The United Kingdom’s small to medium sized businesses (SME’S) are the backbone of our economy. They generate almost 50% of our GDP, and employ millions of people in genuinely wealth-creating jobs (Unlike the State sector, for instance). Yet I picked up this casual report on the Beeb that says more and more of these businesses are planning to take an extra break over Christmas purely to try and save money. The benign report finishes by reassuring us that government “has announced new measures to help small firms in the pre-Budget report, including the ability to spread tax bills, and increased access to loans.” Yes, but the government has also delighted in tangling small business up in endless Brownian-generated expensive bureaucracy; the government has systematically raised taxation on small business; the government has imposed expensive liabilities on small business via its ludicrous “equality” agenda. I’d like the BBC to report the ENTIRE picture as to what Mr Broon has done to our SME’s, not this sanitised version.
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If we all just accepted that the BBC was there to propagandise on behalf of the Labour party would we not be happier?
Or is that just the sort of defeatism that the BBC/Labour alliance want to engender?
Yeah, it’s what THEY want – a supine base of license fodder.
Recession? Not in the public sector
While their friends, families and neighbours are losing their jobs, the State’s army of workers continues to increase, up 14,000 in three months to 5.8million. Now one in five people works for the Government, enjoying gold-plated pensions, better pay and better job security than the rest of the country.
Some areas have been dubbed ‘Soviet’ boroughs, with around half the population employed in the public sector.
I remember when I was university, I was always told that working in the public sector one would face lower wages as you had job security compared to the private sector, and a better pension. How things have changed under Labour. There is now better pay in the public sector and better benefits, and they’re guaranteed pay rises. We were told that no one would be getting pay rises or bonuses this year and I work for a FTSE 100 company. I bet that’s not happening in the public sector, or at the BBC.
“one in five people works for the Government, enjoying gold-plated pensions, better pay and better job security than the rest of the country.”
One in five; you ain’t seen nothing yet…
Businesses are suffering from EU regulations as well. Being taxed to help put in the £20 billion a year into the project`s pot doesn`t help either.
Some 300 retailers are on the critical list Enjoy your bargains,the shops won’t be there next year.
Of course Our Dear Leader wants everyone to work for the state,he’s a Marxist.Marxists hate “middlemen”.
Re. Lefty Icon – Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams
As Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams is supposed to promote the Church of England. Instead he behaves more like a liquidator organising an ‘everything must go” sale at a bankrupt company.
His latest suggestion is that it might not be a bad thing if the Church of England were stripped of its established status. But that would send a disastrous signal to those who oppose the tenets of our free society, including the zealots whose dearest ambition is to turn this nation into an Islamic theocracy.
What a good job that the role of fidei defensor (defender of the faith) is occupied by the Queen and not by Dr Williams. He seems incapable of defending anything at all..
“Ministers are coming under growing pressure from Labour MPs to disestablish the Church of England”.
And who appointed Rowan Williams, A of C? Tony Bliar. A Roman Catholic.
Think you might be on the button – the fewer who work outside of the State the better.
If we all just accepted that the BBC was there to propagandize on behalf of the Labour party would we not be happier?
Or is that just the sort of defeatism that the BBC/Labour alliance want to engender?
The answers are respectively YES and YES.
However please remember it is not The Labour Party that tells the BBC what to do, and what sort of policies and agendas it MUST FOLLOW.
Is it NOT, The Labour, Lib/Dem, or Conservative parties that respectively tells Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg or David Cameron what to do, either. Surly our experience of the last 11 years especially, clearly shows this utter disconnect between the respective party’s members wishes, and actual government policy?
The primary organization that decides The BBCs, very long, long, and medium term strategy for the country and therefore also The BBC itself, top politicians and the educational establishment, is The Royal Institute for International Affairs.
Which is a NON partisan un elected mega large and extremely generously funded SECRET GOVERNMENT think tank very much in the USA’s CFR mode.
The RIIA is staffed and directed by the higher ends of the establishment, highly qualified lawyers, respected academics and top political, social, pure, and other scientists.
It works day and night coming up with reports that ‘predict’ future events. The RIIA’s record on predicting EVENTS is truly outstanding. In fact so outstanding that one could be very well forgiven for believing as I DO, that the people who basically control it actually create the events that the RIIA systematically comes up with solutions for.
These include mass immigration, economic meltdowns, smoking and other health issues, endemic disease, middle eastern wars, fuel shortages, pension and prison provision,etc etc. In fact if an event or crisis can possibly happen nationally or internationally anywhere on this and other planets this organization researches it and comes up with a report with many alternative solutions contained in it.
Sometimes RIIA reports are partially published in The Guardian or Times news-papers. A report published now over 17 years ago, predicted our current economic crisis almost to the day and in detail. It even came up with suggestions for what to do about it, WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS. Like for example scrapping the pound for the Euro. The report also predicted the utter need for ID cards, over high unskilled foreign immigration, increasing numbers of one parent families, knife crime, lower educational standards, civil-unrest, and would you believe it WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, and what to do about the inevitable resultant International Arab and Muslim terrorism?
The establishment are 100% certain of many EVENTS and other things for the very important reason I have already stated.
One of the things that they are absolutely sure about is.
That it matters not one tiny bit, how much real conclusive EVIDENCE they put before the eyes of the over trusting, very busy, and highly disinterested public,
“that virtually every important world event is carried out using a conspiracy at the highest possible level.”
Dennis Healy, who is himself a founding member of The Bilderburg Group, and often visitor to the RIIA, is accurately quoted saying almost exactly as much, over 25 years ago.
No matter what, the silly over trusting sheep, will still not see the establishment elephant in their kitchen, unless the BBC points it out for them on Newsnight. Which of course the BBC will NEVER do unless ordered to do so.
That the British public as well as all other public’s are programmed to only take something seriously when it is on the TV. Preferably on one or all of the main stream NEWS channels.
This because we ALL KNOW do we not? That the government will never respond to any situation unless it appears on the 9 o’clock News first.
Therefore; if for example you looked out of your window tonight and noticed that a UFO had plainly landed in your garden and an alien being was taking a nap on your sunbed. You would wake up tomorrow and not believe your own eyes, and possibly not even tell anyone about it.
However if The BBC reported that Aliens had landed in Parliament square and were currently holding a meeting with the Queen and prime minister at Buck House, and it was not April 1st.
You would not want to believe your eyes or ears, but you would believe exactly what the BBC is telling you all the same.
Think about it, while you can still think at all.
And who appointed Rowan Williams, A of C? Tony Bliar. A Roman Catholic.
GCooper | 20.12.08 – 11:06 pm | #
Well yes and no.
Tony Blair is a Knight of Malta, as are many other very high members of The British Establishment. Many of these papal knights dominate the highest levels of MI5 and 6. Therefore what the POPE tells Tony Blair and others to do. Tony Blair and the British establishment does, or else. The else being apparently, protracted ritual torture followed by extremely painful, horrendously nasty death.
Which therefore means that there is a very high probability that in fact the Pope himself or his Jesuit priesthood actually selected, not only this Archdruid of Canterbury, but also selected almost all of the past ones as well.
The secret hand, with the all seeing eye, indeed.
Please be reminded. ALL is smoke and mirrors, not just the bits you think you understand.
“Now one in five people works for the Government
Anonymous | 20.12.08 – 9:50 pm”
Perhaps, more accurate to say “are employed by the Government”. It’s a bit like the old joke:
“How many people work in this building?”
“Around one in three”
d’you think you could set up a special ‘Atlas Shrugged’ thread, thus freeing up valuable space everywhere else?
Atlas shrugged:
Therefore what the POPE tells Tony Blair and others to do. Tony Blair and the British establishment does, or else. The else being apparently, protracted ritual torture followed by extremely painful, horrendously nasty death.
Atlas shrugged | 21.12.08 – 2:06 am | #
Right. And no doubt the Pope told Bliar ” ‘Allo Tone, me old mucker, it’s about time you let gays enter ‘civil partnerships’ “.
Yep. I can just see it.
What are you smoking there ?
Don’t buy SMARTIES. They are mind control pills. Especially the BLUE ones. They have been specially formulated by LIZARDS from the planet SPLOG and by BILDERBURGERS who wan’t to take over you’re bodies oh yes indeedy.
But if YOU DO BUY THEM make sure you don’t eat them. Put them in a lead-lines jar and only OFFER them to the vicar because he’s one of them too, you know. His DOG COLLAR is acually a thought-beam, FORCING subservience to the state upon your mind.
THINK about it people. It’s OBVIOUS. Nanu nanu.
Atlas Shrugged: “Sometimes RIIA reports are partially published in The Guardian or Times news-papers. A report published now over 17 years ago, predicted our current economic crisis almost to the day and in detail. It even came up with suggestions for what to do about it, WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS.”
Can you give us a link to that report?
Oh blimey, Notasheep, don’t encourage him!
Atlas shrugged | 21.12.08 – 1:44 am |
You are David Icke and I claim my £5 …
Why doesn’t this article tell us what Universal Shami, Vince and Shirley think about it?
William Carson:
In my brief time working fr a council they had one employee in the department who sat at a desk doing nothing and another who would come in about dinnertime already the best part of a bottle of cheap vodka down before heading out to the pub.
I am sure the extra 15000 public sector workers take on in the last three months alone are all dedicated hard working wage slaves getermined to earn every penny off their gold plated pensions.
But if public sector jobs weren’t available how would we “celebrate diversity”?
Seemed like a verifiable fact and so worth pursuing…
Up to FIFTEEN retail giants ‘will go bust next month’ as recession deepens
The gloomy prediction, from the insolvency experts Begbies Traynor, highlights the nightmare facing retailers as Britain plunges into recession
No sorry I dont have one. I have personally read several RIIA reports, way back when I used to read news-papers. I have not read any for 15 years.
The best I can come up with is anything by a chap named Alan Well, not Wells, although he is also worth some effort.
Most of its on You Tube. Alan is a highly depressing Scotsman living in Canada, who hosts his own short wave radio show and has published several books and songs.
In my experience Alan Well is the best there is available. Although I would not recommend a night in his company. He never pulls his punches or runs off chasing lizards, Jews or UFO’s.
I warn you, if you have a sensitive disposition or suffer from bi-polar problems. Stick to watching BBC nonsense and continue to live in blissful ignorance.
Alan is most surly not for the faint hearted.
Cattle Prod of Destiny
If a crazy man that had just escaped from a mental home (Broadcasting House) told you to get out of the road, as a big RED bus was fast approaching. Would you continue to stand in the middle of the road, with your eyes firmly closed, just because the helpful chaps name is David Icke?
Mad or not, David is right about far more then he is wrong/badly advised about. Which is about as good as you can say about ANY elected politicians these days. I hope you agree.
I strongly suspect that David was set up by people he believes are his friends to deliberately undermine information concerning THE GREAT CONSPIRACY. On this however I could be wrong, however it would be in no way the first time the establishment have used disinformation to destroy the reputation of their ‘apparent’ opponents.
When trying to understand something that you are programmed from birth not to understand, things can get messy. What makes matters worse is that properly understanding your true reality is quite frankly ‘fucking scary.’ This because extremely SCARY is exactly what the biggest of lies are always supposed to be.
No one in their right mind whats to believe they live within a very often murderously controlled from the top, potentially psychopathic nightmare of a world. Which is very much why only so called ‘CRAZY’ people go there at all.
They worry not for something they have already got used to NOT having a firm grip of anyway. Which is there sanity. David did after all work for The BBC, as did GEORGE ORWELL, so what else do you expect?
Sanity is often defined in our society as ‘not believing in clearly paranoid conspiracy theories,’ like 99.99% of the rest of the general public. Being one in a thousand, 30 or more years ago, could often get you sectioned under the Metal Health Act.
What MATTERS is not whether the messenger is mad or not. What matters is whether the messenger is essentially right or not. I hope you agree.
Nanu nanu.
Frrrrrp rrrrp
Bong niddle doodoo.
Bucket full of frogs, that’s me.
There’s at least one organization I can think of that could take an extended (as in permanent) break, saving all of us a few bob…
“one in five people works for the Government, enjoying gold-plated pensions, better pay and better job security than the rest of the country.”
I once read that during the Soviet era, one-in-three were employed in some way by the KGB. We’re getting there…
The departure of our manufacturing industries speaks volumes.
The state pile on the regulation and tax to the productive people while rewarding the unproductive.
What do they expect will be the result?
The BBC is well past it’s sell by date. They didn’t even mention the archbishop’s criticism of Brown’s borrow and spend spree – they completely ignored it, no doubt under instruction from No.10.
“I once read that during the Soviet era, one-in-three were employed in some way by the KGB. We’re getting there…”
Well the GB stands for Gordon Brown,what does the K stand for? Is this one for Martin?
Atlas, if your X files plots are so true, how come no-one has shut you up yet? Can’t have you spreading the truth like this can they? Or has your nan scuppered all the secret services that come to your door by telling them you’re not in?
I thought Blair converted to Catholicism only at the end of last year, after he left office. How could he have been a Knight of Malta six years ago when he appointed the Archbeard? Oh, of course, he’s secretly been a high-ranking Catholic all along. Cardinal Ratzenberger (rhymes with Bilderburger…) had it worked out years ago. It all makes perfect sense because inflicting Rowan Williams on the C of E has done more damage to it than anything the Catholics have done since Bloody Mary. Why do you think he married Cherie (rhymes with Mary…), a staunch Catholic, in the first place? It’s obvious to me now.
You want the entire picture?
You’re not going to get in a one short article. Try the links on the side.
David Preiser writes: “I thought Blair converted to Catholicism only at the end of last year, after he left office”
Not according to information that was released recently.
GCooper | 22.12.08 – 10:45 pm |
Not according to information that was released recently.
So these guys are liars? As were the Telegraph, the Times, etc., at the time?
Not that I deny the possibility that Blair was lying about something, but do you have a link showing that he was already a Catholic and the Pope was in on the charade?
Amazing! Tremendously absorbing content. I am just bookmarking your web site right now. Appreciate it!