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Sod the recession – if east London isn’t regenerated on schedule, it’ll be that swine Boris Johnson’s fault:
‘Threat to homes’ as DLR on hold
From Rod Liddle (former editor of Today)
The BBC’s crime drama series Silent Witness stuck the boot into the Jews and the Poles this week. The Jews it portrayed (devious, heavily bearded, homophobic) were largely victims but scarcely better, morally, than the Poles (shaven-headed, stupid, neo-Nazi).
Elsewhere on our terrestrial channels it was open season on northerners • that is, people who do not live in London. There was Jamie Oliver condescending to them about the awful food they eat on one side, and Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse depicting them as educationally subnormal dogs on the other. This is all terrific stuff and to be welcomed.
I wonder, though, given this new-found antiPC bravery, if there are any minority groups that the BBC in particular has not yet taken the piss out of? They’ve done Jews and Poles and northerners; they’ve done Christians. Hmm. Let me see.
Is there anyone left, a religious or cultural group excluded from this festival of fun? You know, I can’t think of one offhand. Maybe if you can, then drop a line to the director-general with a programme proposition and see how far you get.
Lurker, funny you should post that – I wrote this the other day but decided not to share it, now Rod has noticed it – I will.
I am resigned to the fact that the BBC neither knows about nor likes Jews.
Not if the the scriptwriters of prime-time dramas are representative of the in-house attitude towards that hook-nosed tribe of money worshipping fanatics anyhow.
Oy!, what an enigma. Ortho. Jews are very ‘other.’ Yet in some ways exactly like the endearing characters we know and love that populate all the other dramas. Apart from being apt to rock back and forth like the mentally subnormal, and to scuttle along en masse to study the Torah dressed in black coats and hats, deep down they’re nearly… just like everybody else! Just like everybody else in BBC drama that is. Quite a co-incidence.
Did anyone see the episode of Silent Witness about the murder of poor ‘It-sock’ and the horrible strict repressive Rabbi and his secretive family of liars drug addicts and closet gays?
I put the link in because I like to see some blue. Don’t watch it.
The Stamford Hill Hasidic gang behave just like Eastenders, apart from the fact that, even when out of uniform, they reveal their true nature by always carrying a bit of paper with some Hebrew writing on it. That’s how they give themselves away. And if they’re gay, the Hebrew writing is about gay things.
Good grief. The poor policeman who had spent YEARS trying to get ‘these people’ onside, too, and then the one with the Beatle haircut goes and ruins everything by antagonising these touchy, reactionary, repressive, sneaky, dishonest, secretive, hard-hearted, weirdos who will now never trust another copper.
Now next time there’s a drugs raid their sniffer-pigs will have to wear kosher shoes.
And the Nazis didn’t do the murder after all! They turned out to be good guys who gave sanctuary to the mad one. I forgot to add schizophrenia to the list of hasidic human flaws.
Yes, and the neo-nazis certainly had good reason to resent those nasty Jews who exploited them so ruthlessly; who wouldn’t become a nazi? I almost became one myself.
The scriptwriters were only fifth formers doing a project for GCSE Drama on the topic of diversity. They were probably inspired by that documentary on C4 about the Hasidic man who was a convicted drug dealer, a scenario they could certainly relate to.
I just can’t understand why the credits didn’t point that out, and namecheck the school they were from. I expect – for security, you know, the backlash and that. I hear comprehensive schools are very flammable. Or inflammable. They’re the same thing are they not?
Is credible the same thing as incredible? No.
It’s a good thing they didn’t write it about the you-know-whos after watching undercover mosque, you can never be too careful, can you?
I see the BBC might be prosecuted over some dodgy phone calls by Jonathan Ross or something.
That really was very funny, Sue.
Bitter, but funny.
Jesus H Christ. I see Prescott has now got his own series on BBC 2 about the class system.
Where does the BBC get off giving my money to fat failed Liebour wankers?
Shouldn’t Prescott do a series about fat wankers in Labour that go around shagging cheap slags during working hours?
Anything But British
Sicilian joy over huge lotto win
The BBC mention a lottery win in Euros and $, but not in £’s:
The winning ticket was bought in the city of Catania in Sicily, and is worth 100 million euros ($125 million).
Note to the BBC:The £ is the currency used in Britain (the country that you broadcast in and where all your licence fee payers are)
So why does the BBC think its important to mention a lottery win in Euros and Dollars, but not in Pounds? Maybe the BBC thinks that its audience would be unfamiliar with £’s but more familiar with € and $?
Or maybe the cultural Marxists at the “British” Broadcasting Corporation like to undermine British culture at every available opportunity. To them, it doesn’t matter if they undermine British culture with EU, Islamic or American culture, just as long as it is not British.
Normally, you would expect the State Broadcaster to be the defender and promoter of British culture, but not with the BBC. Now the BBC has decided to replace British football culture with Live Amercian Football on BBC3 on Sunday.
BBC: promoting anything but British, its what we do.
As you well know Pressa is a victim of the class system. He woud not have got fat or been given freeloads or shags by his secretary if he’d been a Toff, or worse, a member of the Bullingdon club.
Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross could face prosecution after obscene on air phone calls to Fawlty Towers actor, 78
Sue | 25.10.08 – 11:02 pm
That said, the Jewish Chronicle gave Silent Witness the thumbs-up:
The show bravely entered Chasidic territory and, one has to say, had a pretty good stab (if you’ll excuse the expression) at getting it right…. the story-line was suitably tantalising but the acting was persuasive, the script cleverly sardonic and it was all beautifully shot (even if not all the shots were beautiful)…… I shall be tuning in for next week’s episode
Lurker in a Burqua | 26.10.08 – 12:15 am |
It doesn’t surprise me one bit – the BBC and its so called “stars” have sunk to the bottom of the pile when it comes to so called entertainment. They have no morals.
Rob –
On the other hand, the first comment posted in response to the JC’s review takes a somewhat less benign view of the programme, and, I suspect, more accurately reflects the views of most Jewish viewers.
Fearful BBC Walks on Eggshells Around Muslims
The BBC’s kid-gloves approach to all things Islamic isn’t limited to its news coverage — it informs the corporation’s fictional output too and stands in stark contrast to its apparent eagerness to offend Christians. So, while viewers are treated to Jerry Springer: The Opera and numerous shows in which Christians are portrayed as either idiots or villains, the producers of a popular hospital drama last year scrapped a storyline about a Muslim suicide bomber for fear of causing offense.
I though the BBC’s “Jews” earlier in the year was very good. Used as evidence by various fascist groups that the BBC is controlled by jews, a common and disgusting theme in such circles.
I didn’t see SW so can’t comment. But the blowhard Liddle does of course have something of a gripe with the BBC.
As, apparently, do the leader writers on the Sun, Mail and Telegraph, who have all taken the BBC to bias in recent days.
rather ‘…to task for bias in recent days.’
A moment of your time if I may to RECOMMEND a BBC programme on MMGW, Save the Planet etc.
Actually it was One Planet, broadcast on World Service this morning at 03.30 and covered (at least the part I heard) the 20% target for renewables (apparently of our total energy use rather than just electricity generation!)To say that it questioned the claims made for wind power would be an understatement.
Suggesting a 40% return for companies investing due to the enormous subsidies. Suggesting extra £400 on annual household electricity bills by 2020. Seriously questioning the Danish 20% already claim.
I could hardly believe this was a BBC programme.
Well worth the effort to find it and download or listen to.
Watching the Andrew Marr Show.
A week is also a long time in political interviewing.
Seems like Sophie was on to something?
Not that anyone is being accused of anything….
Alistair Campbell giving a party political broadcast for Labour without interruption or questioning on the Andrew Marr show.
Funny that the creepy Scot Marr attacked the Tories over hanging around with ‘shady Russian’ but didn’t mention that MANSLESON has been hanging around with this man for years.
Marr then attacks Hague for foreigners donating money to the Tories. No mention of the dodgy foreigners that give money to Liebour.
Oh and the arrogance of a shit like Marr when he says that “Gordon is enjoying the recession”. No Marr you shit, the people who are losing their jobs, homes and businesses because that fat one eyed twat has fucked up our economy arenot enjoying it one bit.
Of course beeboids don’t care. tHey will get thier 6 and 7 figure salaries regardless. I’m sure there’s no recession in London for rent boys, smack and Champers for beeboids.
What a shock Labour/Mandelson sleaze all over the Sunday papers and not a mention from the BBC. Sky are leading with the story, yet the BBC chooses to ignore it.
Just when will the Tories wake up to the corruption in the BBC?
I did wonder, as it was advertised here, what happened…
No laughing matter, says BBC, as Peston is denied comedy spot
Even topical comedy has fallen victim to the economic recession. The BBC has banned Robert Peston from appearing on Have I Got News for You in case he accidentally cracks a smile as the financial gloom deepens. The corporation’s business editor was due to appear on last Friday’s episode but was replaced at the last moment by Kevin Maguire, political editor of the Daily Mirror. “The producers were told it wouldn’t be right for somebody in a position of trust to be seen laughing in the current economic circumstances,” said a source close to the programme.
After Mr. Maguire’s contribution, I think anything funny would have been hard to even identify, much less deemed inappropriate.
What IS funny, and interesting is how such micromanaging takes place, and tends to backfire so massively.
Notwithstanding them getting to the last minute before having second thoughts, after a period of months when this choice might be deemed ‘odd’, I have to say the best joke is here:
… it wouldn’t be right for somebody in a position of trust…
Er, as either team leader might say “If you say so, Aunty… if you say so…’
Andrew Marr must have covered the Jonathon Ross story in his newspaper review when I was making a cup of tea.
I am sure Ross will be genuimly upset if any body criticises him.
Many people who take great delight in using their skill with words to embarres and humiliate other people get very angry if anybody sais anything less than pure flattery about themselves.
I expect Ross will use some of the money he gets from the telly tax to pay expensive lawyers to threaten his critics. Or is he rich enough to get legal aid
rob | 26.10.08 – 1:00 am
No doubt the Jewish Chronicle reviewer was flattered that fictitious Jewish villains were indistinguishable from lovable cockerny style villains, drug addicts and closet gays. Seduced by the inclusiveness of the depiction, superficially non-condemnatory but underneath a gross misrepresentation, mistaking authenticity of accoutrements for an accurate portrayal, fooled by the costume department as it were, he/she missed the misrepresentation of character underlying the whole caboodle.
I haven’t had time to read the review you linked to yet so I’m answering you in ignorance.
Whatever I say on this blog represents my own view. I do not attempt to speak for anyone else. I have not been elected by and do not belong to any body organisation or cabal.
What you see is what you get; terms and conditions apply.
So wrap that up in your Jewish Chronicle and send it to Santa in time for Christmas.
I always write my Christmas list in Hebrew. Does that explain…
Can they stop themselves from lying?
Are there any, any circumstances under which members of the Labour Party and this government could stop lying? Even if they wanted to?
I ask this question having watched the conversation between Alastair Campbell and Andrew Marr televised on the “Andrew Marr Show” this morning. On the face of it, it was a straightforward commercial transaction between two privileged members of the Labour ruling clique. Alistair Campbell has written a book. Andrew Marr fronts a propaganda programme on the BBC. Andy was happy to give Ali some free publicity. Fair enough, a piece of mutual backslapping between two Labour supporters at the licence-payers expense. No reason, you would think, for Campbell to lie.
Marr asked Campbell if he was an Advisor to Gordon Brown, and Campbell said he does not have a paid role but regularly speaks to Gordon Brown and always has. He did not say, and Marr did not ask hime, exactly what the advice he is giving the Prime Minister is about. Helping him choose a new car? Bringing up the family? Where to go for the holidays? Or perhaps how to manage his relations with the Press and Media? Campbell being a former journalist and having managed Tony Blair’s PR for many years, my guess is that this is the most likely subject for Campbell to be advising Gordon Brown on. I stress, I’m only guessing this as Marr didn’t think it was worth asking.
Marr then asked Campbell for his thoughts on Mandelson, having earlier in the programme waved around newspapers with headings suggesting that Mandelson might possibly have done something wrong, or at least betrayed a lack of judgement. Campbell acknowledged that he was aware of these headlines, if only because they’d been on the front of the papers he’d noticed on the ‘Show’, but said he has not read the stories about his friend ‘Peter’, so couldn’t comment. Let’s get this straight: the guy is a former national newspaper editor, he is advising Gordon Brown on something (what could that be if it is NOT media management?) and he is a friend of someone (Mandy) whose job is on the line because of massive pressure in the media. Yet Campbell, with all these reasons to have READ the papers, says on camera that he has not!! What would happen if his friend Mandy phones him and asks his advice on the media. Campbell must be having to say “sorry Peter mate, I don’t read the papers any more”. Imagine how embarrassing it’s going to be for Campbell when he next calls Gordon Brown, and Snotty asks him what he thinks about Manday. Campbell will be forced to say “well, Mandy’s a mate, but honestly I’m too busy right now. I really must catch up with the papers one of these days”.
Andrew Marr thinks this is what Campbell would say. After all, he had the chance to ask Campbell what on earth he talks to the Prime Mentalist about if it’s not to do with the media, and to ask Campbell if it’s really true that he doesn’t keep up with what’s in the papers nowadays.
I repeat what I said at the start. Does ANYONE apart from Marr, Campbell, Mandy and co think what Campbell said was true? And is there any point at which any of them could stop themselves from lying?
‘Multiculturalist’ BBC reporting on ‘multiculturalist’ Labour and creeping Sharia:
“Sharia rulings ‘can go to courts'”
“Decisions made under Islamic sharia law can be accepted by English and Welsh family courts, a minister has confirmed.”
‘Telegraph’ report, including more criticism of Islamic law:
“Sharia rulings on divorce and disputes to be rubber-stamped by English courts”
“A Government decision to allow Islamic courts in Britain the right to rule on family disputes and divorces has been condemned as discriminatory to women.
“Civil rights campaigners are angry that ministers have approved plans to allow Sharia councils in Britain the right to settle disputes regarding money, property and access to children.
“They say such tribunals are institutions for male domination which treat women like second-class citizens.
“Couples who choose to use the Sharia system must get the ruling rubber-stamped by a judge sitting in an ordinary family court.
“But neither party has to attend this hearing and approval can be obtained by filling in a two-page application.
“The endorsement of Sharia was announced to MPs by Bridget Prentice, a junior minister, in answer to a parliamentary question.”
Ctesibius | 26.10.08 – 11:54 am
Helping him choose a new car? Bringing up the family? Where to go for the holidays? Or perhaps how to manage his relations with the Press and Media? Campbell being a former journalist and having managed Tony Blair’s PR for many years, my guess is that this is the most likely subject for Campbell to be advising Gordon Brown on.
You’ve left out the most important choice: politics.
Under Blair, Campbell became more of a political advisor than a media advisor. He’s quite a good tactician.
Let’s get this straight: the guy is a former national newspaper editor…
Oh yeah? Which paper do you remember him editing?
If you had to get up early enough to appear on the Marr show, you might think it worth a trip to the paper shop before the taxi took you to the studio. But, being Sunday, the paper shop wouldn’t yet be open. So it would be the long haul to the 24 hr petrol station down the road.
But it’s rained in London all morning.
I believe Campbell, this time.
This may be a first!
Headline from the BBC’s ‘News’ (sic) every-compliant website: “Mandleson attacks ‘muck raking'”.
As Richard Littlejohn says – you couldn’t make it up!
Crowds rally against Italy’s PM
By Duncan Kennedy
BBC News, Rome
Walter Veltroni criticised Mr Berlusconi’s right-wing policies
A huge rally has been held in the Italian capital, Rome, to protest against the government of prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.
The prime minister’s policies against crime and illegal immigration especially have earned him high ratings in the polls.
Translation: Italian people approve Berlusconi’s policy, Beeboids don’t
Just had to write to the BBC Politics Show:
Watching your pre-recorded segment on electric cars.
As I am sure ‘experts’ such as Mr. ‘Monbeeay’ [a pronunciation that I have not heard before] will confirm, I don’t think it accurate to say that these efforts are ‘zero’ or ’emission free’.
The exhaust pipe is just in another place.
I am unsure what I am being sold here, but with the BBC selling it with their usual fine grasp of the science and commitment to looking across the issues objectively, I am pretty sure there will be a pup involved.
It gets worse:
Estimates of the exact numbers taking part vary from hundreds of thousands to more than two million.
Either way, it was a substantial turn-out from Italy’s left-of-centre opposition.
And this is reporting?
With this morning’s newspaper headlines full of fresh allegations about Lord Mandelson, how did Radio 4’s Broadcasting House choose to deal with the latest developments in the ‘Yachtgate’ affair?
Not by reporting on those allegations but by devoting eight minutes of the programme to a report on the Bullingdon Club (you must remember – George Osborne was a member, 20 years ago!). First there was a blow-by-blow account by a pub landlord of a rowdy party two decades ago involving the Bullingdon boys. (Although there was “no suggestion that Mr Osborne was involved.”) After four minutes of that, and just to underline the sheer shameless toffness of the participants, we paid a visit to the other Bullingdon – the saintly, salt-of-the-earth green recyclers of Oxford’s Bullingdon Community Centre for whom the reporter had nothing but admiration. After the Mayor of Oxford was wheeled on to utter the “toff” word – and not in a nice way – and then wheeled off again, the recyclers were given the opportunity to pat themselves on the back and describe the other Bullingdon members as “bastions of privilege” who stood for “the few to do whatever they want.”
(Incidentally, are the ‘few’ members of the Bullingdon Community Centre not doing ‘whatever they want’ albeit in their own sanctimonious, self-congratulatory way?)
Now, next week do we expect Broadcasting House to devote four minutes to an item about the sins of EU Trade Ministers over the decades (with “no suggestion that Mr Mandelson was involved”)followed by another four minutes meeting other people called Mandelson who, by contrast, are involved in entirely laudable activities?
I don’t think so.
The BBC seems to have abandoned even the pretence of balance. It must be lovely to be so complacently self-righteous that they can’t see it.
Freddo, I have often thought that the only people who hold a grudge against the Bullingdon Club, and indeed all such clubs, are those too stupid/unpopular/poor to get in. It’s all about envy and jealousy; there’s never a particularly valid reason for hating them. Therefore, the fact that the trendy BBC lefties who went to Oxbridge, but who were too leftie to get in, use every opportunity they can to bash them.
ITV, Sky and all the papers feature Mandleson as a major story.
BBC totally ignores it. Instead we get – rain in Lake district, soldiers come home, Israeli election, aid worker buried.
No mention of Mandleson at all. Labour will be pleased.
Tell ye your children: don’t take drugs, they’ll turn you into David Cameron.
David | 26.10.08 – 5:06 pm
Interestingly, David Dimbleby was a member of the Bullingdon.
An impartial report would have had him on to defend it.
Interestingly, David Dimbleby was a member of the Bullingdon.
An impartial report would have had him on to defend it.
Tom | 26.10.08 – 6:07 pm | #
Blimey. That didn’t come up on the Andrew Marr show, and I am pretty sure a Dimbleby was there as membership to this silly club was being likened to a Satanic cult by others.
Must have slipped his mind.
Strictly Come Dancing public vote is ‘racist’ claim viewers on BBC message board
BBC celebrity talent show Strictly Come Dancing has been described as racist by viewers after black contestants ended up at the bottom of the scoreboard.
Doubtless they’ll soon be rigging these phone-in votes like they do the Question Time rent-a-mobs
Tom, yes, I read that a couple of days ago when looking at the club’s Wiki page.
I actually have it on good authority that DD leans towards the Tories. I’ve never seen much proof of that, but maybe spending so long at the Beeb has warped his mind. Certainly his family has always been traditionally Conservative.
Yet more ‘Isn’t McBean wonderful?’ propaganda from the country’s beloved provider of star-studded comedy.
In the middle of a report ostensibly about the 16 senior economists who have written to the Telegraph explaining to the polytechnic lecturers why pursuing Keynsian ‘recovery’ strategies is madness, the BBC suddenly inserts the following:
“Gordon Brown said that as oil prices fell this would bring down the cost of other commodities, easing pressure on people’s spending.
“He also told the BBC that low interest rates should limit damage caused by the economic downturn.”
Why? These two paragraphs have absolutely no relevance whatsoever to the story and have simply been inserted to prop-up the McBean/Darling image.
This isn’t just lousy writing or subbing – it’s craven political bias: adding irrelevant references to McBean’s latest pronouncements to an article which should be examining what these economists think about ZaNuLabour’s plans, in an attempt to suggest the great fraud has a clue what is really going on in the economy.
Be warned -Haloscan (about as reliably awful as the BBC) is having server problems again. It just lost a long comment which I haven’t the heart to write again.
Best to write comments in Notepad or similar for a while
Here is another bit of pro labour bollocks. Glentothes – as seen entirely from the perspective of the Labour party.
Why is the “Prognosis not good” – surely this same issue could be reported as “The prognosis is excellent for the SNP”
I will be North of the border on the day that the result is announced. I expect to be celebrating the demise of the Broon administration.
1) It will be excellent to see the Labour party thrashed by the SNP again.
2) I am sorry that the Labour party deliberately split the union so as to guarantee their one party power base forever. A bit of a miscalculation comrades. Labour is hated more in Scotland for being too right wing (!)and for betraying the ‘principals’ (!) of socialism
3) Scotland is now totally buggered. It will be decades before a rational settlement is reached. the SNP and hard left Marxist nutters and the Zanulab have just handed them a one party state
The BBC does not feel free to discuss important matters such as the future of the Union on a ‘UK’ basis. Why is this?
Second comment. Did anyone hear the hilarious gaffe on Sky news yesterday (about noon)? It is clear that the correspondent had been reading this site (well done all)
In discussing Mandy he said something like (paraphrasing)
‘Mandy is being posed the ‘have you stopped beating your wife yet question ?’, although in this case it is obviously a hypothetical issue ……embarrassed silence followed by swift cut back to studio
Dimbleby is a clueless elitist bully. (imo)
Now rowdy bullingdon club antics seems normal at to me. Thats what happens at university, they are young successful students starting out in life.
Plenty of beeboids went through the same thing joining their uni sports club, trying cocaine etc.
Beeboids want to think they are the coolest and most revolutionary.
J.Woss and R.Brand rowdy drug induced student antics are even carried on into their adult lifes at public expense.
You obviously don’t live in Central London. It’s a very 24hr kind of place.
You will also find first run of The Sunday Papers are available from around 10 o’clock on a Saturday night in the city centre. So he had no excuse as to why he hadn’t read them really.
Anyone else notice how quickly the BBC have killed the Mandelson stories? Not a sinlge mention across the network today.
The BBC have a habit of doing this, they will big up a story to either put the dirt on the Tories or divert attention away from bad news for McBean, then as soon as it’s done the job, the BBC just kills it regardless of what the rest of the media say or do.
Sky were banging away about Mandy this morning, but even they’ve given up now.
Whenever the topic of scrapping the BBC is discussed, there will always be someone that says the BBC must be kept otherwise Rupert Murdoch will take over and British television will be swamped with American stuff. But if you look at what is on the BBC today, you have Live American Football being shown x3, Californian horse racing, Stephen Fry in America, The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama, The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 — The Truth Behind the Third Tower and Little Britain USA.
So the pro-BBC lot can’t use that excuse anymore.
Martin – full credit to the ITN news, then, which acted like a small terrier with its fangs sunk into Mandleson’s ankle.
Possible that beeb covered mandelson just to claim they have reported it.
We all know its been Osborne all week. Beeb mostly ignored the fake crime figures scandal.
They used exactly the technique i predicted theyd use on this blog a few months back, based on how they manipulated waiting lists.
The guest on hardtalk is an eco pioneer known as Planetwalker.
More far left loonies and this guy is a c.loony.