The BBC reports that the United Nations, that fine body of..ahem.. recognised global moral authority, is having a bit of a problem getting all of its members to sign a declaration decriminalising homosexual acts. The Sodomists charter, put forward by la belle France and the Netherlands, seeks to stop legal punishment of homosexuals. Given the tendency in Islamic nations such as Iran, for example, to hang gay people, I suppose that is a fair enough aim but the assertion by the BBC that “Gay men, lesbians and transsexuals worldwide face daily violations of their human rights” seems remarkably close to propagandising on behalf of the militant gay lobby for my liking. Since when did the right to gay sex become an inviolable “human right”, exactly? And how does the BBC quantify this assertion? Does it consult with the transsexual community and compile a data-base of transgressions against trannies? There are certain topics that engage full-on BBC editorial sympathy; Eco-wackery is one, Gay Rights is another. The fact that the UN cannot even agree on a definition of terrorism is ignored by the BBC as it evangelises on behalf of the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered community.

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114 Responses to WHAT A GAY DAY

  1. Anonymous says:

    “BBC as it evangelises on behalf of the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered community.”

    What community? Gays and lesbians have nothing in common and the transgendered regard themselves as heterosexual but with the wrong gender.


  2. C Chandra says:

    A classic study (Adams, Wright & Lohr, 1996) in Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that the most extreme homophobics were the most aroused by gay porn. Atlas and Vance please note!


  3. Hugh Oxford says:

    Finally, there is not such thing as “the transgendered” – a made-up, self-important, meaningless word if ever there was one.

    South park sent this whole thing up hilariously. Mr Garrison, the straight cum gay cum transsexual ruefully concludes that a man with mutilated genitals is not a woman. They got the whole gay politics thing down to a T. They’re available on line IIRC.


  4. Verity says:

    “Transexuality” is as fake and self-applauding as dyslexia, which also doesn’t exist.


  5. Original Robin says:

    BBC should note that article 12 of the Declaration of Human Rights says that no ones good reputation should be impugned.
    Letters from TV licensing with red letters saying you might be commiting a criminal offence on the envelope contradicts this part of the article. So does having a handheld detector near your house or a TV Licensing thug asking neighbours about you .
    That`s a part of the Human Rights the BBC can do something about.


  6. Verity says:

    Original Robin: Well said!


  7. Sue says:

    “Transexuality” is as fake and self-applauding as dyslexia, which also doesn’t exist.
    Verity | 20.12.08 – 9:35 pm

    Haw do yu no that dyslexia doe sn’t exist?

    Better tell that to the people that supplied my son with a top o’ the range Macbook to help him through college. He’s no fule but he can’t figure out how to spl.


  8. Verity says:

    Dyslexia’s a new growth industry. Your son could have learned how to spell if taught properly.

    I assume he also had that other current non-affliction, ADD?


  9. Sue says:

    I assume he also had that other current non-affliction, ADD?
    Verity | 21.12.08 – 2:16 pm

    Absolutely not.
    Dyslexia may be a growth industry. That’s neither here nor there.
    None of my other children had that difficulty, inherited, may I say, from his father!!!
    The dyslexic son has extra qualities and abilities though, in particular a heightened spatial awareness and innate artistic ability. He might well have been helped by ‘proper’ teaching rather than being told he was stupid. But he did get the same teaching as the others who found it easy-peasy.

    By the way I think your ADD assumption is out of order. But I assume it’s a symptom of your passive aggressive syndrome, or some sort of compulsion-to-be-scathing syndrome and you can’t help it. You should get a proper diagnosis, and maybe you could get a grant for it.


  10. Jonah says:

    Having lived my life with a significant measure of dyslexia, which, incidentally, has not stopped me getting a degree and teaching in schools and colleges, I regard your pronouncements on this condition ignorant and arrogant.
    Fortunately this condition is now being recognised as it wasn’t in the past. No doubt you would see people suffering from post traumatic stress, formerly called shell shock, as malingerers.

    Like many of your type you are willing to open your trap on subjects you know bugger all about.


  11. Verity says:

    Jonah, thanks for revealing your character in an absurd personal assault. Perhaps you suffer from tcd – temper control deficiency. I just made that up but am sure it could catch on.

    People who had problems learning to read in the past were given extra help by teachers until they grasped it. There are always slower learners in any class. Once this condition got a name, it was Katy-bar-the-door on books and ‘experts’.

    The same with ADD.

    People who have an investment in these two conditions get very angry when their reality is questioned. Peter Hitchens has some interesting observations on this.

    Anyway, this has nothing to do with the BBC and I will not trespass further on this thread.


  12. Sue says:

    “Anyway, this has nothing to do with the BBC and I will not trespass further on this thread.
    Verity | 21.12.08 – 6:10 pm

    Do remind me, as they say, who brought up this off-topic issue? Oh yes, it was you.

    “Transexuality” is as `fake and self-applauding as dyslexia, which also doesn’t exist. Verity | 20.12.08 – 9:35 pm

    Do remind me, before flouncing off, who started with the absurd personal assaults? Oh yes, it was you again.

    Your son could have learned how to spell if taught properly.
    I assume he also had that other current non-affliction, ADD?

    Nice and scathing wouldn’t you agree. Assume away, Verity…She probably fed him on turkey twizzlers and coke, no wonder he’s so thick.

    ‘There are always slower learners in any class’ and ‘until they grasped it’

    in case you hadn’t realised, those little words emote “educationally subnormal dunce” and that is precisely what dyslexics are not.

    The way you addressed Jonah was an equally character-revealing absurdity of a personal assault.
    Is Peter Hitchens an ‘expert’ on such things?

    Perhaps you suffer from Compulsive Dogmatic Disorder. I’ve just invented it. Inventing Disorders Disorder. I suffer from that, and I’ve invented it specially.


  13. Garden Trash says:

    How was your condition cured? Not at all noticeable now.


  14. Jonah says:

    Garden Trash | 21.12.08 – 8:12 pm
    It isn’t cured, but it has diminished over the years.
    Thank God for spellcheck.