Oh god, did anyone else see the BBC evening news presenting Prudence’s latest fantasy about creating 100,000 new jobs as the Rooseveltism “New Deal” for Britain? As we go into 2009, it looks like the BBC is absolutely determined to present Brown as the economic saviour of the UK even as he goes about the business of ruining it.
FDR AND 100,000 new JOBS.
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Yes it’s more left wing bollocks. If Brown had wanted to save 30,000 jobs why didn’t he buy up Woolworth?
The people who are losing jobs are mostly shop workers and bankers. I don’t think many of them will be laying fibre optic cable or lagging lofts.
It’s the sheer insanity of what Brown is babbling about and the way in which the BBC laps it all up.
Don’t forget – this is the man who is going to borrow his way out of debt.
have they never even seen a history book far less read one!
What a shock!!!
The “narrative” has been agreed: the economic problems started in America, the UK bankers are to blame for the UK having any economic problems, Gordon Brown was warning the world for years about the imminent issues, Gordon Brown is the only man who can save the UK and the world, experience is key, the Tories are a “do nothing” party led by “toffs”.
If Gordon Brown and the BBC are both saying it then it must be true… mustn’t it?
David Vance: Nor does the BBC challenge Mcfatty one eye that these big capital projects will take months if not years to get beyond the design and planning stage.
As for construction, most of those getting the jobs will be Polish!!
If Fatty one eye really wanted to get people recruited why not give companies a tax break on national insurance for taking workers on?
Funny thing is, he’ll probably be able to achieve by fiddling the books again.
He’ll use Jobcentre Plus and the all-singing, all-dancing Local Employment Partnerships (LEP).
LEPs are a great statistical fiddle that claims job entries as if they were created by it (when they weren’t).
For example: a customer advises their jobcentre they are signing-off to start work. The JC then contacts the employer to ge them to sign a LEP contract. For doing nothing more than picking up the phone and burdening the employer with paperwork the jobcentre can claim the job entry.
This is going on up and down the country and thousands of job entries are being claimed as a result.
I see fatty one eye keeps trying to convince people that this recession isn’t his fault.
Of course this whole mess is the fault of Mcfatty one eye.
And anyway I thought Liebour had rebuilt the schools and hospitals? Where did those billions go over the last 11 years then?
I also watched McBroon on Marr, and though Marr actually (shock) asked Brune whether he felt any responsibility for problems in the financial system (nb- not the overall economy), he was steamrollered by the snotgobbler. He seemed to take it lying down though. Pancake flat. Really it was pathetic watching Mcavity Brown getting away with it (as he has all his life, apparently).
Wasn’t it Mcfatty one eye that just cancelled the building of two large aircraft carriers that would have created thousands of jobs?
Well, I have been saying only since 1998 that the One-Eyed Jock is equally insane, ignorant, illiterate and innumerate. No wonder he is beloved by the equally insane etc BBC.
Martin – the same two aircraft carriers they had been bleating about every year for the last decade as being the future of the RN, thousands of jobs, real investment, yadda yadda yadda.
Wot no “recession”?
BBC: “PM defends handling of downturn”
Brown is into the area of: ‘desperate-daily-soundbites-and-lies-so-as-not-to-lose-an-election’.
The BBC does not, for obvious reasons, query most of the Brown/Labour soundbites on e.g., the reality of:-
1.) continuing mass immigration, and enthusiasm for Islamic Turkey’s entry to EU (and prospect of 1 million plus, more immigrant to UK);
2.)willingness to take Guantanamo Islamic jihad suspects as UK immigrants;
3. postponement of building aircraft carriers, despite the guff about ‘100,00’ more jobs;
4.) the dhimmitude towards Islamic jihad, at home and abroad, including towards Islamic jihad outfit Hamas.
“But there has been some criticism from two German politicians and the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund of the decision to cut VAT from 17.5% to 15% until the end of 2009.
I’m sorry, what? The Germans criticised the whole fucking Keynesian approach; the whole idea of spending your way out of debt they said was completely moronic. Moreover, these ‘two’ German politicians are important people; it would be the equivalent of Darling and Miliband making attacks on the German economy. Just what do the BBC think they are playing at?
IF Brown wants to have 100 000 jobs created he`d better tell the senior civil servants in Whitehall to have a 180 degree turn of attitude. They WANT to destroy jobs
For so long now the establishment in this country has had a ReverseLuddism outlook on the economy. RL is the philosophy that unless a job is banking, computers or high tech, maybe also public relations and law, then that job can be terminated for no good reason other than it is so passe, so last year and stupid foreigners, like Chinese, can do it.
It`s not that the job needs subsidising or special favours, if it can be overtaxed, over regulated, or another country favours its own, let that job sink.Let the job loser become a call centre worker (what happened to those–oh yes, India)
We never had Free Trade, we had fixed against us trade.
Sadly its an attitude which is endemic in the civil service AND the private sector.
Many employers these days are extremely rude to job applicants, not even bothering to reply to applications leaving those seeking jobs in the lurch waiting for days for a reply (and thus burdening the taxpayer even more).
In the US, the crooks at the Federal Reserve deliberately created the crisis in order to create a World Bank, in the UK, Brown allowed the bags of money to seduce him into ignoring the fact that people were spending money they don’t have.
Its been government policy to favour foreign companies (and thus cheaper labour) since the 1980s, it pre-dates Brownstuff.
Our ruling elite and the big business CEOs prefer cheaper foreign labour, and see manufacturing as “passe”.
At least the vile Goldman Sachs criminal Paulson will be gone very soon, Brown alas could still be around for much longer.
It was pathetic seeing that moron Brown saying the recession is a world problem and Marr not asking the blatently obvious question. ‘If its a world problem why has sterling fallen through the floor’. This question was blatently ignored it was so obvious the whole interview had agreed questions.
Gordon Brown’s actual words were (according to The Telegraph “I want to show how we will be able, through public investments and public works, to create probably 100,000 additional jobs over the next period of time in our capital investment programme”.
So not only “probably 100,000” but “over the next period of time”, whatever that means. Don’t journalists examine politicians words or do they just swallow the Labour spin.
NotaSheep: I don’t think it’s just spin Marr swallows off Brown nose.
Original Robin, I think you’ll find that harks back to Blair and his concept that Britian would provide the architects and the third world the builders.
In Disneyland they call them imagineers;
“The BBC lens seemed smeared in Vaseline” (Quentin Letts)
“The camera lens belonging to the BBC1 Andrew Marr Show seemed to have been smeared at the edges in Vaseline, for there was something mellow and soft-sell about the image. Behind Mr Brown, artistically out of focus, was a vase of flowers, genus indistinct but colours a patriotic red, white and blue.
…” Someone had pointed an arc light at Mr Brown from above, accentuating the silver in his hair and giving him something approaching a halo. This is the aim, after all, of his countless spin doctors. ‘Let us turn, if we may, to the British economy,’ interrupted the spidery-limbed Marr.
“Mr Brown suddenly pulled up his hands in what a psycho-analyst might call a defensive reflex. This gesture, when accompanied by a gassy smile, was straight out of one of those Bird and Fortune sketches on Rory Bremner’s TV show.
“Mr Brown sprayed round the G word (G for ‘global’) and insisted ‘we’re not going to allow people to go under’. My children, watching, asked if this meant their favourite shop, Woolworths, would be saved. I told them not to believe everything this strange man on the screen was telling them.
“And then Marr asked about the rumours of a General Election this year. Suddenly Mr Brown’s orange face distorted into a weird, coy, ooh-you-are-awful smile. ‘It’s the furthest thing from my mind!’ he shrieked. ‘It’s the last thing on my mind!’ And later: ‘It’s not the first thing on my mind!’ Believe him?”
Browns new policy is clearly a desperate attempt to placate the unions and those in society too mentally dull to understand that it won’t work. The government is a very poor instrument of market growth, and has all the ability to change direction as a supertanker. The whole project will be massively bureacratic and wasteful, and better achieved by businesses in accordance with market forces. Brown seems to have got stupider and stupider in recent years (the last 11)
presenting Prudence’s latest fantasy about creating 100,000 new jobs as the Rooseveltism “New Deal” for Britain?
More “sound” bites for the economically and historically illiterate. Which in this country includes ALL socialists and their slobbering acolytes running interference at the BBC.
As anyone with half a brain knows (excluding the aforementioned half-brainers above apparently) the quasi-socialist wet-dream “New Deal” failed utterly.
Unemployment, low business growth and stagnation remained stubbornly unaffected by the former free market Roosevelt’s massive expansion of government interference in the US economy from 1933-41.
Years later, what leftoids commonly lie about as the “benefits” of the BIG GOVERNMENT New Deal, was in fact due to America entering that little thing called WORLD WAR 2.
That is what revived the American economy. Not strangling a productive economic system called capitalism, with a unproductive welfare system called socialism.
Meet the “New” Deal, same as the old New Deal.
absolutely right –US benefited from the Lend Lease deal and the collapse of the British Empire far more than rather than Roosevelt’s mad spending–the Socialists have been supporting this lie for years. The other biggest difference is that the jobs created by the TVA etc etc all went to US citizens and companies–will this happen here? Bearing in mind EU rules on competition
Classic article!!!
I get a bit queasy when the words “Gordon Brown” and “vaseline” are mentioned in the same sentence. Now he has kissed and made up with his old boyfriend Lord Mandy I expect the Number Ten vaseline jar needs regular replenishment.
I believe the BBC did a fearless piece with penetrating questions about how come a ‘Labour’ government brings in an unelected, corrupt thug to run trade and industry.
Then I woke up, of course. Gangsters don’t snitch on other gangsters.
Instead of bailing out failing businesses and banks consider this, you could ’employ’ two million people for a year at a ‘salary’ of 20,000 p.a. for a cost of forty billion pounds.
This is a no big boost to the economy, but is it so different to those that have been suggested by other means, its smaller proportinately than the 800 billion boost that will soon happen in the USA.
OK the salary is not a kings ransom, but it is quite reasonable, and one that could be improved by moving on to a another job as the economy allows the new opportunities.
Two million would be enough to take up all of the shortfall in employment from the credit crunch.
Actually its a lot less than forty billion, as you would get tax and national insurance from all of these ’employees’ saving about a third of the cost, this would be used to cover the non salary costs of the work being done and you would not have to pay them benefits, saving a further considerable proportion.
Long term unemployed would become employable again as they had to hold down a job and would get back into a work orientated lifestyle.
Also the extra money in the economy would give it a massive boost, creating many jobs and reducing the need to have so many in the new community ‘army’.
You could give all of the two million new workers the useful work for the community that it has been crying out for to be done and then some.
The emphasis would be on work that cost the minumum in additional resources to carry out, but were labour intensive, that is what is being paid for.
Also everyone would have to work, no more benefits for the workshy there would be a job available for all and they would have to do it to earn.
Its all too radical of course so it wont happen, certainly not from Labour, but that is just the point, its not a ‘new deal’ from Brown, not even remotely like it. Even if it did produce 100,000 jobs which I doubt, it would be a drop in the ocean.
Now something radical like the above suggestion (ok you might not agree with it) that would fairly be called a ‘new deal’, the BBC calling Brown’s pathetic efforts a new deal is an insult to our intelligence, to history and to the British people.
The current Private Eye mag points out that many of these capital projects have gone to foreign contractors. At least one has stated that it has no intention of taking on any British workers, it will just bring in its own guys (from Spain).
So any stimulus from British tax payers will go to the Spanish economy.
Lurker | 07.01.09 – 11:55 am |
So any stimulus from British tax payers will go to the Spanish economy.
Awesome. If word gets out, Robert Peston will have to do a blog post explaining how that will ultimately be beneficial for Britian.