I am sure you will have read the BBC report of “just a few” rockets being launched from southern Lebanon into Israel overnight. (aka Iran opens the northern front). I invite you to compare the paucity of the BBC coverage of the impact these rockets have had on the Israeli population at the receiving enfdwith that here from Fox. I suppose there wasn’t the room given the BBC need to further character assassinate Israel. Your views?
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Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 3:54 pm |
Don’t be silly. If you can’t even live in this reality, why should I answer questions based on false premises?
Is Israels response proportionate? – totally irrelevant. As somebody else pointed out, was the American reaction to the deaths of 3000 at Pearl Harbour ‘proportionate’?
Is it achieving anything? – Yes. Hamas ‘militants’ are dying
Is the ‘war’ in any way linked to the upcoming election (ie. Is it really all about Lvini’s election campaign?) – nice of Hamas to ‘end’ their ‘cease fire’ just in time for the elections!
Is it anti-semitic to criticise Israels actions? – If you compare them to Nazis, yes. If you expect more of Israel than any other nation, yes.
Why do you feel Israel has earned the right to help/support from the international community? – They are the victims of ongoing terror campaigns and they have proved they are willing to give the Palestinians all their stated objectives – West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, UN administered zone for Al Aqsa mosque and Wailing Wall, with final talks on sovereignty after 30 years of proven peace.
When are the Palestinians going to choose peace?
David Preisler
We have already established Bill’s ignorance of Middle East history and politics in yesterday’s posts !
So you believe all people’s should have to go back to the land they originated in. Could be quite difficult, logistically. I mean most British would have to leave the UK. All white and black Americans would have to leave America. All hispanics go back to Spain and , by some theories, we would all end up together in Africa. One big , happy family !
Listen up and listen good, here is some wisdom.
This blog is not really about the BBC Bias. We can all find bias in any walk of life if we look hard enough. This blog is not even about ‘but we pay for the beeb’ … cos you guys who moan about that, are just whingeing cos you see the BBC as projecting ideas that come into conflict with your own. IF the BBC was more conservative a la Fox, I can’t imagine you would have as many complaints.
This blog therefore is nothing about BBC Bias, its really about pointing out shitty little examples here and there, and above all, disagreeing with anyone who dares to challenge your views. This is really a blog about letting out anti-Labour, anti-Islamic hatred. Many people here are Tories, or Republicans, and its basically a conservative (with a small c) page. So advertise it as that, a conservative tlak page. Don’t use BBC Bias as a smokescreen for a blog about right wing/conservative views.
Ok David you answer my questions….
Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 3:54 pm | #
I shall answer your questions.
‘Is Israels response proportionate?’
No. It is under-proportionate. In international law the response sould be proportionate to neutralizing the perceived aim of the aggressor, which in this case is even openly stated, and which is the elimination of Israel. Do you actually wish Israel to respond proportionately to this? I doubt it.
Is it achieving anything?
Definitely. Even the less successful operation against Hezbollah in 2006 achieved a cessation of their hostilities ever since. The same will happen in Gaza.
Is the ‘war’ in any way linked to the upcoming election (ie. Is it really all about Lvini’s election campaign?)
You reckon? Then how come the main opposition is supporting it? The opposition candidate for PM is Benjamin Netanyahu, which has been defending the operation on all channels.
Is it anti-semitic to criticise Israels actions?
If you base your criticism on lies, and if you avoid criticizing non-Jewish countries for the same or more — then yes; this is antisemitism. Now do your own calculation. Are you an antisemite?
Why do you feel Israel has earned the right to help/support from the international community?
Israel does not expect support from anybody. But it does expect self-professed moralists to stick by the facts and avoid blood libels.
Oh, splendid. Bill has moved the goal posts again. Sure sign that he is not really interested in answers to his questions. The only reason I bothered to post answers is because others who read him may like to know the truth.
your about as smart as this guy bill.
says bill.
IF the BBC was more conservative a la Fox, I can’t imagine you would have as many complaints.
Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 3:54 pm | #
Can we please drop this childish, infantile insistence that the Israeli response should be “proportionate”? I don’t know where this idea comes from, but I suspect that for liberals like Bill it’s the psychological residue of childhood.
This isn’t two brothers fighting over a Playstation Bill, it’s one country defending its own citizens from indiscriminate rocket attacks the express purpose of which are to kill innocent civilians. It’s not a childish game of tit for tat in which Israel’s response should be a perfectly proportionate “punishment” to mirror everything that Hamas does. That is the thinking of a child.
As for “is it achieving anything” – well, it’s decimating Hamas and making Palestinians realize the consequence of supporting a terrorist organization which situates its terrorists and arsenal among civilians and then provokes Israel to attack them. We’ve already seen various examples of grieving parents (and children) denouncing and blaming Hamas for the carnage they’ve brought.
Questions of whether the war is “linked to the upcoming election” are also irrelevant, since Israel’s response would not have happened had Hamas not continued to fire rockets into Israel which kill Israelis. This question is a childish one akin to asking whether Bush invaded Iraq “to steal their oil,” when Bush in fact gave Saddam every chance to step down as leader of his party, an act which would have prevented the war from the start. If it were just about “oil” then why the ultimatum and the chance to end the war? They would have just gone in without giving him that chance.
Next you ask “is it antisemitic to criticize Israel’s actions” – isolated out of context no it isn’t, but when that criticism is not accompanied by an unambiguous condemnation of Hamas and Islamic terrorism, then yes it does tend to cross the line into antisemitism. This is because, reading between the lines, one sided criticism like this is to insinuate that Muslims have every right to “defend” themselves against Jews but Jews don’t have the same right to protect their own people against Muslim terrorism. Since the anti-Israel movement has yet to throw one rally or issue one statement of condemnation against Hamas or against Islamic terrorism in general, their claim that their criticism of Israel is not antisemitic is rather laughable.
Israel has earned the right to support from anyone who wishes to support them. Nobody has a “right” to demand support. But it is right and proper to support Israel for two reasons. First of all, because unlike the Arabs, they wish to live in a peaceful democracy. Second, because they are a shining example of democracy and civilization in a region which is dominated by savagery, oppression, aggression and outright evil. Planting the seeds of democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq was the right thing to do; supporting Israel is the right thing to do.
Bill: “you see the BBC as PROJECTING ideas that come into conflict with your own”.
Got it in one Bill. I do object to the BBC projecting ideas – because it is supposed to be neutral, non-partisan. That’s the whole problem. Now if I wasn’t forced to pay for the BBC, it could promote the Labour party, Hamas etc… to the roof-tops for all I care.
Jason | 08.01.09 – 4:11 pm |
I was nodding in agreement through every word of your well phrased lesson for poor, deluded Bill Buchanan, until you said –
unlike the Arabs, they wish to live in a peaceful democracy.
I think ordinary Arabs want freedom and democracy too.
Seeing Iraqis queuing to vote for the first time made a rather tough soldier friend weep.
Don’t feed the troll.
Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 4:04 pm | #
No Bill, this is a blog about BBC bias which you would in fact see if you visited it on a daily basis with objective eyes. See, the posts here point out examples of BIAS at the BBC. Do we have to go so far as to explain the concept of “bias” to you?
Bill’s posturing here is of a kind I see all the time from leftists on internet forums: they spend their entire lives throwing hissy fits and shrill tantrums in response to everything that fails to conform to their politically correct left wing world view – yet when they come across people like us making extremely objective, reasoned, calm objections to, say, the BBC, they leap right onto their stage and proclaim that we’re just “pissed” because we “can’t get our own way.”
This is how liberals have reacted to Obama’s victory, for example. Now, any criticism of Obama is met with “you conservatives are just sore losers….ha ha, get used to it, losers!”
It doesn’t occur to Bill that we have extremely legitimate objections to the BBC – nor does he really understand the argument that it’s wrong to be forced to pay for the propagation and promotion of viewpoints diametrically opposed to our own. This is a very simple point to understand and yet on a daily basis we witness leftist visitors to this blog who can’t grasp it on the most basic level.
I’ve debated with leftists online for years now – I don’t know, it’s something of a fruitless task because you’re dealing with an extremely infantile mindset which finds it almost impossible to understand concepts which are grounded in objective premises. It’s like arguing with 8 year olds who’ve learned enough “big words” to sound like adults. Or like playing chess with a 4 year old. I haven’t quite decided.
Tom | 08.01.09 – 4:17 pm | #
Yes perhaps I was a little sloppy in how I put that. I really meant to say, unlike the Muslims which surround Israel. The Palestinians want democracy for example – but they don’t want a peaceful democracy, obviously. That’s why they voted for Hamas.
Especially when the troll is a raving anti-semite.
Did anybody notice that he told NO to eff off ‘back there’, meaning to Israel.
So English Jews should eff off to Israel, eh?
Ironically that reads like a recognition of the Jewish people’s historical claim.
I’m sure he didn’t mean that.
(I know I shdn’t rise to the bait, but…)
Bill Buchanan:
What on earth does this mean?
“This blog therefore is nothing about BBC Bias, its really about pointing out shitty little examples here and there”
Actually, you ARE close in one respect: it DOES point out the BBC’s “shitty little examples”, consistently, in every thread (except the ones hijacked by nutters like you, who try to reduce it into a slanging match by winding people up).
If you were capable of putting 2 and 2 together, you might start to twig that the fact that ALL criticism of the BBC comes from the ‘conservative’ sphere, never from the left, might actually be indicative of a higher truth
Bill Buchanan: Yet again you miss the point. What most of us want here is an end to the TV tax. The BBC should be paid according to the quality of service it delivers. If you don’t want it you don’t have to pay for it.
Why can’t you work that out?
Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 3:56 pm | #
No Bill, the BBC is not “unbiased.” That is what David Vance et al establish beyond doubt on a daily basis on this blog. The bias at the BBC is undeniable and in many cases, conceded by the BBC itself.
Please tell me, also, that you understand why it’s OK for a station like Fox to be biased but not for a station like the Beeb, which people are forced by law to pay for.
Even if the Beeb were 100% unbiased, which they’re clearly not, then the license fee would STILL be wrong. But they ARE biased, which makes the license fee so much more immoral.
Couldn’t find your “just a few” in the report you cite – have they edited it out?
Notasheep 4:19
“Don’t feed the troll”.
Well said . I am not going to waste any more time on him.
Bill: Congratulations. You are the first to receive the memo:
This is an automated reply from the Bullshit Detector at Little Green Footballs.
Your recent post contained troll-like characteristics which resembles the type of message sent by spoiled ISM members on summer holiday, college students who have recently inhaled Noam Chomsky’s foul rantings, Adam Shapiro wannabes, Nazi sympathizers, or genuine Koranimals.
In order to prevent another thread being hijacked, and to send your message to the appropriate department for response (FOAD, GAZE, Go Away Gordon, or The Bus To Rachel Corrie’s Tomb Is Leaving – Be Sure You’re Under It), kindly reply to the following questions:
1. Are you aware that the Disputed Territories never belonged to the “Palestinians” and only came into Israeli possession as a result of the 1967 six day war in which Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon all massed forces at Israel’s border in order to “push the Jews into the sea”. The Arabs lost and Israel took control of the land. Do you agree that if the Koranimals don’t want to lose territory to Israel, then they shouldn’t start wars? Do you agree that there is justice that Israel, who as far back as 1948 has always sought peace with her far larger neighbors, should live in prosperity – making the desert bloom – while the residents of 19 adjacent Arab countries who are blessed with far more land as well as oil wealth live in their own feces?
2. Did you know that the “Palestinians” could have had their own country as far back as 1948 had they accepted the UN sponsored partition plan which gave Israel AND the Palestinians a countries of their own on land which Jews had lived on for thousands of years before Mohammed ever had a wet dream about virgins? The Arabs rejected the UN offer and went to war with the infant Israeli nation. The Arabs lost and have been whining about it ever since. Do you agree this is like a murderer who kills his parents and asks for special treatment since he is now an orphan?
3. Can you tell us ANY Arab country which offers Jews the right to be citizens, vote, own property, businesses, be a part of the government or have ANY of the rights which Israeli Arabs enjoy? Any Arab country which gives those rights to Christians? How about to other Arabs? Wouldn’t you just LOVE to be a citizen of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, or Syria?
Best advice I got when I came here was not to feed trolls. They love it so starve them, no matter how annoying they are!
4. Since as many Jews (approximately 850,000) were kicked out of Arab countries as were Arabs who left present day Israel (despite being literally begged to stay), why should Arabs be permitted to return to Israel if Jews aren’t allowed to set foot in Arab countries? Can you explain why Arabs can worship freely in Israel but Jews would certainly be hung from street lamps after having their intestines devoured by an Arab mob if they so much as entered an Arab country?
5. Israel resettled and absorbed all of the Jews from Arab countries who wished to become Israelis. Why haven’t any Arab countries offered to resettle Arabs who were displaced from Israel, leaving them to rot for 60 years in squalid refugee camps? And why are those refugee camps still there? Could it be that the billions of dollars that the UNWRA has sent there goes to terrorist groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, El Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, or Hezbollah? How did Yassir Arafat achieve his $300 million in wealth? Why aren’t these funds distributed for humanitarian use?
6. Did you know that the Arabs in the disputed territories (conquered by Israel in the 1967 war which was started by Arabs) and who are not Israelis already have two countries right now? And that they are called Egypt and Jordan?
7. If your complaint is about the security fence which Israel is finally building in the Disputed Territories, are you aware that it is built solely to keep the “brave” Arab terrorists out so that they can no longer self detonate on busses, in dining halls or pizzerias and kill Jewish grandmothers and schoolchildren? Why are the Arabs so brave when they target unarmed civilians but even when they outnumber their opponents they get their sandy asses kicked all the way to Mecca when they are faced with Jewish soldiers? Why do Arab soldiers make the French look like super heroes?
8. Please explain why you are so concerned about Arabs, who possess 99% of the land in this region and are in control of the world’s greatest natural resource, which literally flows out of the ground? Can’t their brother muslims offer some of the surplus land and nature’s riches to the “Palestinians”? Or is it true that Arabs are willing to die right down to the last “Palestinian”?
9. Why do you not exhibit the same level of concern for say, people in Saudi Arabia who are beheaded, subject to amputation, stoning, honor killing etc.? What about women who are denied any semblance of basic civil rights, including the right not to be treated as property for the entertainment and abuse of her father, brothers, or husbands? What about the Muslims in Sudan and Egypt who are still enslaved, or the women there whose genitalia are barbarically cut off? How about the oppression of Shiites by Sunnis, the gassing of the Kurds by Iraq, or the massacre of “Palestinians” by Jordan (Black September)? Why doesn’t this concern you?
10. Did you ever stop to wonder how much better off everyone in the region would be if Arabs stopped trying to kill Jews and destroy Israel? What would happen if the Israelis gave up their weapons and disarmed? Would they live to see the next day? But what would happen if the Arabs completely disarmed? You know the answer: They would all be AT PEACE! And if there is no war to rile them up, the Arabs would be forced to look at their own repressive, pre-medieval societies. Why would they want to do that when there are Jews to kill?
11. Have you heard “People who define themselves primarily by what they hate, rather than who they love, are doomed to failure and misery”? Can you see the parallels to the Arabs, who are blessed with land and oil, but still gladly train their children to kill themselves in order to kill Jews? Have you heard Golda Meir’s words to the effect of “There will be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate ours”? Why do the Arabs hate so much?
Please state your answers to the questions listed above. If you need assistance or require additional study, then please refer to the following links:
History of the Middle East Conflict:
[Link: http://www.infoclick.org/conflict.html%5D
Thousands of women killed for honor: [Link: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/02/0212_020212_honorkilling.html%5D
Muslims lament Israel’s existence:
[Link: http://www.iht.com/articles/98479.html%5D
Disputed Territories • Forgotten Facts
[Link: http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0n1m0%5D
The size of Israel compared to neighboring countries in the region
[Link: http://www.iris.org.il/sizemaps.htm#index%5D
Jews expelled from Arab Countries
[Link: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/PrinterFull&cid=1056508742342%5D
One Million Jews flee Arab countries • why no right of return for them?
[Link: http://www.forgottenexodus.com/%5D
Middle East Facts
[Link: http://yashiko.middleeastfacts.com/%5D
Middle East Truth
[Link: http://www.mideasttruth.com/%5D
Larry Miller on Hypocrisy
[Link: http://weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/001/161yaihr.asp%5D
Please respond to the items listed above. Based on your answers a thoughtful reply or instruction to FOAD will be provided.
Thank you for writing to Little Green Footballs.
Troll Early Warning Detection Team
(Kudos to Nekama: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/lgf-safe-mail.php?eWFob28uY29tOnNud2JyZDc3)
Grimer 4:57
Nice one ! Love the bit about Mohammed having wet dreams about virgins.
Can someone please send “Bill Buchanan” down to Gaza? Alternatively you’d be better off here: http://www.dailykos.com/
But seriously, what a splendid post. I look forward to Billy boy’s point- by- point comments , based on his deep, extensive knowledge of the Middle East.
Bill- leaving the name-calling to one side, has it not occurred to you that there are some people posting here who know a bit more about the region than you do ?
Grant | 08.01.09 – 5:31 pm |
And that a high percentage of us are pro-Israel?
Grant, I merely copied it from Littlegreenfootballs.com
It was originally posted by Nekama and became such an infamous post that it is now known as ‘Nekama’s Troll Hammer’.
I also like the LGF dictionary (especially el cubo):
you wrote a lot there, well done. Those writing classes are going well. It was directed at me? I am honoured. You’re so secure in your own beliefs that you waste all your time directing things towards me. Me, I am getting on with real life. And I know far more on the topic that you will ever know .
You know what, I’ve had a change of heart. Maybe Israel is to blame after all. I’ve been reading all afternoon and I’ve come to the conclusion that I was wrong, and I am man enough to admit it.
Bill Buchanan:
you wrote a lot there, well done. Those writing classes are going well. It was directed at me? I am honoured. You’re so secure in your own beliefs that you waste all your time directing things towards me. Me, I am getting on with real life. And I know far more on the topic that you will ever know .
Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 5:44 pm | #
Well, that certainly settles things. We all bow down to your superior knowledge. Sorry Anat, but I’m switching sides! Down with the evil Jews!!!!
I too should reveal that I have decided to swallow my pride and admit I am changing my views; Israel is the aggressor and Livni should be sent to trial for war crimes.
And I know far more on the topic that you will ever know .Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 5:44 pm | #
On the contrary Bill, you’ve made it very clear that you know nothing
I nominate Bill as today’s Champion Twat.
The bBC, its friends in the North and half the story.
Who is behind Lebanon rockets?
It is not that long ago that Israel was waging war in Gaza when Hezbollah militants opened up a second front with Lebanon.
(Err no I think you will find that Israel was retaliating for the cross border raid from one sovereign country into another which resulted in the kidnapping (Not capture Al Beeb, but kidnapping) of a Jewish Soldier.)
Hezbollah said it wanted to exchange the two soldiers for thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli detention.
( Err Janes defence wrote an article in the December before in which they stated that Hezb-allah needed to regain the popularity of the Lebanese people which after the cedar revolution (The removal of Syrian troops)was looking dicey.)
What it got was a 34-day onslaught from the Israeli military, costing more than 1,000 lives, mostly Lebanese civilians.
(More than 1000 mostly civilians bbC?. Funny how you can quote Israeli military deaths but not Hezb-allah terrorists ones)
Intense speculation followed Thursday’s rocket fire as to whether Hezbollah was behind it, or one of the other armed militant groups operating in Lebanon.
There was no immediate public denial, although analysts concluded Hezbollah were unlikely culprits,
(Abu Bowen does not count as an analyst, he is actually anal in his love for Terrorist groups)
But reports from Beirut said Hezbollah had made it known to the Lebanese government that it was not involved.
(And Abu Bowen has a house where?)
And the group has a reputation, even among Israelis, for being a credible conveyor of information about its activities.
(Talk about bending over and receiving swollen goods for Allah)
Hezbollah has largely respected the ban on armed activity by militants between the Litani and the Israeli border which has been in force since the August 2006 ceasefire, though the movement still has a strong presence in the area.
(No it hasn’t, in fact it has staged a very serious intimidation campaign against UN troops who patrol the border with Israel. Which is why Spain lost 6 soldiers in Sept 2007. The UN knows this, hezb-allah knows this and know Spain knows this. But it seems the bBC doesn’t. Strange as they reported the story. Oh I read it in janes defence)
But it need not be Palestinians – any small extremist group would find it relatively easy to smuggle some missiles into southern Lebanon and fire them off at Israel.
(Right and I suppose the IRA did it. Silly me this is the bBC. Lets blame the jews)
The bBC, its friends in the North and half the story.
I have withdrawn Bill’s nomination, and I shall declare myself Champion Twat.
Bill Buchanan –
The BBC barely even reports the facts, let alone the fact that the sort that they hire see every report as an opportunity to report some ideological stance as a news report.
This week, quite instead of reporting news from Gaza, they would report as quotes the Hamas agitprop banner statements about “we will kill them all” as noteworthy news.
Not reporting events, not reporting answers to questions or commets – the BBC World Service were the motivational battle cry speeches that Hamas release locally to their fighters and thye population as reportable news. It isn’t, but you’re so used to the tripe you see and hear, that you can no longer discern this.
As for having an editorial stance Fox does have one, but unlike BBC, they exhaustively report information even if it doesn’t support that stance. They also don’t see themselves as an instrument IN THE NEWS as the BBC does. The BBC wouldn’t be so bad if their output wasn’t so feeble and incomplete.
As for calling people racist, you’re drooling like pavlov’s dog. I am an Arab. We are not a race. Jews are not a race. Like us they are more likely to be caucasian and levantine in appearance than otherwise, but you’re trained in knee-jerk invective is a sign that you really aren’t familiar with what anybody’s issues are and are looking for a cause satisfying to YOUR issues, not theirs’.
Anyone else see the Hezbollah bearded fuckwit ranting on the BBC 6PM news?
Talk about being barking mad.
For TV viewers with access tonight: BBC ‘Newsnight’ (rather predictably) promises to have the BBC’s Alan Johnston talking about Hamas.
18 months ago, Damian Thompson had this in the ‘Telegraph’:
“Was Alan Johnston a ‘friend’ of Hamas?”
“The Corporation has spent thousands of pounds trying to block the release of the Balen Report into its coverage of Israel and Palestine. Why?
“My guess is that this is the one area where the BBC is genuinely alarmed by the consequences of its actions. Its reporting of the Middle East has been so relentlessly pro-Palestinian for so long, and that coverage is so influential, that it finds itself an actual player in the conflict, as opposed to an impartial observer.”
A dumb, ignorant antisemite screeches:
you are my favourite racist on this site, i love all the intelligent comments you contribute
You don’t even know what the word racist means, you moron. Kindly list my ‘racist’ comments. You can’t? Then shut your lying racist mouth.
Your idea of ‘intelligence’ is to make up antisemitic lies about this mythical ‘land theft’ by the Jews, whose country it was before your ancestors stopped being swineherds in the forests of central Europe.
if you love israel fuck off back there and take up the great fight against innocent civilians.
Go bugger yourself, deranged antisemite. I am a Brit, and little shits like you will (a) not give me orders what to do – you are not yet an SS colonel, (b) you can fuck off back to your padded cell.
Martin, we have one right here – Oberstandartenfuehrer Bill.
Someone asked: “Can we please drop this childish, infantile insistence that the Israeli response should be “proportionate”? I don’t know where this idea comes from, but I suspect that for liberals like Bill it’s the psychological residue of childhood”
I rather thought it was a concept in International Law – you know, Nurmeberg Tribunal, the Hague, etc. But maybe Israel has an exemption from all that.
Michael and Grimer: seconded.
Excellent posts, Grimer. Problem is, antisemites without 2 brain cells to rub together find it difficult to read anything that contains facts and does not screech that the Joos are worse than the Nazis. What happens is that their vestigial brains explode.
But maybe Israel has an exemption from all that.
What bull manure. Israel has every right to take military action until its sworn enemies desist. You can make up your nonsense till the cows come home – it’s still fertiliser.
I was reading a US message board debate about the Gaza situation where a pro-Israeli poster issued the following challenge to a poster who was being fiercely critical of Israel:
If you are prepared to stand outside Hamas HQ with a sign saying “Killing Israeli children is wrong” I will pay for your trip and all your expenses, and I will stand outside the Knesset with a sign saying “Killing Palestinian children is wrong”.
I was about to offer to contribute to his expenses myself when he – not surprisingly – backed off. Maybe we could try something similar with some posters here?
And I know far more on the topic that you will ever know
LOL. Totally deranged. Have you ever been to the ME, or is it all from the 2 books you have read?
Why on earth did you nominate yourself instead of SS Bill? You are SANE, for Pete’s sake.
Listen up and listen good, here is some wisdom
ROFLMAO. Now we know for sure that he is a spotty 14-year old lunatic.
Nearly Oxfodian,
The LGF dictionary defines racist as:
racist – A statement of surrender during an argument. When two people or disputants are engaged in an acrimonious debate, the side that first says “Racist!” has conceded defeat. Synonymous with saying “Resign” during a chess game, or “Uncle” during a schoolyard fight. Originally, the term was meant to indicate that one side was accusing the other of being racist, but once it was noticed that people only resorted to this tactic when all other arguments had been exhausted, it acquired its new meaning of “indicating one’s own concession of defeat.”
Anyone else see the Hezbollah bearded fuckwit ranting on the BBC 6PM news?
Talk about being barking mad.
Martin | 08.01.09 – 6:22 pm | #
Yes I did and (to my shame) the words ‘air burst’ popped into my mind.