Interesting piece here on “mending the feud” between the savages in Hamas and the crazies in Al Fatah. I was intrigued by the BBC reporters view that Hamas are “softening” their line. Oh really? Anyway, you’ll be disheartened to know that there is little chance of rapprochement between these two gangs because of, yes, that’s right, Israel. Love the line “as the bombs fall on Gaza” – just like Dresden, right. Trying to point out the bombs fall on Hamas rocket sites and weapon storage depots seems to have escaped the sophisticated BBC mind. You see whatever the Palestinian problem, it is always the fault of the pesky Jews.
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Nearly Oxfordian
Is it acceptable to oppose Israeli policy and yet not be anti-semitic?
Why are you prejudiced against Muslims?
answer me these simple questions
No, Bill. These are not questions that relate to BBC bias. Come back again – but not as an impersonator – when you have a relevant point.
Okay, then
why do you think the BBC are biased?
who decides on the bias? is it from the top of the Beeb?
do you think your own views mean that you chose to see bias where it doesnt exist?
and here are some more relevant quesions:
would you mind if the ‘bias’ were more ‘right’ than ‘left’ wing? in other words, if the reporting were in favour of israel, would that still be a problem? it would still be bias yes? it just seems that its not bias thats the real prob here, its the fact that its not the right kind of bias.
No one’s ever said that, and speaking for myself I wouldn’t want to see ANY bias. But I’m pleased that at least you have admitted that the bias is left wing and anti-Israel.
And to get back to your earlier questions.
1. It’s because the BBC recruits from exclusively leftwing, Guardian-reading contexts, and (presumably) chooses the most rabid of both varieties. There is then the question of ‘group think’, or institutional bias – both of which ex-BBC man Jeff Randal has documented exhaustively (this answers your 2nd question).
As question 3 (‘for my own views’), no not really. As you yourself have pointed out, the majority of people who complain about BBC bias always see that it is coming from the left – and from that, we can conclude (objectively) that this is indeed the case.
Case proven. Trebles all round!
Hamas….Fatah…cue ‘Life of Brian’:
Brian: Are you the Judean People’s Front?
Reg: Fuck off.
Brian: What?
Reg: Judean People’s Front. We’re the People’s Front of Judea. Judean
People’s front, caw.
Francis: Wankers.
Brian: Can I join your group?
Reg: No. Piss off.
Brian: I didn’t want to sell this stuff. It’s only a job. I hate the Romans
as much as anybody.
PFJ: Sssh. Ssssh, sssh, sssh, ssssh
Judith: Are you sure?
Brian: Oh. Dead sure… I hate the Romans already.
Reg: Listen. If you really wanted to join the PFJ, you’d have to really
hate the Romans.
Brian: I do.
Reg: Oh yeah? How much?
Brian: A lot!
Reg: Right. You’re in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the
Romans are the fucking Judean People’s Front.
PFJ: Yeah
Judith: Splitters.
Francis: And the Judean Popular Peoples Front.
PFJ: Oh yeah. Splitters.
Loretta: And the peoples Front of Judea.
PFJ: Splitters.
Reg: What?
Loretta: The Peoples front of Judea. Splitters.
Reg: We’re the Peoples front of Judea.
Loretta: Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.
Reg: Peoples Front.
Francis: Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
Reg: He’s over there.
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan:
Seek help. You are a sick lonely man. This may be why you are such a failure with them opposite sex.
would you mind if the ‘bias’ were more ‘right’ than ‘left’ wing? in other words, if the reporting were in favour of israel
This illiterate conflation between support for Israel and being ‘right wing’ tells us all we need to know about this moron.
Now, just fuck off back to your mummy.
I can’t be arsed to engage with you until you respond to the points made in an earlier thread. I once again refer you to Nekama’s Troll Hammer and the LGF definition of ‘racist’:
Nearly Oxfordian
all you post on this site is racist nonsense. you dont come on here cos you dislike the beeb, you just want to share your hatred with all the other haters out here
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 11:53 am | #
Racist – A statement of surrender during an argument. When two people or disputants are engaged in an acrimonious debate, the side that first says “Racist!” has conceded defeat. Synonymous with saying “Resign” during a chess game, or “Uncle” during a schoolyard fight. Originally, the term was meant to indicate that one side was accusing the other of being racist, but once it was noticed that people only resorted to this tactic when all other arguments had been exhausted, it acquired its new meaning of “indicating one’s own concession of defeat.”
Nekama’s Troll Hammer – please do not post again until you can provide satisfactory answers to the eleven questions contained within.
why not answer the question>
would it bother you as much if the ‘bias’ were in favour of israel?
is it really the bias that annoys you, or just that its not your kind of biased?
its a reasonable question
Classic on BBC News 24 Dateline. Some silly French bird blames Ireland for the fact that the EU can’t get its act together over Israel. Yes that’s right IRELAND.
So how? Well we know the Czech EU President said that Israel was acting in self defence and thicko Sarkozy said the opposite.
So she thinks the Irish are to blame as if they had voted for Lisbon then we’d have a full time permanent President (I presume she means a liberal French one) of the EU who would have stood up to Israel!! S yet again the liberals look to avoid representing the views of the people.
The pea brain mind set of liberals is unbelievable.
Hi, new to site – great stuff
I’ve been watching News 24 too – I think I’m right in saying that out of a panel of 4 – all held varying degrees of pro palestinian opinion. Is this a record?
Buchanan — complaints against state sponsored bias of any description is just the point of this blog.I rail against bias when I have to fund the organisation behind it.
Andy: That was probably the most one sided Dateline ever and that is saying something!!!!!
Not quite. After the 7/7 bombings the Beeb had five panellists making apologies for the bombers and packed the audience with Muslims so that they could cheer them on.
They did later admit they’d done this, although I can’t remember their ‘logic’ for doing so.
OK, I know we’re not supposed to feed the troll, but I do have a response for Bill:
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan:
would it bother you as much if the ‘bias’ were in favour of israel?
Why do you think that most posters on this site are from the ‘Right’ of politics? Why do Lefties/commies/etc not complain about BBC bias? Is it because the bias (clearly left wing) represents their views perfectly? In their minds, there isn’t a problem, so they don’t worry about it?
But why should we be forced to pay for a service that is biased against our views? Abolish the TV Tax and I’ll happily walk away and leave the BBC alone (so long as they don’t just end up with direct government funding).
it just seems that its not bias thats the real prob here, its the fact that its not the right kind of bias.
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 12:04 pm |
you’d like it if you were forced by law to pay for fox news then ?
Louise Elman (Labour Friends of Israel) is on BBC News. She is actually getting the chance to put forward the case for Israel. She did a pretty good job and made it clear that Hamas are the problem. They don’t want peace. They won’t recognise Israel. They preach Jihad. They send out suicide bombers. They keep firing rockets. They get training from Iran.
Very reasonably put.
The BBC interviewer did ask a couple of stupid questions – isn’t the Israeli action playing into Hamas’ hands? Radicalising people around the world?
She replied “Israel can not be blamed for protecting its own citizens”.
For once, the truth got out there. Pity its being broadcast at 13:15 on a Saturday afternoon when most people are shopping with their families.
moonbat sarah tether , a Lib Dim, on any questions now.
yup -anytime she opens her gob it really prooves that the Lib Dims really are , err, Dim.
you’d like it if you were forced by law to pay for fox news then ?
Anonymous | 10.01.09 – 1:25 pm
better still -would bill like it if he was forced by law to buy the Sun everyday. and if he failed to pay up, he’d get a criminal record and a spell in jail.
I love it how you silly fuckers waste so much time replying to me….
cracks me up
cracks me up
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 2:04 pm |
its because your such a thick c**t,
if gives us all a laugh.
Earlier on this thread, ‘Libertarian'[11:36 pm] drew attention to a thoughtful article by Charles Moore, in the ‘Spectator’ magazine, criticising the BBC for not fulfilling an educational role in explaining e.g. the nature of HAMAS:
On the same theme, of understanding the nature of HAMAS, here is an 11 minute video clip of a Christian Arab on the subject:
“Who is Hamas?”
I love it how you silly fuckers waste so much time replying to me….
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 2:04 pm | #
David, DAVID, Since Bill has just identified himself as a troll, can you please draw the conclusions and ban him.
I notice that Bill the Tosser wastes his own time posting his drivel – and doesn’t even realise this.
Pity his parents.
Ricky Martin:
‘Once again, Muslim toddlers from Leicester, Luton and Bradford will again be dressed in full Hamas fatigues, with mock suicide bombs round their waists as a Muslim peace message.’
Surely by now, Ricky, this counts as an old, ‘English’ custom, along with ‘happy-slapping’ and the annual Notting Hill Carve-Up.
To compare the current situation to WW2 is completely idiotic, there are no comparisons whatsoever.
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 11:44 am
Except of course when the likes of you compare Israelis to Nazis.
Do please GFY!
Is it acceptable to oppose Israeli policy and yet not be anti-semitic?
Bill ‘the idiot’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 11:55 am
You’ll find the answer here:
Bill ‘the man’ Buchanan | 10.01.09 – 12:04 pm
would you mind if the ‘bias’ were more ‘right’ than ‘left’ wing? ….it just seems that its not bias thats the real prob here, its the fact that its not the right kind of bias.
Until recently I would have argued that I wanted the BBC to be entirely free of all bias.
But it is now clear to me that the left have had the support of the BBC for so long that the only way of evening things out would be to have a bit of right-wing bias for a change.
Then I would stop complaining and sit back and enjoy the sight of people like you complaining.
Nearly Oxfordian:
“..Pity his parents…”
Do you really think a pig and a dog will care?
I’d also add to Frankos’ post that even if the bias is non-state sponsored, it is axiomatic that the role of news media in advanced, democratic societies is to report events with a disinterested, objective eye.
If they don’t do that we might as well be watching al Aqsa TV – which we basically have been by proxy for years with the BBC.
Most people are here because they are fair-minded, reasonable individuals that wish to see fair play.
On the World Service on The Strand on Wednesday Mark Coles interviewed the director of Defiance, a new movie about Holocaust survivors hiding from the Nazis. At about 7:30 min. in, Coles had this to say:
I found it slightly surreal. I would never dream of equating the two, but I watched your film in the morning with the Jews in the forest being hunted down by the Nazis, the German army. I came out and watched on the television sets TV footage of Gaza children and women, people hiding from bomb attacks by the Israeli army. Do you find it a difficult situation that the film comes out at the same time as the attacks on Gaza?
He would never dream of equating the two yet proceeds to equate them.
Usually the BBC lets contributors to its blogs and its interviewees come up with the Israelis=Nazis slur. Maybe we can expect it to now become mainstream, though apologetically presented, of course, as does Coles:
Scroll down to 15:32. Link good for 4 more days.
bills not really interested tom/philip see 2.04pm.
Good laugh on Today today when the presenter suggested to the Egyptian ambassador that someone in the States had suggested the solution as Gaza and the West Bank go back to their pre 1967 borders with Gaza being in Egypt and the West Bank in Jordan.
For some reason it appeared to be totally out of the question as far as Egypt are concerned. Any suggestions why?
Thanks Anon
Yes, he’s probably sending his pithy one-liners from his Blackberry, whilst pointlessly chucking shoes at the Israeli Embassy.
Don’t feed the troll.
BBC criticised over broadcast by £19 million Arabic TV station
Jewish groups condemned a broadcast in which a British Muslim academic appeared to justify the targeting of Israeli children.
Dr Kamal El-Helbawy, the founder of the Muslim Association of Britain, told a discussion program that, while he condemned the killing of civilians, he believed all Israeli children were “future soldiers”.
He said: “A child born in Israel is raised on the belief that the Arabs are like contemptible sheep.
“In elementary school they pose the following math problem – ‘In your village, there are 100 Arabs. If you killed 40, how many Arabs would be left for you to kill?’. This is taught in the Israeli curriculum.”
Dr El-Helbawy, 69, founded the MAB in 1997 when he was also a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood.
In 2006 he was removed from an American Airlines flight at Heathrow when US Homeland Security officials decided to deny him entry to their country to speak at a conference.
He was born in Egypt but has a British passport and is now chairman of a group called the Centre for the Study of Terrorism in London.
He describes himself as a moderate who has denounced terrorism “thousands of times”.
But Barry Rubin, Director of Global Research in International Affairs, an Israeli-based research centre, said the BBC risked inciting violence by allowing the remarks to be broadcast last October.
Mr Rubin said: “Even under the broadest definition of free speech I would say this was inciteful. It’s hate speech. There is no balance in BBC programming. This is not the proud, great BBC.”
Itamar Marcus, Director of Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli group which monitors the Arab language media, said: “This is a call to violence and bloodshed. To say that the Israeli school curriculum is teaching the murder of Arabs is totally outrageous and factually wrong.
“That goes in people’s ears and spreads like wildfire and the listeners think it’s OK to go and murder Israelis.”
BBC Arabic television was launched in March last year and is available free to viewers across the Middle East and North Africa.
It is funded by taxpayers’ money through a £19 million annual grant from the Foreign Office, rather than the television licence.
Despite being based in London it is only readily accessible to viewers in the UK through a website.
Last September staff at the station voted to take strike action, claiming the corporation was trying to run it “on the cheap”.
The BBC denied that it had allowed a contributor to the channel to condone, unchallenged, the killing of civilians.
It said Dr El-Helbawy had himself condemned the targeting of civilians and any impression that such acts might be acceptable was quickly challenged in the program.
However, it admitted that it had failed to correct an assertion that the Israeli curriculum included a maths problem about killing Arabs.
Jeremy Timmins, Head of Africa and Middle East for the BBC World Service, said: “When we make a mistake we will acknowledge it, but one error does not substantiate a claim that the BBC limits debate and incites violence.
“We want to get the story right and we work hard to achieve balance over time in our coverage.”
I still pay the salaries of the notoriously non-antisemitic FCO.
Thousands of demonstrators have marched through London to call for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict in Gaza.
Todays Burka Blackshirt March:
“The Metropolitan Police says 12,000 people marched but the BBC estimates the figure could be as high as 50,000.”
The BBC motto:
Never let a fact get in the way of a good left wing lie
“UK protesters call for Gaza peace”
What a headline. They’ve surpassed themselves. This is the Socialist Worker-sponsored shoe fest we’re talking about here – where they’re not ‘calling for peace’ at all – they’re calling for war – war against Israel, Jews and the West.
al Beeb is rapidly becoming al Jazeera.
What a shock! The unwashed scum that was ‘protesting for peace’ are now rioting in London. Typical of the inbred left wing scum. As soon as they lose an argument they turn to violence.
I really hope the Police crack some skulls tonight. Remove the police numbers from the uniforms lads and get cracking.
Anet curtains
Yes; the BBC/BBC World Service/BBC Arabic TV is one overlapping organisation, in terms of political ideology and even personnel; the British people fund it all, whether by the licence fee polltax, or from general taxation.
The BBC Arabic TV Service is located in Broadcasting House, London, alongside BBC staff who broadcast to the UK . BBC Arabic TV Service staff has a predominant religious affliation of Islam. Here is some background from the ‘Daily Mail’ (2008):
1.)”BBC will spash out £25m on Arabic channel to compete with Al Jazeera”
(-and ideologically, the BBC’World Service and Al Jazeera push a similar pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah line at UK taxpayers’ expense.)
2.)”BBC blunder as bosses forget to build prayer room for new Arabic TV channel”
And, of course the BBC World Service is setting up another broadcasting channel costing £15m a year (paid for by UK taxpayers again) beamed at IRAN. No doubt it will put out the same pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah propaganda to please the Iranian regime, and because the BBC in its political output supports Islamic jihad organisations, like Hamas.
Ah, the BBC. Ever present to tell it like it is.
The Barbarians are at the gate. We all know it. We know what the riots on the streets of London mean. We know that it means that we are losing it – our sovereignty, our security, our integrity. We know that we have bred a monster, a monster that is growing daily and will consume us. We know who brought the monster in and keeps feeding it.
So the BBC interviewed a few of the attendees at today’s pro-Hamas march. Who did they pick? Any of the ten thousand lunatics screeching “Allah Akbar” that we can all see on YouTube? Or a selected handful of misled British women?
You guessed it.
Martin, I’ve the telly on (bBC News 24) and on my tellytext I’ve a story about how the Police say 12000 but the bBC estimates a figure closer to 50,000.
So now the bBC are correcting police figure?
Which leads onto that rioting story.
Yes, the poor luvies have started to attack the police. (Strange how the bBC decided to lose the signal when things started to be lobbed in the police direction)
Then the tosser reporting the scene waxed lyrical about how while the police are wearing protective clothing are thus protected some of the crowd aren’t and have been hurt.
He didn’t what by , but did say that the police were rendering first aid to those poor defenceless people.
The dim-witted beeboid female on the R4 6 o’clock news really takes the biscuit:
the violence has marred what was otherwise a peaceful demonstration.
Yep… apart from the violent bits, it was peaceful.
What a moron.
And we pay for this?
I see the BBC has now got into the realm of inflating figures.
The Metropolitan Police says 12,000 people marched but the BBC estimates the figure could be as high as 50,000.
The Met Police cover a number of demonstrations each week. They are well versed in gauging the number of demonstrators. This done in order to calculate how many of the reserve officers need to be called forward at any given time.
The BBC have clearly falsified the number of those demonstrating.
From what I’ve seen most of those demonstrating appear to be grubby little Arabs. Why are they in Britain?
the BBC have just reported that there were a few incidents, but nothing compared to the size of demo–compare that to their outraged comments on the “inbred scum” who went on the Countryside Alliance march a few years ago when Labour banned hunting Basil Brush!!
Here’s something I’ve noticed about the bBC s reporting of the bloodshed in Gaza.
People are dying
People are getting targeted
800 civilains have died
10 israeli have died (6 were soldiers)
war crime.
Now here are a few facts the bBC doesn’t tell you
in the 3rd week of the IDF offensive 800 people have died.
800 people on an attack on the so called most denseliy populated area in the world (So Abu-bowen tells me)
using F16s,F15s,AH64D,Arty,Tanks and a land invasion and they have only managed to kill 800.
Last year in India 10 men with AK47s murdered 170 in one night.
Christ I didn’t know the IDF were so bad.
Either that or they are just hitting the people they wish to hit.
Very good point–the problem is that if the world indiscriminately condemns Israel for their every action they will eventually just annihilate Palestines with airstrikes and rocket attacks without any regard for world opinion. They really could do some real damage