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This really was horribly depressing. Rachel Miller | 23.01.09 – 4:55 pm
Similarly Jeremy Bowen has gone completely over the top with this report, published with no independent verification of any of the “facts”:
Bowen diary: Rafah rebuilds I spoke to Zeinat Abdullah al-Samouni. She is a woman of 35, and she sat on the ground nursing her eighth child, a three-week-old girl called Ansam.
Zeinat said the Israeli troops had herded several families from the al-Samouni clan into one of the houses.
She said soldiers came in and asked for the house owner. Her husband, Atiya, put up his hand.
A soldier shot him through the head at point blank range.
Then the soldiers sprayed the room with gunfire, she says. Her four-year-son was killed.
She carried his body when they were told to get out of the house. Then the Israelis demolished it.
Zeinat Abdullah al-Samouni wept as she told the story.
So did her sisters and her mother, who also had stories to tell of loss and death.
Still standing is the house that the Israelis used as their base.
Upstairs they have left behind bags for use with portable army latrines, full of faeces.
Downstairs there is graffiti, which the al-Samounis say was left by the soldiers.
One says “die you all”.
Another is a picture of a tombstone. On it someone has written, in English and Hebrew, Arabs, 1948-2009.
Bowen doesn’t question any of that, even though other reports are coming out from Gaza of Palestinians describing how Hamas had been killing whole families to make it look like Israeli “war crimes”.
Bowen even follows up in his next “diary”:
Bowen diary: A father’s loss Despite Israel’s decision to ban foreign journalists from crossing into Gaza, I think the BBC did some very good journalism during the 22 days of war, not least because we have two great Palestinian producers in Gaza, Hamada Abu Qammar and Rushdi Abu Alouf.
Israel did not stop the truth coming out but it did force us to cover the war in an incomplete way.
So incomplete Bowen doesn’t try to verify anything the Palestinians tell him…
His name is Helmi al-Samouni and he is 27. His son was called Mohammed. He was six months old and he was dead because he had been shot in the head by an Israeli soldier.
No “allegedly”, no “Palestinians say”. Simply, “he was dead because he had been shot in the head by an Israeli soldier”.
Shame on you Bowen! He continues…
I mentioned the Samouni clan’s experience in this diary yesterday. A woman called Zeinat (Helmi’s aunt) said she had seen soldiers shoot dead her husband and four-year-old son.
We have been trying to put together his story.
I’m sure the Palestinians have been very helpful “putting the story together”…
They had been herded into a building in their home of Zaytoun, just outside Gaza City, by Israeli soldiers. Survivors say that as many as 29 people died in brutal, inhuman circumstances, and the Israeli army is already facing accusations that its soldiers committed war crimes that day. “Facing accusations”, nothing proved yet.
The Israelis, who are fond of saying that they have the most ethical army in the world, say that they are investigating too. Why not say “The Palestinians, who are fond of lying and killing their own…”?
I asked a former military man who is here working for a human rights group what he thought of the way that the Israelis had left the house that they were using as a base. He was not impressed by the way that soldiers had defecated on the floors of some rooms, even though there were functioning lavatories. (There’s evidence it was soldiers, by the way, which in the interests of taste I will not set down).
I wonder who that “military man” is, and how does Bowen know that it was soldiers’ shit? Did he poke around in it and find the remains of those pizzas I sent?
There’s much more to fisk, if you have the stomach for it. Me, I’m too sick of Bowen and the BBC.
HaloScan’s acting weird again, as anyone who reads this will know, so my apologies if someone else has already brought up Charles Moore’s latest “Spectator Notes”.
Moore has been doing a little Don Quixote act over Jonathan Ross (but in his case the hallucinations are real, and it’s the windmill which is on trial in Liverpool, not the author, which makes this that much more amusing). Moore has been saying he won’t pay the license fee as long as Ross is still employed by the BBC. Mark Thompson tried to suck up to him, inviting him to lunch and everything. Any bets on whether or not that would have happened if somebody hadn’t started a Facebook group in solidarity with him? The Beeboids are suckers for a bit of good old solidarity. And Facebook. With this in mind, he compares his own situation as an interviewee for a Panorama show with the Merseyside kid who was paid £50 by somebody the BBC hired to bring him in to wave guns and grimace at their cameras. Guns which were allegedly provided for him to wave.
At one point in the hour and a half (of the interview footage Panorama shot with him) of which, I would guess, a maximum of 15 seconds will be used, I mentioned payment for my services and was met with a gale of laughter. But then I had no Male C to fight for me, and I was unarmed. Ross, though 48 years old, in some ways resembles the Liverpudlian teenager. He has understood that there is money in bad behaviour. His equivalent of Male C is a figure known as his ‘agent’, who has managed to extract £6 million a year from the BBC in return for the use of four-letter words and making indecent suggestions about public figures. While I was doing my interview, I was told to sign the customary ‘release’ form assigning copyright to the Corporation. I noticed that it contained a clause saying ‘You agree that your contributions will not bring the BBC into disrepute or be defamatory.’ It occurred to me that if I removed the word ‘not’ from that sentence, I might be on the way to £6 million a year.
He continues with more complaints about the original bug up his ass about the BBC: threats from TV Licensing.
Spectator’s Notes
PS: Yes, I get the irony of using the metaphor. It’s still funny.
Whilst non religious, I do hope Israel blows the f**k out of hamas.
Love the way Al-BBC headline this….it’s only when you read two paragraphs into this on-line story that we get the truth….the woman concerned is an immigrant from the Sudan …but, of course, Al-BBC can never portray immigrants as backward so the Danes get smeared in the headline.
“Dane guilty of genital mutilation”
“A Danish woman has been convicted of having two of her daughters genitally mutilated in Denmark’s first such case to come before a court”
Libertarian | 23.01.09 – 8:29 pm |
I’m sorry, but no recent comments would load for me until after I hit “Publish” on my above comment. Now I see you already brought up Moore’s article. So again, my apologies.
In any case regarding the deal with Classical musicians playing along to a recording at Obama’s inauguration: that’s a non-story.
I criticized the Chinese at least as much as anyone, but in this case, I have to say it’s not what you think. It was freezing cold out, and Perlman’s and Ma’s Stradivarii were not going to make an appearance. Those two instruments alone are worth at least 2% of the cost of the entire inauguration extravaganza. Not gonna happen.
Further, even with the modern loaners they had, it’s just not physically possible to play in tune in that kind of weather. Strings go out of tune at the drop of a hat as it is, and instruments freak out in freezing temperatures. Playing live and amplified would have been a really, really bad idea. I’m not knocking modern instruments, either. Wood and very tightly wound steel and tungsten will not cooperate in those conditions. These things are engineered to extreme tensions, and temperature extremes are death. The piano wouldn’t like it, either.
I play the cello, went to school for it and everything, so I know what I’m talking about in this case.
Apparently, Yo Yo Ma said he would have used a carbon fiber cello, but the one he had doesn’t look like wood and he felt it would have been a distraction. In the end, none of the pros really cared. They understood that they were there as window dressing, “to serve the moment”, I think Ma said.
Of course, all this begs the question: what moron hired them to do this in the middle of January anyway?
Don’t worry about the impending economic doom folks. YOU ARE ALL HAPPY. Thats what the BBC ministry of information says anyway.
They’ve whipped up public support for the Palestinians so much now that the BBC can safely come out into the open about their hatred for Israel. Jeremy Bowen has done it.
They needn’t fear accusations of breaking their impartiality obligation because ANY non condemnatory mention of Israel now appears pro-Israel.
In the words of Gavin Esler on Newsnight last night, to Caroline Thomson of the BBC who was defending the decision not to broadcast an appeal on behalf of the Palestinians “Won’t that be seen as fundamentally Pro-Israeli?” Perish the thought. Then, making the comparison with a similar situation in Burma “Burma had a VERY nasty government”
Ms Thomson was in cuckoo land though. “If audiences stopped trusting us………” I thought she was going to say something else, but she continued…. “If audiences stopped trusting us we would be of no use to these charities going forward.”
White Flag Obama runs into storm of protest over closure of Guantanamo
The new president’s decision to close Guantanamo Bay met a barrage of criticism as a group of House Republicans began action that would prevent the courts ordering the transfer or release of detainees at the Cuban base into the US.
Hilarious. After weeks and weeks of shameless anti-Israeli pro Palestinian propaganda, apparently “The BBC says it cannot show the appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (Gaza) because it does not want to compromise its commitment to impartiality.”
You couldn’t make it up! The stench of Hippocrisy can be smelt downwind even here in balmy South London.
Is Robert Peston married to that Stephanie Flanders or are they brother and sister?
They both share the most annoying way of talking about economics, as if hauling their arses into the studio is a massive burden upon them and we should be grateful.
Plus the way they look down to the viewer one would think they expect us to be paying the licence fee directly to them in person, and licking their boots at the same time.
Leaving aside the bias, I find both their presentations to be utterly snooty and arrogant to the viewer.
Is it just me?!
The best bit about this BBC refusal to broadcast the Gaza appeal is that there is a protest planned outside BBC HQ.
Let’s just hope and pray its the same Jihad warrior mob that was rampaging through London the other weekand.
Has the the “Gaza Appeal” reached epic proportions of cock-up or conspiracy?
The BBC is succeeeding in giving more publicity to this, frankly, unexceptionable appeal for ostensibly (and, who knows, perhaps genuinely) humanitarian purposes than if they’d let the broadcast go ahead in the first place. But, of course, the BBC’s treatment of the controversy betrays the nonsense of its dedication to impartiality. The fuss is being spun (by the BBC) in a way that has nothing to do with charity and all to do with supporting those brave lads in Hamas. We are treated (as a news item) to the all-purpose indignant loony – Lord Stansgate – giving vent to his wrath outside Broadcasting House and then on “Today” the newly invigorated Ed Stourton – free at last to drink deep at the wells of anti-Israeli bile – giving some BBC apparatchik grief for an overtly stupid decision made to “preserve” the BBC’s tattered reputation for “impartiality”.
Actually if it is a conspiracy it’s quite brilliant. The BBC has managed to give us propaganda on one side for the BBC’s spurious attachment to its legal obligation to be impartial and on the other, more propaganda concerning the effects of “war crimes” perpetrated by those horrible Jews (sorry – Israelis).
BBC finds space to report a criticism of Italy’s policy on ‘migrants’, who should be more accurately described as:- illegal immigrants:
But the BBC has no space, nor inclination to report these aspects of immigration into the Britain:
“150,000 foreigners swell UK workforce: Record number get permits as Britons lose jobs” (James Slack):
‘Mail’ (front page):
“80 foreign murderers welcomed to Britain: Albanian killers allowed to stay despite being on
Interpol ‘wanted’ list.”
Llew 8:43
I don’t think Peston or Flanders have ever had proper jobs, so it doesn’t occur to them that there could be any of us out here who know more about economics, finance and business than they do, so they assume no-one can see through their bull****.
The usual BBC mixture of arrogance and ignorance.
Don’t know what happened there. I posted on the other thread, came back and it vansished!
Let’s try here…
It might be worth a new thread as the ‘we can’t do an appeal on Gaza so we’ll just have to get guys on news to do an appeal on Gaza’.
So sorry if it’s OT, but in the sense the headline is applicable.
I fully appreciate the issue of aid to the suffering, especially the innocent and even more children, is paramount, and thanks to the ‘uniqueness’ of the situation the BBC found itself on the horns of a dilemma if pumping out appeals to send money without a lot of safeguards.
However, the ‘fudge’ they have come up with seems even less satisfactory, namely wheeling out guys from chatities to make appeals by pointing at press ads on screen. How very British.
However, the chap I just saw also seemed to feel the need to get in a bit more than strictly necessary, mentioning that ‘over 500 women and children died’. I thought it was 1500? Oh, yes… they were those poor sods next to/in front of the 1000 ‘men’ of indeterminate activities who do not get mentioned as now not conforming to the needs of the new narrative.
But what really pricked up my ears was his passionate appeal for ‘all the children… under 18… who just want to get back to school’.
Now, I don’t know about others, but even here in education, education education-blessed Blighty, I think there might be more than a few 18 year olds that rate some activities a wee bit more enthusiastically to ‘school’, and if given a weapon, a target and the uncritical support of the MSM may still represent a heck of a threat.
So Aunty and its politicised mates can’t even handle aid to kids without sullying the whole thing with propagandising, which will probably, as with its morale effect on Hamas, have the exact reverse influence on the public, and hence benefit to those they claim to be ‘feeling for’.
Peter | Homepage | 24.01.09 – 8:35 am | #
Just wanted to add that I now watched the morning host – who seemed a little slow with the charity guy’s claims IMHO – interviewing Douglas Alexander, and pretty much tearing him a new one for politicising the issue for taking the BBC to task and telling them what to do.
Might shape up to be an interesting set of exchanges between the government and our national broadcaster.
Apologies… it’s back now.
Either there was a glitch this end, that end or in my head.
Peter 9:35
No I think several of us are having problems with mosting today. Mine seem to appear, disappear, then re-appear.
I suspect the BBC are hacking in to the website !!
While we’re at it, the BBC manages to get two interviewees on “Today” who don’t mention the government’s part in causing the depression.
On one side we have Sir George Cox – one of the pathetic succession of “capitalists in name only” to head the Institute of Directors. On the other the City editor from the Mail – Alex Brummer (not the sharpest tool in the box – but a tool nevertheless). Ostensibly this appears to be a discussion between two “right-wingers” but, hey, this is the BBC and each of the participants has his own agenda: Cox, the bien pensant liberal cuckoo in the capitalist nest and Brummer, the controversialist who’ll do anything for a good headline (except use the sense he might have been born with). Brummer accuses the bankers of greed (true) and of being corrupted by the “bonus culture” (true). He also said the senior bankers should be made to pay back bonuses paid out of (as it’s turned out) non-existent profits – and prosecuted into the bargain. Cox can hardly talk fast enough in his rush to agree: he’s the first person in history to crucify himself.
But as to the responsibility of PM and late Chancellor or the fatuous “regulatory” system he insisted on – not a word. The BBC will have these two on again.
That should read “posting” !!!!
I don’t suppose the BBC will celebrate Burns’ night like Simon Heffer:
“Scots have brought Britain to its knees”
Stephanie Flanders’ dad (and Donald Swann) had a relevant song:
Link correction:
Simon Heffer:
“Scots have brought Britain to its knees”
George R 9:58
Some Scots, like myself, ( not a fan of Burns ), get sick of being patronised by the BBC and, indeed, over-represented on the BBC.
It is as if we are an endangered species, er………
whats with the bbc and racing pigeons this week end.
Biodegradable | 24.01.09 – 12:42 am
For the record, are you saying that the IDF is innocent of the murder of Atiya al-Samouni?
And why do you accuse Bowen of failing to verify stories when he has travelled to the scene to inspect it with his own eyes and has taken the trouble to ask a person with a military background to accompany him and assist with an assessment of the physical evidence?
Looks like he is taking all reasonable steps to investigate, seek corroboration etc.
No mention of the BBC conflating the fatality figures in Gaza anymore? You posting that argument at least 3 times, and when Alex demolished your point (which wasn’t very hard to do) your response….Hamas is evil.
Pathetic even by your standards David.
No mention today of the BBC’s decision not to broadcast a charity appeal for Gaza?!
That’s a starnge ommission isn’t it David? How come? And how come the BBC has been covering this story on its own news broadcasts? Oooops, better not think about that one too hard, it might cause you to have to consider your whole twisted world view.
Any one see Newsnight last night? The discussion entitled ‘Recession UK’? Or maybe the headline on the News at One, News at Six and News at Ten, that the UK is now officially in recession? Ooops, it seems Labour’s mouthpiece is completley incompetent as well.
I will now resume my ban, which is automatically implemented when I dare to dissent from Mullah Vance’s line. Goodbye you nutjobs!
Anonymous | 23.01.09 – 8:21 pm |
I don’t know whether this is any comfort to you in Belgium, but if you were in the Netherlands you would have to pay for BBC News as part of the compulsory TV package. (well, that’s what a poster from there told us on here recently).
Flanders is one fly bitch. Anyone see her trick Cameron in an interview a while back? He was announcing a policy on payments to single mothers, but he hadn’t been briefed on her. “Well I’m a single mother and I don’t want your this that the other” Cameron was thrown.
What Ms Flanders didn’t say was that she lived with the father of her child for years and years , just hadn’t bothered to tie the knot. Not a “single mother” except as a technicality. As privilidged daughter of Flanders of Flanders and Swan, and a highflying career courtesy of Labour and the Beeb, she was not a pram-pushing council flat benefits dependant single mother, but at the other end of the known universe.
BBC ‘Today’ went out of its way to report the setting up of an ‘Islamic reading room’ at the Gladstone library in North Wales.
Despite Gladstone’s outright hostility to the Koran, the BBC had on a couple of ‘multiculturalists’ who had decided to re-interpret Gladstone’s reasoned, forthright opposition to the Koran, as meaning that there should be an ‘Islamic reading room’ now! GLADSTONE MUST BE TURNING IN HIS GRAVE!
Presumably, given the BBC’s self-imposed restricted circle of historians, no one could be found to oppose the setting up of such a travesty to Gladstone’s opposition to Islamic practice.
‘Jihadwatch’ comment:
“So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world”
And next, the Islamic lobby will set up a ‘Churchill Islamic reading room:
“Churchill predicts ‘Islamophobia'”
To avoid having happen to each of us, what has happened to Gladstone, we should each make a New WILL – to make explicit, that if we survive the imposition of a predominantly Islamic Britain, with Sharia law, that we do not want an Islamic reading roon to be set up in our name.
I’m on one of my searches for sources of objective information to try and navigate the maze of anything but from the MSM and some extreme blogs from various ‘sides’.
I have to confess it was/is inspired by a SKY report from Gaza, and involves this white phosphorus stuff that it seems isn’t illegal in combat but is in civilian areas (which already seems a slightly confusing distinction).
The empathetic lady reporter had discovered an old lady who had, tragically, lost her family to this stuff, at least according to her and an odd array of neighbours, local doctors and quoted if not seen foreign medics ‘who have experience in this area’. Certainly there was no doubt that this nasty stuff could have only originated from one source, so question one is to find out if only the IDF has access to something that leaves ‘funny burns’.
I was already a little intrigued as the neighbourhood was one that all admitted had seen some very heavy fighting, but there still seemed to be some confusion as to between whom this was. I half expected the various po-faced contributors to try and claim the IDF was mainly fighting itself. So… best I can figure… especially as it certainly wasn’t going to be even grudgingly accepted by the only protagonists, there probably were some Hamas guys firing from within this area.
Hard therefore to square with the ‘Israeli tanks came to hunt us down’ that was trotted out by the womenfolk.
But I would value any technical help from those who obviously have military experience on this blog.
Why on earth use this stuff if its use is so PR negative?
This lady who, like many, seemed to have a near incredible grasp of military ordnance, seemed pretty clear this was coming from tanks.
The various pictures I see look more like artillery. So I was just wondering what a tank shell would be doing with this stuff in it.
Personally I have found some arguments about the various levels and means of folk getting killed horribly to be rather academic, and in this case a bit of a distraction to the more relevant responsibilities at play where civilians are intermingled with (often not uniformed) combatants, especially in a tightly-packed urban war zone.
However, as this nasty chemical and its use is looking to be played up big time, especially by those who I am coming to suspect of a bit of ‘form’ when it comes to objectivity, I’d like to get a better handle on white phosphorus in a military context. Also the subtleties of the useage of certain weapons, as location does seem to play a part and turn a ‘fair’ firefight into a war crime. Pity the poor soldier having to apply that assessment in the fog of war.
Any links or thoughts appreciated.
How old wily Benn knows how to play the predominantly like-minded media: the BBC allows him to repeat pro-Arab Gazan phone numbers without check on BBC ‘Today’ this morning, and to park himself next to BBC Broadcasting House (and 50 press photographers).
‘Harry’s Place’
“BBC ECU Ruling: Life Not Hunky Dory For Jews In Arab Countries After All”
(by David T.)
“why did the BBC turn to one of its own employees, a partisan liar, to deny the reality of the persecution of Jews in Arab countries?”
It’s hard to keep the continuity going at the moment. There are comments about the same topic all over the place. For example Cassandra and myself commented on Friday’s horrendous Today on some other thread.
and I mentioned that bit about the Gladstone Islamic room in Wales mentioned by George R above
Incidentally George R, the ‘multiculturalists’ weren’t just any old multiculturalists, one of them was in a unique position to reinterpret Gladstone’s beliefs.
“Gladstone’s great grandson Christopher Parish and Professor Richard Aldous, head of history at University College Dublin, discuss the prime minister’s view of Islam.”
The BBC’s ‘multiculturalists’ simply turned Gladstone’s forthright opposition to the Koran, and all it represents, into an ‘Islamic reading room’! Some reinterpretation!
I do not bow to their contorted dhimmitude.
Biodegradable | 24.01.09 – 12:42 am
For the record, are you saying that the IDF is innocent of the murder of Atiya al-Samouni?
For the record I will say that I don’t believe the IDF “murders” anybody, much less unarmed civilians and children.
Anyone, including you who states that as fact is gulty of bias.
In the UK, when reporting “alleged” crimes the BBC, as all the media, is required to respect ongoing investigations and most importantly the presumption of innocence. Jeremy Bowen always assumes that the IDF are guilty.
And why do you accuse Bowen of failing to verify stories when he has travelled to the scene to inspect it with his own eyes and has taken the trouble to ask a person with a military background to accompany him and assist with an assessment of the physical evidence?
I’ll make an educated guess that the “military expert” Bowen consulted is the very same Marc Garlasco who claimed that the deaths in 2006 on a Gaza beach were caused by an Israeli naval cannon shell when the IDF had no record of shells being fired at the beach and suggested instead that the deaths were caused by land mines planted on the beach by the Palestinians.
The so-called expert works for an anti-Israel NGO and in fact has no military experience.
See here:
google “gaza beach deaths” for more
Looks like he is taking all reasonable steps to investigate, seek corroboration etc.
Goldstone | 24.01.09 – 12:00 pm
I don’t agree.
google “pallywood” too.
I wonder?
Sarah of London – what’s this ‘we’ business? If you mean ‘the British’, then hardly because many children born to foreign parents who live in the UK consider themselves to be British and are very westernised. If you mean CofE – I’m an atheist, but I don’t feel I am sinking.
Alex, Egham, UK
The BBC’s ‘multiculturalists’ simply turned Gladstone’s forthright opposition to the Koran, and all it represents, into an ‘Islamic reading room’! Some reinterpretation!
I do not bow to their contorted dhimmitude.
George R | 24.01.09 – 7:47 pm
Hope you realised my ironic use of the word reinterpret. Forgot irony doesn’t show up when writing in quite the same way as it does in your head.
I meant it was an even worse liberty-take that he was the actual great grandson than if he had been just a common or garden multiculturalist.
“A British soldier’s view of Operation Cast Lead”
BBC ECU Ruling: Life Not Hunky Dory For Jews In Arab Countries After All
So four labour pigs, sorry peers, have been caught with their snouts well and truly in the trough.
Revealed: Labour lords change laws for cash
LABOUR peers are prepared to accept fees of up to £120,000 a year to amend laws in the House of Lords on behalf of business clients, a Sunday Times investigation has found.
Four peers — including two former ministers — offered to help undercover reporters posing as lobbyists obtain an amendment in return for cash.
Two of the peers were secretly recorded telling the reporters they had previously secured changes to bills going through parliament to help their clients.
So how do the BBC cover it. By starting with the rebuttal of course.
Peer denies cash for law changes
The former Energy Minister, Lord Truscott, has denied offering to put down amendments to legislation in the House of Lords in return for money.
A Sunday Times investigation claimed an undercover reporter had discussed fees of up to £72,000 with the peer.
Their damage-limitation antics on behalf of labour are now so transparent as to be an embarressment.
I see there’s yet another programme about the Holocaust on bbc2 now, called Paper Clips.
Is that all the Jews have done? Died in ww2?
What with the surfeit of pro-islamic programs like Islam In Europe and Science And Islam etc, how about something about Jews that doesn’t involve the Holocaust.
And the BBC’s love of Mel Gibson films since his anti-jew outburst didn’t go unnoticed.
I have just watched a wonderful show on BBC News, Jeremy Paxman interviewing British Armed Forces personnel. The obvious compassion that Paxman showed to these heros was a huge surprise to me, and makes me think that we might sometimes be too hard on the BBC
TPO – Labour has now ordered the BBC to bury the story on the front page of their website as lead item.
AndrewSouthLondon | 24.01.09 – 6:24 pm
she was not a pram-pushing council flat benefits dependent single mother, but at the other end of the known universe.
….er…. wasn’t that exactly her point? That Call-me-Dave’s scheme meant she’d get benefits she could well afford to do without? That it might be better to keep the dosh for those who really need it?
When I first read this story on the BBC the word ‘Labour’ appeared in it twice. Now it’s there just the once. Watch that go over the course of the day.
Also be sure to expect the BBC to dig up Cash for Questions every single time this is mentioned.
Yes, this is the sort of casual political propaganda which the BBC likes to promote:
-‘economic migrants’ (not to be called immigrants, legal or illegal) are to be encouraged;
– presentday whites (and their children) should always feel guilty for slavery of 200 years ago, and the role of Muslims in slavery can be omitted.
BBC report:
“Pair set sail ‘slave triangle'”
On Islam and slavery:
‘Islam, Slavery and Rape”(Bill Warner)
It is not necessary to sail from Devon to explore evidence of Islamic slavery: English people in Devon were
taken as slaves by Muslim raiders:
“Should the Islamic world apologize for Slavery?” Parts 1&2,(Adrian Morgan)
Radio 5 a few minutes ago
– Obama has done more good in a few days, such as closing Guantanamo, than Bush did in 8 years
– Bush is an idiot lol omg
– Americans don’t want presidents with triple digit IQs
I wanted to find out more about this ‘Baroness’ Royall who is leader of the Lords and will be in charge of the enquiery.
She used to work for Kinnock and then as head of European Commision office in Wales.
So how robust can we expect her to be on corruption?
I also looked up her husband looks like he like he has contacted the BBC when he thinks they are not nice enough to Labour, I saw no evidence of him mentioning who he was related to try Googling Stuart Herlock.
Yes on the politics show they have just mentioned cash for questions.
Prescott is getting an absolute kicking on the BBC Politic’s Show – he might have a heart attack the way he’s going! I’m flabbagasted. Clearly the BBC are running scared that the Tories can win the next election and are beginning to get tougher with labour. Shame about Andrew Marr this morning mind where he was on message “it was the bankers that did it”.
BBC’s ‘Desert Island Discs’:
“Author Alan Sillitoe says the rich should be ‘strung up'”
“Author Alan Sillitoe, one of the original members of the ‘Angry Young Men’ movement, has lashed out at the rich elite.”
Does Sillitoe include Labour/BBC rich in his statement?
Ron, doesn’t surprise me at all – sadly.
Anon, did they really mention triple digit IQs, or just imply as such? Because Bush, while not the smartest guy in the world, is actually no thickie. He’s not a good speaking, and this is why lefties love to paint him as thick. But it’s possible to use SAT scores to roughly work out IQs – this is possible because of the range of questions included in an SAT exam – and Bush comes out in the 120-130 range.