I am sure you will have read the BBC report of “just a few” rockets being launched from southern Lebanon into Israel overnight. (aka Iran opens the northern front). I invite you to compare the paucity of the BBC coverage of the impact these rockets have had on the Israeli population at the receiving enfdwith that here from Fox. I suppose there wasn’t the room given the BBC need to further character assassinate Israel. Your views?

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147 Responses to WE ARE (NOT) ALL HEZBOLLAH.

  1. Garden Trash says:

    Billy Boy,
    “As a Briton I can’t wait for the day when our government are finally prepared to call the Israelis to account for their war crimes.”

    What the hell has it got to do with Britain? As for the government,Brown Milliband et al,they should be tried for crimes against the British people.

    And do get over yourself.


  2. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Well, Grimer, LGF is all well and good 😉
    … but what can I do if I can smell the little fuckers and am determined to say so?


  3. Grimer says:

    I think he was the first to shour ‘racist’. Sorry should have made that clear.

    Bill Buchanan:
    Nearly Oxfordian

    you are my favourite racist on this site, i love all the intelligent comments you contribute. if you love israel fuck off back there and take up the great fight against innocent civilians.
    Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 3:34 pm | #



  4. Grimer says:

    Previous post should obviously read “I think he was the first to shout ‘racist'”


  5. Grimer says:

    Nearly Oxfordian:
    And I know far more on the topic that you will ever know

    LOL. Totally deranged. Have you ever been to the ME, or is it all from the 2 books you have read?
    Nearly Oxfordian | 08.01.09 – 6:32 pm | #

    One of which would appear to be the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I’m guessing the other was Mein Kampf


  6. Jon says:

    Lets clear up all this war crime nonsense – in International Law only one side has been proved to be commiting war crimes.

    “Clearly, Hamas’ attacks intentionally drew no distinction between combatants and non-combatants. Indeed, Hamas deliberately targeted Israeli civilians. By various accounts, Hamas also deliberately placed and fired those weapons from schools and public areas, thus endangering Palestinian lives. Accordingly, the use of such weapons by Hamas was a war crime. It is immaterial whether Hamas is a state or non-state: either can be guilty of war crimes. Nor, of course, is it any defense to the firing of those weapons to contend that they were undertaken in response to Israel’s economic “boycott” of Gaza. First, there is no international law requiring one state to open up its borders for commerce with another state or entity. Secondly, by Hamas’ own admission, it is in a state of war with Israel and economic boycotts are the least offensive measure one can take in a state of war.

    With regard to Israel, were it demonstrated that particular Israeli air strikes “uselessly” aggravated Palestinian civilian suffering, and that the commanding officers knew or should have known this, they would be subject to prosecution for war crimes. But the particular should not be confused with the general. It is irresponsible to speak of “aggression” in the context of self defense against rocket attacks, or to contend that such a response is a “crime against humanity.”

    And this is not from some raving “right wing loon”


  7. Robert says:

    For fuck’s sake! Having changed my posting name from ‘Bob’ to ‘Robert’, there’s now some fucker posting as ‘Robert’ (5.53pm). David Vance: could you please STOP people from assuming regular posters’ names?


  8. Garden Trash says:

    “This blog therefore is nothing about BBC Bias, its really about pointing out shitty little examples here and there, and above all, disagreeing with anyone who dares to challenge your views. This is really a blog about letting out anti-Labour, anti-Islamic hatred.”

    Mainly it is about BBC bias in favour of Labour and Islam,.Usually the example are shitty big ones.


  9. Jon says:

    Bill said:

    “As a Briton I can’t wait for the day when our government are finally prepared to call the Israelis to account for their war crimes.”

    Please read the link above.

    It is by Allan Gerson the author of Israel, The West Bank and International Law. He served as counsel to the US Delegation to the United Nations and currently practices law in Washington, D.C.

    Or if you know a different interpretation of International Law from your many experiences please point them out.


  10. Grimer says:


    Let’s also not forget that armies are:

    1) Supposed to wear clearly identifiable uniforms.

    2) Meant to avoid hiding/fighting in civilian areas


  11. Grimer says:

    Robert, this has always been a problem. That’s why most people use nicknames.


  12. Jon says:

    Grimer | 08.01.09 – 7:40 pm |



  13. Biodegradable says:

    if you love israel fuck off back there and take up the great fight against innocent civilians.
    Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 3:34 pm

    This from somebody who denies he’s an antisemite!

    Somebody said something almost identical to me once – he was a skinhead, Gooner (Arsenal hooligan), member of the National Front (the BNP’s forerunner) and he was armed with a large carving knife.

    The last I saw of him he was spitting teeth and wondering where his knife had gone and why his arm was broken.

    Krav Maga is a very useful Israeli invention.

    So Bill, seeing how you love Palestinians so much why don’t you fuck off to Gaza and take up the great fight against those evil Joooos?


  14. Jon says:

    Biodegradable | 08.01.09 – 7:46 pm |

    I’m afraid this Bill bloke has no argument- as I have said before you don’t have to insult them – just ask them to answer the points you raise – if they can’t and then go into a frenzy then its best to ignore them. I think they just troll around to bait people.


  15. Grant says:

    Billy boy hides his knowledge behind a Palestinian child.


  16. Grant says:

    Robert 7:37
    Sorry if someone has stolen your name, but maybe you should post your comment on the general comments thread.
    You have just stumbled into a war zone here, hope you get out safely.


  17. Dr Michael Jones says:


    Stealing my name and applying a witless comment to it makes you even more of a twat. I picture you as a congenital, envious failure. Like most filthy anti-semites. Now fuck off.


  18. disillusioned_german says:

    Thanks for blocking “Bill Buchanan”, David. He was seriously p****** me off and I know I wasn’t the only one.


  19. Grant says:

    Is that right, Billy boy has been blocked ?
    Certainly should be for stealing Dr. Jones’ name.
    Whatever anyone may think about this website, I believe most people who post here are honest.


  20. Stuart says:

    “As a Briton I can’t wait for the day when our government are finally prepared to call the Israelis to account for their war crimes.”
    Bill Buchanan | 08.01.09 – 2:24 pm |

    Erm…right Bill, and I presume you echo this sentiment for Hamas and those who support them (a significant majority of the Palestinian population – Hamas are democratically elected after all, as you keep saying)for their own sizeable portfolio of war crimes?

    To be fair Bill, I’m still not convinced you’re not just some weirdo on a wind-up, given the fact you seem to be an “anti-racist” who’s as racist as they come.


  21. disillusioned_german says:

    Grant | 08.01.09 – 8:52 pm |

    I might have been wrong. I think I overlooked his postings when checking earlier. But as you are saying – he should be blocked / banned now.


  22. Grant says:

    Disillusioned 8:52

    If he posted under someone else’s name he definitely should be banned.

    David Vance, if you are reading this , do you agree ?


  23. La Cumparsita says:

    BBC has been repeating UN claims that an Israeli tank shell killed one of their drivers & wounded two others at the Erez crossing. But an Israeli medic said that it was Hamas snipers & that the casualties evacuated to an Israeli hospital had gunshot wounds. Hamas does have a history of attacking the crossings & why would Israel attack an aid convoy? But none of this troubles the BBC.. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Sat…ticle% 2FPrinter


  24. Biodegradable says:

    La Cumparsita | 08.01.09 – 9:30 pm



  25. Grimer says:

    Is that you Martin? (the ‘gay’ references have ‘aroused’ my suspicions)


  26. Robert says:

    David Vance: presumably, you know who “Bill Buchanan” is, and can block his impersonations… he reminds me of Hill Hunt (& several other incarnations of same)…


  27. Garden Trash says:

    Billy Boy,
    Has he really gone? I miss the cretinous little tool already. Sob!


  28. Anabel says:

    Mr Buchanan

    “As a Briton I can’t wait for the day when our government are finally prepared to call the Israelis to account for their war crimes.”

    Your Government along with those of the USA and Australia list HAMAS as a terrorist entity. They understand the terms of Israel’s Peace Treaties with Jordan and Egypt, specifically Israel’s border security responsibilities concerning the UN Trust territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

    Do you really want to see what may happen if (when) we see Iranian gnome’s screeching justification for his prosecution of a Middle East war? Well, do you?


  29. Martin says:

    Grimer: Me? nope not been posting much this evening, I’m washing my hair.


  30. David Vance says:

    Just to say that Buchanan is exiled for behaviour on-becoming any B-bbc poster. Sorry to those whose ID he has stolen and for the general confusion he has caused.


  31. David Preiser (USA) says:

    I probably shouldn’t even bother with this, but has anyone seen the BBC’s apologia….I mean report attempting to explain the latest Hezbollah attacks on Israel?

    Who is behind Lebanon rockets?

    That really ought to be a rhetorical question, but since Israel has so very many enemies, I suppose it’s worth asking, right?

    First, the low-hanging fruit. The opening line is badly written. I know what they meant, but it comes out meaning something a bit different:

    It is not that long ago that Israel was waging war in Gaza when Hezbollah militants opened up a second front with Lebanon.

    No, dopey Beeboid sub-editor trainee, Hezbollah militants opened up a second front “from” Lebanon, not “with”.

    Of course, that’s not to mention the fact that Israel wasn’t exactly “waging war”, but the BBC never lets reality get in their way when it comes to reporting on the Little Satan.

    But then comes the bad part. The article goes on to say that Hezbollah launched the rockets as a show of solidarity with the Palestinians.

    It was seen as a dramatic gesture of solidarity with the Palestinians, but Israel’s response was far more dramatic and devastating to Lebanon.

    Well, yes, BBC. Hezbollah controlled most of southern Lebanon at the time, and had all their military positions there. Where was Israel supposed to target their response to attacks from within Lebanon? Oh, silly me – Israel wasn’t supposed to respond at all, but rather roll over and die. By the way, does Hezbollah’s control of a chunk of Lebanon count as occupation?

    Hezbollah said it wanted to exchange the two soldiers for thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli detention.

    What it got was a 34-day onslaught from the Israeli military, costing more than 1,000 lives, mostly Lebanese civilians.

    As if that was the response to Hezbollah’s demand, and not the response to their effin’ rockets which even the BBC admits were killing Israeli civilians.

    By the way, dopey BBC sub-editor, who was it that actually killed most of those innocent Lebanese?

    That’s your BBC. They just make shit up when it suits them.


  32. Jason says:

    I rather thought it was a concept in International Law – you know, Nurmeberg Tribunal, the Hague, etc. But maybe Israel has an exemption from all that.
    MattLondon | 08.01.09 – 6:29 pm | #

    Show me the international law which says that the severity of the action a country takes in response to deadly attacks against its own citizens should be measured not by an objective consideration of what needs to be done to neutralize that threat, but instead by a neurotic yardstick of symmetry.

    In other words, show me the international law which says “the response to tit must be no more than tat.”

    I’ll tell you this though, I’ve responded to more tits on this forum than I could shake a stick at.


  33. Mailman says:

    You could make the argument that an attack my Israel that was “proportionate” would be far crueler on the locals since the military operations would take a hell of a lot longer to complete (thus meaning more people getting the chance to be dead) than the hammer we are seeing now.



  34. Grimer says:

    Newsnight has now moved onto Gaza. This should be interesting…


  35. Grimer says:

    History of conflict condensed into 30 seconds and one map.

    At least they mentioned in passing that the Arabs started the fighting. No mention of ’68 war. No mention of peace deal with Egypt and ‘land for peace’. No mention of Camp David summit. No mention of Hamas demands/charter.

    Just getting the whole “Israelis might as well not bother, because it will just increase Hamas support”


  36. Jon says:

    Just getting the whole “Israelis might as well not bother, because it will just increase Hamas support”
    Grimer | 08.01.09 – 11:05 pm | #

    This is always the refrain from the BBC and their ilk – “recruiting seargents” ad nauseum.

    “We don’t seem to remember that appeasement never works. It didn’t work at Munich in 1938 with Chamberlain’s infamous statement that we had achieved “peace in our time” with Hitler. It won’t work now. Promises that it will leave Iraq have not bought peace for Britain. British authorities now say the danger of terror attacks inside Britain is greater than ever, with thousands of home-grown Jihadists ready to attack.

    Why won’t we take those who threaten us at their word? Why do we continue to make excuses for their threatening behavior until finally we will be forced to act because they have exploded the dirty bomb or the real nuclear bomb in our homeland?

    There will come a time when it may be too late to simply respond to an attack. As a result of such an attack on our homeland, we may be so physically injured and suffered so many casualties as to cause us to consider surrender. We may by then have lost our national will as to make it too difficult for us to muster the moral and physical strength needed to defend ourselves. Remember the refrain, primarily in Europe during the Cold War, “better Red than dead?”


  37. disillusioned_german says:

    1. Thanks, David Vance

    2. David Preiser: Since Hisbollah officially denies firing the rockets Al Beeb will go along. It’s not like they (the terrorists who fired the rockets) have anything in common with Hisbollah or Hamas, or do they?

    Let me think… maybe it’s got something to do with the fact that they keep referring to a book that starts with a “Qu” and ends with a “ran”.

    No, I forgot. That’s too complicated for your average Al Beeb terrorist sympathising journo.


  38. Garden Trash says:

    “Remember the refrain, primarily in Europe during the Cold War, “better Red than dead?”

    It never entered their heads that it was possible to be both.


  39. Grimer says:

    Garden Trash:
    “Remember the refrain, primarily in Europe during the Cold War, “better Red than dead?”

    It never entered their heads that it was possible to be both.
    Garden Trash | 09.01.09 – 12:17 am | #

    With an extremely horrific death in between – starvation, Gulag, torture, cannon fodder, take your pick.


  40. C.Manning says:

    The BBC must believe in it’s cloud of disillusion that it’s leftist, socialist pro-palestinian propoganda is somehow going to sway the masses their way. When in actual fact it sickens the general public to the teeth, so much so that they more inclined to vote for far right parties they would not have otherwise had to if it wasn’t for biased and unfair political institutions like the BBC.


  41. Tom says:

    I thought Alan Johnston was refreshingly fair and professional on Newsnight.

    Ended on the salient point too.


  42. Mailman says:

    Actually for a change Sky out did Al Beeb in the outrage stakes today (oh, they are soooo fricken lucky I aint muslim or Id go jihad on their arse!) showing several Hamas video’s of Israeli soldiers being murdered YET not a single piece of footage showing hamas terrorists (only showed children while quoting “Palestinians” that 256 children and 60 women had been killed so far out of a total of 800).

    I REALLY hope Israel stays and gets the job done and doesnt give in to world opinion because if they dont get the job done now they will eventually have to go back in and get it done in a week, a month, a years time which will end up with more people being killed!

    Someone made a good point today in that when Germany was rebuilt the money went in to changing the society it was rebuilding. Perhaps someone should be demanding Palestinian society needs to change before the next round of several hundred million pounds of aid gets thrown at them to rebuild their infrastructure.

    what Im saying is, they can have the aid BUT they must fundamentally change and root out all religious bigotry and hatred, get rid of the nutters running the place and only then should a single penny roll of a truck in their direction.

    Until that Palestinian society is “fixed”, there will be no peace in the area.



  43. Biodegradable says:

    Both Germany and Japan were flattened and humiliated by overwhelming “disproprtionate” force and since then have become two of the most successful and peaceful nations on earth. It was a nasty job but somebody had to do it. Ergo…


  44. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Yes, but this whole ‘proportionality’ drivel is wheeled out by people who have no military (or legal) knowledge whatsoever.


  45. Biodegradable says:

    No military (or legal) knowledge is necessary to understand that to overcome a determined and evil force such as were Japan and Germany in the 1930s – 1940s, or today’s Hamas and Hizbollah, one needs to totally defeat and humiliate them so they have no further wish to go to war for at least the next 60 years.


  46. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    OK, you win. One only needs two brain cells, but they are still in short supply in some heads 😉


  47. Saul says:

    Looks like we’ve got a London intifada on our hands… BBC broadcasting live now…