I am sorry to read of the death of Sir Alan Walters – the man who was Mrs Thatcher’s great economic guru and whose vision helped Mrs Thatcher restore our prosperity as a nation to the horror of the BBC. Iain Dale has the story here, as has All Seeing Eye. The BBC does not seem to know about this at time of posting (All those £££ billions and yet this miss this?) but I think it will be interesting to see how they cover it tomorrow morning. Any bets on how the BBC will treat Sir Alan’s memory?
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my guess,in the current “Gordon is saviour of the world” climate – a brief mention. and no HYS…
Thinking about it, I also bet that they won’t do a D-HYS. If Gaza wasn’t happening it would certainly have required one on pure merit but never “Your Memories” or “Your Tributes”. It’d be “Your Comments” or “Your Reaction” at the very most.
There would also be a grumpy article hinting that orphans starved in the street because him and the Wicked Witch of No10.
RIP Sir Alan Walters…a brilliant man.
This isn’t even a story is it? It’s the b-BBC conspiracy theory story
Do you know anything of history ‘cameron’? He was a towering intellectual and helped shape the economic recovery. Many lefties who are pygmies in comparison have been eulogied before.
Geoff | 05.01.09 – 12:24 am |
Like our friend Che and all he did was die!
I’m talking a out the issue BBC bias in this blog. The BBC haven’t even printed anything yet, so the issue of bias becomes speculative.
Cameron, you imbecile. The point is that the BBC hasn’t run the story.
Do you understand, now?
Geoff | 05.01.09 – 12:24 am |
Like our friend Che and all he did was die!
disillusioned_german | 05.01.09 – 12:27 am | #
If Che had done nothing but die he should be extended the respect due (by non-leftists) to the dead .
He was much , much worse than that – from the same mould as Reinhard Heidreich .
Both of them pin-up boys for their respective movements .
Ah, ‘cameron’, that is entirely David’s point by asking readers in advance to “bet on” what the BBC response will be. That it “…will be interesting…” to see.
Wouldn’t it be nice if archduke and I were shown to be completely wrong! I’d be the first to clap.
disillusioned_german: When Tony Benn croaks then I suggest we do a B-BBC whipround to rent a few hotels in Spain or somewhere for a couple of months at the very least.
The Funeral March will be played every half an hour on all BBC channels. Their magazines will come out with black borders.
And if Red Ken gets eaten by a mutated newt then I don’t know what we’d all do.
Curiously, the Daily Telegraph doesn’t seem to have carried the news, either.
I was perfectly reasonable with my comments.
You, in return, were rude.
Geoff thanks mate.
Miv, thats because blogs are quicker to pick things up than the Dead-Tree Press (and the Dead-Tube Press maybe soon *grin* but Donal Blaney is now running with it, as is NewsCred although it’s only quoting the Iain Dale article. It’ll be on the MSM within the next few hours.
The very first comment on Iain Dale’s site (from NotASheep):
How vile will the BBC coverage of Sir Alan Walters death be? Somehow I envisage lots of references to massive unemployment and falling out of the ERM, possibly with a reference to David Cameron’s “vital” role.
And that’s why David thinks that the anticipation is worth it – and to note that the stats show B-BBC was the third website to post the terrible news. These days, blogs are fastest every time.
Didn’t Walters believe in getting rid of manufacturing?
Alan Healy | 05.01.09 – 12:48 am |
The name Heidreich doesn’t ring any bells. Who was he? (I’m too lazy to google the name)
Geoff | 05.01.09 – 12:53 am |
What about George Galloway? What do we do if he kicks the bucket? I will rejoice – I admit it.
Oops. Anonymous was me using Firefox. Internet Explorer 8.0 Beta was a little slow today.
“The name Heidreich doesn’t ring any bells. Who was he?”
I think we mean Reinhard Heydrich.
He was the sadistic SS governor aka the “Butcher of Prague” of occupied Czechoslovakia in WW II.
When he was assassinated by the Czech resistance in 1941, the Nazis’ revenge was to “erase” the village of Lidice and massacre all its population.
disillusioned_german: I’m in a rush so can’t look up the original source of the comment, but it was once observed something along the lines of:
“I have been taught to never speak ill of the dead. Therefore I shall remain silent.”
Just from memory – I’m back in front of a computer in a few hours time and will source it properly. If my long lunch gets messy then I won’t 🙂
That took them long enough! A full 24 hours…
Wow, and they’ve dug deep enough into Hansard to wrench it into a puff piece for Gordon – the article otherwise mainly focusing on the ERM debacle.
Notice that in the BBC report Sir Alan was “controversial”, something a left-wing economist could never be !
The way the BBC treat Walter’s death is to have as the main side link an account of Britain’s falling -out from the ERM. Guess which party was on watch at the time? Any excuse for some Tory kicking.
Geoff: Let’s hope Benn is public spirited enough to give alerts to his imminent demise. I doubt I could stomach the gushing BBC tributes to such a “distinguished reforming statesman”, or whatever tripe they compose.
I see the BBC news just stuck the knife into him.
Will86: I’ll add your name to the list of B-BBC readers who should rent those villas in Spain for a month when Benn or Livingstone die. Otherwise we’ll just self-combust with fury. 🙂
We’ll need one brave soul to sacrifice him/herself by staying in the UK to tell us when it’s safe to return.
‘cameron’: now that the dice have landed, what do you think?
Britain has a bullshit economy.
America has Microsoft and Apple.
Japan has Nintendo (which unlike British companies is creative and innovative).
Britain has…er…nothing. Where is the British Nintendo or Apple?
Britain used to be like Japan and Germany; makers of quality products.
Now we make shit.
Walter’s legacy is a worthless economy which does no make anything of quality.
“left-wing economist”
an oxymoron surely?
I am in the bespoke furniture market, my mate is in specialised printing, another makes top end laminated truck boarding, another builds houses to very high spec all over the world etc etc–are you getting the picture? All good quality products made by small/medium sized companies all across UK–and certainly not SHIT!!
The point is we compete without the need for the state to hold our hands–what you seem to want is the taxpayer to support unproductive overunionised industries just to keep them open.
We tried that under the last Labour government and ended up with a 3 day week
Zevilyn, don’t talk such bollocks. I work in a knowledge-based industry, and we create wealth. There are a great many small-to-medium enterprises around Oxford (and Cambridge) doing the same.