So this is it. We’ll soon know whether all the work; all the campaigning; all the speeches; all the infomercials have paid off: Have Webb, Frei and the rest of the Beeb done enough to get their man elected? It’s a big night for students of BBC bias, too. If Obama wins as expected will they be able to hide their glee? If there’s an upset and he loses, will there be tears? There’s 175 BBC staff over there, so too much to cover. Over to you, then…
The Beeb goes to the polls
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Mikewineliberal…..You are Mike Lloyd and you are a BBC employee.(I wasn’t going to tell,but I got pissed off with your trolling).Now go back to Ke…… and leave this site alone.
jeffD | 04.11.08 – 7:20 pm
Nothing from Mikewineliberal since jeffD’s post.
morgan the pirate.:
Anyway, back on topic: COME ON THE CHOSEN ONE!
Devil’s Advocate | 04.11.08 – 8:16 pm
your a twat.
morgan the pirate. | 04.11.08 – 8:27 pm | #
At least I know how to use an apostrophe.
(It’s “you’re”)
And besides, isn’t this a site to discuss BBC bias, not big up the right wing? I hope Obama is elected but I agree the BBC is going against its remit in metaphorically sucking his cock.
Atlas Shrugged:
Great post.
That IS some sort of post-modern piss take, right?
STOP PRESS – BBC admits that the EU is a load of useless twaddle..
headline on Newsnight tonight is
“the vote can change the world”
thank you BBC for stating the obvious. for once. yes it does matter.
(although i dont think your leftoid brains can quite grasp what you have just said…)
Devil’s Advocate | 04.11.08 – 10:29 pm
beginning to think myself that Atlas Shrugged is the same as Stanislav the Plumber on Guido Fawkes.
mad as a hatter – but great reading though…
he needs a publisher.
sorry -= bit of typo.. the actual BBC newsnight banner headline was
“the vote that affects our world”
you could play that either way, but fair play to newsnight for being honest for once.
Paxman full of shit and clearly doesn’t understnad how the US voting systme works.
“So if McCain loses the popular vote but wins the most electoral college votes he’ll be happy to be President with that…” spouts the million pound a year wanker.
Er, that’s how it works Paxo. The BBC SHOULD be sacking a Jeremy but not the one that drives cars.
It starts – the dregs og BBC hackery a;; interviewing each other. At least at the Olympics we had specialists – this is like a line up of smug none achievers. And the techies are useless also. Who’s paying for this abortion? I’m pro life!!! And the obligatory group blow job and piss up later!
With the beeb supposedly on the vanguard of modern technology surely to moley 3 teams maximum – it ain’t Blighty and they could feed thru ABC.
I bloody do care about this election – I’m being ripped off already by overpaid tossers.
I still maintain that the BBC has actually found a way of making the Tardis work and is reporting the US election from a parallel universe where the population of the USA is 70 per cent black and ten per cent Leftist ‘intellectuals’.
Just back from holiday for the election! I have been watching SKY when I was away and it is so pro-Obama it is unbelievable. However at least I can choose if I want to pay for such bias. If, as forecast, Obama and his acorn mass fraudsters and media courtiers DO swing the poll, there will be celebrating big style all over the limp-wristed stomach churning UK media but at least I can opt out of financing those other rags and stations.
More classic Paxman. “We have to keep up the pretence that this is not a forgone conclusion…”
dick: When there was some green conference on the environment in I think Bali it was, Sky sent one reporter and a satellite camera.
The BBC sent about 50 people to do the same job.
Richard Bacon begins his broadcast from a sports bar in Chicago with: “We have an audience (cheers) split evenly between Democrats and Republicans. Are there any Republicans here?”
Paxman chortling away at description of Palin as Barbie.
I’m surprised the US gave Bacon a visa what with his admission to taking drugs.
Then again if they banned beeboids who’ve taken drugs, just ho wmany would be allowed in?
On R5L Kevin Connolly is worried about unrealistic expectations for Obama’s presidency.
Macht Frei looks terrible. Something wrong there…
what will the BBC say if The One wins, but loses the popular vote?
Nothing I suspect.
Nothing from Gore Vidal, about a constitutional coup?
Devil’s Advocate:
No and yes. But believe one thing, I believe every thing I state as a possibility or a fact. You lot on the other hand watch far too much TV, whether it is the type you like or not.
That is an obvious and self evident fact.
I make no particular judgment as too whether corporate capitalism is essentially a good or a bad thing. I could just as well argue that it is perfectly inevitable. We have no idea what the world would be like without our long time rulers still cleverly ruling us. Maybe we would still be swinging in the trees? Who knows?
I just prefer my fellow man was not having the piss taken out of him 24/7 by in particular The BB bloody C.
It is only through our ignorance caused by our controlled MSM that helps the ruling class to perpetuate their long standing joke. A joke that is made often at the expense of our lives, freedoms, and prosperity.
The world is the way it is, very largely because our own British and world establishment designed it to be so.
You may like the result, which is an understandable viewpoint on balance, so long as you are still personally doing OK. Thank god, I am doing just fine. However the show has not ended quite yet. They say a play is only as good as its ending. This ones could almost be ready for its first curtain call.
John Pienaar :”Unfortunately for Sarah Palin dead mooses don’t get to vote.”
Ha ha – good one John. BTW the plural of moose is moose.
Frei being soooo ironic and arch when quoting McCain.
Matt Frei with the first mention of Joe Biden I’ve heard on the BBC today.
Can dead beeboids vote?
BBC rentanexpert sitting with Dimb dismissing the fact that the court in Virginia has accepted McCain’s claims regarding Military ballots. Instead he focuses on some problems with ballots in black areas.
Why this bias against McCain’s claims?
Dimbleby introduces as “independent” a black female polling analyst who immediately proves that she is nothing of the sort
Er…is this going to be an Obama love fest? From one Obama groupie to another. John Simpson going on about the One’s victory party in Chicago. God, he is in rapture!
Now another black supporter with Hewitt!!!!
This is beyond parody! Ha ha ha!!!
Peter “time for change” Bowes on R5L now
Why isn’t Hewitt asking his Obama supporter why Black turnout this year has (according to ABC) only been 13%?
Frei says ‘Obama has conducted his campaign like a field marshall’
Dimb saying that because McCain didn’t match Obama’s expenditure he ‘failed’.
Why doesn’t he condemn Obama for the massive amounts of money he threw in pursuance of his folly?
Oh, no – they’ve just cut him off to go to Greg Wood.
‘Daily Mail’:
“Does the BBC really need a team of 175 to cover the U.S. presidential election?”
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that well over 175 Beeboids have got an American trip out of the U.S. primaries and election this year.
I doubt the BBC knows, or cares, about the exact numbers of Beeboids who are there, endlessly repeating themselves.
And the BBC won’t know the full cost of their extravagance there until all the Beeboids’ expenses are in, at the low £ to $ exchange rate.
And, of course, we UK licencepayers will never know the true full cost which we are paying for.
Getting interesting now… the first polls are closing in a few minutes.
If you want to remain in the dark watch Al Beeb. I’m going to head over to my sofa and watch the FNC coverage – obviously. I wonder what their election coverage cost compared to Al Beeb’s. Any ideas?
George R | 04.11.08 – 11:59 pm |
Just read your comment, George. Maybe someone could find out…
The thing I am finding hardest to take about this whole exercise is the sheer racism of the BBC’s pundits.
They seem to feel it is perfectly acceptable for blacks to vote for Obama “‘cos ‘e is black” – and they appear to adore him for just that reason, too.
In passing, and for the sake of fairness, I must also say that what I am accusing the BBC of, I would apply equally to the rest of the British media – very specifically including the supposedly conservative press like the Mail and the Telegraph.
By no means does that exonerate the BBC – they should operate to far higher standards – but it certainly indicts the media class and provides a reason why we must make sure they do not try (and they are trying) to seize control of, and censor, the Internet.
Ok, that’s it for me. Our national broadcaster is a disgrace: The bias is bad enough but the so called experts with their inane boring rubbish has finally done it for me.
Over to US internet websites.
Gcooper: Exactly!
off to bed –a curse on all their houses———–
Ricky Gervais on now giving out the love for Obama, slagging off Palin.
One cannot fail to recognize that the BBC has been promoting Obama big time, and I say that as somebody who genuinely doesn’t care who wins the US election.
However if the unlikely happens and McCain manages to win the Presedential race then over the next week or so I fully expect the BBC coverage to reach never before seen levels of hysteria.
glj | 05.11.08 – 12:22 am |
I’d go further. I’d love to see the Obama loving Beeboids commit mass suicide. That’s how much I detest them.
Throw a few other left leaning (license fee “sponsored”) European TV people in for good measure.
I’m afraid I agree with glj. I dislike both presidential candidates, but the hysterical coverage given to Obama makes me fear for the US, whether he wins or not.
It doesn’t make me fear for the BBC however. It just fills me with contempt.
Christopher Hitchens is a welcome guest on the BBC again. Big surprise – not.
NBC website
I may be wrong, but intial returns are better for McCain than the BBC would have you believe?
“Barack Obama – or else?” (by Arnold Ahlert)-
“Barack Obama runs not as a presidential candidate, but as a Savior, the ‘last gas station of hope before the desert of despair.’ The man whose nomination•historical though it is•is insufficient to wash away the sins’ of an irredeemably racist nation.
“It’s president•or bust.
“And if it is bust, we are being told, it will have nothing to do with his paper-thin resume’, his questionable associations with hard core leftists and unrepentant terrorists, or his boilerplate big government solutions for everything. ‘Details’ are irrelevant.
“It will be about white bigotry triumphing over enlightenment. ‘Enlightenment’ in which the fact that 94% of black America supporting Barack Obama has no racial implications whatsoever. Blacks voting for a candidate of color is the ‘natural order of things.’ Whites voting for a white man•when there’s a man of color available•is racist.”
-In a vain attempt to remind the ‘left’ again of Obama’s ancestry:
“Barack Obama and slavery” (by Bill Warner)
“He[Obama] is a descendant of a white woman who had slave owners in her ancestry. His African father descended from those who enslaved the Africans. Obama is descended from slave owners and slave traders, but he does not have a single drop of slave blood in him.
“Since race trumps all, everyone sees him as being representative of America’s slave descendants. It becomes true simply because in a race/culture-obsessed society, some want it to be true. Obama’s slave ancestry is a fiction and not reality.”(Bill Warner).
Hitchens unsurprisingly quiet when liberal media bias is mentioned. Two-faced twat.
The problem with all this is that the US media and nearly all celebrities have been so certain that The Obamessiah will win, that my original predictions just might get enabled. I don’t really think that more people want McCain, so I’m wondering about less Obamessiah supporters actually voting. Democrat voter fraud in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania excepted of course, as well as voter suppression by Democrats in Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Aside from that, I suspect less Democrats might vote than we all think.
I’ve always maintained that over-emotional young people tend not to vote – too busy feeling self-righteous – on the day, nor do more than half of the eligible African-American community. I live in New York City, so my McCain vote won’t count. But at least I can vote for local officials. Although, I voted for Elliot Spitzer for governor last time, so maybe I shouldn’t have contributed today.
In any event, I see it as sort of like a division-leading sports team playing the worst team in the league near the end of the season. Some people on the favorite slack off out of confidence, and get their asses handed to them.
The only reason I hope that’s not the case is because I don’t want my local shops (run by Lebanese, Palestinians, and Dominicans) torched by angry rioters, and I don’t want to have to watch my back when taking the subway downtown for the next few weeks.
That last statement isn’t racist, or assuming the worst behavior from minorities. It’s a reasonable assumption based on history and the uncomfortably race-baiting mood established by the media. Too many people seriously believe that the only reason to vote against The Obamessiah is racism. There has been such little public discussion of his actual politics – except to dismiss any criticism as “code” for racist sentiment, or outright fibs about his associations with questionable characters – that most people aren’t actually aware that there’s any rational cause for concern.
Even a few commenters here think he’s a cypher, and that we don’t actually know what his policies are. Imagine what his supporters feel.
FOX NEWS: video report (7 mins) on Black Panther Party ‘voter intimidation?’ in key state of Pennsylvania polling place:
Radio 4 coverage – Naughtie, surprise surprise is sounding pro-Obama in the way he announces or introduces each slot.
They seem to be announcing things eg Mark Warner elected in Virginia 30 minutes after I learn them on the Net.
Naughtie now banging on about Bush keeping a low profile. WTF does he expect !!! Trying to tie McCain to Bush.
Naughtie now wetting his pants with a poll projection that Obama wins Pennsylvania. Treating it as FACT, no qualification.
Any clue about PA will not be clear until 2am. The city results may be emerging – but Hillary won with the rural vote that came in later.
Effing dickhead Naughtie. Being paid a fortune to be pig-ignorant.
Dickhead Naughtie declared that Penn os won by Obama. As a FACT – keeps harping on about it.
Impossible to know yet, the urban areas declare early, the rural areas late.
“Obama ahead in Florida”
“let’s now turn to Malloch Brown” “With Obama having PA and New Hampshire in his pocket …..”
Malloch Brown – “the world is ready for a change”
Licking ass already ?