My but wasn’t the Today programme in cracking form this morning? Did you catch the class warrior Martin Narey from poverty-industry giant Barnardos declaring that “investment” in Education has helped mostly the middle-classes whilst the “poor” have seen little benefit. Yes, right-on, Comrade and pass the sick-bucket. This then segued into a report featuring a Gazan doctor and the death of hundreds of babies at the hands of those evil Israelis. The question was asked of the not so good doctor where the greatest risk to babies in Gaza comes from, the answer, Hamas, was never even considered! Next, Prince Harry and that alleged “racist” comment three years ago. The oleaginous Keith Vaz was given time to slime on and give his opinion. The BBC loves nothing better than attacking a Royal and this non-story, spun by the circulation-deprived News of the World, is perfect for the BBC since it allows them to set the attack dogs on the Royal Family but using the veneer of “racism.”
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can no one accept that Israel makes mistakes?
Tom ROLLison | 12.01.09 – 3:58 pm | #
Others have replied more eloquently, but to this I would simply point out the following in posts which preceded yours and which would tend to make the generalisation used less than effective…
I’m erring on a very horrible cock-up, which if confirmed will doubtless reflect poorly enough on the IDF…
Not forgetting that the IDF attacked a house with their own soldiers in as well.
I admit that I feel no great empathy for Hamas or its aims (frankly I think they can pretty much shoulder most of the blame for the woes of the Gazans, which may explain why most governments around the world are ‘doing nothing’ to the evident innocent frustration of many media luvvies), but that doesn’t mean I am automatically an unquestioning supporter of those ranged against them, either. While a clumsy but convenient tool, trying to cobble together tribal groups in such ways (especially on a blog of individuals) seldom serves the argument well.
In this case, on this blog, about this topic, I merely maintain an interest in a ‘story’ that was gleefully shared by the MSM whose factual basis is crumbling (and, I might add, hence detracting from the clear ongoing tragedy of the innocents whose lives were indeed lost) from the moment it was given carefully crafted headline treatment as the ‘ideal’ suited those in the edit suites.
And who seem less than concerned about their consequent, effective role as propagandists for an outfit who, by having hearts and minds support broadcast in certain quarters, are given strength to keep finding kids to crouch behind longer and bloodily longer.
Unless, of course, and as anyone viewing/reading idly for information on this conflict might be forgiven for thinking, few of the Palestinian deaths are combatants (uniformed or otherwise, and accepting that if you’re old enough to fire a gun or strap on a bomb it’s tricky in a firefight to discriminate).
Other than some measly words of acknowledgement, by headline and image you’d imagine the might (which it is indeed) of the IDF has been ‘fighting’ nothing but kids for several weeks.
It simply doesn’t add up. And to feel that is down to simply bad news gathering and reporting.
Think of the power of a news medium where their reports represent factual, researched, confirmed, objective truth, from representatives above personal agenda. Such an entity can ensure even armies avoid excesses and, possibly, those with no concern for human life (theirs, or their own, much less those they are fighting) might be more concerned with their image and legacy more and hence reconsider their use of civilians to attract media attention.