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“Conservative leader David Cameron was beaten by three girls and a semi-naked man as he braved a cold and muddy charity run in Oxfordshire… The Witney MP finished the mile-long race in just under 15 minutes, in 25th place out of more than 100 runners.”
Why not?
“Conservative leader David Cameron tackled cold and muddy conditions as he took part in a charity run this afternoon. Mr Cameron finished 25th out of more than 100 runners. Gordon Brown doesn’t do charity runs because he’s seriously overweight and can’t see properly.”
Do the people who think Isreal is wrong think the Isrealis should sit back and let Hisbollah continue firing missiles into civilian areas and putting suicide bombers into bus queues? Or perhaps they know of some magic peaceful solution that has escaped the attention of world politicians?
Come on, be realistic. The Isrealis have their backs to the sea and are surrounded by a bunch of trigger happy raving loonies, publicly committed to their destruction. I think its only astounding that Isreal hasn’t hit back harder.
Dead model had made sex complaint
How Sahar Daftary’s death fall exposed polygamy in Britain
Muslim marriage rules ‘leave women at risk’
No wonder they hate Rupert Murdoch!
The Beeboids are even out-shilling themselves in their coverage of the long overdue Gaza smackdown today.
I love the fact that, despite Hamafia continuing to squander the billions it gets in Jizya (Infidel Tax) from Israel and the developed world on the accoutrements and materiel of Jihad and not the welfare of its people; the BBC not only continues to recognise them as bona-fide ‘spokespersons’ for the ‘crisis’; but still manages to infer that poor Fauzi Abu Gerada and his family are hungry and workless because of those oppressive Jooz. Incredible!
225 less of the fuckers to come over here and blow themselves up on tube trains.
Well done Israel, keep it up. A nuke or two would be nice.
The trash the bBC has pushed out as news over the Christmas period.
Serbia urged to free KLA suspects
News story on how suspected Islamic terrorists can only be victims. The fact that they were arrested in a country which they fought against in which they successfully fought against in which to have their own homeland seems to be lost on the bBC reporters.
Boos as singer opens Harrods sale
A story about how a few ethical latte nutjobs had their own little protest hits the bBC headlines shame their photo of the protest doesn’t show just how many idiots were in that protest. Big story indeed.
Shoes hurled at Bush pictures
Yup hold the front page the bBC airs a clip of Iranians throwing shoes at pictures of Bush.
Zimbabwe child malnutrition rises
Yup the poor people of Zimbabwe suffer under Bob the nob and who does the bBC say is to blame;
President Mugabe has blamed the West for his country’s problems.
Taleban ‘will kill school girls’
The bBC continues to blur the lines of just how numerous their fav terrorist group are by promoting a story about Pakistan which at first glance looks like Afghanistan.
There are many more such stories which the bBC tries to peddle as the news. Instead of the news the bBC gives us tosh. Tosh that makes what the Daily mail peddles as news.
2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved
“Ever shriller and more frantic has become the insistence of the warmists, cheered on by their army of media groupies such as the BBC, that the last 10 years have been the “hottest in history” and that the North Pole would soon be ice-free • as the poles remain defiantly icebound and those polar bears fail to drown. All those hysterical predictions that we are seeing more droughts and hurricanes than ever before have infuriatingly failed to materialise”.
BBC Three – Most Annoying People 2008
Alright, not exactly a primetime show. But who was No.88? Why, it was Noel Edmonds. His crime, and the reason why he was considered annoying? He didn’t pay his TV tax.
Conservative leader David Cameron was beaten by three girls and a semi-naked man
David | 27.12.08 – 8:54 pm
Sounds vaguely erotic to me 8)
anon @ 2:57
good job they switch from global warming to climate change as Al Beeb are now blaming the cold weather on climate change
“Climate change is not some future prediction of what might happen, it’s happening now and having a serious impact on our countryside every year.”
Also on The Most Annoying People of 2008, you will have noticed that Sarah Palin was mercilessly savaged, while His Excellency The One apparently annoyed no-one this year?
Is it just me or is anyone else getting fed up of these non-entity middle-class perma-students (who are for the most part highly-annoying themselves), pronouncing on everything and anything that jars with their limited world view?
It is almost as if they are a microcosm of the BBC itself.
I’ve just been looking at this article about a postman:
Second paragraph says he was “forced” to take a detour across moors.
Yet the tribute seems to be to his devotion to duty which implies he vounteered to do it.
Does the beeboid know for definite that he was forced to do it?
why is the headline ‘cameron defeated…’
they cant resist
If people have noted the BBC just skip around the world looking for some climate change crap to back their ever weakening position.
Firstly it was no snow in Moscow (now Moscow is covered in snow so the BBC forget it)
Now the BB has moved on to some fucking village in Alaska with about 100 people living in it that is having to move. The BBC claim this is all because of climate change but as I posted this is a blatant lie as the New York Times ran this lie last year and someone found them out.…/uk/ 7800869.stm
‘Long dry autumn’??????????
I know the National Trust is famous for being out of touch with the countryside, but can they name any days that were dry? If it was that long and dry, how come half the nation’s autumn seed is still sitting, unsown, in the barn.
Andrea Catherwood has her reward for slagging off George Bush on the Gabby Logan show a few weeks ago • she’s the stand-in presenter today. She and her guests (including Iain Dale) have all just declared their love of Obama and their utter dislike of Palin. The cosy dinner party consensus of the media class.
She and her guests (including Iain Dale) have all just declared their love of Obama and their utter dislike of Palin. The cosy dinner party consensus of the media class.
DB | 28.12.08 – 11:29 am
Gay people like Dale tend not to be too keen on evangelicals like Palin.
Understandable really.
‘Long dry autumn’??????????
I know the National Trust is famous for being out of touch with the countryside, but can they name any days that were dry? If it was that long and dry, how come half the nation’s autumn seed is still sitting, unsown, in the barn.
Read it again. They are discussing 2007 as well as 2008. Autumn 2007 was exceptionally dry.
More pro-abortion propaganda from our chums in White City.
The parents of conjoined baby girls who died less than a month after being born have defended their decision to go ahead with the births.
“Defended”??? What do they have to defend? Who is attacking them?
“Go ahead”??? Pregnancies, er, go ahead on their own accord, generally. It’s not a decision to “go ahead” with a pregnancy, it’s just what happens. Do they mean “not abort the children because they happened to be disabled”.
Ah the eugenics movement. Not just confined to 20th century Aryan supremacists.
Charles writes: “Read it again. They are discussing 2007 as well as 2008. Autumn 2007 was exceptionally dry”
One year dry, another wet. It’s called ‘climate’ and the emotive ‘change’ is mere tautology.
The BBCs John Simpson sees the writing on the wall:
Philip, we only had the first half of the list last night, so Obama could be in the second – but I doubt it. Alistair Darling was on it, and they just made fun of his eyebrows. David Cameron was mentioned later – a couple of entries after Palin – and they wheeled out class warriors to call him a ‘c**t’ and take the piss out of him for having his bike stolen. They then made sure everyone knew he was worth £30 million, which I don’t believe is actually true, had known Labour supporters insult him, and had one guy who said ‘it doesn’t matter how good he is, I will never like him because he went to Eton’.
From the Mail on Sunday re David Cameron:
At the finish line, there was a moment of confusion when his wife failed to pick him out and had to ask other spectators: ‘He’s not dead, is he?’
Another deafening silence from the BBC is the news that the BNP have contested the Whitehaven and Ibstock council by-elections, knocking the Conservatives well into third place, and falling only a handful of votes short of taking the seats from Labour.
The huge and unprecedented surge of any political party from relative obscurity would seem to merit some mention.
But none at all?
Gay people like Dale tend not to be too keen on evangelicals like Palin.
Understandable really.
Anonymous | 28.12.08 – 11:44 am
Or evangelicals like Rick Warren?
The BBC ditched London Bombers, a film about 7/7, because the well-researched script came to the conclusion that Wahhabist-inspired Islam was the main motivation behind the bombers’ actions. The journalists (including a British Muslim) who did the research say they were told that the script was binned because it was considered Islamophobic.
A different production team • the one behind the painfully right-on Judge John Deed – have pitched their idea for a dramatization of the de Menezes inquest to the BBC. I bet that one gets the green light.
I’d like to draw the editor’s attention to the 4’s most recent episode of ‘Profile’ (7pm, Saturday 27th December) concerning the eurosceptic Czech president, Vaclav Klaus. Towards the end of the programme, TWO pro-EU critics of Mr Klaus are given airtime with no contrary opinions provided. A disgraceful piece of bias I’m sure you’ll agree.
Adrian, Klaus is (according to the left) a heretic as he does not subscribe to the so-called consensus on AGW. He is therefore deemed by the “liberal” left to be an enemy of their Utopian state control model.
In their world everyone has to think the same and any deviation from this goal has to be attacked, sending dissidents like Klaus to the “intellectual gulag” as Vladimir Bukovsky describes it.
Was shocked to see the BBc couldn’t even keep their pro-Islam bias out of the usually delightful Wallace and Gromit.
They also managed to get a small but predictable dig at the Tories into tonight’s (rubbish) drama “The 39 Steps”.
Llew | 28.12.08 – 10:00 pm |
And a suffragette!!!
Adrian is quite right. I heard the last half of R4’s Profile and it was a cleverly constructed hatchet job, disguised to sound objective while, in fact, portraying Klaus as a nutcase renegade.
My wife is currently listening to R4’s News Review Of The Year. Predictably Hilary Clinton was mentioned only in glowing terms while the Sarah Palin piece had a ludicrous song attached. And when it came to the credit crunch, who was rolled out as an example of someone who could say “told you so”? Not Nouriel Roubini, who did accurately predict much of what has happened, but the “grand old man of British Marxism” Eric Hobsbawm, who has been predicting the imminent demise of capitalism for sixty years and was allowed to chunter on without facing even the weakest challenge.
It is clear from the BBC (and many Leftist boards) that there is much hand-rubbing at the current financial collapse.
That so much of it was caused by Leftist policies (Clinton’s drive to of force lenders to shower loans on those with no hope of repaying them, McBean’s hosing money at the NHS and schools) escapes their tiny, addled minds.
Hobsbawn (who should, by rights, have been imprisoned as a traitor, decades ago) sings the song they want to hear.
In a few years time, when the economy is expanding again, nothing will be heard of these imbeciles and the Left will be back to its internecine fighting and pointless gestures.
Capitalism is a law of nature – like gravity. You can object to it all you like, but it will not go away and it will not change its essential nature.
“…Ever shriller and more frantic has become the insistence of the warmists, cheered on by their army of media groupies such as the BBC, that the last 10 years have been the “hottest in history” and that the North Pole would soon be ice-free • as the poles remain defiantly icebound and those polar bears fail to drown. All those hysterical predictions that we are seeing more droughts and hurricanes than ever before have infuriatingly failed to materialise…”
Great article in the Telegraph.
Apologies, but the wife and I caught the end of ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ tonight, not that we usually watch such tosh.
Anyway, other than the fact that Toyah knows little about her chosen subject (David Bowie), what really got me was the chat between the quizmaster John Humphreys and one of the contestants. I don’t know his name but he is a black TV actor.
Having talked about some of his previous roles, Humphreys says; “And tell us about the new role you’re to play in a forthcoming BBC production, that of Friar Tuck”
Black actor confirms that it is true.
“A lot of people will find it hard to believe that you are taking on the role,” continues Humphreys, “after all, when one thinks of Friar tuck one primarily thinks of a short, fat man with a dreadful haircut”.
Sorry, but when I think of Friar tuck, specifically as we are talking about England in the early 1400s, I tend to think WHITE, rather than short, fat and silly haircuts. Or is it just me?
My only question is, why do the Brits tolerate the Marxist/Gramsci BBC? Why do they allow this parasitic bloodsucker on their backs? Sucking honest broadcasting and pumping toxic, dishonest and culturally destructive drool into them from childhood?
I do not understand why this cancer is allowed to feed on British society.
pitpasschris | Homepage | 29.12.08 – 12:26 am
That’s a fine example of the racist BBC pretending that white people don’t exist (despite the fact that the BBC is predominantly white).
At least I think it still is.
Verity, don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel!
Of course, I agree with you totally.
For all his faults, which are legion, Humphrys has never struck me as being particularly in thrall to the PC brigade.
Maybe he was having a tease. I didn’t see the show but I can imagine how, if he got the timing right, he could have had the bien pensant types teetering on the verge of apoplexy.
It would go like this:
John Hymphrys: A lot of people will find it hard to believe that you are taking on the role,after all, {PAUSES}…..
Ms. PC Prigge: Ohmigod! He’s not going to say something ….inappropriate, is he?
John Humphrys: ..when one thinks of Friar tuck one primarily thinks of a…. {PARTICULARLY PORTENTOUS PAUSE}…….
Ms. PC Prigge: {GASPS} Ohmigod! He’s going to say ‘white man’… he really, really is..
John Humphrys: {WEARING TRIUMPHANT GRIN} short, fat man with a dreadful haircut. 😆
John Humphreys is too transparent. Friar Tuck was fat. For Humphreys to add “with a dreadful haircut” gives the game away. Way too heavy-handed. Way too smirking metropolitan.
To bludgeon home the point, how many people, when they see a rendering of the Wife of Bath think, “Whoaaah! Split ends!”
We expect those BR (Before Revlon) to have not very good hair. We don’t judge haircuts of the times. We don’t note them. We didn’t even think negatively or positively about the Dalai Lama’s hair when he escaped Tibet in actual newsreels. When we see the news reports of the time, we don’t think, “Skinny guy, a diety in Tibetan Buddhism, always smiling, hair not that great.”
John Humphries is not as a clever a manipulator as he thinks he is.
Hammering a black man into the Friar
Tuck role is insulting to the integrity of our history. Bending the truth for political ends. Hmmm, what regimes does this remind you of? So with this government of the last 12 long years, what’s new? And Humphreys is condescending (to the indigenes. Heaven forefend that he should be condescending to an immigrant!) and complicit.
Back to climate change. Today’s BBC website platform for AGW propaganda has gone to the head of Kew Gardens. I love the place, but it, like almost all our national institutions is now clearly run by a nutter.
He tells the world, according to the bated breath BBC report, that plants are needed more than ever as “carbon sinks” and that mankind must restore the planet (presumably to total forest-cover) so that “climate change” will stop.
This is quack science (and eco-fascism) peddled by someone who should know better. The BBC purveys it as unchallenged fact.