The BBC is hyping up it’s refusal to air the ad from the DEC appealing for cash for Hamastan, thus suggesting it is without bias. Mark Thompson was on to say that he believed showing this appeal could be taken as favouring one side over another. Quite right. Sky has also refused to show the DEC sppeal so BBC virtue in this regard is not unique! So what do we make of the BBC approach here? Superficially I welcome it but of course having endured three weeks of pro-Hamas propaganda dressed up as news reporting, I rather worry that what the BBC is actually doing here is a little bit of sophisticated triangulating, giving itself cover so that any future criticism of its coverage of matters in the Middle East is invalidated because of this move. Your view?
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Gentlemen, may I ask you to please cut out the name calling. It appears puerile.
Try the wisdom of Samuel Johnson for size and take a few seconds to see how it applies to both sides..
“He that undervalues himself will undervalue others, and he that undervalues others will oppress them”.
That’s how we do it in my country. Words, not guns, bombs and years of wasted energy expended on internecine hatred.
Room enough for every religion, race, creed and colour in the UK BUT if you want a fight, take it elsewhere please.
This is about the BBC
Meanwhile Schneerson from Bobruisk and Horvitz from Lvov are entitled to free real estate in Palestine because the sky fairy promised it to their ancestors?
Anonymous | 27.01.09 – 3:43 pm
No. Read your Koran, you anonymous expletive deleted, al Mizra (the Egyptian) from Ramla is entitled because anywhere that was once Muslim by conquest remains Muslim for ever and in any case no Christian or Jewish Dhimmi can ever be in a superior position to a Muslim. If that doesn’t worry you as a Cypriot, a Spaniard, a Sicilian or a Hungarian, it should.
Ultimately Schneerson and Horvitz are entitled for the same reason the Queen of England isn’t a Celt, the Prime Minister of Australia isn’t an Aborigine and the President of the United States isn’t an Arapaho chief. Or for that matter the President of Egypt isn’t a Copt or the President of Turkey a Roman.
BTW You forgot Ben Yifat from Yemen and Abouhatzera from Morocco. Not to forget Cohen from Pe’ekin who never left the Holy Land.
you seem to be an extremist and I think it is useless debating the Middle east with the kind of person who is partly responsible for it’s plight.
Crimes have been committed on both sides, but you hopefully you accept that the only solution is a two state one..
This is where Hamas seems to differ.
Anyway this blog is about BBC bias not a debate on the middle east-
Would you agree that Pakistan was created in the same way as Israel and that division has caused more deaths and refugees than ISrael/Palestine ever did?
If not, please explain EXACTLY where the analogy is faulty.
I see that Abu Hamza’s mate, Bilal Patel has pitched up here.
Before engaging with him I would urge those so inclined to look at the following:
Legendary post TPO
deegee | 27.01.09 – 4:02 pm
Ultimately Schneerson and Horvitz are entitled for the same reason the Queen of England isn’t a Celt, the Prime Minister of Australia isn’t an Aborigine and the President of the United States isn’t an Arapaho chief.
Uhuh. Conquest. And in the latter 2 cases, some measure of what nowdays would be called genocide.
Steady on or it will seem that you and Bilal are on the same page after all.
If you are that bothered go find the nearest Celt or Briton and give them your house keys.
Charity and Hamas:
“A Selective Approach to the Facts”
(by Melanie Phillips)
the Zionist death-cult
Anything posted by this deranged antisemitic asswipe can be safely ignored.
You are preaching only to the converted sunshine, and the converted in this case are buying into the same myths and conspiracy theories you are.
Since you are an ignorant tosspot, and furthermore you can’t read – we have posted tons of hard evidence here for years, but it goes right over your head, all I can is: piss off, and don’t let the door hit you on your sorry behind.
“A Selective Approach to the Facts”
(by Melanie Phillips)
irony 🙂
Bilal 2:37
The OED is hardly a reliable source for the meaning of a word, genocide or any other !
The legal definition is contained in the 1948 United Nations Convention and Israel’s actions in the Gaza strip do not constitute genocide.
In contrast, Hamas has written into its constitution that one of its aims is to commit genocide against Jews !
frankos | 27.01.09 – 4:24 pm |
If you are that bothered go find the nearest Celt or Briton and give them your house keys
No, they have no more right to them than Schneerson and Horvitz have to Bilal’s orange grove.
You don’t support ‘Arab Media Watch’, and its ‘objective reporting’, do you?
but if the Jews are already in Israeli farms are you suggesting we kick them out? Not quite sure what you are driving at
TPO 4:09
Great post, blowing Bilal Patel’s cover !
Contrast his public utterances with his posts on this website.
Can’t people like that be deported, along with Lord Ahmed, to some lovely little country like Pakistan ? !
George R | 27.01.09 – 4:50 pm
I’d never heard of Arab Media Watch until you mentioned it.
But I checked it out. Alarmingly it explodes something Melanie P wrote and that I believed and reposted on another thread..
I’m all confused now.
On 26 January 2009, Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips wrote that “most people in Britain have no idea about claims” that Hamas “has intercepted dozens of aid trucks and confiscated food and medical supplies bound for the UN aid stores in Gaza,” because “the BBC’s reporters haven’t told them.”
She uses this “claim” to justify her support for the BBC’s decision not to broadcast an appeal for donations by Britain’s largest charities to help the relief effort in Gaza.
However, Arab Media Watch can reveal that the reason why most people in Britain have no idea about this allegation, and why the BBC has not reported it, is because it is untrue.
AMW chairman Sharif Hikmat Nashashibi spoke on the phone with John Ging, director of the UN Relief and Works Agency in Gaza, and its spokesman Chris Gunness. Ging described the claim as “completely untrue.” Gunness described it as “utter nonsense,” and said he would make a statement about this to the Mail.
“It took me a few minutes to verify that this very serious claim is false,” wrote Nashashibi in a letter to the newspaper. “Phillips could have, and should have, done the same.”
frankos | 27.01.09 – 4:04 pm
The solution is not a 2-state solution. The solution is the extermination of illegal occupation; and the return to Palestine pre-1948. If I kick you out of your home and lock you in a cage in your shed; would you settle for a “2-state solution” then? Don’t think so.
Nearly Oxfordian: 27.01.09 – 4:32 pm – “Anything posted by this deranged antisemitic asswipe can be safely ignored.”
LOL. First of all, Zionism is a political movement; not a religious one. Ask Orthodox Jews, they will share my views. That is why you have organisations such as Neturei Karta. However I do not see frankos accusing THEM of being extremists, or this worm ‘Nearly Oxfordian’ accusing them of being anti-Semitic (which would be an oxy-moron, thus demonstrating how stupid you are). Parroting your hypocritical slogans of “extremist”, “anti-Semite”, “terrorist” (etc) at truth-tellers will not change the statistical and historical facts. You want me to be “ignored”, so that you can remain “safe”, in other words; and that is evident based on your child-like remarks. Incidentally; speaking of wiping arses; who are the ones that use water when doing so? Not you; but us. No wonder you people stink; and no doubt your underpants are rife with skid marks.
RE: Dr Michael Jones | 27.01.09 – 4:08 pm
No I wouldn’t agree. What I would agree though is that when the British colonised India from the Mughal empire for hundreds of years; that is scratching the surface of the similitude of Israel, but to a much lesser degree because the Indians were not ejected from their homeland. The Pakistanis were among the indigenous inhabitants of India regardless; hence it was a civil war. The Israelis are a bunch of murdering thieving trespassing immigrants.
Oh, and indeed – Allaahu Akbar!
We’ve already flushed out Chris Gunness for what he is.
Whenever I see John Ging on the TV he’s always on a rant about Israel.
Having had a little experience of the UN, albeit on one of their “peace-keeping” operations in 1969, I don’t think they’re worth a bag of cold shit.
I refer all to my post at 4.09.
with all due respect you are pissing in the wind if you think you can oust the Israelis from the state of Israel (Syria Egypt etc have all failed) You are obviously a deluded fool.
Incidentally if you think “we people” stink why don’t you go off to the fragrant West Bank-
You are a strange little man
Can Bilal answer his own question:
“What was the 6-day war all about then?”
Unless he is admitting that it was all about driving the Jews into the sea, I can’t see why he would bring that up.
By the way, Palestinians insist that the Israelis must go back to the pre 1967 ‘borders,’ as a condition for peace – just a reminder that before the 1967 six-day war they WERE behind them, and the Arabs weren’t very peaceful then; why would they be now?
“who built Universities, Hospitals, Orphanages, etc.;”
I think Bilal will find that during the Israeli occupation of Gaza after the six-day war in 1967, conditions were vastly improved for the inhabitants of Gaza. Before that, during Egyptian rule, Gaza was described as “a hellhole.” During the occupation the Israelis established hospitals, universities and created employment. When they withdrew, the Palestinians destroyed most of that in a massive exhibition of cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
Bilal must think otherwise, or he wouldn’t have raised that; unless he was openly saying that the Palestinians hate Israelis and Jews so much that destroying them and anything they created is more important than maintaining the economic life they once had in Gaza.
“in the meantime, those with an ounce of sanity will upon looking at the reality, contemplating on whether Hitler actually had a point.”
I must say the intensity of that display of hatred doesn’t help his case very much. I would love to know if he got his head filled with this nonsense in this country or abroad. He sounds unhinged, wherever he’s been.
Why does he come onto this website? What good does he think it will it do? It’s completely pointless him coming here to comment, except to converse with one of the anonymice who seems to be a colleague.
Bilal | 27.01.09 – 5:04 pm | #
So Bilal has finally exposed himself and it is not a pretty sight.
He calls for the end of the Jewish state and that must mean he would expel or subjugate or exterminate all the Jews living there. He might also include a few hundred thousand Gypsies, Druze, Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Greek Orthodox and Fatah Palestinians for good measure, that live in peace together in the diverse, multiculti country called Israel. What about stringing up a few gays too? A dozen or so are publicly executed in Iran each week. You could reintroduce crucifixion as have the illegal Hamastan government of Gaza – you know, your mates who overthrew Fatah after they BOTH won a power sharing election before the illegal, vile coup d’etat in June 07 when your friends slaughtered their bruvvers.
Of course, he is welcome in Britain. We don’t believe in the caliphate and he will not be thrown out or executed for holding different views or for being a Muslim. He’d like to eradicate all other cultures in the Middle East apart from the Islamic death cult but lives here freely in ours. How interesting. How charming.
Please do not engage this evil man. He is ill and holds dangerous views. Approach him with caution and inform the authorities.
Perhaps he should return to his spiritual home. The BNP.
The question is, what should Britain do with racist, pig-ignorant, terroristic little farts like Bilal?
I think the man in the street knows exactly what we should do.
And, eventually, we will.
RE: BBC research assistant
What a disgusting excuse even for a faeces you would make. Bombs? You mean like the bombs Israel drops on infants from the cowardly station of their U.S-sponged war jets supported by spineless worms who sit on internet forums all day? Those bombs?
RE: Grant
How retardedly selective in declaring that the Oxford English Dictionary is an “unreliable” source for defining English words. That is a feeble attempt to deny the facts. Speaking of the UN; does their charter not state the Israelis are guilty of war crimes for their use of White Phosphorus (let alone other violations)?
frankos | 27.01.09 – 5:15 pm
With no due respect, do not forget that you in ratio to Muslims are a minority in the UK frankos. Regardless of anything; how long do you think it will be before an insurrection targeting you miserly, yes – “stinking”, sons of pigs will initiate? What do you think is being cooking up in Iran? How long do you think it will be until the “Islamists” hold military coups (e.g. in nuclear-armed Pakistan) in ousting the futile Arab treacherous “leaders” who have their fingers stuck up their arses; then collectively use their arsenal and numbers to walk into occupied Palestine and re-institute the gas chambers of World War 2? From their perspective; why shouldn’t they? What good have you done that should make them think twice? What have you done that should make any anti-cancerous human think twice? If there is a cancer that is killing the world, whether directly or indirectly; one should remove it. “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”, as Mel Gibson so adequately put it.
RE: Sue | 27.01.09 – 5:26 pm
As for Sue, I find it hilarious that you are inferring that Gaza is better off under Israeli jurisdiction. They should be grateful for the slaughter of 1300 of their residents? What a complete and utter deluded idiot. How about you tell me where you live, so I can kill you, your children, your neighbours, and their neighbours. Will you be grateful? As for Hamas’s building of utilities and ministries, such as education; that is undeniable and a fact.
RE: Ricky Martin | 27.01.09 – 5:28 pm
Or shall we take a page out of your book? In which case how about we sponge off the International Monetary Fund to pay for some helicopter gunships and start targeting hospitals and schools; only hospitals with maternity wards and primary schools primarily • we’ll move onto the densely populated residential areas harbouring copious numbers of civilians and drop some White Phosphorus on their nurseries?
You people should be hunted down.
To conclude; I’m above you sub-vermin. Hence I will not lower myself by stooping to remaining in your lowly genocide-supporting cyber-pigsty.
Wishing you all non-Benign testicular (or cervical in Sue’s case) cancer,
“The Islamist extremist terrorist fundamentalist cleric” – Bilal.
Bilal, and anyone who sympathizes with his position:
The Arabs kicked more Jews out of their homes in the Muslim world than Israel kicked Palestinians out in 1948. The Muslims persecuted and killed Jews (and continued to do so long after ’48) who were not fighting against them, but were innocent citizens in Muslim countries.
If you Muslims hadn’t been engaged in genocide against Jews in Israel, no Muslims would be dying in Gaza now.
If you stop the noise, Israel will not harm another Palestinian, ever. There are well over 1 million Palestinians living within Israel proper, as citizens. Nobody is trying to kill them, right? So your claims of genocide are obviously false.
If you want to take the position that the Jews have no right to rule the land, you’ll have to explain why you weren’t screaming jihad against the British. If you want to return to the pre-1948 Palestine, then Britain will rule your asses. Or hadn’t you thought about that?
It’s time to join civilization and find a peaceful approach.
I disagree.
If Bilal is what he says he is, then he has confirmed what we otherwise only hear from pretty partisan sources:
that the Islamist aim is indeed exterminatory.
I don’t think I’m getting my wires crossed here, he does really seem to be saying that because someone locked his brother in the hen house, no 2 state solution is good enough, and nothing short of the extermination of more than 5 million Israelis will do.
Well. if that’s the case, the sooner the IDF go back in, the better.
clarification: it looks like I’m saying I disagree with David Preiser. Not so. We overlapped. I’m disagreeing with those who say we should shun/ignore Bilal.
Wow! A brief but powerful insight into the Islamist “mind”. Brrrr.
No surprise that this vicious primitive supports the BBC, is it?
With no due respect, do not forget that you in ratio to Muslims are a minority in the UK frankos
I am a white anglo saxon yorkshireman so I doubt it (and I’m not actually Jewish) and I have a proper job as well. You really are good value for money –you maniac
Bilal 5:42
Why did you choose the OED definition of “genocide” and not the 1948 UN definition which is the legal definition ?
They are not the same.
In any case, many people and books have different definitions of “genocide”.
The OED one just happens to be quite broad. I wonder why. But the only definition which matters is a definition which would be used in a Court of Law and even the daftest lawyer wouldn’t quote the OED.
Hamas supports the genocide of Israel in its Constitution. The leaders of Hamas should be arrested and tried at the International Court in the Hague.
Sue 5:26
Maybe Bilal Patel and the “anonymice” ( great name for a pop group, by the way), are all one and the same person !
Bilal 5:42
Have you been drinking alcohol ?
The DEC appeal has managed to raise a measly one million pounds so far according to the Times, this broken down between the dozen or so charities is tiny for a national appeal, I wonder why so little was given and I also wonder what proportion was indvidual and how much was group donations ie MCb/SWP/respect etc?
The appeal has failed miserably and that is justice, the British people have seen thru the lies and hamas propaganda, they dont want their cash going straight to hamas and people who cheered 9/11 and 7/7 and danced in the streets with jubilation at western deaths.
Melanie Phillips has replied to the ‘Arab Media Watch’ dismissal claim in her ‘Spectator’ blog, and provides details;
e.g. Jordan’s Petra news agency:-
“Hamas hijacked Jordanian aid trucks after they crossed into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing on Tuesday. The aid was to go to UNRWA. As the truck drivers started unloading the aid, Hamas gunmen opened fire on them and forced them to go to Hamas-run stores.”
‘and to the government of Jordan,
which confirmed’:
“on Tuesday that Hamas gunmen had seized the trucks shortly after they entered the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom border crossing ”
‘and to Fatah, one of whose officials said’:
“that on Monday night alone, Hamas gunmen intercepted 12 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid that had been donated by the Jordanian government to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. He said that the trucks were on their way to the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) when the gunmen belonging to the movement’s armed wing, Izaddin al-Kassam, stopped them and confiscated their contents… Last week Fatah activists and eyewitnesses in the Gaza Strip claimed that Hamas had confiscated fuel and food that was en route to hospitals and schools housing thousands of Palestinian families.”
ref foaming Bilal
has he really gone? please tell me it ain’t so!!
most fun I’ve had for ages –please bring him back as a guest blogger
Bilal sounds too `over the top’ to be real.. If he is, it shows what we are up against.
George R | 27.01.09 – 6:10 pm
Thanks for clearing that up.
Agreed. What a fabulous array of insults. Makes Martin seem very lame.
Bilal – Did you play the French knight in the castle in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
my nuts are a bit itchy –do you think Ive got testicular (non benign) cancer? just my luck
“A lot must change before the BBC can claim impartiality”
(Patrick O’Flynn)
Aw, am I too late for a share in the “non-Benign testicular” cancer?
I can’t believe I missed this, but at least I’ve some grrreat reading in store for when I get time!
I suggest we forward Bilals inflamatory comments to some national newspaper as a public spirited gesture.
On a brighter note, I had lunch with a very good friend today and he was complaining about the BBC anti-Israeli, pro-muslim, pro-Hamas bias and said he only watches Sky these days.
And his background ? Pakistani Muslim !
My goodness, if even some of them are complaining , maybe there is hope !!
I wonder if Bilal works for the NHS?
He sounds the type for the nu NHS caring comunity, Islamists 4 the NHS?
Another ignorant lunatic insulting the NHS.
Nearly Oxfordian,
How about cutting out the childish insults they only make you look like an utter c**t.
Bilal | 27.01.09 – 5:42 pm | #
You’re obviously the result of fucked-up parents with dodgy ideas about Islam and world affairs…
There are plenty of videos of Palestinian mothers CELEBRATING the death of their sons as suicide bombers. Don’t try to tell me that is rational.
Your rants in response to civil questions clearly shows you to be in a paranoid state. I would suggest some kind of treatment, though it may well be too late for you. No one is out to get you, even though they should.
Hamas are like this because of the way they treat and indoctrinate each other. If you tell a child he was born to die for a cause he will grow up believing it is true no matter how insane.
I can easily surmise that you, in common with Hamas share the characteristic of being brainwashed.
The one and probably only idea behind Hamas is the destruction of Israel. A person of sound mind would give this idea up right now, for the following reasons:
– Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
– It has an established economy.
– Its government aren’t dry on funds.
– It has full support from one of the worlds only super powers.
– It has the most efficient democracy in the region.
Anybody willing to let these facts penetrate would realize instead of fighting such a force, it would make sense to try and coexist.
Gazans have their own place now. Why don’t they settle down and make lives for themselves, instead of firing rockets? The answer is that they don’t want to.
Is your local media reporting what realy went on in Gaza?