I see the BBC has been trailing tomorrow’s Queen’s speech. It appears she makes reference to the worries that “extremist violence” bring around the world. Mmm..“extremist violence” — as in Bombay for example, as in Afghanistan…oh, now I get, they meant to say Islamic violence. Peace on earth, goodwill to Jihadists, right? I wish the BBC did not read from the same supine lexicon as this dhimmified Government but of course the BBC is really just a part OF government so we can expect to see further Islamic violence in 2009 sanitised from any connection with Islam.
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Thought you might like this – the BBC has rewritten the nativity with bad Jews, a male Mary and Arab santas…
We’ll have to wait for the speech. My forecast is that the Queen will use exactly those weasel words.
I have no doubt that every speech by the Queen is OK’d by the Government. Indeed I prefer it that way.
The predicted failure to mention Islam other than in an all inclusive, multicultural, fluffy-bunny way will be no surprise to anyone. Any mention of Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism – Now that would be a surprise.
According to Witchell the Queen’s Christmas address is all her own – which makes it even more depressing. If the Queen, whose position is unassailable, just repeats the usual PC bromides then why should we expect anything more from the political class and the state broadcaster? Anyway, now that the leaking of the contents of the Queen’s Christmas address has become customary, even loyal monarchists (none more so than at Umbongo Towers) can hardly be bothered to drag themselves from the festive board to see the Queen on TV and listen to her re-heated dross.
Anyone catch the beeboids review of Westminster politics on News 24?
According to the BBC.
1. Gordon Brown has re-established his reputation!!!!!!
2. The Tories are dead ducks only being a couple of points ahead in the polls (I notice they ignore the ones that don’t favour Broon)
3. Gordon is the man for a crisis.
So all is well in beeboid land as they all go off to snuggle up with a glass of expensive champers and a young choir boy.
“1. Gordon Brown has re-established his reputation!!!!!!”
So true,there is no greater dick than he.
“2. The Tories are dead ducks only being a couple of points ahead in the polls (I notice they ignore the ones that don’t favour Broon)”
Speaks for itself.
“3. Gordon is the man for a crisis.”
Absolutely spot on,you need a crisis? Crash Gordon will give you one.
Last year the Queen focussed on “diversity”.
Does she think we’re stupid?
The notion of making our Queen the head of the Commonwealth was always a sure fire loser in that it weakened her loyalties to her own country.
Also, she apparently thinks the British appreciate politically correct (read: thought fascist) bromides are what her own people want over their Christms dinner.
At the same time Adolf Dinnerjacket will be on Channel 4. How lovely!
The Queen clearly intends to include violence by anti-IMF protesters, environmentals, animal rights “activists”, and other non-bathers who hate modern human civilization in her condemnation of extremism.
the c4 “alternative” christmas message will be from that Iranian nutjob Nazi, ahmydinnerjacket.
i kid you not.
why dont we keep going in that vein – a Sinn Fein broadcast on St Georges day, following up by the UDA balaclava terrorists doing a St Paddies day message.
heck, why not go the full hog and ask Nazi skinheads to do a Happy Hannakah message for British Jews.
there’s a fine line between being “edgy” and being downright giving succour to outright evil – and on that mark, C4 has gone WAY over the line.
Verity | 24.12.08 – 4:04 pm
verity – i hate to say it, and i know a lot of folks on here are monarchists – and i truely understand their position.
but the Smiths had it bang on in the 80s…
The Queen Is Dead.
sorry monarchists – but your monarchy has done fuck all with preserving English common law and the rights you gained from Magna Carta… FUCK ALL.. i mean really – NOTHING – AT ALL.. no resignation, NOTHING.. no objections.. NOTHING..
might as well just dump them and move to being an American style republic.
I wish the BBC did not read from the same supine lexicon as this dhimmified Government but of course the BBC is really just a part OF government so we can expect to see further Islamic violence in 2009 sanitised from any connection with Islam.
Good, so we can now generally come to a consensus on the question of what the BBC is.
It is as you say part of GOVERNMENT not part of The GOVERNMENT.
Therefore if it is not part of our elected government, then what other form of government could we possibly have in place, that the BBC could be part of????????????????
There is no other known government other then the EU and The UN. So if you can possibly spend a little time working out or researching who and what created The EU and The UN and therefore essentially controls both organizations. You have then finally worked out who and what controls The BBC.
By doing so, you then know without any shadow of any doubt whatsoever, why the BBC is the way it is. Therefore why it does what it does, says what it says, and very importantly employs who it employs. Therefore why The BBC, does not call terrorists, terrorists, or for that matter an obvious criminal conspiracy, an obvious criminal conspiracy.
It is because the BBC is part of a certain type of essentially secret, unseen hand, all seeing eye type GOVERNMENT, that actively promotes terrorism and criminal conspiracies as a perfectly normal way of doing business. You will recall that the BBC was doing what it is now doing over what the BBC called at the time “The Northern Ireland problem.” Very much like it now calls Islamic Terrorism, Extremist Violence. Or indeed our current deliberately engineered economic meltdown, ‘The Credit Crunch.’
David; if you could possibly come up with even a scrap of evident to counter my assertion. No one would like to read it more then myself.
Because the evidence that my assertions are very largely correct, is enough to blow two very large buildings away, in broad daylight, while even members of the public could film it ACTUALLY happening. Very much like they did, back in Dallas, December 1963.
“The Northern Ireland problem.”
good point atlas.
back home in Ireland, it was always referred to as “The War”…
only the bbc seems to downgrade it.
I thought you might like that one. As you should know only too well, how dangerous to ordinary innocent people, The BBC has been in the past.
If there is one organization that encouraged terrorist violence in Ireland and the mainland more then all the others combined. That organization must be THE BBC, by a mile and then some.
Terrorism can in fact never win, or indeed achieve anything at all, for anyone whatsoever, without organizations such as The BBC.
One other thing.
Do you seriously believe it is simply a coincidence, that just as so called Irish terrorism, has largely exited stage left. Islamic terrorism has instantly entered stage right?
Remembering; that TERRORISM in the form we have been presented by the BBC with for the last 60 years, has never existed at all anywhere in the entire world, in recorded history. Because in the past any such thing was seen as an act of WAR, or already was a WAR.
Establishments however have a long and well documented history of terrorizing their own people, on way or another. Either on there own or in conspiracy or otherwise with other national establishments or agencies.
What our establishment wanted, was not a war with The Irish Republic. What it wanted was Irish terrorism, so Irish terrorism was what WE ALL GOT.
yup .. agree with you atlas.
obviously i cant go into details, but your thesis is entirely correct. i have first hand experience of this.
in about 100 years, the truth will come out.
As any honest historian or should I say non establishment non academic know it all, will be only too pleased to tell you.
History has to be at least 100 years old usually more like 200 before you can trust even half the written versions.
We live in a world that is more run like a series of ‘I Claudius’ than we could possibly feel comfortable imagining.
What ever made us think, anything had really changed. Of course……I forgot, it was very largely The BBC.
Atlas Shrugged:
Can’t you two go oil up each other’s hot throbbing paranoia someplace else. This isn’t a dating web site.
Merry Xmas everyone.
I am now living in Mexico, and out of the clutches of the detector vans.
Thanks for making a great website and part of my daily read.
has anyone else noticed how the bbc refers to Christians in Bethlehem as “belivers” but refers to muslims in mecca as “pilgrams”?
“Someone tell me again about how the Religion of Peace is tolerant of other religions. Christians who went to observe their Christmas at Nazareth, were greeting with a giant banner announcing that Allah has no son right in front of the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. Just wait to see what will happen if they gain control of all of the west bank holy sites”. Read the full story below:
Please lay off criticising Atlas Shrugged, I happen to know that he is dangerously correct in most if his comments and am suprised that he hasent been silenced by thoes who want his information to remain hidden.
might as well just dump them and move to being an American style republic.
archduke | 24.12.08 – 6:08 pm | #
I wish. It’s about time this Britain grew up and as a long time admirer of the US system and as someone who loathes the royal freeloaders, I’d welcome a republic with open arms…
Sutekh: “and as someone who loathes the royal freeloaders”
The alternative, A nightmare in the making, Britain a republic with President Blair and first lady Cherie.
UK: 2008 Rundown
“Looking at Britain in 2008 certain themes of course stand out more than others I have divided the year under four different heading: ‘sharia,’ ‘terrorism,’ ‘law and order,’ and ‘politics,’ in the hope that this will help elucidate the history of particular events.”
Sutekh: “and as someone who loathes the royal freeloaders”
The alternative, A nightmare in the making, Britain a republic with President Blair and first lady Cherie.
Anonymous | 25.12.08 – 9:22 am | #
True, wouldn’t disagree. But to paraphrase “other candidates are available”.
The BBC’s ‘multicultural’, Islam-appeasing chums at Channel 4 have excellled themselves this Christmas by presenting us with a propaganda message from Iran’s Thug-In-Chief AHMADINEJAD:
“Thug-In-Chief: Merry Christmas, Infidels”
“…he will be calling the British people to convert to Islam. In Islamic theology Jesus was a Muslim prophet whose message was corrupted by his followers to create Christianity. The idea that society’s problems are rooted in rejection of the message of the prophets is a call for society to adopt Sharia, Islamic law, which is a comprehensive program for every aspect of society.
“Philip Davies MP, a Tory member of the culture select committee, said Channel 4’s decision to broadcast a message from President Ahmadinejad was ‘completely unacceptable on every level’.
“‘His previous comments don’t strike me as being in tune with with what most people feel at Christmas time. He is an offensive man and the last person you would want to use for a Christmas message….’
Uh, yeah.”
Is this the sort of propagandist broadcasting the BBC would like to put out even more often, if it were not constrained by the licence-fee payers?
A resolution for BBC for 2009: try to distance yourself from this abject dhimmitude.
Channel 4: has hit the appeasing PITS.
Just two anti-Ahmadinejad, and anti-Channel 4 comments on this:
“Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor said: ‘In Iran, converts to Christianity face the death penalty. It is perverse that this despot is allowed to speculate on the views of Jesus, while his government leads Christ’s followers to the gallows.’
“He said Channel 4’s decision to broadcast the message was a ‘scandal and a national embarrassment’ and in ‘its search for ratings and shock factor, Channel 4 has lost its ethical way’.
“Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell joined the attack, and called on the broadcaster to ‘pull the plug on this criminal despot, who ranks with Robert Mugabe, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and the Burmese military junta as one of the world’s most bloody tyrants’.”
“Please lay off criticising Atlas Shrugged, I happen to know that he is dangerously correct in most if his comments and am suprised that he hasent been silenced by thoes who want his information to remain hidden.”
Yeah. The security forces have been scuppered by his nan’s decision to move atlas into the spare box bedroom rather than the basement, therby saving his life.
Clever play by BBC:
“Ahmadinejad show ’causes offence’
Channel 4’s decision to broadcast an alternative Christmas speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is criticised”
Chance to take a dig at rival channel whilst publicising the speech. But why the quotes? Why not:
Ahmadinejad show causes offence.
It offends me. And as for Channel 4’s judgement – words fail me. Do we need a “Biased Ch4″ site now?” Why not an alternative view on families at Christmas time, over to Josef Fritzl in his basement.
Channel four is where ex-BBC employees go. So what more do you expect?
How about finding a channel that isn’t biased????
Notice how the representative of the Religion of Peace deliberately spoils one our favourite harmless little Christmas traditions in this article.
Chuffer – the article is titled How a multi-faith city marks Christmas – there seems to be one prominent religion missing.
The clue is in the title.
Is the BBC interested in attempting to distance itself from its ‘multicultural’ chums at public service broadcaster, Channel 4, over this?:
‘The Spectator,Coffee House’:-
‘By inviting Ahmadinejad to deliver its alternative Christmas message Channel 4 has forfeited its right to be a public service broadcaster’
[Opening extract]:
“Channel 4, the so-called public-service station that brings you Big Brother and other culturally uplifting events, has really scrapped the barrel. It has a record of bringing controversial alternatives to the screen to match the Queen’s annual Christmas message on the BBC and ITV but this year it has taken leave of its senses.”
George R | 25.12.08 – 8:55 pm |
The problem with being ‘edgy’ and ‘controversial’ is that, each time, you have to be more ‘edgy’ and ‘controversial’ than the last.
So where does C4 stop? They’ve already done the Mary wasn’t a virgin programme and Christ was a terrorist.
So after Mr Armani Dinner Jacket what could be worse? A BNP Christmas?
I though Channel 4 was the only channel standing up to these bloody Muslims. I wish they’d make their minds up, this confuses me and I get a sore head.