So this is it. We’ll soon know whether all the work; all the campaigning; all the speeches; all the infomercials have paid off: Have Webb, Frei and the rest of the Beeb done enough to get their man elected? It’s a big night for students of BBC bias, too. If Obama wins as expected will they be able to hide their glee? If there’s an upset and he loses, will there be tears? There’s 175 BBC staff over there, so too much to cover. Over to you, then…
The Beeb goes to the polls
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One thing is for sure: The so-called “bi-partisanship” goes out of the window. If the socialists can muster that much hatred I don’t see why I should shake hands with a leftie.
FNC have just called PA for Obama, by the way. Looking bleak now.
If they are using Malloch Brown as a source, they have dipped beneath the bottom of the barrel into the very pits of hell.
What is this BBC coverage – a make-work for the vilest fools on the planet? (Malloch Brown qualifying with full honours).
In all honesty, D-G, it probably isn’t as bleak as it looks. Obama (a bear of very little brain, but much image) will fall on his face, spectacularly. The Media will try to invent excuses, but he will be toast, come the next election.
Georgia’s not in the McCain column, GCooper. As long as we win VA, OH, IN and FL anything’s possible. If any one of these States goes to Obama it’s over.
The BBC coverage is totally unreliable.
The best minute-by-minute blog I have found is :
A bunch of people saying it is FAR TOO EARLY to call yet.
It’s not even a ‘we’ for me, D-G: I think both candidates stink. I just object to the most blatant bias I have seen the BBC exhibit in my entire life.
Alvin Hall on Radio 4…
“remembering that wonderful speech by Obama…. he brings inspiration… a man with real love of America.”..MORE YUK
GCooper: What worries me the most that it’s socialists in charge everywhere. It looks like conservatism is dead. Maybe we should just give up, die and let the islamists do the rest.
Sorry if I sound depressed but that’s the way I’m feeling right now. Thankfully I don’t have to live forever.
GCooper’s right. Remember Britain during the 60s, 70s and 80s? Who would have thought that Thatcherism could turn around Britain’s hopeless, seemingly irreversible slide into the strike-ridden abyss? Not me, for one.
Obama will screw up and the Republicans will be back.
I have to tell you what it was like to be among my countrymen today. I had taken a trip to my old home and mother this weekend, 300 miles to Northern NM, and so trodded back from those far rural places to vote in my home county, rural to the south. The journey took me through the most populated areas in this liberal infested state, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, and Albuquerque.
Obamaniacs stood on corners holding signs and screaming CHANGE!!! I noticed the truckers were flipping them off. I remembered the confederate flag sticker on the back of my truck, so stayed in character and gave them the finger, too. I stopped for a chocolate shake at a Wendy’s, and there were looks of extasy and an especially warm and fuzzy atmosphere, with many looking off into the distance. I stopped at a feed store for chicken feed and there was an especially warm and fuzzy atmosphere, there, too. I stopped for vodka (tired of bourbon) and some eggs as no matter how much I feed the chickens, they remain on strike like democrat auto workers, and there was an especially warm and fuzzy atmosphere….young and old all the faces seemed hypnotized, glowing, and I knew they were thinking of The One. Has anyone seen “Monster’s Inc,”? When the little green guys look up at the hook and recite he is chosen….as the hook drags one away….it was like that.
I got to my polling place with the chicken feed, eggs, and especially the vodka intact. I was number 271, they told me, and I signed in two places in two books without ID. Then I voted, the machine ate my ballot and told me I was voter #117 for Socorro County.
And there you have it. I see on Fox interactive that Johnny Mac is fighting for Georgia….
Some guy on Radio 4 just spoke from Youngstown, Ohio, now runnig a report from local people.
EXACTLY the same as he reported yesterday.
Where is it. ?
A moment before there was a guy calling in from sarasota in Florida. Repeating EXACTLY what he said 24 hours ago.
NEWS – where is it ?
2am news final item was “Thousands of people are gathering for an Obama meeting in Chicago”
NEWS – where is it ?
Matt Wells now in PA. Quoting figures – Obama leads. But failing to point out that votes counted so far are peanuts compared with the total yet to be counted.
McCain 69 electorals
Obamination 100 electorals
McCain ahead .10% in the popular vote
The “O” picked up all the electorals in the traditional hand out states = folks on the dole or on the food stamp program, public housing.
Here is the OFFICIAL Pennsylvania count. Only 16% of precincts counted so far. And they will be likely in urban, heavily Obama areas.
Can I have Naughtie’s job ? He can stick to the opera ?
mikewineliberal still missing after being named….Mike Lloyd.
har har har…
JohnA – info still coming in, I am on Fox interactive where are you? Just a second ago Indiana was given the the Great O, but now McCain ahead – it keeps changing as the votes are counted. Indiana now 61 % counted votes.
My radio program giving it to Obama already and yet there are so many other votes coming in!!! Crazy.
I am in London, Radio 4 rubbish.
But my real “live” feed is :
I think the night is young yet.
McCain is winning the west – the heartland where folks WORK for a living! I don’t expect NM to go for McCain, though, too many California imports buying up the land.
Yes, the night is young. 7:33 pm for me. The polls here just closed.
Wow JohnA – thast’s some fun blogging on Hotair…jeez. I wonder what happens when they say what they really think!!
Did the “O” ever even campaign in Texas? I don’t think he did.
McCain ahead in NM at the moment. The numbers keep changing. MI was for Mac and now changed for the O.
I think I want my radio guy fired. He’s an asshole.
Naughtie…”The BBC projection is that Obama will carry Ohio”.
BBC projection ???? Based on what ?
Bring back Robert McKenzie or DrDavid Butler !
OK, now we have another Obama smoothie. The ratio is 4 to 1 so far for Obama-leaning commentators. He is being intercut by yet another African-American lady.
Isn’t Obama wonderful ! Best thing since sliced bread ! And while we are about it, let’s trash the Repub Party too.
Now a quick change to yet another dem guy – an actor from the West Wing, utterly THRILLED about an Obama win.
Gush Gush Gush. Naughtie talking to the ACTOR as if he has any real depth. Naughtie saying “how cool O. is, how deep”.
Jeez ! Shades of Olbermann
I am disgusted by Fox. Is this bias or not: Above the interactive is a constantly updated frontline view of O supporters cheering his every victory.. 7:55 mountain time and the headline over the very attractive young crowd of mixed and constantly changing international visage says, “Momentum Builds”.
I have been watching this for four hours, there has been ONE picture of McCain.
This is not fair and balanced, by any stretch. This is fox, for Christ’s sake.
A bleary eyed Mike in the house. BBC’s coverage seems more balanced than ITN’s or SKY’s, as David says. They even have the great John Bolton sending Schama apoplectic; likely to be the highlight of the night’s coverage. 538 just called it for BO.
For your info – I was home this weekend, and despite your dislike of conversational subject between me and archduke, I made this astonishing discovery there: the speculation among the big O’s supporters, even as they O’gasimed, was: When will he be assasinated?
I told them your story about the man in the lavendar car. It went over like a lead balloon but I was able to exit with dignity.
The BBC is calling the states, while
John Bolton is calling it on the BBC.
Good stuff.
That was Flannery O Connor! I loved the fellow using the image to bash Barry. I hope Americans feel a little less sore in the morning.
Can you get BBC out there BetyA? Bolton is magnificent. His tache shames Bob Barr’s.
Huffpo calls it for BO. But then it did that a few weeks ago.
Hail Obama… like Mr. Hitler in 1933. We all know what socialist majorities lead to. Perfect.
Naughtie on Radio 4 just called in Erica Jong. Who made clear her views a few days ago. But hey – let’s give her another chance on air to say that Bush is a moron.
Which she does, on cue.
Naughtie quickly switches immediately to another triumphalist Dem – “Obama is a transfornational leader” blaj blah blah.
“The whole world will love us” THAT is the bleeding trouble – all those dictatorships will be ecstatic.
Then to a Dem psephologist. Lets keep it well balanced, eh ?
ITN and Sky is way more gushing than the bbc. BBC have Frum on. ITN just interviewed Jackson.
DG – Dodds’ corrollary states that when debating a particular subject, if a comparison or implied connection is drawn between the opponent’s argument and Hitler and the Nazi Party, the maker of that statement is automatically discredited and the debate is automatically lost by the person or group who referenced the connection to Hitler or the Nazis.
I don’t have teevee. I have an expensive dish in the middle of goddamn nowhere’s that barely works at important times.
It is working again and now on Fox intereactive instead of letting me figure out what I am looking at, it is now telling me what I am looking at, mainly a map of recognizable red or blue spots.
My radio personalitiy (?) gave it to the O two hours ago. Now I can’t count electorates. This is very frustrating.
Pinon nuts are far worse than sunflower seeds, all that work and then…perhaps a dingle crunch. Vodka and passion fruit working out A Okay.
what is a dingle, I axe you?
It’s a good thing I am getting a new puppy. I thinnk I shall name her Mauwzer 98.
He’s won it… Good luck, Barack Hussein Obama. We’re going to watch you.
It ain’t over yet, but they are already lauding the O – the first black president of the United States. BFD.
What this – the media multiple Obasims replete with scalp crawling, screaming ecstasy – proves, is that this whole thing really was about race. All righty then.
So now that all the nice white people proved they are not racist by electing a black man who could not pass a security clearance, who has never had a job, who has no famiy except slum dwellers, and who calls our tax increases “chump change”, what happens next??
It is over. It’s very over. Nothing has ever been more over in the history of the world (excluding things that are actually over).
Instead of watching this foregone conclusion, and therefore BBC love in with Obama, I decided to do a video myself, entitled: THE CHAMPAGNE SOCIALISTS OF THE BBC
Did anyone hear the bit where Dimbelby cuts off the _minor_ reality check on Obama’s next few days because “we should be being positive right now”
What a great and dignified speech by John McCain.
I thought the BBC’s N24 coverage was pretty balanced (I watched on Zattoo – I don’t pay the BBC’s tax).
But it’s so painfully obvious when someone is not speaking ‘from the heart’.
Anonymous – it was a great speech, wish we’d seen more like that during the campaign. I don’t know whether the pressure got to him, he was badly advised or whether he had decisions forced on him that he didn’t agree with, he simply didn’t fight a good enough campaign. While I am certain that McCain would be the better president – and I worry about the direction Obama will take America, Obama unfortunately was the better candidate with the better campaign.
Of course the media – led by the BBC – have acted disgracefully in their failure to scrutinise Obama in the way that they did, say, Sarah Palin. That doesn’t change the fact that McCain’s campaign failed to spell out a clear message to the American people when they had the chance. Obama did, albeit in a vacuous way.
The BBC’s coverage – well I think I’m right in thinking that Dimbleby and Frei had 2 Democrats to 1 Republican as their guests throughout. That speaks for itself. The presentation was slick, and probably more interesting than Sky or ITN. Still biased though. The only redeeming spell was when John Bolton managed to take on the whole studio and win.
On several occasions bitter Democrats managed to bring up the “stolen” 2000 election without any challenge from the interviewer, while Gore Vidal was embarrassingly bizarre.
There is one thing worse than a bad loser, and that is a bad winner. McCain’s grace put the bitterness of many of the Democrats on show to shame. Those on the left can only hate.
I fear for the future.
BBC’s coverage getting panned over on Iain Dale’s site.
I don’t know what kind of president Obama will be (does anybody?), but I wanted the MSM to lose this election.
Now we are stuck with their spins and arrogance for a good few additional years.
It is particularly poignant for military members: throughout, as if it were some mantra of comfort, friends and even family have related what Hope the O might provide should he become president, because we face my husband’s deployment to Iraq.
It was always the same words, and I heard them even today: “Maybe when Obama gets in there he won’t have to go…”
Silly rabbit. Only now rather than as a warrior for a warrior, he goes as what represents the faded regime, of old gaurd warriors, before The One arrived, where now all is copasetic, purple, and clairvoyant.
Moot, in other words, and due to be called home as moot, though I rather think not: instead mismanaged, taken for granted, and squandered – eventually to be sent on an errand the Son of God deems worthy, God help General Petraus.
Meantime my daughter has called from downtown ABQ, and there is dancing in the streets, she says, and great good cheer all around. She admits never having seen hardship, being born in the Reagan years, but believes she can face it, and that her generation ought to since they elected the son of a bitch.
God Help America, and the divine dream of freedom woven into the human fabric. Please put your chump change in this basket.
God bless America and God help us all!
John Bosworth you are a good man to so say. God bless and help us all.
Particularly the ones now given enough rope to hang themselves, let’s see what they do with it. Good night.
There still could be some post-election shenanigans – Deroy Murdock has reported on some disgraceful behavior at the polls in greatly contested Ohio, with some voters coming back to vote a second and a third time. I bet there has been a lot of this all over the country from Obama supporters, who have been so demented about shoehorning their Marxist Messiah into the White House that the end justifies any means. We’ve all seen what happened with ACORN.
I saw a CNN clip on YouTube earlier which featured a reporter interviewing some stoned looking homie as he came out of the polling station, who gleefully reported that he just voted twice. The spineless CNN reporter just said “isn’t that illegal? Not that there’s anything wrong with it of course.”
To be honest, after the debacle in 2000 when Gore threw a tantrum and demanded 19 days of creative recounts until they found a counting method which made him look like the winner, I think the GOP has a lot of leeway to contest the conduct of this election. I wonder how many people have voted 3 times? Now I wonder if a thing like that could distort the outcome of an election? Hmm….
Oh well.
USA just slit its own throat.
More affirmitive action and people being given jobs because of race and race alone at the “expense” of every other normal working person.
Just like Obama !
BBC are delirious at the moment deliriously reporting “the election of americas first BLACK president”
I’ve just heard that Castro has welcomed Obama’s election.
‘Nuff said.