Tuned into “Today” this morning and was immediately struck by the revolving door it provided to government apologists. We had the loathsome Denis McShane being interviewed about the Corus job losses. Naturally McShane used this bully pulpit to point out how bad things had been under the Conservatives, and Ken Clark! He also endlessly emphasised that this issue is global and nothing whatsoever to do with Mr Brown. No other political opinion was sought. Then, a few minutes later, we had the abomination that is Baroness Kennedy in the spotlight discussing those “newspaper allegations” that some Labour Peers are for sale. Kennedy was also allowed to wiggle on the line and allege that the problem here lies with the lobbyists! The Labour establishment plans to kick this into the long grass and you can sense the BBC is going with this line. Again, no contrary opinion was allowed. Herein lies the issue – these are all political matters but the BBC is very keen to allow just one side – Labour – to have its say on them. This skews the entire debate and presents the listening public with a very unbalanced view.
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NotaSheep | Homepage | 27.01.09 – 10:47 am | #
Better send the men in white coats round then.
The Spelman story I provided a link to exists, and was on the Newsnight site, which is where I saw it. And clearly is ‘somewhere’ as we’re looking at it.
But I’m afraid that for me, now, the latest story of his I can see is from Friday about ‘Anorak’s Corner’.
Can my browser be frozen in time? If so, how am I looking at one date stamped Jan 26 9:17PM?
It’s in the ‘Being Discussed Now’ column, but I can’t find it on his blog.
As I say… odd.
Instead of trumpeting what the BBC is saying now let’s get back to the original complaint – that the early BBC versions of the story (as proved by Newssniffer, of which we must conclude Mr Haynes had never heard)
The pathetic Gus hasn’t heard of many things.
sought to obliterate the main element, that it is ZaNuLabour’s pretend peers whose fingers are alleged to have been in the till?
36 hours later, the BBC bows to the inevitable and the BBC’s shills try to pretend it didn’t start out lying its corporate head off.
The BBC and its idiot stooges: “Lying is the only thing we are any good at. But we only do it when our lips move”.
The funniest thing about the Denis MacShane interview was that he said “sometime we have to put the British people first”.
And there was little old me thinking that the job of our elected politicians was to put British people first all the time!