I was reading Robert Peston announce that Alistair Darling may have to increase taxation in a few years time (to helpfully unspecified levels – cheers Robert). Peston adds that “the bulk of the tax cuts will be directed at those on lowest incomes, partly because they have the highest propensity to spend – for the good of the economy – and also for reasons of social justice.” OK, I accept that socialists like Labour believe in spurious nonsense such as “social justice” – it’s a handy euphemism for taking from the industrious and giving to the spongers – but since when does the BBC Business Editor have the right to use the vocabulary of the left in his own witterings?
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Midweek 16th October 2024
I’ve realised that when the Lefties accuse the BBC of being pro-Tory/Israel or whatever, it is always because they are…