has missed 45% of his Senate votes! Who in their right mind would then elect him to run our country?! The left wing illuminati are just using Obama for his good looks and personality to get a democrat puppet into the White House and it’s working and the American people are actually falling for it!
You’re a Moby. You’re pretending to be someone you’re not. I’m not going to respect that. You’re not insulting only me, but everyone here.