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General BBC-related comment thread!
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DB: Well the BBC and the rest of the liberal media didn’t send a SINGLE reporter to Chicago during the election campaign, so they won’t start now.
In fact on Radio 5 with Dotun Adibomgo or whatever his name is (he who knew the Muslim would be suicide shoe bomber) when someone texted in to ask the female beeboid in the USA who Tony Rezko was she said “I haven’t got a clue…googdnight…” I kid you not.
The latest update to the BBC’s Blagojevich article (21:50 GMT) has relegated his party affiliation from the 6th to the 10th paragraph.
Kill the Beeb, et al.
The HYS on tobacco display ban –
“Should government cigarette plans go further?”
A completely neutral, unnuanced question. Who says the BBC are biased and partial?
While his party affiliation will be hidden by the BBC, the following will NEVER be reported: (Remember Obama says he never discussed Senate seats etc with Blagojevich)
“While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a “kingmaker,” Axelrod said, “I know he’s talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.”
Anyone pointed out that Blagojevich is Obama’s man:
‘On the Chicago TV show “Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz” on June 27, 2002, state Sen. Obama said, ‘Right now, my main focus is to make sure that we elect Rod Blagojevich as Governor…” ‘
I guess the corrupt Governor turns out not to be the Blagojevich Obama knew…??? The President elect must be deaf and blind or …..
Meanwhile, Matt Frei, where are you? Justin Webb, say something? Yoo hoo!!!
“Should government cigarette plans go further?”!reply.jspa?threadID=10234&edition=1&ttl=20081209215743
Here’s what I posted, but five will get you ten, as they say, that it’s somehow not used:
I think the basic problem is with the way you’ve posed the question itself.
Why start from the premise that the ban is A Good Thing? Why not simply pose the question, “Should there be a ban?”
Has the BBC given up all pretence of impartiality? Why do you invariably side with the government when any ban or further restriction of civil liberties is proposed?
Why not just credit your readers with being mature and responsible enough to make up their own minds?
One can only hope that the governor makes a plea deal by grassing up all his former comrades in crime to avoid all the anal rape delights that residency in genpop at Rikers island would entail!
Cassandra | 09.12.08 – 8:13 pm | #
Lovely thought, but it’s highly unlikely the Governor will end up spending time in a New York jail for crimes committed in Illinois. It also seems doubtful there’s anyone higher up for him to grass on, fevered speculation about The Chosen One notwithstanding.
Clearly though, the arrest of his Chief of Staff means a possibile plea deal down the line which could help nail Blagojevich’s ass figuratively, if not literally.
I notice on the ITN 10PM news they say Obama is involved in his first scandal.
On the BBC news, he’s still a hero. Get that tongue up there beeboids.
Re Somalis. The BBC West Midlands news did actually identify Somalis when there was the briefest mention this year of the closure due to massive fraud involving £millions of our taxes of a Community Housing Association set up for Somalis and run by Somalis to enable them to queue jump the housing waiting lists. Apparently several £millions had gone missing. This was not an actual BBC story but their own report on a scandal uncovered by a local newspaper. No follow up to it of course.
On general BBC bias. Yesterday the BBC R2 J Vine programme had one of the Plane Stupid protesters on to explain the reasons behind the protest. On the question of building more airports and destroying our countryside and peace and quiet I’m with them. Of course Climate Change came into the equation and up popped Guardian Climate Change guru George Moonbeam to regal us with his dogma that bears no gainsaying. No ‘expert’ from the other side to balance the discussion of course.
Lo and behold, today on the otherwise very good BBC R4 programme The Long View we had an ‘expert’ who writes on consumer affairs for…Go on guess. That’s right, and The New Statesman! Is there some sort of cosy exclusion of any voice other than that of their mates on the Guardian going on here?
Anyone else see Paman interviewing George Osborne? What an utter joke.
All Paxman did was wank on about “give us a figure, give us a figure”
Osborne should have turned round and said “well I can save 3.5 billion a year by scrapping you fucking c**ts”
That would have got a cheer across the whole Country.
Why is it that the Nazi party can spout any old bollocks it likes about the economy and the beeboid rent boy users just lap it up, but when the Tories try to apply some common sense, the BBC wankers just spit their bum plugs out?
Kill the Beeb | 09.12.08 – 9:57 pm |
Has anyone else had the massive displeasure of reading Mark Eastons entirely redundant, foaming lefty blog.
Scrolling through it is like having a socialist take a shit in your head.
He must cover every valued BBC agenda in one page, without ever adding any new information or interesting angle on the subject. It’s like reading a leftist Buddhist chant.
I just saw this. Completely idiotic. First of all, his “context” is based on a false premise: the British Public Health Act was not at all about personal responsibility, and the people who were opposed to the state control were talking about local versus central government. Easton totally misses the point, and expects you to think that it’s the same thing as today’s “Nanny State” laws.
That’s complete BS. It’s not like people in 1848 were deliberately rolling around in filth and drinking sewage water, and the Public Health Act was intended to stop them having such a good time. It was about getting people to accept the construction of a network of water and sewage systems. Easton’s comparison of this to sin taxes and banning smoking in pubs isn’t just wrong – it’s idiotic.
He also tells a little lie about the 2004 report he uses to support his nonsense. The document says that they didn’t actually ask the question about whether or not people in Britain were comfortable with the balance between the Nanny State and personal responsibility. They asked it last in 1991, but not this time. The report is assuming that hasn’t changed based on other things, and it’s coming from a biased source anyway. That’s why Easton thinks he can get away with “surmised”.
The rest of it can be summed by saying that government policies attempting to influence behavior won’t work unless the sheeple cooperate. I guess we’re supposed to pretend that he isn’t really just pimping for the Nanny State himself.
Miv Tucker:
“Should government cigarette plans go further?” …=20081209215743
I can’t even see the comments on my laptop. Does this mean you now have to be a member of the HYS forum to even post now?
Nice going BBC. Let’s separate the lefty wheat from the populist chaffe, eh?
Hi Killer –
I think I linked to the wrong page – try here:
Sorry about that.
With this headline:
Nannyish or neglectful
the stupid bastards at The State Broadcaster rather give the game away as the opposite instinct to “Nannyish” is not “Neglectful”.
……………….but then I suppose that if you accept that the State is your mother & father, you might come up with such a headline!
The BBC see no need to examine the close links between Obama and the Governor that he helped to get elected, no need to drag up the past is there? Why bother eh? The past is the past, no harm no foul, lets move on, lessons have been learned, why give the Obamessiahs enemies ammunition to attack him? Yeah much better to forgive and forget and move on to other much more important stories, yeah move along there nothing to see here!
The BBC were blindingly fast to move in to protect their messiah telling us there was no link to Obama or that Obama was in no way implicated and Obama had no knowledge of or didnt speak with the Illnois governor about his old senate seat!
Even before any allegations were made or any awkward questions asked the BBC were piling in erecting their ‘firewall’ then the story is moved quickly down the page making way for any ‘dog bites man’ story that comes along!
Yeah, life is great when you have media protection isnt it?
The BBC protecting bent commissars and covering up political corruption? Perish the thought!
Oooops, I meant Marion of course! Why I thought of Rikers I have no idea, its not like I have a relly there or something, honest guv!
Hmm. It appears a US state governor is under arrest accused of trying to trade or sell Mr Obama’s senate seat now that he is president-elect.
‘Mr Obama said he was “saddened and sobered” by the case, but insisted he had had no contact with the governor over the Senate seat.’
Paragraph eight tells us of his party affiliation;
‘As fellow Democrats in the hothouse of Chicago politics, the two have had dealings with each other, but they are not personally close and there is no suggestion so far that anything will emerge to damage the president-elect, says the BBC’s Kevin Connolly in Washington. ‘
So that’s alright then. No need to investigate further, to speculate what Mr Obama might have known about this, for it is clearly nothing at all, no need to examine the history of the two men’s’ relationship over the years, no need to look at churches or meetings they may have shared, or personal friends they might have in common. You know, all the stuff we got from the start with Sarah Palin.
As a clear statement it was as unequivocal as it was welcome…
“The era of the ‘something for nothing culture is over’ “ said the Pensions Minister James Purnell on BBC Breakfast News this morning.
What might have been developed further was what had/has pervaded before until this point, say, for over the last 10 years. And why.
I was also intrigued at his claim that in previous recessions the true numbers were ‘hidden’. By whom, again why, or whether indeed this statement was true was something this viewer was not made privy to.
BBC: casually anti-PALIN still –
e.g., J.NAUGHTIE on ‘Today’ 8:58 am approx.
In discussion on declining American newspaper sales, Naughtie threw in (from nowhere):
‘Yes, when Sarah Palin was asked which newspapers she read, she gave a blank stare.’
BBC, it’s ingrained now: it’s pro-Obama, anti-Palin forever.
BBC and Islam ‘celebration’:
BBC has this:
Eid ‘In pictures’
BBC does NOT have this:
“Copenhagen: 300 Muslims riot outside Mall”
Apologies:reference to above on Copenhagen:
George R | 10.12.08 – 9:21 am
Disparaging remarks about Palin are the current masonic handshake of the bien pensant elite. It’s a way of saying, “Aren’t we all clever and witty and superior in our political outlook?” And of course the short answer to that is “No”.
There have been several stories of rioting Muslim “youths” in Europe in the last few days, all coinciding with the end of Eid.
Maybe people in Europe will wake up now (ahem – if these stories are covered by the tv news, as I know the BBC in the UK have been avoiding them….) to what we have to look forward to in the future if something isn’t done NOW.
It ain’t gonna get better people – it’s just gonna get a lot worse as their numbers increase.
10.50, News24, today (10th Dec)
“Now it’s over the Sonia for the sport. Sonia.”
Sonia’s microphone isn’t working.
Now call me old-fashioned, but isn’t that the sort of fundamental technical skill that a multi-billion pound organisation ought to be able to master? It’s an utter shambles.
10.38am, News24 (10th Dec)
all texts read out are against the removal of benefits for those not looking for work, news bloke says that all the texts seem to be against it.
LOL, no shit Sherlock 🙂
Nothing about this on the BBC today…
… sweet Lord. 200,000 children in 1600 madrassas in Britain. We must be mad, literally mad…
And the child abuse that hardly raises an eyebrow – not on the BBC, not in the ranks of New Labour. What the hell is going on? Anyone?
A FIVE-hour rampage by young Muslim prisoners armed with hammers and chisels was broken up by a riot squad yesterday.
Dozens of inmates barricaded themselves into a workshop and grabbed tools including saws.
Riot police and 100 specially-trained prison officers — kitted out with body armour, shields and helmets — were called in.
When negotiations failed, the officers moved in and overpowered the prisoners — many of whom were teenagers.
No injuries to staff were reported but there was said to be “considerable damage” to the workshop.
Some of the rioters suffered minor bruises.
It is believed the rampage at Aylesbury Young Offenders’ Institution started after inmates celebrated the Muslim festival of Eid which marks the end of Ramadan.
And now the BBC version:
following Hugh’s comment:
Many people do not realise that most muslim children (over 90%) of primary school age in England attend a mosque either each evening after school, or for two days at the weekend (minimum 2 hours per day). Some attend 6 days a week. And the parents pay for the lessons.
And what do they learn? The Koran, in Arabic, so they can recite it a page at a time. And after four years of this, if you ask a muslim child aged about 10 to name one event in the life of their prophet, many cannot. One boy who could read the Koran did not know who Mohammed was.
One clever boy had got through the Koran three times by the age of 11 without understanding a word of it. Many of the children get hit for not being able to say the words.
Surely this must be having some effects on their minds?
BBC has this:
Eid ‘In pictures’
George R | 10.12.08 – 9:34 am
The last picture is interesting:
There was tight security as Muslims worshipped in the Indian city of Mumbai, following the deadly attacks there last month.
I can’t imagine why … Does anyone have a suggestion?
Can anyone suggest to me why every other newspaper is leading at present with the complete collapse of the pound against the euro, but that the BBC (where Brown biographer Robert Peston is economics editor) gives no prominence to it?
The BBC can’t present we subsidising licence-payers with enough propaganda stories about REFUGEES who have come to the UK.
The BBC’s Samanthi Dissanyake is running an unknown number of such stories on the BBC news website at present: Somalis, Tamils, Kurds – they all get the same predictably ‘multiculturalist’ approval by the BBC.
“Exile youth lead ‘double lives'”
There is no hint of a suggestion that the UK should block refugees from coming to live in the UK.
The BBC ‘multiculturalist’ line is never to talk numbers when the issue of refugees and immigration comes up.
BBC on refugees = refugees are wonderful, the more the merrier.
Of course, once refugees get into the E.U., as they do in large numbers, they are able to get into UK, as in the case of Somalis, who come to England, via Denmark and
And Labour’s ‘word-games’ with the latest batch of Afghan refugees to Britain will not affect the Labour-BBC principle of encouraging the world’s refugees to come to Britain, regarless of the negative impact on indigenous British people, their culture, their security, their cost.
“U.K. to quiz asylum seekers on local customs and language to weed out fake Afghans
Every time I visit this site, Norton warns me that “a recent attempt to attack your computer was blocked”. Anyone else having this problem or is it just my computer?
Let’s see if this turns up on the BBC shall we?
Re Insider’s comments above and the Somalis.
Where I live there is a large Somali community. I applied for a grant to teach their kids English and maths after school. I am white, and the person giving out the grants said “there are a large variety of grants available, but they are for ‘the community only'”.
I said “what if I only taught members of ‘the community’?”
The reply was, “sorry, the grants are for teaching the community, by the community.”
Roland Deschain: try allowing cookies on the settings???
Woken from 60-yr comma and cannot believe what’s happened to this country.
imagine being ship wrecked on an island with Peston for 2 years
in fact, its not worth thinking about, you’d end up on prozac after a week
Disparaging remarks about Palin are the current masonic handshake of the bien pensant elite. It’s a way of saying, “Aren’t we all clever and witty and superior in our political outlook?
—-end quote—
Imagine a job interview between the BBC personnel man or woman and the interviewee. Every minute or so the interviewee would fire off a verbal masonic handshake and they would both laugh.
In that case the interviewee is signalling that he knows how to be balanced and fair the BBC way.
What a disgusting spectacle that would be.
M.EASTON’s ‘unbiased’, unintelligent question on his BBC blog:
‘Should Britain be more nannyish or more neglectful?’
His article contains a useless chart, and he ends with a vital last line question:
“Do we want to be more like Austria or more like Moldova?”
Bob, son of Bob
More advice for the job intervew at the BBC:
Feel free to make little comments about George Bush or Sarah Palin, like they do on Radio 4, but you will fail the interview if you make any mention of the book ‘1984’
That book to the BBC is like the cold winter is to the Man-made Global Warmists
Richard Black replies to criticism on his blog:
I am not a campaigner, I am not a member of ?the environment movement?; my job is not to advocate this or that course of action but to report on the subject as best I can.
Could’ve fooled me.
Current news front page on BBC website – “Test your wits against the dreaded eleven – plus” (emphasis added)
When I did it the last thing I felt was dread, but then I wasn’t trying to define the agenda, just do a test.
If was the sort of person who seeks employment at the BBC I might feel differently; being tested must be a source of dread when you can’t hack it.
Today (Wed 10th Dec) is the launch of the “One Law For All” campaign (, fighting the introduction of Sharia law into Britain.
There is no mention of it on the BBC. Yet it seems to be a mainstream, high profile, coordinated attempt with big hitters behind it.
Odd. Or not so odd.
200,000 pledge not to pay the TV tax.
BBC and its ‘multicultural’ agenda, Part 17: refugees for the UK.
The BBC, like Labour, supports unlimited numbers of refugees, and once they are here, supports special pleading of same refugees.
Here’s an opinion piece/report by BBC’s A. Crawford:
“UK ‘failing’ victims of torture”
Unreported by BBC:
“More than 180,000 asylum seekers set to stay because of human rights”
Ok, they’ve finally reported it:
but in their usual ‘thru gritted teeth’ manner, as whenever anything unpalatable to the beeboid brain has to be drawn out (muslim atrocities, emigrant crime, labour slides in the polls etc). They do manage to spin it as being “good news for British exporters” tho, so it’s not all bad!
Roland D,
I am having the same message about coveritlive, I also have Norton.
Anyone know how to deal with it?
Hugh Oxford | 10.12.08 – 3:25 pm
Today (Wed 10th Dec) is the launch of the “One Law For All” campaign (, fighting the introduction of Sharia law into Britain.
There is no mention of it on the BBC.
It was covered on Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 today.
If you look at the media section of the org’s website, the only msm coverage the campaign has had is from the BBC.
Today (Wed 10th Dec) is the launch of the “One Law For All” campaign (, fighting the introduction of Sharia law into Britain.
There is no mention of it on the BBC. Yet it seems to be a mainstream, high profile, coordinated attempt with big hitters behind it.
Odd. Or not so odd.
Hugh Oxford | 10.12.08 – 3:25 pm
Actually, they did do it on Woman’s Hour. (And they were not in favour of Sharia…
….but they couldn’t resist bringing in the Beth Din.)
BBC4 had a good programme yesterday. Thirties in Colour featuring Nazi Germany.
I said once on an earlier thread that it would be easier to just hilight rare instances of unbiased programming. So I’ve done that today.
Sorry, anonymous got there first.
On Newsnight Paxman’s attitude was that it would be a national disaster if we had any cut in any public spending or even a smaller increase that Brown is proposing (which must be exactly the right anount) if we had to loose some diversity co-ordinators we might be forced to recruit on merit. Then where would the BBC and our wonderful councils be??
“I tuned in to the BBC’s Today programme yesterday morning to hear someone expostulating passionately on this general issue. He exclaimed: “I really can not believe that the EU will not come up with a deal [in Poznan]. The EU can not afford to fail on this. Our credibility will be absolutely nil.” I wondered which member of Plane Stupid was talking; but then the presenter said: “Thank you, Roger Harrabin,” and I realised that I had been listening to the BBC’s “Environment Analyst”.
No doubt DB | 10.12.08 – 3:02 pm | Harribin would say the same as Dick Black.
Robert – I’ve been asking about the downplaying of the fall of Sterling against the Euro since August 2007, on Evan Davis’ and Robert Preston’s and Nick Robinson’s blogs.
They have covered the bare minimum, the ruse now is to comment on the fall against the Dollar and again ignore the plight of Sterling against the Euro.
One can only speculate why.