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After all this time, when ‘POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION’ has been used against white males in the UK, it is now urged by the Labour establismhment, that ‘positive discrimination’ should be used to favour whites!:
“Trevor Phillips calls for positive discrimination to help young whites”
‘He said: “What we are seeing is that there is a whole group of people, a large proportion of whom are white, who are going to suffer from this crisis who are going to be the people we should want to help, particularly because they come from the wrong side of town.
‘”We are going to have to do something special for them. We are going to have to put extra resources where young people can’t compete with migrants’ skills.
‘”And in some parts of the country, it is clear that what defines disadvantage won’t be black or brown, it will be white. And we will have to take positive action to help some white groups, what we might call an underclass.”‘
Of course, Mr. Phillips is not advocating an ending of positive discrimination to economically favour minorities on the UK, nor is he disavowing his philosophical belief in such an overtly unfair system, he is just a bit scared that extreme right-wing political parties might gain because of such institutionalised unfairness to British white males.
The positively discriminating BBC will see Phillips comments as a mere blip, and carry on its anti-white discriminating way. And, it will support any Obama policies for the similar ‘affirmative action’ in the USA, which favours minorities at the expense of majorities.
Positive discrimination should be be criticised philosophically, (as here at ‘a load of bright blog’) not just opportunistically:
“Positive discrimination (wince!)”
In reference to the problems which the UK police, for example, is having with this concept, the author at that blog makes an excellent point:
“Critics are calling this suggestion ‘reverse discrimination’. It isn’t. Nor is it ‘positive discrimination’. No qualifier is required, it is, quite simply, discrimination. When an employer has to choose the right candidate for a position, if they base that decision on anything other than each candidate’s experience, qualifications, attitude, references and general abilities to carry out the job required, they are discriminating unfairly against someone. Whether the factor of discrimination is something that places the victim in a majority, minority or neither, is irrelevant. This is, and should forever remain, illegal.”
This Labour government is a shrine to DISCRIMINATION, personified in MS. H. HARMAN, Minister for Women and Equality:
[Extract from Wikipedia, on H. Harman]:
“As part of a proposed Equality Bill, Harman announced a consultation on changing the existing discrimination laws, which included options for Positive Action in employment. Under the proposals, employers would be legally allowed to discriminate in favour of a job candidate on the basis of their race or gender where the candidates were otherwise equally qualified. Employers would not be required to use these powers, but would be able to do so without the threat of legal action for discriminatory practices. Harman has claimed that this proposal would not simply involve discrimination against white males, and than men will benefit in some circumstances; for example if a school wanted to balance a predominantly female workforce by discriminating in favour of employing a male teacher. The white paper also proposed measures to end age discrimination, promote transparency in organisations and introduce a new equality duty on the public sector. These changes, if made, could face a challenge under Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, language, religion and on several other criteria.
“Writing in the Daily Mail, Leo McKinstry, a former aide to Harman condemned her proposals stating that they were a ‘direct contradiction of equal opportunities’ and that ‘nothing could be more unjust, patronising or discriminatory than awarding jobs on the basis of skin colour or gender’.”
BBC, Labour, Philips:
If mass immigration to UK is so wonderful and ‘multicultural’ – why don’t Londoners, who have most personal experience of it, like it?:
“Immigration tops Londoners concerns”
Londoner’s Diary, ‘Evening Standard’:
“BBC caught by Justin’s web in US election row”:-
“PERHAPS the BBC has been distracted by the media storm whipped up by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross. But surely it’s time the organisation tried to control its bloggers who are becoming more and more outspoken. As a publicly-funded broadcaster, the BBC is supposed to maintain an attitude of political impartiality, but no longer, when it comes to the blogs available on the corporation’s website.
“The latest culprit is the BBC’s North America editor, Justin WEBB. With the US election just days away his blogs railing against US Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, become more intemperate by the day. On a recent posting Webb pointed to an obscure web site which suggested Al-Qaida supporters would welcome a pre-election terror attack on the US as a way to get John McCain elected by claiming ‘it supports my argument that McCain might be the preferred outcome for those who hate America. Actually, Palin would be number one: she pals around with people who believe in witches – opening up the possibility of the kind of clash on religious grounds of which the terrorists dream.’
“Webb’s comments have enraged some followers of his blog. ‘This constant smearing of Palin is not grounded in impartial and objective journalism but plain old-fashioned spite,’ says one reader. Last week Webb launched another attack on Palin when he said: ‘She’s not funny and she’s not clever. And it is time to say clearly that she has lost this contest for McCain.’
“But it is not just Webb who is imposing his political opinions on a supposedly impartial BBC blogosphere. BBC Economics editor, Robert PESTON, has used his blog, which draws 500,000 hits per day, to blame Margaret Thatcher for the current economic crisis.
“But Peston’s blog seems to be on very dangerous territory for the Beeb. The Serious Fraud Office could launch an inquiry into his recent market-moving scoops on secret takeover talks between Lloyds TSB and HBOS.”