Well folks, this is my first Christmas here on B-BBC and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your support over 2008. It’s very much appreciated and I hope I have been able to provide you with at least some good material over the past twelve months. I’d also like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. I will be blogging over the holidays so please keep dropping by for more fun and games as we dissect Auntie.
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tee hee first! Yes, Feliz Noel to one and all
David: Many thanks for all your efforts and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Merry Christmas, one and all – and special thanks to David Vance for healing the schism.
Merry Christmas to you, David… Also Merry Christmas to the other Biased BBC bloggers and all the contributors (unless they’re Al Beeb moles or just morons – you know who you are).
And to you too, David.
First one for Christmas Eve:
Am I correct in thinking that the jobs being protected are those in the stores that are not being shut down? The deal has saved those jobs, but the people in the 32 stores that have closed today are now unemployed? If that’s the case then why is that not the story? Probably because it’s more on the dole in Gordon’s lovely country.
A merry Christmas and a happy new year to all biased-bbc contributors. Let’s make 2009 the year we really make a difference to the bias of the BBC.
Merry Christmas, Biased BBC.
Gods bless us, every one.
Happy Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas all – and thanks David for your tireless work in keeping the show on the road!
i hope everyone has a very very merry christmas and a prosperous new year
that is except beeboids. When it comes to these leftist scumbags, i hope they have the worst christmas ever.
i hope their home gets broken into and everything is stolen. Except for their tooth brush and camera.
Hopefully, the theives will stick the beeboids tooth brush up their arse hole and take a photo with the camera
on a brighter note, at least we’re a year closer to the abolishment of Al Beeb
A verry happy Christmas to David and to everyone who takes time to contribute to this site.
merry chringles to all !! and have a good one
In this season of goodwill I am almost tempted to put any animosity towards the BBC to one side, but then again …….!
B-BBC is my first port-of-call when I visit the net to get my news i.e. to become informed, not misinformed. Thanks to DV, B-BBC’s role is enhanced, although many thanks to Natalie et al.
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah (they fall at the same time, this year) and a joyous ‘whatever’ festival you celebrate to you, David and everyone including the Beeboids.
This blog, which would not be the same without the Prozac/Lithium/Ritalin-deprived, is my must-read.
Keep it up. :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:
Thanks David and I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year.
You’re doing a grand job…
Be ambitious!
Allan@Aberdeen – I totally agree – B-bbc is essential reading – keep up the excellent work DV et all- Happy Christmas!
Season’s greetings to all – Merry Christmas aned Chag Sameach!
Many thanks David for your all your postings – makes me realise that I am not the only one in the world to question the information I am fed by the media.
Happy Xmas and Channukah to all the contributors to the site
Yes – happy Xmas to dv and all.
This site is thebestthing I have stumbled upon since I erm……stumbled upon the ‘internet’ back in14.4k 1998!!
Merry Xmas
A happy Christmas to all. I’m sure all beeboids will be looking to pull a cracker and get the fairy off the tree this Christmas!
Happy Christmas to all.
Happy Christmas Dave. Bloody good site – bravo from the cheap seats. Happy Christmas peeps – hope 2009 is ace.
Merry Christmas (and Hanukkah this year) and a Happy New Year to you all.
Thanks to Vance, the other contributors and the commentators who, unlike me, document serious cases of BBC bias on this site.
Have a good one!
Best wishes to everyone, let’s crush the BBC in 2009!
David a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your Family.
And to any bBC clones out there feeling left out. (This is for you Abu Bowen) An Unhappy Eid to you all.
Merry Christmas to David, Natalie, Ed and to every constructive contributor on this great site.
David – and now for the book in 2009!
Seasons greetings to all.
(I`m afraid I`ll have to except the senior civil servants even at this time I hope they have a violent and unnatural death )
Season of goodwill to all men, wimmin and even Beeboids. Let Fritz and Bertie share ciggie together in the trenches, for tomorrow battle will recommence.
Only one small group doesn’t deserve a brief Christmas amnesty: the “M”s “T”, “A” and “D”s you can all rot in hell. Even though there isn’t one. Oh and the Obamoids. And the lawyers. And by exception John Humphreys and Emily Maitliss. And MandleDraper… oh the hell with it. “Open fire!”…
Good sport in 2009.
Thanks, David & b-bloggers for keeping it going throughout the year, highlighting so many instances of the endemic bias.
Alas, though, Auntie herself is no more. We are well and truly in the (Beeb) age of the unruly mutant adolescent boy. Hence the juvenile programmes with foul=mouthed empty vessels like Ross, the hero worship of unruly scary loony-tunes like Brand and the facile juvenile attempts at journalism that we now routinely get from the likes of the idiotic North American editor and the rest of the gaggle of knee-jerk oids with their incessant self-important babbling from America.
Merry Christmas to you and fellow bloggers – and all the best for 2009!
merry christmas dv.
Bah, humbug!
“Merry Christmas”
So the BBC can’t find anything else to broadcast at 11 a.m. on Christmas Day on Radio 4 but a hagiography of an Iraqi boy band, with the usual dose of anti-Western insinuation.
God bless the BBC!! And thanks.
I see Harold Pinter, extremist left wing playright, has just shuffled off this mortal coil. BBC no doubt will be wearing black armbands for week and I am sure rustle up a posthumous retrospective screening. Perhaps Vanessa Redgrave next? We can only hope.
There can be little doubt that Harold Pinter was a top talent as a playwright and as a screenplay writer, as pointed out at the BBC and other sites today.
His politics divide people more; his anti-semitic, anti-dictatorship analyses were impressive; but, poeple divide more on his critiques of Bush and Blair.
Pinter talked a lot about ‘American imperialism’, but not of ‘Islamic imperialism’. A massive oversight.
His screenplay for the film ‘The French Lieutenant’s Woman’ was outstanding; 8 min. video clip here:
Have a look at the ‘Most Recommended’ Tab on the Harold Pinter : Your Memories (‘Have Your Say’) page.
A book which Harold Pinter, and most Beeboids, will never have read, and will have avoided:
“Islamic Imperialism: A History” by Efraim Karsh (reviewed here):
And a happy new year from Labour – unless you live in a ‘nice house’:
“Labour planning secret tax on ‘nice houses'”
No doubt when the BBC’s Robert Peston has finished telling us about the ‘new capitalism’, he will find time to talk about this ‘new socialism’.
Enjoyed reading most the articles you’ve had up this year. Some times I feel you perhaps do make the proverbial mountain out of a mole hill but on the whole I’d say you’re mostly spot on.
Esp when I see pieces like this
no mention of Brown being at fault, its all those americans and the man ont he streeet beign at fault. they even manage to slip in that Britain is leading the stimulous package fight back…..
@Anon 25.12.08 – 8:00 pm
I’ve just had fun recommending Pinter comments, and then saw that 9 of the 10 Recommended Comments were non-lefty and sensible.
I published my own and checked back half an hour later – the Debate is now gone. Not in the Archive either.
Disappeared as though it never existed. Shame when the proles don’t agree with the BBC isn’t it.
Accept BBC opinion? It’s What We Don’t Do.
Pinter HYS is here –
Cheers Anon again. Nice one – I retract my grumpiness.
Thanks – its reassuring most HYS punters see through Pinter’s “Hampstead arts-luvvie Socialist line. Its amazing that an ostensibly great dramatist should have such a poor grip on the realities is modern cultural and political conflict.
Deathbed scene: “Yes Harold, it was all Bush’s fault, happy? Now hurry up and die”