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as the new year draws closer and closer, should we have the B-Beebies or the biased BBC awards
we could awards for things like the most annoying beeboid, or the most blatent lefty presnter etc the list goes on
God point.
How about.
Most biased BBC presenter
Most biased BBC programme
Biggest Labour arse licker
Most balanced BBC presenter
Worst example of BBC bias
Beebinator 4:47
Good idea , but so much competition.
Can’t we just have a group award for the whole damn lot of them.
After all, they are all equal !
Martin 5:14
Not sure what to make of your ” God point ” ?
Are you now worshipping the BBC ?
why don’t you hold at the BBCs post election Obama party in New York?
and is it me– or do you remember a time when Doctor Who was considered a childrens programme?? –We seem to live in a society where the entertainment is increasingly juvenile and adults unable to relate to anything more complex than the simplest principles. The BBC seems to have infantilised Radio 1 and 2 and to a great extent the News . We seem need to have every simple idea explained in Telly Tubby language.
I’d like an award for the most hysterical, permanently indignant interviewer.
Call it, possibly, the Kirsty Squawk Award?
Frankos. I caught a bit of working lunch the other day. They were hitting each other with inflatable toys.
Dr R 6:12
” Kirsty Squuawk “!
All that money and she still isn’t happy !
Maybe there should be a competition ” What does it take to make Kirsty Wark happy ? “
Should have been “good point” Grant!!!
Kirsty Wark would get the award for “the most sour faced bitch on the BBC”
Maybe there should be a competition ” What does it take to make Kirsty Wark happy ? ”
Something pink, plastic and powered by batteries perhaps?
Dr Who is still a children’s programme. These days it appeals to many adults who have been subjected to decades of government backed BBC trash TV such as Eastenders and the lottery show. These people are effectively children and they enjoy Dr Who.
Anyone else had enough with the BBC wanking on about Dr Who (again)
I’ve found the current Russell T Davis crap nothing more than a political advert for homosexualty and the Labour party. So I guess no wonder the BBC loves it.
“The controller of BBC Radio 2, Lesley Douglas, has resigned over the prank calls involving Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.
Ms Douglas said the decision to leave her job was “mine and mine alone”. ”
I’ve shagged her daughter – she was shite. Anyone got her dad’s phone number?
The Beebinator:
as the new year draws closer and closer, should we have the B-Beebies or the biased BBC awards…
Cringeing Dhimmi of the Year would be a hotly contested gong.
The old Dr Who series had some great sci-fi horror plots which are capable of making you forget the bloody awful special effects. Almost.
Now Dr Who has CGI and monsters which aren’t some bloke in a silver boilersuit wearing a rubber mask, but the plots are written by a limp wristed lefty who wants to make points about the sinking of the bloody Belgrano or whatever.
Just bloody entertain us, keep your pathetic student union politics to yourself.
For those not living outside the USA and do not have easy access to the Wall Street Journal. Please, please read this.
This is what the BBC should be exploring in its coverage.
that should be “living outside the USA”. Forgive me.
Obama coverage with Clinton – “2 of the greatest communicators of the modern age” – Gavin Hewitt
Was he talking about Wossy & Bland?
In the beboid mind the Belgrano was a cruise ship filled with crippled orphans out for a pleasure trip crewed by peace loving nuns, attending a wedding party etc and that nasty Thatcher ordered the innocent peace loving cruise ship to be attacked and sunk just to kill lots of innocent day trippers who were only dancing and holding a peace vigil/workshop etc!
Obama coverage with Clinton – “2 of the greatest communicators of the modern age” – Gavin Hewitt
Their empty rhetoric suits the empty heads that vote for them.
Here we go….
The BBC report on Obama (notice at the end how they ‘slip in’ that the polls are narrowing) after a 3 minute arse cleaning of Obama on TV.
For ALL the money this crook from Chicago has pissed away he’s still not put McCain away.
Oh and anyone else notice how the c**ts on the BBC smiled when talking about the by-election and how the fucked up economy was helping McOne eye out?
So why should I be happy that my Countrys economy has been so fucked up by McOne eye but it’s made him more popular? It hasn’t by the way, it’s just that the BBC thinks he’s more popular.
Ah, but some are more equal than others.
I nominate Y A-B.
The BBC are simply following ZANULABOUR orders when they lie through their teeth about Brown being more popular!
The NULAB scum issue orders to the BBC and the BBC repeats the propaganda with no questions asked, the BBC labour under the illusion that they can shape and mould public opinion, turn black into white, day into night and shit into caviar!
Delusion, you mean. It’s a recognised medical condition. I kid you not. I believe half the government and half of the BBC, at the very least, are psychologically dysfunctional.
I am enjoying this scandal
Dick 7.24
I saw his report.
That Clinton is a good liar. Maybe thats what he admires
Kirsty Wark won’t be happy until World Communism comes back i.e. she won’t be happy until everyone’s miserable.
I am very happy to keep that revolting shit miserable for a long time. It’s a win-win.
Hold the headlines, Howard cousin ‘given bribe money. Apparently “A convicted drug smuggler told an MP he gave £400,000 to then-Home Secretary Michael Howard’s cousin as a bribe to gain release from jail, a court heard.”
Obviously worth a page on the front page of the BBC news website, after all it does link the word “bribe” with a Conservative politician. are there any political sleaze stories that seem to be slowly disappearing from the BBC website?
To change the subject, does anyone know how to link to past posts from Bias BBC – I need to to make a post I want to do make sense.
John Bosworth et al
It is now quite clear that this debate has now moved on from just prank calls, and we are possibly entering a new phase in the history of the BBC- its possible demise as the sole recipient of the Telly Tax.
Because of the “politically correct” atmosphere within the Ministry of Truth, bottom feeders within the editorial departments seemly make decisions based on the “what would my boss do” scenario, so they seemingly they make editorial policy “on the hoof”, based on the fear that they would loose their jobs if they went “off message” and do not follow the internal “ethos” that is espoused by their bosses or their highly paid flag bearers.
In simple terms, can you imagine a graduate in media studies, working as a trainee production manager for the mighty BBC (and all the kudos that goes with that) , on a 25k pay check, with a mortgage, credit card bills etc, telling somebody like Paxo or Webb that their content might be slanted or factually inaccurate? Nope, neither can I…
Consequently the bottom feeders tell those further up the food chain that “the punters love it”, further reinforcing the illusion that the BBC is “on the money” editorially and they can do no wrong, so the cycle goes on and on.
The end result is that BBC Trust/Senior Management are so out of touch with large sections of the population that when the sh*t hits the fan, the ability to self examine and implement reforms are so far diminished because of the “group think” culture within the Beeb that it can no longer function properly.
Paranoia grips all levels because “everybody has it in for them”, and like a drunken ABSO teenager they continue down the road of self destruction, unaware of the consequences…which was so beautifully demonstrated on last nights Newsnight with its belief that its only the Daily Mail that wants to kill Al Beeb.
But Al Beeb is now in serious trouble, this issue has seemingly united ‘King Gordon and DC like no other, the Beeb has made so many enemies that even its “friends” on the left are now starting to question the very future of Al Beeb (although only in whispered voices). The public appetite for coughing up £139.50 for dross has now reached its limit, and the pressure on Westminster to reform (purge) it has now a momentum of its own.
To sum up, Thompson and co now have a bunker mentality, and like Hitler screaming for Wenke in his last days, their may well be no cavalry to the rescue………
I don’t feel the slightest bit sorry for the DG and the other overpaid pigs at the trough.
“In 2007, the UN’s climate change body presented strong scientific evidence the rise in average global temperature is mostly due to human activities.
This contradicted ideas that it was not a result of natural processes such as an increase in the Sun’s intensity.
At the time, there was not sufficient evidence to say this for sure about the Arctic and Antarctic. ”
So what you’re saying Palab is that the IPCC told lies – because they didn’t have any proof – but now some highly funded global alarmists have now proved it with “models” – the same “models” no doubt that predicted what you say was not possible before.
Obama directly involved in corruption…surely its only a matter of time before the BBC runs this story! 🙂
The money shot is half way through the article.
Just a follow up for the above – I see the BBC still like people who have been proved to have falsified data in the past.
“But McIntyre and Keenan showed that Jones and his co-author had knowingly falsified data from the 84 Chinese temperature stations used in their study. Jones and his co-author had claimed to have chosen stations “with few, if any, changes in instrumentation, location or observation times.” However, after Jones was forced by a protracted Freedom of Information Act fight to release his station list, it was compared to a joint study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Science and the Oak Ridge National Lab’s Carbon Dioxide Program, which had assessed the state of repair and history of the temperature stations in China.
That study showed that only 60 stations of the 84 used by Jones, et al. had even limited station histories. Forty-two of the stations, which Jones listed as rural had no station history at all. Of the other 42 stations used by Jones, there had been major relocations, in some cases moves of up to 41 kilometers, and most from rural to urban locations. ”
And this is the same Prof Jones who worked with Man on the famous “Hockey Stick”
“…, climatologist and Professor at the UK’s UEA, Phil Jones – who worked with Mann on the reconstruction – told climate-realist, Warwick Hughs, who had asked for details about his methodology that
‘We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it.’
No wonder there is no link to this “grounbreaking” study on the BBC piece by Palab Gosh.
The BBC may have reluctently “suspended” Ross – but when it comes to “AGW” they don’t care who they get to profligate their agenda.
now some highly funded global alarmists have now proved it with “models” – the same “models” no doubt that predicted what you say was not possible before.
You don’t really understand the first thing about how science works, do you?
No, they are not the same models. They are improved models.
they don’t care who they get to profligate their agenda
Are you a native English speaker?
That study showed that only 60 stations of the 84 used by Jones, et al. had even limited station histories. Forty-two of the stations, which Jones listed as rural had no station history at all.
Your math is no better than your English. If 42 stations had ‘no history at all’, then you can’t have ‘only 60 stations with even limited history’, not if the total is 84. 60+42 is already more than 84; plus those with non-limited history.
42 = 42 = 84 – simple really
Correction before you insult me through a typing error. 42 + 42 = 84 – simple really
“You don’t really understand the first thing about how science works, do you?”
How do you know there improved models – give me a link to the paper.
“The research team took the temperature changes over the polar regions of the Earth and compared them with two sets of climate models.
One set assumed that there had been no human influence the other set assumed there had.
The best fit was with models that assumed that human activities including the burning of fossil fuels and depletion of ozone had played a part. “
‘We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it.’
I know enough to know that to hide your method so that it cannot be tested is not science.
Are you a native English speaker?
Yes I am and its “Maths” not “Math”
Hi John Bosworth:
Yes, that is an important perspective in the article you posted. Today Rush Limbaugh read it on the rdio, so at least 20 million Americans heard the content. What was so astonishing about it for me was the author’s building of arguement for his point, culminating in fact that he is from the middle east, and has witnessed this phenomena of the mob need for charismatic leader, always searching for “The One”.
For that very reason you will not see this article or it’s perspective on the frontline media outlets.
I can’t remember where now, I try to keep up everyday with the postings, I think it was archduke seeing the Obamination’s 30 minute info-mercial last night, and he said that Obama was very good.
He was very good if liars may be praised for inventiveness. Hepresented a whoa is me America, and I wanted to throw up. Scenario: Fat people around a table complaining they have no snacks, the mother in her $50 acrylic nail job can’t buy milk.
The sympathetic back ground music – I couldn’t help picture the whole as great comedy material.
“Well you see, Mr. President-Messiah, times are tough, I got a sixty dollar hair cut the other day, but I couldn’t buy the forty dollar hair spray to keep up my do! ‘sob!’ It’s a disgrace! When is the government going to stick up for the little gal?? Shouldn’t all these rich people make sure I have a good hair day?”
Sour faced Kirsty Wark spouting shite about the recession in America and the arts. Typical beeboid. Get your priorities right. Fuck the unwashed masses that lose their jobs so long as the drug taking rent boy users can still get to a play or some opera.