There is an excellent article by Melanie Phillips here on the way in which the BBC has handled the Carol Thatcher issue, well worth a read. As Melanie points out it is the totalitarian mindset of BBC1 Controller Jay Hunt which is so deeply disturbing, they just cannot see how arrogant and prejudicial they really are!
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When I heard Jay Hunt on the radio this morning using her PC language, the thought came unbidden that this was how radio might have sounded in Novotny’s Czechoslovakia or Kadar’s Hungary.
I think I must be turning into an enemy of the people.
Just saw her on BBC 1 TV news along with some other beeboid drone 9Nick Higham?)
“older people just don’t get it…” spouted Higham or whatever his name is.
Oh how terrible that millions of the people that pay your BLOODY WAGES don’t get it. Perhaps they need special camps for these people to be ‘corrected’ BBC?
Mel has two strikes against her as far as the BBC is concerned: she’s Jewish and she writes for the Mail: actually three strikes – she is a convert from the mindset so wonderfully exemplified by Hunt. For the BBC, criticism from Mel can be (and will be) ignored.
Umbongo | 05.02.09 – 1:30 pm
But she also has her own regular slot on the BBC Moral Maze, so none of that can have counted against her.
The BBC won’t rest until we all think in an acceptable way to the BBC.
We are entering a very sad era where the state and state broadcaster dictate everything to us.
Free thought and free market are now in a peril.
Oh yes and the BBC is now lecturing us on the evilness of large bonuses –irony is not a BBC word
Umbongo | 05.02.09 – 1:30 pm
Quite, Anon. She’s never off the BBC.
I quite like her since she gave the BNP goon a good kicking on the Moral Maze.
The money quote from Melanie Phillips:
“Ms Hunt’s performance this morning offers us a chilling insight into the totalitarian universe of the BBC mind, which we can all now clearly see is sealed shut.”
There is no better description of the malaise within the BBC than “the mind sealed shut”.
I do believe that Ms Hunt believes what she is saying – and that a person in authority does is the most frightening of all.
Carol Thatcher is indeed guilty of poor judgement. Poor judgement in working for such a corrupt evil organisation as the BBC. Failing to take precautions to avoid the al-beeb thought police and failure to be aware of the po-faced backstabbing shytebags that infest the BBC’s ranks.
I mean FFS -Jo Brand….famous for right on feminism. She’s the kind who get offended at manhole covers and insists of calling a Chairman a Chair person! Carol what were you thinking of!
I’ve just had a look on ebay – there 209 golliwog related items on sale.
Are they all from members of the bnp for purchase by other members of the bnp?
Or are only black people allowed to trade in golliwog related entities?
Have the traders obtained permission from their local community leaders to use this word in their description?
I think we should be told.
Why doesn’t the beeb investigate important matters like this instead of using their time to sack the daughter of the woman who saved this country?
Sorry, this is all getting a bit silly now.
The BBC has a long standing reputation for truth and honesty, and never ever backs down from offering us, the grateful public, an unbiased view of the world, whether it’s on the evils Thatcher’s spawn or…. climate change.
Trust, spit, wind anyone?
Please don’t loose sight of the fact that this is a completely beeboid manufactured story, generated for their own purposes.
Is it intended as :
A) A useful bit of filler to deflect attention from the catastrophic mess their socialist friends in nulabour have , as usual, made of the economy.
B) To show their fellow travellers that, although they had to disapoint them over the hamas appeal thingy, their hearts are still in the right place over the slightest (boo hiss) claim of ‘racism’.
C) Their simple reflex reaction to the T word which dare not speak its name.
ps: If your worthless f##ckers on farming today had supported country people and made a bit more of a fuss when the EU closed down all our small LOCAL abatoirs, you would’t be wringing your hands about transporting livestock for slaughter now !
Good points.
I didn’t say the BBC doesn’t use her services. I wrote that the BBC will not accept any criticism from her of itself as valid for the reasons I set out. If you must comment, read what the commenter writes.
BTW is giving the BNP a kicking on the Moral Maze now the “edgy” front-line of commentariat courage? After all, it’s not as if it creates moral havoc in Islington or that Jan Hunt would disapprove. OTOH I haven’t heard Mel (or many other commentators on the BBC for that matter) defending the BNP’s legal right to exist and propagate its beliefs, let alone support the right of its members to keep their jobs despite those beliefs.
Anybody know how much The Hunt is paid?
I wonder if she gets a bonus?
We should be told
How can beeboids get a bonus? They don’t make a profit.
Umbongo | 05.02.09 – 3:43 pm
Well, if they invite their goons onto the Moral Maze I suppose that implies they believe in their right to exist. Andrew Rawnsley even interviewed one of their goons on a radio programme about immigration some months ago (along with IPPR and Migrationwatch; and then three representatives of the main political parties). No-one on this site mentioned that programme at the time.
I would expect she makes above a quarter of a million a year. With lots of benefits.
It would be nice to think so, since that would make her more highly-paid than Toynbee, but somehow I doubt it.
Why don’t you ask her?
So Jay Hunt says that Carol Thatcher deserves to be dismissed because she doesn’t share the correct thoughts about how offensive something is. According to Hunt, it seems that the real problem is that Thatcher wouldn’t apologize in the approved fashion, and submit to the correct thoughts. How totally Maoist, never mind Orwellian.
I like how Jay Hunt stresses that Thatcher has not, in fact, been banned from the BBC; it’s just that management feels it’s no longer appropriate for her to work at The One Show. Which begs the question: at which other BBC programmes can someone who knowingly holds unapproved thoughts work? If Thatcher’s alleged refusal to submit to the correct thoughts renders her unsuitable for The One Show, for which other BBC shows might she be suitable? I mean, the slot on Top Gear is already taken. I think the Controller of BBC 1 just told a lie.
Maybe she’ll end up working on one of Ed Stourton’s “other projects”.
In the nu socialist internationalist workers paradise the only evidence needed is the word of the new informer, who needs evidence, who needs the obviously guilty ‘peoples enemy’ to have the chance to respond, its instant justice courtesy of the new fascists and their new order!
Legions of po faced leftists with an ever open ear and an informers notebook, dont like someone, dont like their politics then why not become a party memeber and snitch on your enemies? The BBCs original workers paradise the USSR were masters at the political snitch/informer industry, it was one of the very few industries that flourished in the USSR, need to get ahead in the queue for a lada or flat? simple, just inform on your neighbour, get them drunk and egg them on to say something ‘wrong’ and bobs yer uncle!
So the ‘rules of the game’ will tighten up as time goes by, ever more things will become taboo untill the leftists control what the masses say completely, the leftists have a compulsion to control everything and everyone, they are in fact no better than the red fascists of the USSR.
A bit OT but it typifies the BBC and its fundamental belief set
the link below is to a historical analysis of the last reading of the riot act. It could have been written by a Trotskyite form East Anglia University of the 60’s – mind you it probably was.
It is almost unbelievable that such hard left crap is still generated in this country. Without the life support mechanism of indirect public subsidy from the BBC ridiculous organs like “Tribune” and other such dross would die when exposed to the heat and light of competition.
perhaps the BBC should consider how it would portray these events had the participants been evil fascists rather than heroic reds?
This man makes good point about the selective outrage of the BBC, which fulminates about an off-air comment by Carol Thatcher, but spends licence payers’ money to abuse Christians in ‘Jerry Springer The Opera’ and generally to foul the air with Jonathan Woss:
Worth a post in itself, I think.
It’s all too much – thanks for that spot. I have to admit I lost the will to live about a quarter of the way through that Marxist drivel, however my favourite bit was “The third issue was the spectre of the Russian Revolution of October 1917, and the Spartacist Revolution in Germany which had started in November 1918. In 2009, it is hard to comprehend the fear and loathing with which the British Government perceived these events”. Because of course these two events were clearly positive, although sadly the Spartacists didn’t last too long (poor old Rosa Luxemburg!). And we all know about the workers’ paradise created in the USSR. It is so nice to see our state broadcaster propagate a balanced view of history – perhaps in a couple of years we might see empty gaps in images of the One Show where Carol used to sit on the comfy sofa. If it worked for Uncle Joe…
Christianity and now the BNP on the BBC.
I thought “liberals” were supposed to defend the right of free speech. It seems to me that most liberals only wish to defend the free speech of those they agree with.
Undoubtedly the BBC does its best to avoid giving the BNP the oxygen of publicity for some reason, yet when the Government asked them to implement the same policy with IRA/Sinn Fein…what was it… “The voice of… was spoken by an actor”.
Strange that. No probably not as we are talking of the BC.
Gerald Brown | 05.02.09 – 6:30 pm
I’m as pretty near an absolutist as one can be on free speech. Voltaire and all that.
What makes you think otherwise?
It’s all too much | 05.02.09 – 5:56 pm |
I do love this bit:
But an insight into the attitudes of the contemporary ruling-class can readily be gained by reading the leader columns of the Glasgow Herald.
The class hatred they demonstrate towards the Clydeside working-class movement is unrepentant.
The language is intemperate to a degree, and phrases like “Bolshevist scum” and “Spartacist rabble-rousers” frequent.
Compare that to today, and we have an example of contemporary ‘temperate’ language above.
‘…..she gave the BNP goon a good kicking ……’
mikewineliberal | 05.02.09 – 1:58 pm |
However you have to remember that this article was written by Sean Damer who was once given a £30,000 government grant to ‘study’ Brit ex-pats living on Greek Islands. Having been invited into their homes he wrote a sneering and backstabbing piece.
Ah yes, he’d go down well at the BBC then.
As an after thought does anybody, apart from Silly young Alex who has posted above, actually find Jo Brand even the remotest bit funny?
I do.
Gerald Brown | 05.02.09 – 6:30 pm
“It seems to me that most liberals only wish to defend the free speech of those they agree with.”
I think it works in a similar fashion to the “Stop The War Co-alition”.
What they actually mean is that they wish their side to win the war and only then for the war to stop.
Mike-wl, we find you quite funny.
I do.
mikewineliberal | 05.02.09 – 7:27 pm |
Of course you do. Remotely, slightly, hilariously or uproariously? Do tell.
Personally I find her racist, sexist, not in the least bit funny and bloody ugly to boot, which is what she is.
Trifecta | 05.02.09 – 7:51 pm |
Interesting that the “Stop The War Co-alition” is so intricately wrapped around the “Justice for Jean” campaign.
Remind me again just how many Brazilians are executed each year by their own police.
“Personally I find her racist, sexist, not in the least bit funny and bloody ugly to boot, which is what she is.”
You mean that overstuffed yideneh Jo Brand ?
I watch ‘Countdown’ and have to hit the mute button whenever she’s on as a guest. She’s one of those intellectual lefties who likes to think she’s so smugly clever, but in reality extremely irritating.
P.S. “Yideneh” is not racist as such, but Jews themselves use that word when talking about unpleasant bossy women.
Mark | 05.02.09 – 8:05 pm |
Another one of those conundrums is why do lefty socialist types always find juvenile lavatorial ‘humour’ so funny?
Don’t worry I already know the answer.
If the BBC are so puffed up with faux outrage at the golly remark, why did they air ‘Monarch of the Glen’. One of the main characters in it was called Golly.
TPO | 05.02.09 – 6:44 pm |
‘…..she gave the BNP goon a good kicking ……’
Good for her!
The Cattle Prod of Destiny | 05.02.09 – 8:20 pm |
Forgive me but I think you miss the point.
How can racists be certain that the BBC gives them fair treatment?
Of course Jo Brand (she of campaigning to keep the 28 week abortion limit fame) recently incited crime against BNP members, who oddly enough operate within the law.
What lovely company the BBC keep!
TPO | 05.02.09 – 7:59 pm
As one of their number so delicately put it, two cheeks of the same arse.
I don’t remember Jay “witch” Hunt sacking Harry Enfield over this diplomatic incident the other month.
Philippine ambassador hits out at Harry Enfield over ‘racist’ TV sketch
In a letter to the BBC, Edgardo B Espiritu demanded an apology for a Harry & Paul show skit in which a posh southern character tries to get his “pet northerner” to mate with his Filipino housemaid.
“Such portrayal and stereotyping of Filipino women as domestic workers and sex plaything [sic] is not only egregiously insulting to the Filipino community in the UK, it is also … a blatant display of racial prejudice,” Espiritu wrote in the letter to Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC
A copy was also sent to MPs Mark Pritchard and Meg Munn.
The Philippine government also protested about the sketch, which was screened on BBC1 on September 26.
“It was revolting,” congresswoman Risa Hontiveros said. “It was a disgusting and an insensitive and racist attempt to satirise a scene of exploitation.”
So Harry Enfield causes a diplomatic incident, doesn’t get the sack and the BBC tries to play it down. Whilst Carol Thatcher has a private conversation and the BBC doesn’t hesitate to sack her and gives it loads of publicity. Anyone would think that the BBC is biased!
Jo Brand wouldn’t qualify as an intellectual in a primary school. Having met her, I can confirm she is every bit as ill-informed, uneducated and slow witted as she appears.
The reason why she is so ubiquitous is because she ticks almost every single box the BBC requires to be ticked so as to appear on our screens ceaselessly.
Likewise, her ‘comedy’ which simply requires the randomised reading from a list of BBC buzzwords, mixed in with the essential scatology – cf. Ross, Norton et al.
I’m surprised the nannying state organ hasn’t proposed a much more stern solution than to drop Carol Thatcher from The One Show.
Clearly, given the particular liberal mindset at the BBC which seeks to excuse all kinds of repellent behaviour,* the fault is not Carol’s but that there was a green room in which unmentionables stood the chance of being mentioned. The potential for offence, whether any has occurred or not, must be avoided at all cost.
The answer is not get shot of Carol, it’s get shot of the green rooms! Then such verboten words can never escape the lips or arse of any BBC, er… talent. Aren’t there enough pubs and clubs in and around the various BBC studios that these people could spend some of their (our) money in rather than have us pay for their nibbles and booze directly?
I dread to think how much all these green rooms cost us.
* RossBrand defended as being ‘edgy’. Television and radio audiences merrily deceived and relieved of money. The Obamessiah’s inaugaration speech edited to fit a particular idealogical bent. Chronologies faffed about with in both trailers for things and news pieces to create a misleading impression. Etc. And that’s all before taking into account the general left liberal handwringing nanny mindset that pervades the organisation.
Sarah Jane | 05.02.09 – 8:39 pm |
Sarah Jane do you find Jo Brand funny?
Listening to Jay Hunt’s stalinist “we are all offended” speech was frightening. If this is what the BBC thinks no wonder its so one sided.
I don’t find gollywogs any more offensive than any other toys. Does the BBC find Action Man offensive because it portrays white males as militaristic and aggressive?
I’m glad however that the BBC believes that even private statements not made for broadcast should be made public.
Does that mean they will stop suppressing their own “private” Balen report on the BBC middle east reporting and let the public see it at last?
The Telegraph are getting their teeth into the lowlife that infest the BBC.
Carol Thatcher’s golliwog comment was offensive and racist, but how many heard it?
The BBC’s reaction to Carol Thatcher’s comment was hysterical, says George Pitcher.
BBC causes offence
The corporation has become the self-appointed arbiter of what is appropriate behaviour
I often comment over there. Anyone care to join me.
I wonder if the BBC have seen this – surely he should be sacked for slandering the BBCs favourite organisation.
Watching the Beeb’s 1981 dramatisation of ‘The History Man’ recently, the central character, repellent Marxist poseur and sociology lecturer Howard Kirk, is depicted as writing a book on the need for the elimination of privacy, that domain of latent evil that gives succour to hate-crimes such as uttered by Carol T. The present-day BBC looks and sounds as if it were designed by HK.
Jon 11:15
Thanks for that link. I never much liked Jamie Oliver, now he is my hero !