If a Conservative In Name Only such as London Mayor Boris Johnson wants to win favourable plaudits from the BBC, what better way than to suggest that the 400,000 illegal immigrants that live in London be granted an amnesty and allowed to stay? The BBC believes, as an article of faith, that all immigration is a good thing and so those in political life who cheer-lead for the law-breakers who slither into our country get favourable Beeb coverage. I note no-one is allowed to attack Boris for this latest proposed abrogation of the rule of law in favour of winning future votes.
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David Preiser 23.11.08 – 6:31 pm
“and sometimes even admitted bias when it was indefensible.”
I must have been away that day.
But I prefer this blog when Reith & Co engage, all the same.
It gives the illusion we could be getting somewhere.
Ps – has raggy omar been shot or something,havent seen his glassy eyed news reports for a long time.
The last thing I saw with him on the BBC was a program in which he was saying how wonderful Iran was. I think it was part of that initiative the BBC did a few years ago where they went into full publicity/whitewash mode for the Ayatollahs, possibly because they thought America was going to give it a kicking, so they could go with the ‘Oh, how horrible. If you’d been watching our programming the past few weeks you’d know that Iran is the land of rainbows and unicorns, and anything bad you might’ve heard about it is lies from the Bush administration to provide them with a pretext to invade them and steal their critically-acclaimed cinema. America is a big bully, now you see we were right in supporting the Nazis, the Commies…and pretty much anyone else who were American enemies’ angle.
He’s now made the inevitable evolution – much like Benito Mussolini did from socialism to fascism – from being a BBC employee and works for Al Jazeera.
Thanks for the traffic.
Robert S. McNamara | 23.11.08 – 7:07 pm | #
I seem to remember that was a Channel 4 programme.
Robert S. McNamara:
Thanks for the update.
Funny i saw that docu aboout Iran.
Do you mean the one where a BBC employee openley prayed, at the opening of a motorway tunnel opening, with Ahmed Dhijihad?:-))
No bias on show of course.
Glad he has gone to al jazeera -not many jewish presenters on that station,nor at al jazeera either!
As a counterblast to BBC propaganda for mass immigration to UK, legal and illegal, Melanie Phillips has this in today’s ‘Daily Mail’-
“An amnesty for illegal immigrants? What staggering stupidity, Boris.”
“It is, in fact, a proposal of quite staggering irresponsibility. The first and most obvious objection is that it rewards, and thus incentivises, illegality.
“If people abuse our laws to come here and are then granted citizenship, this makes a mockery of that citizenship – whose first requirement, after all, is to obey the law of the land.”
Boris’ reasons for favouring immigration have nothing to do with “cultural suicide”.
His motives have little to do with political correctness and everything to do with what he feels will benefit businesses.
Boris is very pro-business so its hardly surprising he would tow the CBI’s line that immigration is wonderful.
Labour let them in.
Labour gave specific instructions to law enforcement agencies ‘ignore all illegal immigrants (there are too many)’
Labour remover border checks in many places.
The EU opened job centres in africa.
Did they open job centres in Africa in the expectating an increase in immigration to there, to help with their economies ? Immigration is good for a country you know. The likes of the BBC tell us so.
Immigration benefits the following:
Social Engineers
There’s a strong probability that many international companies would move elsewhere if the UK lost its status as a cheap labour source.
Multicultis and Leftists make the biggest noise, but behind closed doors its the CBI which has the most sway over politicians.
Well said Boris.
Legitimising these people from the black market will mean increased tax revenues.
These people will replace the thousands currently planning a UK exit.