It’s not often nowadays that the Beeb breaks really big news so when I saw this, among the top stories on its website’s Politics page, I sat up and took notice: Former Conservative party leader Michael Howard’s cousin is bribed with £400,000 while Howard is Home Secretary, and a convict is released on his orders! It may have been a few years ago, but this is hot stuff. But why is no one else reporting it, five hours later?
Hang on, how about this – a report in the Liverpool Echo that, yes…
Labour MP Peter Kilfoyle told the jury as part of the statement Haase, 59, said he had bribed both Michael Howard and the men’s customs handler Paul Cook.
So it looks like this story has got legs after all. But, wait. What’s this bit that I don’t remember seeing in the BBC report?
He told the jury he felt the Michael Howard bribe claim was unsubstantiated.
Ah, so that will be why no one else picked up on it. Good ol’ Auntie.
I hope Howard takes advantsge of the current anti-beeb climate to sue the bastards and put the final nail in their coffin.
I’ve kept a screen print as you know the c**ts at the BBC will change this when the twat who did this realises what a fuck up he’s made.
This is just typical of the bias from the BBC.
These twats just don’t learn do they?
Good old auntie, and just in time for the Glenrothes by election…
“The Freedom of Information releases will almost certainly clear Howard of any wrongdoing. They will reveal that the pardon was granted on the recommendation of a judge after the criminals agreed to give information to Customs staff about vast arms caches across Liverpool. Between 1993 and 1995, this led to 26 separate arms seizures containing 150 weapons, including AK47s, Uzis and ammunition, thought to be destined for the IRA.”
“But just 11 months after their cell doors slammed shut behind them, the two crooks were swaggering down the streets of Liverpool – set free by Home Secretary Michael Howard, who received a letter from the judge after a plea from Customs officials”
Yes, Jon, the case has been reported elsewhere in the past (the articles you link to are from 2005 and 1996) – but not the current claims in court that Howard took a bribe. Only the Beeb thought that one of the top politics stories of the day. Everyone else has long since concluded it is nonsense. Including Labour’s Peter Kilfoyle.
Martin | 30.10.08 – 8:02 pm |
Anyone want to bet we get a missing data CD story or perhaps they found out that Caroline Spelman bought a dummy for her kids on expenses 15 years ago story?
Or something like this. When in doubt, go to the tried and true, eh BBC? Nothing like a “Tory Sleaze” story to distract attention from the Ross and Brand fiasco. Good call, Martin.
Did you know that deer cause more car accidents in America than all other animals combined?
But WHY are these animals allowed to drive in the first place?
This is the problem with America. Precocious deer.
And fat people.