“Can Israel do whatever it wants?”
That’s the headline on today’s World Have Your Say, presented by the BBC. I haven’t got time to go into all the buried assumptions and question-begging this choice of headline embodies. It’s designed to draw forth either the answer “Yes – because the world will not stop these maniacs” or “No – the world must stop these maniacs”.
Well I have to admit I’m impressed.
Put the telly on and on News 24 they had HARDtalk.
Stephen Sackur interviewed Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan who is based in Beriut.
Well in a nutshell what an interview.
Hamdan was given the floor and he simply expose what a bigoted racist intolerent group Hamas are.
Stephen Sackur you have my respect.
This 4 min clip does not do the interview credit.
Unfortunately the link isn’t working. No doubt the beebs got wind of it and must have swiftly ‘moderated’ it. After all, unless you are hailing the palestinians as victims and the israelites as aggressors your viewpoint won’t get a look-in where their censors are concerned.
YES staged
But what has UN resolutions got to do with anything, and who said they were stage managing only the Israeli side? Certainly not me.
In reality I suspect the UN finances Arab terrorism more then the Israeli type. It certainly uses the power of the BBC to help the situation along.
Come to think about it, I do not suspect the UN finances terrorists and terrorism within the area, I know it does, and so do you.
The UN might as well be organizing half time breaks in the action, so the teams can take a break and restock on supplies. Oh sorry they already are doing so. Well next, they will insist that the rich side lets the poor sides injured use their hospitals. Oh sorry they already are doing so.
Come on, get real, this is stage managed bullshit, if ever there was such a thing. Real death and violence all the same, but stage MANAGED by someone for 100% sure.
The job of the UN is not supposed to be managing warfare. The UN’s job is to stop warfare preferably before it starts.
Are you seriously expecting me to understand that IF the combined will of the UN and the people who really control it, wanted TOTAL peace in the middle east, that we would not have total peace by now. Come to think about it, if the powers that be at the time had never wanted a war in the middle east, not one single war in the middle east would ever have happened at all, never mind blown hot and cold for 60 god damned years?
Establishments make wars, we fight, die, and gain less then nothing from them at all. Establishments also stop wars at a moment of their choosing, or defeat. Penny less Arab peasants and ordinary Israeli citizens, do not do anything of the kind, and also NEVER HAVE longer then it took for the alcohol to run out.
You can bet that when something seems very insane indeed, it is very insane indeed, because the people that strongly desire it to carry on happening, for now at least. ARE extremely insane, to say the very least.
Could it be that this is been started off again at this very moment, just to take our eyes off of our current financial crisis, or should I say complete and total economic meltdown?????
I believe it very well could be. After all these people are playing one hell of a game of extremely high stakes monopoly POKER with the world right now. The lives of a few dozen Israelis and Arabs, is not worth to these people a small handful of over baked beans.
A.Knight | Homepage | 09.01.09 – 12:21 am | #
The link is working for me. Mind I had to watch an advert for Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts first. Funny, I thought the license fee was what funded al-Beeb, not Middle Eastern corporations.
I have to say though, I was disappointed with the interview. Not one mention of Hamas firing rockets into Israel.
My comment to the WHYS is still ” awaiting moderation” since 18:43
Harvey Wallbanger (retired) January 8, 2009 at 18:43
The question itself is outrageous and only serves to illustrate the depths to which the BBC has abandoned its charter which demands impartiality.
A more salient question would be “Can Hamas do whatever it wants?”.
According to the BBC, “Yes it can.”
While it seems the UN driver was shot by snipers the BBC are still saying he was killed as a result of “Israel tank shelling”.
Here’s what the evil Jooos have to say about it:
Uncertainty shrouds UN driver’s death
Jason wrote:
I have to say though, I was disappointed with the interview. Not one mention of Hamas firing rockets into Israel.
That clip was only 4 mins long. The actual interview on bBC News 24 HARDtalk was 30 mins long. And yes Sackur did mention the rockets. In fact he berated that Hamas spokesman for not answering the question about how he can justify the lauching of thousands of rockets (which started this all) when he is safe in Beruit and the people of Gaza are paying for his arrogence.
Abu Bowen would not be pleased.
Must go as I have a project to finshed for 8am.
So you’re saying Sackur is one of a few Al Beeb employees who still has balls, Pounce?
If you were convinced I’ll take your word for it, my friend.
Good luck with the project!
Atlas shrugged | 09.01.09 – 12:26 am |
In reality I suspect the UN finances Arab terrorism more then the Israeli type. It certainly uses the power of the BBC to help the situation along.
Come to think about it, I do not suspect the UN finances terrorists and terrorism within the area, I know it does, and so do you.
Okay, I can’t argue with that. That’s not the same thing as staging this particular battle, though.
The UN might as well be organizing half time breaks in the action, so the teams can take a break and restock on supplies. Oh sorry they already are doing so. Well next, they will insist that the rich side lets the poor sides injured use their hospitals. Oh sorry they already are doing so.
The UN is more likely to bring in troops that would give young Palestinian girls food in exchange for sex than doing what you suggest. Although, I admit that the UN troops in Lebanon last time around basically let Hezbollah do what they want. The French even threatened to shoot at Israelis if they got too close, as I recall. But if the UN does want this conflict to continue, they’re supporting one side only. That’s not the same thing as your staging theory.
Come on, get real, this is stage managed bullshit, if ever there was such a thing. Real death and violence all the same, but stage MANAGED by someone for 100% sure.
Managed by Hamas leaders, yes. Stage managed by a puppetmaster? No way. This isn’t putting money in anybody’s pockets, so it doesn’t benefit your usual suspects in any way. Except maybe weapons smugglers on Egypt’s border with Gaza, I guess.
The job of the UN is not supposed to be managing warfare. The UN’s job is to stop warfare preferably before it starts.
Are you seriously expecting me to understand that IF the combined will of the UN and the people who really control it, wanted TOTAL peace in the middle east, that we would not have total peace by now. Come to think about it, if the powers that be at the time had never wanted a war in the middle east, not one single war in the middle east would ever have happened at all, never mind blown hot and cold for 60 god damned years?
Yes. The UN is totally, 100% useless and powerless. The “powers that be” in 1948 merely did what they thought was right for the moment (at the time, Truman thought of him self as a modern Cyrus the Persian, the one who kicked the Babylonians out of Israel and let the Jews back in). Then, just like all “powers that be” are wont to do, they lived in the moment, and then passed the buck on to the next generation.
The people who have knowingly perpetuated this death cult are the Arab nations who have financed the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc., not the Rothschilds or Bilderburgers or Skull and Bonesmen or even Common Purpose.
The BBC are just reacting out of emotion and ignorance. They may be encouraging violence against Jews worldwide, but they’re not part of the plot to start the conflict in the first place. I mean, you may as well say that they helped stage this to distract the public from learning the truth about the UFO what clipped that wind turbine.
I only see Hamas do with Palestinians what they want…
pounce | 09.01.09 – 2:20 am | #
So I guess the BBC editors conveniently “left off” (censored) that part for the website version. Figures, doesn’t it? Websites are still there the next day and one can view their content again and again. When they’re storing content for posterity, best take a nice BBC-issue scalpel and slice out anything which defies the BBC agenda.
Not sure if the Beeb have even covered the standoff in Kensington yesterday between pro-Israeli and anti-Israeli protestors outside the Israeli embassy.
The pros supporters were scheduled (as agreed by police) to covene an hour or so after the antis had left, however the lovely George Galloway decided that freedom of speech no longer exists in the UK and urged the antis to hang around and wait for the pros with the inevitable fracas resulting. In the end the antis had to be dispersed by the Old Bill, no doubt with much whingeing about police horses farting within 20 yards of a helpless 2 year old (at midnight).
I await the Beeb’s comment on this.
It was all over the ES for anyone who missed it…
What I want Al Beeb to ask is why there are still palestinian refugees and refugee camps today.
Simple question, but I think the answer wont be to Al Beebs liking (ie. refugees and refugee camps benefit arab hatred of Israel).
George Galloway spoke on a loud hailer urging a group of 150 to stay
This is a criminal offence under the Public Order Act. He is not protected under parliamentary immunity. Throw the fucker into prison.
Protest organiser Mohamad Sawalha, of the British Muslim Initiative, added: “It was a mistake to allow the other rally at the same time. It was provocative.”
I am sorry you don’t like British freedom of speech for Jews. If you don’t like it here, you know which country you can fuck off to where they don’t have such freedom.
Surely it was a mistake to allow the anti-Jewish protest at the same time as the pro-Israel rally ?
Ok, so get this. Last night I posted one simple sentence in the comments section of ‘have your say’. It was “BBC, if you are going to ask a loaded question in favour of palestine, at least allow those who observe it comment on it”. Lo and behold I find this morning the mods have had it deleted. Furthermore, it appears that I cannot post anything more in the comments section. Do they block i.p addresses from further comment if they don’t fit BBC political sway? This is communism at it’s finest. Is this really how we want our hard-earned taxpayer’s money spent. On a communist regime who gags freedom of speech and filters out any opinion which doesn’t fit into their own mould of leftist marxist pro-palestinian ideals? On that link, I think there is only two pro-israeli comments – probably thrown in to avoid suspicion. The Biased Brainwashing of the Country needs to Stop. Now.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is the author and ‘genius’ behind the loaded question who is also the moderator.Self-interested and slightly insecure to the point he must collect ‘positive reinforcement’ for his pathetically dumb loaded question. I mean why not? The BBC is a law unto itself and does what it wants without any accountability.
“Protest organiser Mohamad Sawalha, of the British Muslim Initiative, added: “It was a mistake to allow the other rally at the same time. It was provocative.””
The fact that half the comments to the Standard’s piece are devoted to discussing the merits of the dodgy Chinese noodle shop behind the pro-Palestian protestors tells you all you need to know about how bored everyone is with the endless whining, despite the Beeb’s best efforts to whip up concern.
My comment on the WHYS was also deleted. So I reposted it – see below – and it immediately registered as ‘awaiting moderation’. My suspicion is that once the Beeb has outed you as holding views which are counter to its agenda all of your comments are moderated.
Anyone fancy checking this by posting a pro-Hamas comment on the site?
Two observations:
1. Agree with Miv Tucker – what an appalling question! The BBC has now abandoned any pretence of impartiality on this issue! (And btw why no coverage on the BBC of the Palestinians killed or maimed by Hamas during the recent violence. Other media outlets have reported that 40-80 suspected collaborators or Fatah supporters have been killed and another 70-80 shot in the legs).
2. And does anyone seriously believe that if Israel gave in to all of the Palestinanins’ demands (as they did in 2000 at Camp David) that Hamas and Hizbollah would stop their attacks on Israel?? These people are constitutionally committed to the destruction of Israel – NOT the regain of Gaza and the West Bank.
A.Knight | Homepage | 09.01.09 – 10:05 am | #
mike | 09.01.09 – 10:53 am | #
If the comment was reasonable and non-inflammatory then raise the matter (in writing – repeatedly) with your MP or the relevant Govt. Minister.
What the BBC is doing is suppression of free speech and fair comment.
Alternatively start a petition at this site –
Introduction to e-petitions | Number10.gov.uk
I have just posted the following (it’s awaiting ‘modration’, of course):
Some of the comments above constitute criminal incitement to violence and racist hatred. These are criminal offences under British law. Both the author and the publisher of such comments – YOU – are criminally liable.
Unless such comments as ‘wipe Israel off the map’ etc are removed, I shall lodge a complaint with the police (asking them to apply anti-terrorist legislation) and with my MP to raise in the House.
I urge everyone to do likewise.
We supposedly live in a civilised country where people can have differing opinions and views and not have to worry about having their heads lopped off by some religious nuts suffering from blue balls.
following on from my previous comment with a gratuitous flash back moment π
As a young court clerk I well remember one of our more senior judges saying the day he needs to be escorted out of his court room is the day he retires (this was after a particularly heated case).
Then one day someone didnt like his opinion and tried to attack him…not realising the guy was a very dark shade of one of those dodgy chinese dark arts π
Ended up with a broken nose, 2 black eyes and concussion…and a conviction for assault π
So what Im saying is that it is indeed a sad day when two groups cannot protest peacefully side by side holding differing views.
BTW, that was the dumb arse not the judge with the sore head π
So what Im saying is that it is indeed a sad day when two groups cannot protest peacefully side by side holding differing views.
But is it surprising that Islamo-Fascists (and the shit Galloway) try to attack a pro-Israel demo?
“Israelis snub UN ceasefire call”
Headline 12:23 GMT, Friday, 9 January 2009
Further down the ‘article’
Hamas has also dismissed the UN ceasefire call.
According to Israeli media reports, Hamas militants fired at least 20 rockets at southern Israel on Friday morning.
BBC will pre-mod your comments for a while. Then when they feel you may have calmed down a bit they will let you back in. You will most likely have a little black mark against your name from then on. If you continue to act up they will ban you.
You could try a new ID using a different email address. I’d imagine that it’s IP address orientated these days so that may not work.
I seem to remember a Beeboid telling us a while back that they had some third party do the moderating on HYS and things like this, not BBC employees. Of course, they follow BBC editorial policy and censor one side and not the other, so it doesn’t make any difference. But I think they use a third party so they can wash their hands and claim innocence and impartiality.
The OmegaMan:
“Israelis snub UN ceasefire call”
Yes, I noticed that this morning.
Actually I was quite shocked at the headline claim that the Israelis had broken a cease fire by keeping on shooting, until it sunk in that no such thing had been agreed and, rather significantly, it had not been agreed by either side. So in fact it was a bit of a non story turned into a one-sided one.
Yet again, I find it of concern that I need to ignore much of what the BBC broadcasts, or at the very least interrogate it for order, what’s up front, what’s tucked away and what has been popped in convenient ‘quote marks’ to enable a headline to go out that suits the narrative.
“HAMAS HERO SAVES IDF STORMTROOPER………………………………………………………………. according to a thing a bloke told his cousin who works for UNblocked Drains, Inc, which got turned into a press release which was picked up by a paper that made it ‘real’, so we can then use it without really checking.’
Which means that if some kids really get on the wrong end of some bad folks for bad reasons, I am not paying as much attention as I once would. Reporting wolf?
So, MSM, is that the result of your ‘news shaping’ you intended? Or was getting a quick ratings fix and a dig at guys you don’t like a bit more important, really?
Mark Sandell, the producer of “World Have Your Say” likes to be a little economical with the truth. He currently has an article on Iain Dale’s West Ham fan blog saying he is married to Radio 5 Live’s Victoria Derbyshire. But, as we all know from the Telegraph’s recent story on the Victoria D./John Humphrys “crib sheet” debacle, Mark and Vicky are merely living together after he dumped former co-habitee Fi Glover in 2003. Maybe they were married this week and just didn’t have time to change their Wikipedia entries.
Israelis snub UN ceasefire call
That is an outright lie on several levels.
(a) You can’t snub it because it’s a call, just that.
(b) Hamas hasn’t stopped shooting.
The BBC are lying antisemitic scum.
Having written the above comment, I just checked back and both my and Miv Tucker’s comments are still there. We were both critical of the question and BBC “impartiality”, and these comments always get deleted on a regular HYS. My comment had the “awaiting moderation” flag yesterday, but that flag is gone now and the comment is still there.
But this is a WHYS, not domestic, and WHYS is usually more open than the domestic version. They have a different group of moderators, I believe.
The question itself is still very, very ugly, and goes along with the Narrative we hear from the on-air presenters.
So no censorship by the BBC this time. This time. We’ve all been witness to others, so this doesn’t wipe the slate clean. I just posted another comment, less critical of the BBC but more critical of Palestinians and the anti-Israel crowd. We’ll see if that stays up.
The OmegaMan | 09.01.09 – 2:10 pm |
I took pics of the before, after and fraudulent timestamp:
The invaluable News Sniffer also caught the bias:
Nearly Oxfordian:
Regarding the criminal postings, I recall a poster here who did the same thing about a year ago. She e-mailed the moderators at the BBC and complained and they just passed her off. When she told them she was contacting the police, they promptly acted.
Why don’t you just contact the police anyway?
Fair enough. As soon as I have a moment.
Atlas shrugged:
Let Atlas be a lesson to all of us about the follies of excessive cannabis use.
I posted a couple of comments just before the show. Then, at the end of the show, they said, as they usually do, “You can continue the conversation on our blog.”
No, you can’t, because they wont post any comments, mine included.
Well, I guess they are sitting in the BBC bar now, or they’ve gone home.
I’ve created a petition as you suggested. It is called BBCisBiased (they don’t allow spaces for some reason!) It has to meet the approval of their petition people – let’s hope they’re not BBC mods or affiliates. So be on the look out for that on. It’s under the heading of government and politics.
The problem is that the Israelis or the Arabs are not doing anything of the sort.
This because even in spite of their own respective divisive, corrupt and highly dishonest MSM. The vast majority of ordinary people in the area simply want exactly the same things as we all do.
Which is to live long, happy, free and prosperous lives, very much free from being blown up or shot up anywhere, or at any time.
What the BBC should have said was that. “Currently it seems that the Israeli armed forces are being ordered to appear to be allowed to do whatever they like. But of course as I am only a BBC employed repeater and not an independent, honest, free thinking, suitably educated investigative reporter, I can not possibly have an opinion worth paying any attention to”
Unless of course the BBC is being forced to come out with comments and horrifically obvious one sided and highly racist and divisive propaganda, it can not possibly know is true.
The BBC does not to my knowledge employ crazy conspiracy theorist, at least I have never received any brown parcels or wages from the BBC. Which is why until someone shuts me up, I will continue to tell the truth as I know it.
Yet the BBC constantly comes out with conspiracy theories all of the time. However not ever, if the BBC can possibly help it, the GREATEST oldest and largest conspiracy of them all. Of which the BBC is a completely essential part.
Atlas Shrugged:
As you say we all want to live long happy free and prosperous lives.
Count me in on that but to live a happy life, I don’t need anyone else to convert to my religion or change the laws of whichever country I set down in nor do I take enormous offense and turn violent when someone says anything offensive about my religion.
As a Christian it’s a damn good thing I don’t take offense at insults to my religion.
What does Israel need to change?
The people who need to change are Hamas and the morons who support them.
I mean its quite simple really, stop shooting at Israel.
That is the ultimate aim Israel, I hope, is after and until then, I hope, Israel wont stop going after Hamas in Gaza.
Oh BTW, what happened to the story being thrown around this morning about “Palestinans being hearded” in to that building?
Seems to have disappeared altogether since mid afternoon…almost as if the story has come to be exactly that…a story?
don’t feed the troll … err … atlas.
My comment at 3.24p.m. suggesting Mark Sandell, the producer of “World Have Your Say”, is being economical with the truth when he says on Iain Dale’s West Ham blog that he is married to Radio 5 Live presenter Victoria Derbyshire, (when he is on Wikipedia as simply co-habiting with her), seems to be correct. He has just moderated out my request as to his true marital status on the Iain Dale blog without answering it. He still maintains at the top of the article that he is married to her.
In some cultures just sleeping with a woman is considered to be “marriage”.
“Can Israel do whatever it wants?”
Er, yes, within certain limits. Vastly more than we can for instance.