I caught the wretched Lord Patten on Today this morning. He’s a BBC favourite! He was there to make all the usual talking points about the great joy of now having the “President we wanted” but he did not miss the chance to have a good old swipe at Israel, insisting that it would have to deal with Hamas just as “we” had to deal with the IRA. This completely false analogy is consistently pushed by BBC talking heads and it blithely ignores the fact that whilst the IRA were indeed homicidal vermin even they did not seek to wipe every Protestant off the map. The BBC never gives space to those who hold this view although I know that the gospel of appeasement runs deep within the British political Establishment, and is an article of faith for the BBC.
Civilians shelled in ‘safe zone’
What? no outcry?
No because it isn’t anything to do with Israel………………..
Published Date: 23 January 2009
THE Sri Lankan military shelled a hospital and a village inside a government-declared “safe zone” for displaced families yesterday, killing at least 30 civilians, health officials said.
The assault was the deadliest on civilians in two years. Hundreds of thousands of refugees are reportedly trapped in the war zone as the military closes in on Tamil rebels’ last stronghold.–
The BBC are still peddling the hamas lies of 1300 dead right now and flogging the white phosperous war crimes propaganda.
The Islamist sympathiser Aleem Macbool ‘investigates’ IDF war crimes for the terrorist enabling BBC, of course Macbool finds all the ‘evidence’ he needs to finger Israel(how convenient)? Of course the hamas supporting anti semite Macbool wouldnt lie would he, I wonder if he travelled to the scene on his donkey?
Oh yes hamas sympathising Macbool has always been impartial in his reporting and always ready to admit his errors!
The TOADY comrade interrogating the IDF spokesman was disgusting and the open hostility and his hatred was plain to hear, the TOADY kept bleating on about ‘getting it on the record’ I wonder why the TOADY terrorist sympathisers are so reticent about grilling hamas about its crimes, funny that eh? No BBC airtime exposing hamas crimes, that might confuse the thick proles into thinking that Israel was in the right and put its ‘journalists’ in danger.
Aleem Macbool, the price of Alan Johnstons release(the gift that keeps on giving)and the hamas spokesman at the BBC is having a ball, all his pent up Jew hatred coming out courtesy of the BBC. It doesnt matter to the BBC that their hysterical lies are the cause of attacks against British jews, to the BBC Jews arent really humans, I keep waiting for the pictures of rats running thru a sewer and some beeboid saying ‘the Jews are our misfortune’ Julius Streicher from Der Sturmer would be right at home at the BBC.
to Jeremy Bowen’s Assistant:
Just to say thanks for all your good work. We freedom fighters here in Gaza are much encouraged by your efforts on our behalf. I, and several of my colleages, have all bought TV licences out of gratitude.
Cassandra | 23.01.09 – 9:16 am |
Yes, Ed Stourton surpassed himself this morning. The item was supposed to be about illegal use of white phosphorous (by Israel)
To set the tone, we hear about a Palestinian lady who has lost nine children. She relates the manner of deaths of two of them making sure we get their names and ages, and tells us that one was decapitated. Surely not by WP?
Then the hostile interview with the Israeli, or as Cassandra puts it ‘interrogation.’ Ed even had the cheek to mention the word ‘impartiality’ when there was no attempt whatsoever to disguise his blatant and unprofessional partiality.
Surely past cases of incautious premature condemnation would have taught him something. But no.
But that wasn’t the only thing on that programme. Also starring was Irish housewife Bernie-in-a-headscarf-with-a-fag-in-the-corner-of-her-mouth, aka Feargal Sharkey incandescent with outrage that the police are intruding on yoof’s uman rights to conduct more knife crimes. (Slight exaggeration.)
Then to end on a high note, an Islamic room in Wales in the name of Gladstone who, brandishing a Q’oran once said “There will be no peace till we get rid of this book.” He didn’t really mean it, obviously, I mean we think he would have been delighted.
Cassandra 9:16
Well said. Why don’t the BBC and Hamas just merge together into one giant organistation, their aims are so similar?
Thanks for your comment –
“One of the funniest posts I have read in years !”
Glad to have entertained you with my juxtapositional sentence. The subject isn’t all that funny, though.
Question: How do you stop a muslim child in the UK thinking about hobbies and interests such as model-making, singing in the choir, going on a nature trail, playing a musical instrument, playing in the woods etc? How do you stop them from turning into an open minded individual? How do you stop them mixing with children of other religions?
How do you turn them into an obsessive who has one thing on the mind; Muslim ‘honour’? How can you develop a condition under which they think it is okay to stab their daughters and sisters to death for having a boyfriend of the wrong religion?
The answer is: make them chant the Koran for at least six hours a week in a mosque which is totally devoid of music or art, between the ages of 7 and 13
This is what happens to over 98% of British muslim children, in my personal experience of hundreds of muslim families.
It is worrying to think about such child abuse going on all over Britain. And they get hit if they cannot remember the words. Not just for being naughty, for not knowing the words.
I know one clever boy who had read it three times (learning a page at a time to recite off by heart) by the time he was 10, and he could not tell me a single thing about the life or teachings of Mohammed.
I wonder if I had been through such a bizarre process if I would have become mentally ill and ended up wanting to drive the Jews into the sea for the ‘honour’ of my religion. I wonder if I could have been strong enough to withstand such treatment during my impressionable years.
Give me the child and I will give you the man
Agree with everything that’s been said about this morning’s Ed Stourton travesty. Unfortunately it’s also “on the record” that an Israeli foreign ministry spokesman has “respect” (there was no detectable political irony)for Maqbool’s journalistic qualities, but that’s what you get when faced with an early kicking from a graduate of the Spanish Inquisition School of Journalism.
A thought struck me yesterday while listening on R4 to the BBC’s Christian Fraser recounting his tale of a Gazan father claiming that an Israeli soldier, one of several gathered around a tank, eating crisps, had broken away from the group and shot his two daughters at close range. Signalling that the story was credible, Fraser referred to the father picking up crisp packets from the ground while he talked to him, so it appeared. What we knew of the area from Fraser was that all the houses had been demolished. It almost goes without saying that the thickness of plastic in Israeli crisp packets is “disproportionate”, but I still marvel at their ability to stay put for days at a time while exposed to the Gaza wind and provide such a weight of evidence. But that’s just gut reaction. Here’s the idea.
The BBC gives plenty of airtime to anti-Israel propaganda stories that are subsequently refuted, without making a retraction at all or one of equal prominence – al Dura, family on the beach in Gaza and Qana come to mind, and Jenin. There will be more, I’m sure, from Cast Lead. In terms of duration of the exposure given to the propaganda and audience size, the airtime has commercial value measured on a cost per thousand basis. Valuation would quantify the intensity of the BBC’s campaign, facilitate comparisons with commercial campaigns “You can’t switch on the box these days without seeing an ad for sofas. Well, the BBC seems to be making even more of an effort to get the public to see the Israel / Palestine conflict its way. Let’s take a look at….”. It could serve as a reference point in any actions for damages brought by those who suffer, whether here or in Israel, from the moral support provided to those who commit terrorism. And it can also be expressed as a proportion of licence fee receipts. Any media buyers here?
I think Cheeta has a valid point that we are not at war and we are more likely to die from a road accident than terrorism. And the socialist NHS are responsible for far more deaths through their uncaring negligence, which is never exposed by the BBC who are a staunch defender of the NHS, although its executives probably use private health care.
The muslims who in their heads are at actual war with us are a small minority and the evidence of this is
that they only kill a few hundred of us per year.
At present the muslims don’t think Britain is ‘theirs’ but they do think Israel is ‘theirs’. They may hate us in the West because we are more successful than muslim countries are, but that has not reached the level of wanting war with us. Many will admire Bin Laden but not do anything about it. When I was 10 I would claim to ‘support Manchester United’ but I never bought their merchandise or went to their matches.
At present the actual wars are in the Middle East, with Israel being the current main obsession which they want in order to bring them honour for being the proud owners of the land where the main religions began
and which they lost 1500 years ago, a humiliation which they cannot forget. (I bet the Italians are relieved that we don’t bear grudges for such a long time)
But in the future things might be different. Many muslims are easily excitable and totally loyal to their religion with its bizarre medieval ways, for example Koran chanting and willy-cutting for children and honour killings for the older ones.
Who knows what will ‘kick off’ in the future? But if there is any trouble, I know where the loyalties of the muslims in this country lie. And, like the BBC, it is not with the native British people.
Was it wise to invite so many people into this country whose loyalties will always lie elsewhere?
A cautionary note on the pictures of supposed white phosperous burns carried by the BBC:
The WP sub munitions do not spread like liquid they are contained within a recepticle designed to hold it in a confined space as it burns and creates smoke, contact with human skin would be highly local and in the event of it sticking to the skin it would burn a deep hole at the impact point.
The BBC would like you to believe that the IDF are using a napalm liquid like substance, the burns shown look like scolds from boiling water or liquids such as petroleum products, look at pictures of kids that have pulled pans or kettles on them and they bear an almost exact resemblance.
As someone with a WP burn(I still bear the round deep scar) It had to be dug out and it was excrutiating, nearly as painfull as listening to Brown this AM.
The hysterical BBC claims are getting wilder by the day and more reckless with each report, there is something very fishy going on here, a state broadcaster spreading lies and disinformation without any sanction from the regulators, yes something smells!
About the only time the USA was hit in WW II was Pearl Harbour.
Does that mean the US wasn’t at war for the rest of the time? Of course not,
Being under daily attack isn’t the definition of being at war.
Tom, It certainly is a complicated world. Saudi Arabia is America’s ally and its number one enemy – at the same time!
Sorry Cheeta I meant ‘Gus Haynes has a valid point’ above, not Cheeta. I should have read the first posts more carefully.
‘John Bosworth is a fool. Islam isn’t to blame, the terrorists are to blame. You don’t understand a fucking word of the Qu’ran, and to accuse the Holy Book of that sort of thing is racist. Scum like you should find a new home. We have freedom of religion in GB’
What naive nonsense.
What really aggravates me is that the pro-terrorist lot is always citing ‘international law’ without actually mentioning the statutes. If anyone bothers to read the Geneva Conventions they will find that Israel has done everything by the book. So the Hamas bunch should be challenged in the media, and this includes the likes of Galloway, Benn, et al.
Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but Bill Roggio has uncovered footage of Hamas firing rockets from buildings used by Arab journalists during the recent conflict. Has the Beeb got something similar hidden away?
To Gus Haynes and Muslim Wars
The war we are in is known as the clash of civilisations. It is an irreconcilable situation that could have been tolerable if Islamic thinking did not wish to conquer or subjugate the infidel or unbeliever. We could perhaps have lived with it if they could. But they cannot. They have gone forth and multiplied and we have let them.
to ae1
Many Muslims do not understand a word of the Qu’ran either. Nevertheless the terrorists act in the name of Allah and Islam is certainly the motivating factor.
A Hamas Freedom Fighter | 23.01.09 – 10:01 am |
Just to say thanks for all your good work. We freedom fighters here in Gaza are much encouraged by your efforts on our behalf. I, and several of my colleages, have all bought TV licences out of gratitude.
Always a pleasure to aid those in need. We can use more people paying the license fee just now, as our main office back home is moving lots of staff up north – Manchester, not Haifa 🙂 – and it’s starting to get expensive.
Here is the result of our efforts yesterday:
New evidence of Gaza child deaths
The children wouldn’t keep still for the shot this time, so we went with the wounded survivor instead. But, as you can see, we did make up for it by mentioning that the Israelis are shooting children in the head at close range. We hope that this and the article lede will make up for any lack of useful images.
We’ll be doing one more feature on this over the weekend, so I’ll be in touch later today about coordinating victims. Our senior editor says we need to show more family homes destroyed by the Israelis, so assistance in that would be most helpful.
Speak soon. Cheers.
TP to the Q,
The BBC have yet to even mention hamas war crimes let alone investigate them, the talk in the West bank is of dozens of hamas’ enemies fellow Palestinians murdered in cold blood or tortured or both, using women and children as human shields is a war crime and yet the BBC are silent, hamas gunmen firing on their own people yet the BBC are silent, evidence of hamas lying about casualty figures yet the BBC are silent!
One might think that they are protecting hamas and acting as their agent in the West.
The UK has imported and continues to import mortal enemies to our way of life, muslims hate us and they hate our way of life, given the chance they will always betray the UK, given the chance they will turn on the UK without a second thought.
The UK now hosts millions of openly hostile colonists and they are expanding at a frightening rate, their birth rate exceeds ours and their violent bullying and demands are getting ever greedier, the UK faces its mortal enemy within by hand wringing and cringing and trying to buy them off with bribes, this only makes them bolder for they smell weakness and exploit it.
Civil war Balkans style beckons, the hostile colonists are ready and waiting for their numbers to increase and then God help us!
It would also surely mean that Israel now has to move on its commitments under the road map or be exposed as complete charlatans interested in expansionism rather than defence
Nonsense. The Arabs have not moved at all. The fact that Israel has had military success in suppressing the Nazis is neither here nor there.
the socialist NHS
Do you actually know what ‘socialist’ means? I didn’t think so.
are responsible for far more deaths through their uncaring negligence
Ignorant and libellous crap.
Its simpler than ever that: there are terrorists who want to kill us because they believe it is allahs will and they will go to a paradise with 72 virgins. no more explanation needed. these guys are lunatics and sickos.
and the way this countrys going with all the muslims coming over, its gonna get even worse.
Cassandras right; muslims hate us and our culture, and they want to impose their values at our expense. not all of them show it, and certainly don’t say it out loud, but you can tell thats how they feel.
we need more politicians (mainstream ones) to have the guts to come out and say this, not just the BNP and that lot.
Many Muslims do not understand a word of the Qu’ran either.
—end quote
That is because they learn it off by heart, as you will know, one page at a time in a language they do not understand, unless they speak Arabic. I used to wonder why they did not just read a translation. Now I think it is because the process of chanting for hours on end in a room with no pictures or music has some kind of effect on the brain which they have found stiffles an interest in anything else apart from their religion. I wonder if I had been subjected to such treatment/torture as a child it would have turn me into an unbalanced fanatic who wanted to kill. I hope not. Maybe some muslims
can pull through after the treatment. I know a few muslim children who started off normal aged 7 then suddenly became very hateful towards the West aged about 10. About 95% of their lives revolves around their religion and its strange rules, like facing away from Mecca in the shower.
Nearly Oxfordian:
The socialist NHS is the flagship of socialist achievement in Britain, hence the BBC never expose the scandals. Clinging stubbornly to a failed system instead of copying other countries’ successful systems is without doubt costing thousands of lives. Why is that libellous?
eg see the article below
Why don’t you take a copy of your pompous blogs and apply for a job with the BBC? They are always looking out for people like you.
TENS of thousands of patients are needlessly dying of blood clots from lying in their hospital beds.
The toll of 25,000 deaths a year is more than the combined total for breast cancer, road deaths and Aids.
A high-level group of MPs will today call for urgent action as it emerged that one in 10 hospital deaths is caused by deep vein thrombosis (DVT) more usually associated with inactivity during air travel. It is often preventable with cheap drugs • but it now poses a far greater danger to hospital patients than infections such as C.diff or superbug MRSA.
One in three people undergoing surgery are at risk from developing blood clots, yet many of the most vulnerable patients, such as the elderly, are still left untreated.
I agree with Nearly Oxfordian:
He is quite correct.
Message to ‘Muslim Wars’ above:
How dare you refer to the NHS as socialist! Do you know what the letters ‘NHS’ stand for? Ha Ha Ha Ha! You don’t do you? I thought not. A point to me I think!
Crap crap and more crap. Nonsense and crap! crappy libel! libellous crap!
“The socialist NHS is the flagship of socialist achievement in Britain, hence the BBC never expose the scandals. Clinging stubbornly to a failed system instead of copying other countries’ successful systems is without doubt costing thousands of lives. Why is that libellous?”
Because you called them incompetent etc. I have had excellent care from the NHS over a number of years, especially over the past year when I needed surgery 3 times: it was quick, efficient, thorough, professional, friendly.
It’s no more ‘socialist’ than having a nation-wide MoD or Dept of Education or Foreign Office.
“Why don’t you take a copy of your pompous blogs and apply for a job with the BBC? They are always looking out for people like you.”
What a dumb jerk you are. I hate the BBC as much as anyone here. Perhaps you need reading comprehension lessons.
Oh, FFS: my comments keep disappearing and reappearing etc etc.
The NHS is a socialist organisation because it is the finest achievement of the Labour Party and represents the idea that the state should provide everything by planning and targets, like the 5-year plans in the Soviet Union, and we should all be grateful recipients. The fact that it does not work, is incompetent, and is responsible for more deaths than road accidents will not dent the enthusiasm for it amongst socialists, and therefore they will not tolerate criticism of it on the BBC. On the contrary, every time it is mentioned, someone has to say ‘the envy of the world’ No it is not. If it were, other countries would have copied it.
Other countries have successful systems. But socialist dogma comes before people’s health, so we will not copy them.
In Germany you can go down the main street in town and several doctors are competing to treat you, so you can get major surgery within a couple of weeks. Some doctors fly from Germany (where they are competing with each other) to the UK (where they are not) to work here weekends and then fly back to Germany, because our doctors are the highest paid after America’s.
In the Soviet Union you would queue up for state provided services. Here we ring the doctor and have to wait over a week to see a GP, in a similar type of arrangement. The people queuing for bread were not allowed to criticise their system. We are not allowed on the BBC to criticise ours either. If they ever have a programme about the NHS, they find someone like you, who has had a positive experience and tell us it is typical.
If you seriously think the NHS is a competent organisation you are either depending on the BBC for your news source, or you are an NHS manager, or you have been avoiding the newspapers for several years.
The fact that you received great service is what is known as an exception. Some hospitals are exceptions, and some wards within hospitals are exceptions. Your treatment is at the better end of the scale. Let’s hope your run of good luck continues if you have to be treated again.
All my personal experiences are the opposite of yours.