Well folks, I looked forward to getting the latest analysis of the cleansing of Gaza from the BBC’s Middle East editor Jeremy Al Bowen and I was not disappointed. According to Jeremy, the suffering is all on side (Hint – and it’s not that of Israel) Jeremy also was quick to pour scorn on Israel’s current military and political assumptions for good measure. A Gazan “doctor” was then wheeled on to inform us that wicked Israel is now targeting families and kids. This isn’t news, folks, it is rank Pali-propaganda and we are witnessing the BBC in full-on anti-Israel mode.
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Peace is never permanent.
Aeneas | Homepage | 29.12.08 – 8:24 pm
Not peace but quiet.
“if Muslims are weak, a truce may be made for ten years if necessary, for the Prophet made a truce with the Quraysh for that long, as is related by Abu Dawud” (‘Umdat as-Salik, o9.16).
In other words if Israel is prepared to demonstrate Muslim weakness every ten years (A euphemism for beat the crap out of them) Hamas will have an Islamic excuse not to make war. Not peace but quiet. No military solution but the problem can be managed militarily.
The false whining of the BBC and the true tears of the innocent may be the price Israel has to pay.
Mideast papers on Gaza
BBC: In Israel, press commentators are broadly supportive of the army operation, and insist that it is up to Hamas to stop the violence, by ending firing of rockets from Gaza into southern Israel. One writer, however, disagrees, terming the operation a “crime against humanity”.
JONATHAN GEFFEN IN CENTRE-RIGHT MA’ARIV (from the BBC article):Have we not learned that every war, no matter how justified, is a crime against humanity?
The operation (specific to this one) vs. every war (general pacifism). Not the same thing at all.
Trisha 9:38
“What gives with the BBC ? ” . Simple really, they are Marxists following orders.
DB wrote:
So who is issuing the warnings? Could it be the Israelis trying to minimize civilian casualties before striking against arms dumps hidden in mosques?
The IDF can send messages to every mobile phone in Gaza. This they do before an attack they also send
messages out informing people to keep away from Hamas buildings.
I wonder why the bBC don’t inform the great unwashed about that little snippet.
Anybody watched the Abu Bowen reports from Gaza and the left Bank on News 24.
Apparently in a turnaround for the cartographers in that part of the world the peoples of the West Bank are separated from their Brothers in Gaza by Guard towers and walls.
Silly me and I thought the state of Israel stood between them.
The news is back on on. If you have the time watch the Abu Bowen report.
So much for the power cuts enforced on Gaza by those nasty jews.
News 24 is showing live film clips of a very well lit Gaza.(It is 2am over there)
I wonder why the bBC don’t mention that, you know like they havn’t mentioned the 120 aid trucks allowed in today.
DB further to my last;
“Sunday, Military Intelligence’s Psychological Warfare Department broke into radio broadcasts in Gaza and warned Palestinian civilians not to cooperate with Hamas terrorist activity.
Palestinians reported that they received phone calls to their cellular phones and landlines from the IDF. The phone call, the Palestinians said, conveyed a recorded message ordering the immediate evacuation of homes that were next to Hamas infrastructure or being used by the terrorist organization”
The bBC the news from around the arab world and half the story.
In his visit to Egypt, PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) placed the responsibility for the Israeli attack on Hamas, saying, “We called the leaders of Hamas, and told them both directly and directly, through Arab parties and non-Arab parties. We talked with them on the phone. We told them, ‘Please, do not end the tahdiah.'” [1]
Nimr Hammad, an advisor to Mahmoud Abbas, said: “The one responsible for the massacres is Hamas, and not the Zionist entity, which in its own view reacted to the firing of Palestinian missiles. Hamas needs to stop treating the blood of Palestinians lightly. They should not give the Israelis a pretext.” He called upon the leaders of Hamas to stop carrying out “operations which reflect recklessness, such as the firing of missiles.”
The bBC the news from around thre arab world and half the story
Nasrallah Calls for Overthrow in Egypt
Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah made an unprecedented speech on Sunday calling on Arabs, particularly Egyptians, to protest government policy and force their governments to stand with Gaza. On Monday Egypt responded, accusing Nasrallah of inciting chaos in Egypt.
Strange how abu bowen left out that snippet in his diatribe.
The bBC the news from around thre arab world and half the story
The bBC, the news from around the arab world and half the story
‘Hamas ready to sign ceasefire’
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has said he is ready to sign a ceasefire agreement for Gaza that would involve Israel ending its attacks and its blockade of the territory, Senegal’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday. It said the proposal for a truce in Gaza was made in a telephone call to Meshaal late on Sunday by Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, current president of the 56–member Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). “The Hamas leader said he was ready to sign such an accord in a place to be chosen by common consent between the two sides,” the ministry said in a statement.
The bBC, the news from around the arab world and half the story
News24 was at it again yesterday. First they had what can only be described as a ‘butterball’ interview with the hatchet-faced Hanan Ashrawi about those evil Israelis (‘Are you encouraged by the world’s response to these attacks?’ type questions). All that was missing was the soft focus and flowers in the background. Then we nicely segued into an interview with a UNRWA no-mark called Gunness who naturally castigated Israel. At one point he said something like ‘remember Palestinians are being killed by their own people (i.e. rockets going awry) as well as by the Israelis’ then only later remembering that he should mention in passing Israeli casualties.
I almost could have sworn I had switched on to Al-Aqsa by mistake, had I not known that the Israelis had flattened that festering pile of excrement a couple of days back.
I’m just waiting now for the first big ‘fake’ atrocity to arise…something akin to the ‘rusty’ old ambulance with the hole cut in the roof from the Lebanon War a few years back. Then we can watch the BBC rent their garments in anguish, maybe even getting Alan Johnston to do some sort of appeal to help the poor oppressed Gazans?
Here’s one the BBC seem to have missed when showing the slaughter of innocents.
Funny, that.
I wonder why?…
They can’t help themselves can they?…
“Have you been taking part in the demo? Do you have friends or family who are taking part in rallies elsewhere? What are your experiences? ”
Yes let’s hear all your anti-semitic, er I mean anti-zionist, anti-israeli bile please…it so matches the BBC mindset.
How about asking these tossers where they were when the Lebanese Army were shelling Palestinian refugee camps a year or so ago? No, thought not…
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has said he is ready to sign a ceasefire agreement for Gaza that would involve Israel ending its attacks and its blockade of the territory, Senegal’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
pounce | 30.12.08 – 1:07 am |
That would be the same Khaled Meshaal calling for suicide bombing in response to airstrikes and a new intifada? Even Katya Adler reported on
Meshaal’s call for a third and violent Palestinian uprising.
Hamas’s military wing has vowed to open the gates of hell. I’m not sure wheter Adler is making a direct quote from Meshaal but I’m sure he will be standing within the gates and claiming all he wants is airconditioning.
Thanks for the info Pounce re IDF warnings.
Israel’s Channel One News reported on Monday evening that Hamas is hiding its most potent missiles under Gaza City’s main hospital.
Israeli officials are discussing how to destroy the massive cache of Grad missiles.
One of the rumored options is to give the Palestinians three hours to evacuate the hospital before Israeli jets destroy the building and the weapons warehouse beneath.