Please tell me I’m wrong. I can’t find anything on the BBC about the message Geert Wilders has received from Irving N. Jones on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Home department.
(If anyone hasn’t seen Fitna yet it can be seen on Jihad Watch).
Wilders barred from UK: “would threaten community harmony and therefore public security”
The Telegraph’s report also seems rather inhibited, or am I imagining things.
“A spokesman told the daily Telegraph “The government opposes extremism in all its forms.” ” It will stop those who want to spread extremism hatred and violent messages from coming into our country”
So by stopping someone from coming into this country who wants to stop extremism hatred and violent messages, the government is stopping extremism hatred and violent messages?
Pull the other one.
Whatever side you’re on, it’s certainly a big news story, but maybe the BBC thinks making a big fuss would threaten community harmony and therefore public security.
If the BBC is not reporting this, or is playing it down, it is far more sinister than just another victory for Lord Ahmed.
A report has now appeared on the BBC website. Was I too quick to post or was the BBC a bit slow?
this ban must be appealed if the money/ time can be found.
Art 10 human rights act applies. i know louis farrakhan is banned from the despite the HRA but no one can argue that wilders is in the same league as Farrkhan.
no doubt the usual human rights lawyers will be queuing up to take this case on….
step forward Liberty and Shami, there is a legal case for you take on here !
lord ahmed can shout all he wants. he will be banged up in jail in 2 weeks time when sentenced for his death by dangerous driving charge.
The man is an EU citizen. How on earth can they ban him from travelling within the EU? As I understand it, being in the EU means we’re all one big, happy family now, and free movement between member states is one of the cornerstones of the entire project.
I doubt we will see mention of this aspect of the story on the bBC, given their philosophy of EU = wonderful.
So, the BBC’s coverage is biased on this issue in what way? I can’t make head nor tail of Sue’s case at Sue | 11.02.09 – 5:09 pm. And the guilt by association stuff won’t wash.
lord ahmed can shout all he wants. he will be banged up in jail in 2 weeks time when sentenced for his death by dangerous driving charge.
Banged up? For dangerous driving? A lord? A muslim? In front of a Judge?
You’re not living in the same world surely?
mikewhineliberal, do the initials SB mean anything to you?
Classic BBC. The One Show arse licking Moozlums YET again.
When will the beeboids work out that their propaganda doesn’t work.
Yet again I notice that the BBC didn’t bring up homosexuality with these Moozlums.
I wonder why? Perhaps not so moderate there?
Last time the BBC filmed a load of Moozies they tried to blow themselves up.
David Preiser (USA) | 11.02.09 – 5:09 pm |
If the BBC are so pro-muslim, as is often claimed here, why would they need a barrier? Perhaps they are expecting other trouble?
Anyone can (still) watch ‘Fitna’ – I’ve seen it twice on youtube and through the Dhimmi Watch website.
The following seems to be bit more balanced or less sensationalist, bringing in a few luminaries in the campaign against dhimmitude:
To the BBC monitors of this site: why not show this with a discussion after (e.g. a livelink to Lord Ahmed in Wormwood Scrubs).
These days I don’t expect much from the BBC. Even less from Gormless Gordon…but surely David Cameron should have had the balls to raise this at PMQ. But no, instead we had some pathetic point scoring regarding an artist that died centuries ago.
I confess that the comments you didn’t understand were aimed at you, (as a pre-emptive strike.)
I initially posted on the grounds that the BBC had ignored the topic. When they rectified that I anticipated that you would tell me there was now no case to answer, (which someone duly did.) Maybe you think I should apologise for my mistake and end the discussion. But the issue did not lie down. We wouldn’t let it lie.
The reason we keep on and on is quite simple. Over many years the BBC, formerly renowned for its reliability and impartiality, has waged a low-level war against the Jews and Israel. They have done this partly through incompetence, lazy perpetuation of myths and lies which have become accepted as fact through constant repetition, and partly because of the antisemitic undercurrent that apparently has always lurked in the British establishment.
At the same time, the reverse has happened with regard to Muslims, whose demands have been tolerated, sanitised and whitewashed in an ever more overt campaign over recent years, – some say ‘to the point of national suicide’.
Tell me Mikewinelib, can you make head or tail of that?
Guilt by association stuff won’t wash?
What sort of an argument is that? Can’t you be bothered to make a case? You should be flattered that anyone engages with such a feeble utterance. It’s not guilt by associatin anyway, you could call it guilt by indoctrination and misinformation though, if you want.
With the banning of Geert Wilders it’s clear that our government has become deeply irrational.
Remember the investigation into the editors of “Undercover Mosque”?
Remember Jackie Smith declaring Islamic terrorism “Anti-Islamic” activity?
Too keep a lid on social pressures the government is going to become increasingly repressive. They’re going to try and sustain the status quo with totalitarian methods. I don’t think there will be a breaking point where they wake up. They will slip deeper into their coma cinema. They will justify oppression on the grounds of avoiding a re-run of the 1930’s, according to the gnostic left-wing idea that history occurs according to “patterns”.
Fitna is about extreme Islamic fundamentalism. It juxtaposes Jihadi rants with Jihadi acts.
He has shown Islamic extremists inciting acts of violence and hatred in the name of Allah, and merely placed them alongside footage of those horrific acts when they become reality.
Wilders, in “Fitnah” does a little more than that. He juxtaposes the acts of jihad terrorism and the footage of jihadi incitement with the koranic verses and Ahadith that inspire them, demonstrating the essential islamic nature of jihadi violence.
Our liberal elite cannot permit that fact to be widely known, as it demonstrates that even if not all muslims are a threat to our society, islam itself is.
On the Eddie Mair show (PM) this evening I heard Geert Wilders described as anti-semitic – which I suppose in the BBC eyes he his – but interesting use of the word. Entymologically of course they were correct in using it as the BBC view him as anti-muslim but the word has in modern day parlance more used to describe anti-Jewish. Just what were they trying to do? Somehow I think it linked to a sulk about the latest news about the Balen report – but I am still working out how.
The Cattle Prod of Destiny | 11.02.09 – 7:24 pm |
If the BBC are so pro-muslim, as is often claimed here, why would they need a barrier? Perhaps they are expecting other trouble?
No, they expect violence from Muslims. As has been explained here so many times before, unless the BBC comes out and openly condemns the State of Israel, and a BBC presenter states unquestionably that Israel is a criminal state, and that Zionism is wrong and must be stopped, the angry Muslim crowd will claim that the BBC is pro-Israel. Failure to call for punishment of Israel by the BBC equals support of Israel.
Everything else the BBC has done hasn’t been good enough for them. Yet, because of complaints of this order, the Beeboids keep telling themselves that this is evidence of their impartiality and balanced reporting.
Failure to show the DEC appeal is just the latest reason people gave for the BBC’s pro-Israel sympathy.
What other trouble could you possibly expect them to have? Don’t expect me to believe they’re worried about Charles Moore.
Perhaps fatty Spliff should remember just WHO blew up the tube trains and bus on 7/7
Who would imagine that access to the UK for an EU parliamentarian would be refused by a benefits cheat? Squalid at the personal level, hideously narrow-minded, short-sighted, and all but insane at the public level. What a mess!
Rob Santiago
the primary duty of the BBC is to mask the fact that the actions of Ilamist terrorists are perfectly sanctioned by the Koran and they are hence the true pious muslims.
They are not anti islamic acts as jackboot smith would have us all believe and it is the democracy loving liberal muslims who are in fact unislamic,bad muslims.
So it is truly islam and not muslims which is evil.
ps its now ring a ring of roses time for the Uk.
The Geert Wilders story is currently the main item on the Fox News homepage (9 pm GMT):,2933,491126,00.html
It seems to me that if the police are worried about not being able to cope with hoards of raging, bloodthirsty Islamists going on the rampage to protest a visit from Wilders, then they should let the military deal with them.
If angry Muslims wish to start a civil war and set the streets ablaze because they can’t handle freedom of speech then they must be treated as enemy combatants who pose a risk to Britain and dealt with using the appropriate physical force. You simply cannot allow raging hoards of savages to hold a country hostage and dictate its policy simply because a spineless government and police force just “don’t want any trouble.” Imagine if Britain had taken that same attitude toward the Nazis. Oh wait, it almost did.
If they riot then round ’em up and either deport them or send them to a British version of Gitmo. I’m thinking an abandoned oil rig in the North Sea would be ideal.
9/11, 7/7. Bali, Mombassa, Madrid, SS Cole, Glasgow airport, London West end nightclub, the list is endless , and every one of them is Muslim Islamic extremist attempt at mass murder, of us.
So what does our great British democracy do? Ban anyone who tells the truth, to appease evil. For Gods Sake – these people are disgusting, beyond contempt.What is wrong wiith you stupid bastards?
If it is of any interest Geert Wilder as a news story in the Netherlands rated behind, youth crime in the Netherlands, Obama and his economic ‘stimulus’ for the US economy, the Israel election results, Fortis bank shareholders going ballistic at an EGM (and I mean ballistic) and even a small petrol tank fire on the early evening news.
Once Nova showed showed an interview with Lord Ahmed??, the behavior of the British government has become a huge discussion point on Dutch radio/TV, Lord Ahmed seems to have pissed off a lot of prominent vocal groups.
The BBC inadvertently provided radio documentary evidence this evening in support of Geert Wilders’ case that the Koran should be banned on the grounds that it is a direct inspiration to the murderous violence of Islamic jihad.
In programme 3 (of 4) in Peter Taylor’s very good series, ‘The Age of Terror’ (Part 3 is entitled ‘Paris plot’), he documents how Algerian Islamic jihadists, kidnapped a plane of passengers bound for Paris, on Christmas eve, 1994.
The armed jihadists walked up and down the plane’s aisles, reciting from the Koran, before randomly murdering passengers. After many hours of Islamic jihad terror, some of the passengers were rescued in a siege.
As revenge for the French armed rescue, Jihadists killed 10 people in Paris, months later, most at the St. Michel metro station.
Some sections of original BBC series, ‘Age of Terror’, inc ‘Paris Plot’ are available on on limited access:
If you have access, each of the TV programmes is available from the link above, at: ‘Watch the Age of Terror series’; the paris plot is No. 3.
Radio link should be available here:
jimbob 6:23
Ahmed will escape a jail sentence. The NuLab establisment have it sown up already.
lord ahmed can shout all he wants. he will be banged up in jail in 2 weeks time when sentenced for his death by dangerous driving charge.
Please, now you’re being ridiculous. Lord Ahmed, a LABOUR peer, imprisoned? Not a chance. Maximum of conditional discharge and £50 fine.
If you don’t realise by now there is no hope. We are living 1984. One law for the pigs, another for the other animals.
its on the bbc ten o clock news now.
so the uk has banned a dutch MP who wants to point out that we have extremist Islamic nutjobs in this country.
and the home office bans him because pointing this out is itself “extremist” according to them.
mind boggling… we’ve truely gone down the rabbit hole.
cramner has it nailed
“It establishes that the Jihadis govern Britain more than either the governments of the UK or the EU.”
A good point made elsewhere. If there is such a terrorist threat how come Jacki Smith feels safe in her sister’s spare room rather than a heavily guarded grace and favour house? IT IS about the money then!
“will they continue to pretend that there’s some danger of Wilders inciting violence against Muslims?”
Yes,just as this filthy goverment was more concerned about a “backlash” after 7/7.
The left are past masters of projection,as are the Islamists,that is why they are birds of a feather.
newsnight… uh oh. they got the token hijabed muslim in the audience.
(on about unemployment..)
News at 10 had a long Nick Higham piece about it (at c, 10.15). Interviews with Wilders, Ahmed and Pearson, and they showed clips from Fitna. Perfectly impartial piece.
They gave Wilders a fair bit of time on the World Service to state his case, but asked him a really weird question about the state of the economy resulting in a rise in right wing extremism. I have no idea how that was relevant to the issue.
On a related matter, the World Service insisted on calling the Taleban who today committed murder and mayhem in Kabul “fighters.” The standard description of bloodthirsty terrorists as “militants” seems to be falling out of fashion now even though it served BBC hacks faithfully for years to minimise the impact of terrorist atrocities.
Now apparently “militants” is next in line to become too violent a term for the poor sensitive dears at the BBC.
And Owen Bennett Jones asked the BBC Kabul reporter an even weirder question: he wanted to know whether people were leaving Kabul as a result of the Taleban attacks. The reporter had to patiently explain to him that the reverse was in fact happening, and that people were moving from other areas to Kabul, for reasons related to the economy.
I guess wishful thinking got the better of Owen there for a moment.
I’ve set myself a project. I’m going to try to find a BBC journalist who is not on the side of Islamic terrorists.
If you don’t realise by now there is no hope. We are living 1984. One law for the pigs, another for the other animals.
Twizzle | 11.02.09 – 10:00 pm
Yes we are living 1984 and Animal Farm
The irony is that the muslims are trying to be like the pigs in ‘Animal Farm’. I thought that was against their religion.
Am I allowed to say that?
Am I allowed to say that?
Maybe on the internet – but try saying it in public – and lets find out.
The religion of peace strikes again.
Somebody should set up a Downing Street petition asking the BBC to show Fitna prime time!
I heard it on Today this morning. — Ipreferred | 11.02.09 – 10:46 am |
Did anyone else? Is this stupid youmg alex again?
Oh the joys of Islam.
A Saudi judge has ordered a woman should be jailed for a year and receive 100 lashes after she was gang-raped, it was claimed last night.
According to the Saudi Gazette, she eventually ‘confessed’ to having ‘forced intercourse’ with her attackers and was brought before a judge at the District Court in Jeddah.
He ruled she had committed adultery – despite not even being married – and handed down a year’s prison sentence, which she will serve in a prison just outside the city.
She is still pregnant and will be flogged once she has had the child.
Now wouldn’t it be wonderful if it could be established that she was a transit passenger at Heathrow in 1999. Then that stupid shit Clive Stafford Smith could do something useful for once in his life.
Stuart: good idea.
If the BBC were forced to show that film prime time the experience would be so traumatic for them that BBC HQ would probably explode by the shock wave created.
I’m going to think twice about setting foot on Pakistani, erm, British soil again. Our countries are a big joke. Germany’s not much better, by the way.
Stuart | 11.02.09 – 11:53 pm |
I don’t think they will do that – but you can go here to make your voice heard.
There are at present 29054 Total Signatures.
I’m going to try to find a BBC journalist who is not on the side of Islamic terrorists.
Bryan | 11.02.09 – 11:39 pm |
Jeremy Clarkson…
errr.. thats about it.
They gave Wilders a fair bit of time on the World Service to state his case, but asked him a really weird question about the state of the economy resulting in a rise in right wing extremism.
Bryan | 11.02.09 – 11:39 pm | #
Incredible isn’t it? How the BBC constantly promotes the polar opposite of the truth. In fact, the state of the economy is giving rise to left wing extremism. Americans just elected a Marxist who’s in the process of using the crisis to reshape the country into the image of his socialist values – and sales of “Das Kapital” are booming in Europe, where left wing extremism has been threatening to spill over for years. Isn’t it funny how we never hear the Beeb talk about left wing extremism of any kind. You know, the ideological mindset that’s been responsible for more death and destruction and oppression and poverty and misery than any other force in human history.
Somebody should set up a Downing Street petition asking the BBC to show Fitna prime time!
Just get rid of them bleeding socialists asap. That might help. Will the conservatives be better? Not sure, but they surely can’t be worse.
jason – i think this t-shirt is apt for the times we are in
That t-shirt talks of Comminismbeing responsible for 100 million deaths.
I understand that conflicts and wars waged by Islam account for 250 million deaths – with Islam involved in 95% of all recent conflicts.
(But I did not gather that from the BBC)
The BBC reported that Wilders has been banned from entering the country for being bad for community relations (He upsets the Muslims)
They highlightedthe governments claims that it does not want any extreamists in the country. They even interviewed the odious ‘LLord’ Ahmed all without mentioning ‘lord’ Ahmeds threat to use violence to supress free speech in parliament itself.
Ron Todd | 12.02.09 – 6:42 am
They interviewed Wilders and Pearson too (on the News at 10 last night).
So ‘lord’ Ahmed can easily threaten to raise a raging hate filled mob unless his demands are met and his threats are successful, the government cringes like cowards yet they ban the very person who is trying to expose the hate filled extremist fanatics!
The madness never ends does it?