Just catching up with the news and I see that Rent-a-Mob have been out polluting the streets of our major cities, cheering on Hamas. Curious how the BBC has chosen to contradict police estimates of the numbers of protesters present in London (BBC say 50,000 but the Police say 12,000, go figure!) and then uses such weasel expressionsas “given the numbers of people the protest was peaceful.” Hope the injured policemen realise that! I also notice the BBC ends it report with the statement that “Health officials in Gaza say more than 800 Palestinians have died. Israel says 13 Israelis have been killed.” No Hamas terrorists killed so far , then? Not even one, apparently.
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Quiz time. Spot the odd ones out.
Telegraph: Gaza protesters clash with police in London
Sun: Gaza protests end in violence
CNN: London protest against Gaza conflict grows unruly
Times: Protestors clash with riot police at anti-war rally
BBC:UK protesters call for Gaza peace
Guardian: Tens of thousands join London Gaza protest
It’s the same kind of ‘protester’ who came in their thousands to take over the square outside Milan’s Doumo Cathedral, faced Mecca, and said prayers to Allah. It also happened in Bologna.
The Italians are rightly in uproar about it slamming it as a provocation – and in turn leading masses to reclaim the squares.
I didn’t see that reported on the BBC!
Hugh Oxford
The real threat we face is not the Jihadi terrorists but the Muslim population growth in Britain.
Muslims do not need to be a majority in the country. All they need is around 30%. Muslims will vote for a Muslim party only, and the Infidel vote will be split among the rest of the three main parties. Given our “first past the post” electoral system, 30% is all that is necessary for Muslims to have an overwhelming majority in parliament. Goodbye Britain. I estimate less the 40 years for this catastrophe.
Allowing Muslims settle in Britain, must be the greatest blunder ever made. Its going to prove a fatal wound, tragically a self-inflicted one.
Looks like Prince Harry’s saved the BBC from having to cover this.
Note the under 16-sounding ‘Alahu Akbar’s as they proceed to smack up a branch that well known Gaza murderer Starbucks Coffee.
There are Police only yards away who are doing nothing. What the hell is going on in this country?
PS Atlas Shrugs is covering this from the States. She is putting the BBC to shame. Thanks, Pamela.
>Allowing Muslims settle in Britain, must be the greatest blunder ever made. Its going to prove a fatal wound, tragically a self-inflicted one.
DP111 It’s no unintentional blunder – it’s been government policy regardless of party for decades; made even more sinister by the fact that it’s virtually illegal to complain about it.
What a shame police snatch squads weren’t there when this lot ransacked Starbucks. We can only hope Starbucks CCTV and amateur footage like this leads to the arrest of these people.
Ah, and they were chanting ‘shame on you’ to the police. Would that be because the police were trying to maintain civil order and protect law abiding citizens and property while upholding the democratic right of these people to peacefully protest?
Play it again – did you hear the ‘Stupid Jew’s interspersed with those shame on yous?
I wonder if there’ll be any hate speech arrests for that? I’m not holding my breath.
Latest figures from the BBC:
800 Palestinians
235 of which are Children “according to Palestinian medical types”.
500 are Hamas Millitants “according to Israel”.
13 Israelis dead, “most of which are soldiers”. Not sure what “most” means in this context, pretty sure it wouldn’t be hard to get an exact number. Could be 7 soldiers, 6 civilians, which then becomes “nearly half of which are civilians.”
Phillip: Someone does say F*** you Jew in that video. Not sure about the Stupid Jew.
I am somewhat encouraged that there is so much video and photography floating around of these “largely peaceful protest” (see my post at 6.40pm in this thread for the BBC definition).
I can only hope the police will take a close interest in mopping up the people responsible for this violence especially as one officer was knocked unconcious and two suffer facial injuries.
Some more photos of the “largely peaceful protest” via getty: http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.aspx?contractUrl=2&language=en-US&family=editorial&p=london%20israel&assetType=image&ep=1&ebd=2009-01-10&src=quick
Further to my Quiz post of 11.38pm .. now even the Guardian has changed its tone. At 0:01am it posted:
Violence erupts at embassy protest
so, The Times, Guardian, CNN, Telegraph and Sun are all running headlines about violence at the anti-Israel rally .. the BBC continues with
BBC:UK protesters call for Gaza peace
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/78…/uk/ 7821928.stm
This one is a real tear jerker,almost too sad to be true.
Garden Trash | 11.01.09 – 1:21 am | #
I don’t ever recall the Guardian (or the BBC for that matter) describing a terrorist attack on Israeli children in such intimately gory detail.
Devastating I know, but never forget that the blame for every single one of these deaths lies with Hamas. They have forced Israel to defend itself and they deliberately situate themselves among civilians because deaths like that little girl’s are what they WANT.
Oops, it was the Times and not the Guardian. Oh well, it’s getting to the stage where they amount to the same thing anyway.
Here is footage from an anti-Israel protest in Los Angles in which protesters can be heard to scream “Long live Hitler,” “Rest in peace Hitler,” “Put Jews in ovens” and “Jews are fossil fuel”
At around 3:20 in this protest video from Fort Lauderdale you can hear a Muslim savage scream “go back to the ovens.”
At what point do you think the BBC is going to cover the antisemitic element of this protest movement? Or will it continue to report that they’re “peaceful”?
Good to see that Hamas sympathisers can recreate Gaza-like circumstances in the center of London. Thank you, Liebour, thank you, Met Police. Oh, yeah – and thank you for the objective reporting, Al Beeb!
Jason | 11.01.09 – 2:33 am |
I believe Hitler himself was peaceful. I don’t think he ever killed anyone himself.
disillusioned_german | 11.01.09 – 3:26 am | #
No he just got his goons to do it for him, much like Che Guevara (but on a bigger scale, obviously).
The BBC ‘friend of approved terrorists worldwide’ thinks it acceptable to incite murder by passing off unfounded and unproven partisan accusations of “war crimes” by the IDF!
After days of constant pro hamas propaganda shouting “war crimes” and “child killers” at the IDF the BBC see fit to hide the fact that Jews are being attacked by mobs of Jew haters in the streets inflamed by the BBC reports of “atrocities” and “war crimes” against “innocent civlians”!
Der Sturmer whipped up hatred of the Jews by peddling lies about “jewish atrocities and crimes”, they are rightly blamed for the deaths of Jews because the power of the media to inflame the violent mob to murder is well known!
The BBC are following the example of Der Sturmer to the letter, almost as if they wish to incite the murder of Jews worldwide?
The BBC is silent on the violence against Jews that it helped in large part to whip up and yet “race crimes” against ‘approved minorities’ are always given the highest billing.
So white people/jews/chritians/native British dont count as real people when they are subject to race hate?
Ryan | 11.01.09 – 1:19 am | #
Thank you for that (updated) summary.
I was away all day and only caught up late evening when I had BBC news on the car’s radio (getting home a rush email alert only allowed me the vast news that some Royal had apologised for something my national broadcaster found REALLY exciting)
I am really unsure why the BBC engages in such po-faced disconnection with reality in the face of it being so glaringly out of step with other sources of news, as you have ably demonstrated. How silly to they think they become in simple comparison? Those Daily Mail pictures shocked me, but mainly because, thanks to the BBC, I initially had no idea what had really happened.
I did anyway find it a tad ironic that a ‘peace march’ had ended in ‘some violence’, but mitigated it seems by ‘legitimate frustrations’ on the part of the marchers that their route had been constricted. Yes, I can see how an impediment to progress might get you in the mood to try and cripple a policeman. I guess proportionality works in mysterious ways.
Just imagine if they’d had rockets lobbed into their midst indiscriminately for several years? I bet they’d really try and understand the launcher’s motivations and ask others to have a word (well, some more words on top of the previous words).
This really has gone into the realms of institutionally-supported propaganda, but amazingly it’s here against the very state representative, Gordon’s (where is he… again?) government, they seem incapable of faulting no matter what most of the time.
FYIW, by way of some kudos where deserved, I just watched as I type a segment on News 24 called ‘Reporters’, with Zena Badawi (excuse spelling. She’s the lady who won’t be asked back on the Andrew Marr show).
A full report on Hamas tunnels, with balaclava clad types making todays’ batch of rockets for transport across to Gaza.
I presume that when a laser guided bomb finds such chaps, they will become ‘Palestinians’ for the purpose of the BBC ‘news’ ‘reporting’ ‘system’.
Perpetrating the lie that these nihilists are not the ones who caused and are delighting in keeping this war going is what is killing more kids daily.
Shame on all who see value in suppressing this fact at any opportunity. If it is naivete it is frustrating; if it is deliberate, it is downright sinister and worrying for the future.
Here’s the Reporter’s segment I mentioned..
Not exactly damning in tone on reviewing, but one of few instances where it’s pretty clear what the heck has been, is and will be going on… and on… that surely to most rational minds go towards the core of this conflict.
Context almost totally lacking in any other report I am subjected to.
I would just love to hear the various Hamas morale officer cheerleaders explain how they see value in supporting these non-uniform-clad combatants in their mission.
It merely gives them more and more valuable ammunition than mere ordnance to place around those they claim to be ‘defending’.
Cassandra | 11.01.09 – 6:05 am | #
There might even be sufficient evidence to have the BBC charged with inciting racial violence in its dishonest Gaza reporting. It really has crossed the boundary. Channel 4 News could be stung with the same. Someone should really look into this, especially given the fact that Jew-hatred is seriously on the brink of turning violent. If we can prosecute Muslims for inciting violence at protests, we can prosecute al-Beeb for inciting violence by skewing its reporting against Israel. The savages are becoming restless because they’re being fed lies and bullshit by Britain’s disgraceful state media. Sooner or later the Beeb should be made to take responsibility for the trouble its agenda-driven reporting causes.
The ‘stupid Jew’ remark in the Starbucks trashing video is at 1:43.
The Metropolitan Police says 20,000 people marched but the BBC estimates the figure could be as high as 50,000.
I commented on crowd estimation in an earlier thread, so I won’t repeat myself. The gist was that crowd estimation is extremely complicated and I doubted that the BBC had the expertise or devoted the resources to do it as well as the police.
It has become standard BBC practice, often used against Israel, the USA and the British Military, to use the word ‘says’ to imply the source lacks credibility. On the other hand the BBC frequently takes claims by Hamas, the Taleban or assorted leftists and repeats them without disclaimer or sceptism. The claim then becomes fact.
Why Starbucks? Starbucks is not an Israeli company nor does it operate in Israel. It is however iconic for Globalization similarly to MacDonalds. I guess the Trots were killing two birds with one stone.
Pity the BBC didn’t ask the same question.
Oops – must remember to close tabs. :o(
The Metropolitan Police says 20,000 people marched but the BBC estimates the figure could be as high as 50,000.
I commented on crowd estimation in an earlier thread, so I won’t repeat myself. The gist was that crowd estimation is extremely complicated and I doubted that the BBC had the expertise or devoted the resources to do it as well as the police.
It has become standard BBC practice, often used against Israel, the USA and the British Military, to use the word ‘says’ to imply the source lacks credibility. On the other hand the BBC frequently takes claims by Hamas, the Taleban or assorted leftists and repeats them without disclaimer or sceptism. The claim then becomes fact.
Why Starbucks? Starbucks is not an Israeli company nor does it operate in Israel. It is however iconic for Globalization similarly to MacDonalds. I guess the Trots were killing two birds with one stone.
Pity the BBC didn’t ask the same question.
The protest started peacefully but there were confrontations as police tried to move demonstrators away from the gates of the Israeli embassy
BBC: we are scum. It’s in the job description.
I have no doubt whatsoever that the BBC is guilty of the criminal offence of inciting racial hatred, repeatedly and on a very large scale.
Everyone should lodge a complaint with the police, refuse to be fobbed off, and if fobbed off – complain to their police authority, MP and local paper (well, not to your MP if he/she is an antisemite).
Philip thanks for linking in that vid. In light of the Prince Harry ‘Paki-gate’ video. (The bBC loves suffixing incidents with gates. Must be its love for Microsoft) You’d think they would have hightighted how Stupid Jew is also racist.
MInd you at the start of that video you can also hear the call”Allah ackba” which if you haven’t noticed the bBC usually chages to “God is great” in its reporting. Just in case you didn’t reconise the meaning.
But thanks anyway.
Have a listen to any of the protest videos from around the world. It seems that shrieking “Alahu Akbar!” in the style of IED operatives and al Qaeda beheading squads is now de rigeur among Religion of Peace™ adherents; whether trashing your local Starbucks or engaging in highly insulting mass carpet munching in front of Italian Cathedrals.
One rule for them, one rule for us – and the BBC is complicit in promoting it.
Ricky martin:
Don’t be fooled by the intentions of this blog. Nobody here is wiling to DO anything about the BBC which involves leaving the safety of their keyboards.
What do you think we are – the revolutionary front against parts of the State we don’t like? The purpose of this blog is to highlight BBC bias, to expose it, to excoriate it, and to bring this to a wide audience. It is about pressurising the BBC at every turn, it is about sharing our interest with others across the globe. What do you suggest we do – storm the barriers at Broadcasting House? No, the BBC can be reduced to the state where it is not longer part of the State, AND not taking our cash for propaganda – and we have a role to play in that. I think you belittle our passion and efforts with your “keyboards” jibe.
I must be psychic. At 10.49pm Saturday I wrote here that on Sunday I predict:
“And the BBC, to provide ‘balance’ will find someone who is Jewish, visited Israel, called Israel or with an Israeli name who opposes the ‘war on Gaza’ and the ‘excessive use of force’ used. Either that or Vince Cable.”
So, no surpise with this headline then appearing today:
UK Jews demand Israeli ceasefire
Some interesting quotes:
“The first major rally in support of Israel in the UK will take place later.” — subtext: there hasn’t really been any support for Israel yet.
And of course the BBC likes to end with this gem: “Some 820 Gazans and 13 Israelis have reportedly died in 14 days of fighting.”
Oh, and if you were wondering the BBC haven’t chosen to update the headline and tone of their report on yesterday’s “largely peaceful protest”, so they still report “UK protesters call for Gaza peace”
This year, I’ve committed myself to resurecting my tiny, long- neglected anti-Jihad blog and doing what I can to promote the excellent B-BBC on some of the influential US blogs where I am both a prolific commenter and occasional contributor of material – and everywhere else.
I’m also open to discussing (assuming we can get the right people together) taking possible legal action against the BBC if a case can be made.
I’m off down to Trafalgar Squae in a little while to take some photos of today’s pro-Israeli demo, which I’ll be sharing with a couple of bloggers who can’t be there.
So basically speak for yourself, pal. What do you do to help?
Halfway through last night’s repeat of Prof. Nial (sp?) Ferguson’s LSE lecture based on ‘The Ascent of Money’, he talked of how often in history antisemitism has followed financial crises. I think he’s right – again.
Isn’t amazing how the world’s most serpentine, insiduous news channel -the BBC, is able to get pictures minute-by-minute of the Gaza conflict, right in the middle of a battle zone, yet doesn’t have any pictures or coverage of a major left wing insurrection in the middle of London just ten minutes from Broadcasting House or violent antisemitic activities by the lefty goons in NW London just about twenty minutes from Broadcasting House. Strange that. Must have missed it…somehow. Or perhaps their journalists were busy thumping elderly Jews too.
In the pictures that were taken of the Islamonazis beginning their coup in London yesterday, many were wearing HAMAS scarves and insignia.
Now pardon me if I am wrong, but given Hamas’ status in Europe etc, isn’t this a criminal offence?
Where is Bob Quick Quick Slow when you need him?
Arresting more Tories for criticising the rioters perhaps?
Anti-Semitic blood libel on display at yesterday’s London protest:
Re the Starbucks video – apart from “Allah Ackbar” and “stupid Jews” which have already been mentioned, “fucking Jews” can heard on number of occasions (eg @ 2:04) and towards the end of the clip someone seems to be talking about a “shotgun”, although I could be mishearing that. What do others think?
A corrective to the BBC’s pro-Hamas political line:
“In the face of this madness, some facts” (Melanie Phillips)
[Opening extract]
“Here are some facts that the western media might just possibly by some strange and uncharacteristic oversight fail to report. The Israel Defence Force blog shows what it says is a captured Hamas map showing how Hamas are using the inhabitants of an entire neighbourhood as human shields by lacing it with a web of explosive devices. The Israel Foreign ministry says:
‘The map shows that snipers are positioned at the entrance of the A-Tawil mosque and in the mosques next to it and describes the directions the snipers are aiming. It indicates that explosives are planted in the entrances of civilian homes.'”
Ratass I agree with you 100%
Post your address and I’ll pay for you to fly out to any Islamic country of your choice. Why I will also purchase the flag of the country you go to so that you can burn it live on BBC.I’m sure the rest of the world will take notice of how you felt the need to make a violent protest against the bBC.
Don’t bend down in the showers. Its a bummer.
I reckon the Beeboids were relieved when they could headline a Prince Harry story rather than report illegal riots in London by their favourite groups. One summary I heard this morning gave Harry top billing but nothing about the riots at all. By the way can someone enlighten me as to what the objection to the word Paki is. I don’t hear anyone objecting when we British are called Brits, or Welsh Taffies or Australian Ozzies or Scottish Scots – maybe because we are just white.
Don’t forget the shoes.
I’m also open to discussing (assuming we can get the right people together) taking possible legal action against the BBC if a case can be made
Count me in.
Nobody here is wiling to DO anything about the BBC which involves leaving the safety of their keyboards.
Once again, a delusional twit thinks he represents everyone. Several people have already complained to the police. Have you?
DB | 11.01.09 – 10:18 am | #
DB, you are absolutely right. Someone is shouting ‘fucking jew’. Before that you can hear ‘jew jew jew’ and Allah Akbar’. The shithead Hamas people are also shown stealing from the shop.
Here’s a quote from Communities Secretary Chipmunk Blears:
“The evidence is that where resources are scarce, then unless you make positive attempts to bring people together, to get information out, for people to understand entitlement and who gets what, then these myths can grow up and become received wisdom,” she told the Sunday Times.
“The far right use it to get divisions between people.”
Now I have no time for anyone is the far right, but where was the Ginger Chipmunk yesterday? Does she have any comments on the vile antisemitic rantings of the far Left? I thought not.
Regarding taking legal action against the BBC: It must be thought through with immense care. We only have perhaps one shot at this. We have to be absolutely, positively sure about the grounds.
I prefer the option of the weight of public opinion to sway the day.
Battersea | 11.01.09 – 11:03 am | #
What public opinion? The opinion manipulated by the influential BBC? Most people in the UK are unaware of what took place yesterday. The pro Israel rally today is superceded by the BBC promoting Jews Critical of Israel.
The BBC is still trusted as most people are unaware of the subversion that has taken place in it’s news coverage. They have a rosy glow about the BBC, based on costume dramas and The Archers.
They need to be exposed. And I don’t mean by Russell Brand.
Ricky, more and more people are getting their news from other outlets. They (the people) are not stupid and they can see what is going on, the shameful bias towards Islam and Islamism. That’s why websites like these are so important.
All I’m saying is that the Legal route (Judicial Review?) is fraught with difficulties. I really don’t want to say any more about this here.
Why on earth not?
Sure, we need money to hire a top barrister.
Ryan 9 43am
The headline you quoted:
UK Jews demand Israeli ceasefire
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/78…/uk/ 7822656.stm
seems to have changed now to:
Thousands call for Mid-East peace
The bias in the first headline is stark and the misrepresentation grotesque. That is the BBC mindset for you.
That headline is either deliberately and viciously misleading or it simply would not occur to them that anyone could demand or want a cessation of Hamas attacks on Israel. Not even a Jewish rally in support of Israel could possibly want peace in ISRAEL.
Probably they changed it only because someone pointed out the blatant bias and misrepresentation. Maybe they read this blog. Or maybe even one of the dimwits read their own article and finally it dawned on them that the headline was grotesquely at odds with the content of that, never mind with the rally itself.
(The content of the article is another fertile field for comment.)