General BBC-related comment thread

. Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.

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31 Responses to General BBC-related comment thread

  1. frankos says:

    Another intersesting point came out on Today– public sector entertainment costs.
    Matthew Pariss was blabbing on about how tedious it is for these poor public servant darlings to have all these freebies thrust on them, and then pointed out that the BBC had very lavish entertainment themselves (at our expense of course)
    He was of course hushed up at this point, but it would be interesting to find out how much of our money these parasites are wasting.
    Anyone any details?


  2. Cassandra says:

    Any story to cover the unfolding nulabour disaster eh?
    Any Tory smear gets the full treatment by the BBC comrades, any story that shows the ‘great leader’ in anything less than a positive light is hidden or spun or ignored.
    Stories are carefully selected and used on party loyalty lines only, the peoples enemy (the hated Tories) are being lined up for a barrage of negative stories, we are going to see the BBC engage in the dirtiest campaigns in its history, the euro elections and the coming general elections are coming and the BBC/nulabour axis have the muslim block vote to think about(how many mob raisers to buy off?).
    Nulabour is as corrupted as the BBC, they know they face destruction and like cornered rats they will use any method availible.


  3. Arthur Dent says:

    Interesting that the strange case of the disappearing ballot information from the Glenrothes by-election has not been seen on the BBC. The SNP are concerned about the revelation that postal voting went up by 400% and that the Labour Party won by a comfortable margin in what everyone suspected would be a very close run election.

    However the voting records which might have thrown light on this have mysteriously been ‘misplaced’ within a few months of the ballot.

    This is obviously not news, nor is the whiff of sleaze surrounding Ms Smiths housing allowances (formal compalaints lodged but silence from the BBC)

    The Peers for sale story has also pretty much disappeared but this can’t be due to the fact that the four peers were all Labour ones.


  4. ngg says:

    the bbc are so out of touch that they think publishing boris tirade will make him ook bad. i would watch him shoot every labour mp and wouldnt lift a finger so how am i going to feel that he swore at one of those scum???


  5. John Reith spins in his grave says:

    Ahhh – the poor darlings at BBC are traumatised by Boris using the “F-word”.

    They obviously don’t watch much of their own post 9pm output.

    I remember from Robin Aitken’s book – when Labour insider Greg Dyke was DG and Aitken raised the issue of left-wing bias.

    Greg turned to an aide and enquired “who was that fucker?”


  6. mikewineliberal says:

    The BBC London news last night had Livingstone on defending Boris. So yet again, not quite as David paints it.


  7. David Vance says:


    LOL – Red Ken rescues Boris thanks to the BBC. Do you do irony perchance?


  8. centre-right says:

    I think Boris should be commended for his actions. Who wouldn’t want to rail against Vaz?
    This just makes Vaz look like a child running to Mummy ‘because the big man said naughty words, waaaah!’


  9. David Vance says:

    Vaz is a human oil-slick. And a BBC favourite.


  10. RR says:

    Asked on Newsnightabout how he transcribed the conversation, Vaz refused to answer, and was alllowed to get away with it. Had he recorded it he would have broken the rules – but the Beeboid gave him a free pass on that.


  11. weirdvis says:

    As diversions go this story has to reign amongst the most pathetic of all time.

    Boris uttering the “F” word isn’t nearly enough to get my eyebrows twitching. However, the way the use of the “J” word (J*s*s) gets the PC Nazis twitching is something to behold. But then, since J*s*s was a J*w and they ain’t flavour of the month with our Fabian friends and their lickspittle toadies, is it any wonder that Islam is becoming the official religion of choice?

    I think we should be told.


  12. Umbongo says:

    “The BBC London news last night had Livingstone on defending Boris.”

    Not a very robust defence and a 5-second clip in – what – a 2 minute item is hardly a swallow heralding impartial summer. Meanwhile Vaz (whose continued presence in public life is a graphic illustration of the possibility of survival of excreta in a sewer) is given unchallenged access “across” the BBC to divert the public’s attention away from the real scandal (Green’s arrest in Parliament) to the non-scandal of whether or not Cameron knew of the arrest before or after lunchtime on the day it happened.


  13. martin says:

    Of course the BBC never allows swearing on TV or radio does it?


  14. martin says:

    Again today on Radio 5 Labour supporter Nicki Campbell peddled the lie that the Tories would have got us in the SAME mess as Mr Snotty as Tories are evil and socialists are nice.

    This is the second day in a row I’ve heard Campbell peddle this lie.

    Did the Tories plan to take control of the Banks away from the BoE in 1997? I don’t remember that in their manifesto?

    Why didn’t Ken Clarke or John Major do it before if it was such a good idea?

    As usual the BBC Labour supporters of which the camp Campbell is one are trying to put an idea in people’s minds (with no facts to back it up) that the Tories would have done the same as McBogie.


  15. Jonathan says:

    As someone who is unlucky enough to receive their regional output, I can categorically state that the BBC news-room in London is 100% biased against Boris. Take last night’s late bulletin as an example… Two stories dominated • the Boris F Word rant and the new cross-capital rail link (announced yesterday). Both had obvious connection to the Mayor’s office. In the first ‘negative’ story Boris was interviewed and grilled about his choice of diction. Fair enough • although no hard questions for Mr. Vaz. Yet, in the second ‘good-news’ story • all mention of the Mayor and TFL (which he now runs) was expunged. Instead the BBC interviewed Geoff Hoon the Transport Secretary; creating a clear impression that the minister and his department were solely responsible for the new planned rail-link, which will help commuters south of the Thames. In fact both Boris and Geoff Hoon had attended the press launch of this new initiative • because both TFL and the national GVN had stumped up the necessary cash to get the idea off the ground. Now presumably the BBC must have known that the rail project was a cross-party / inter-departmental initiative • because they had interviewed the mayor about his phone rant at the very site of the press-launch for the rail extension. So having interviewed the mayor, they could have asked him to say a few words about his role in the good news story; perhaps the reporter did. His editor however, not only failed to use any Boris footage in the second story, the voice-over failed to even mention his presence.

    Nor is this a lone example • the phone rant story stems from insinuations that the Mayor in his capacity as the chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, inappropriately tipped off David Cameron and or possibly Damien Green • about the latter’s arrest. Which broadcaster first gave air to these accusations • you’ve guessed it • BBC London. Now are there any substantive grounds to suggest that the mayor acted inappropriately? No • the police have not complained or alleged that Damien Green had been tipped off. Indeed, the location and manner of his arrest would all seem to suggest that Mr. Green and his family were totally unaware of what was about to befall them. So where have these allegations sprung from? Answer • Labour MPA members. Although if you watch BBC London news you won’t know this because when interviewed their political affiliation is never mentioned. And on what grounds have they based their suppositions? Boris’s confession that he spoke to Cameron on the day of the arrest; shock horror Conservative Mayor of London speaks to Conservative Party leader. Boris has also come under attack for speaking to Mr. Green after he was bailed by police. Remember Damien Green is the shadow spokesman for immigration affairs • London has a large immigrant population • so is the BBC suggesting that the two men shouldn’t speak until Damien Green is cleared? Then there is the nature of Mr. Green’s alleged criminality. The fact that most commentators (and politicians from all sides) believe that nothing will come from Mr. Green’s arrest • and the fact that many believe his arrest to have been politically motivated • is rarely mentioned. Instead we are told that the Mayor is still in contact with someone who is the subject of a serious (this is emphasised) criminal investigation • true, but hardly the whole picture • and that this is inappropriate.

    The contrast with how BBC London reported the Lee Jasper case is quite remarkable.

    Although my favourite piece of BBC anti-Boris bias remains the ‘Black MPs unite to back Ken’ story on the BBC website. From the headline you might assume that in the London mayoral elections – a cross-party alliance of black MPs • united to support Ken Livingstone. Probably on the basis that Boris had a ‘dubious’ record on the race issue. Actually the story related to two (yes – just two) Labour MPs had held a press conference to announce their support for Ken. As I mentioned in my complaint to Auntie • where is the story? Two Labour MPs support labour party candidate for Mayor; wow what a surprise! That headline was eventually corrected (but not until the damage was done). Yet, having failed to convince the elector’s of Boris’s deficiencies, BBC London News, now continues unabated to try and secure Ken’s return in 2012. Hence his platform on a local BBC radio station and the odious amounts of oxygen that the corporation devote to the ex-mayor.


  16. Tom says:

    Jonathan | 13.02.09 – 11:42 am

    I agree with all your points except one –

    Hence his platform on a local BBC radio station

    His platform is on LBC – a commercial station.


  17. mikewineliberal says:

    DV – “Vaz is a BBC favourite.”

    He got a serious drubbing on
    newsnight last night.


  18. Jonathan says:

    Tom: Thanks for the correction; my mistake 🙂


  19. caveman says:

    The BBC London news last night had Livingstone on defending Boris. So yet again, not quite as David paints it.
    mikewineliberal | 13.02.09 – 10:22 am |

    If there’s a news story about the London Mayor, I can see why K Livingstone might want to be included.

    London Mayor was Livingstone’s time of glory, so he likes talking about it. Also, he wants to stay in the limelight. Partly in case he runs again.


  20. Jonathan says:

    Yes caveman. But there was a marked contrast from the BBC’s generally hostile repoting of Boris’ tirade and ITV’s London Tonight. A programme which finished with the viewer’s comments on the subject. Apparently, nearly of which – were pro-Boris.

    Bad luck Vaz & the BBC; better luck next time 🙂


  21. George R says:

    Another angle on Vazoline, which the BBC could follow up:

    ‘Londoner’s Diary’

    “Vazoline first…children can come second”


  22. The Colonel says:

    Vaz just couldn’t help himself yesterday.

    First, he manages to get transcribed a private telephone conversation (does he routinely record his phone calls?), which he passes on to other people, which then gets “leaked”. The way BBC London News was going on about it, you’d have thought Boris Johnson had demanded the killing of all first born.

    Second. On Newsnight, he advocates the banning of a democratically elected politician of an EU country, from this country, admits to not seeing the film for which Wilders earned the ban, but didn’t see a problem with that. He even said British people that want to debate Wilders should go to Holland to do it.

    Last, in the Wilders debate he then stated that he had discussions with two other Dutch MPs that disagreed with Wilders but couldn’t name them…the implication being that they were in fear of their lives…yet more hearsay to nicely bookend the day.


  23. Jeff says:

    Who on earth could blame Boris for using the occasional F word while speaking to that revolting slug?
    Every time I see Vaz’s smug face I feel a desperate urge to have a good scratch.


  24. Chuffer says:

    18.23 tonight (Fri) during the News, a biker is interviewed in his garage about his horrific injuries. Just above his head, clear as day, the work ‘Piss’ is scrawled on the wall.
    Obviously not ‘clear as day’ to highly paid BBC filming team.


  25. Chuffer says:

    You can see where the word ‘PISS’ has been edited out in this report for Newsbeat, 12 seconds in. Take a line straight up from the Ducati’s right front indicator, and go up four layers of bricks/breeze blocks. You’ll see a blurring circle has been inserted.


  26. Jon says:

    Boris says the F word in private – what has this country come to – we must expose Boris for what he is a foul mouthed thug. But – never mind there is good news – a 13 year old boy has become a father – lets all celebrate – Lets make sure the “couple” are well looked after with loads of tax payers money – we’ll also disregard the law because the both “consented” !!! Exaggerate a non-story and briefly mention Britain’s moral decline. This is what the liberal media does to a society under the cool New Labour regime.


  27. martin says:

    Jon: Notice how little Mr Snot said about the 13 year old yob getting some slag up the duff?

    Of course Liebour want to breed a whole generation of Chav scum that will be dependent on the welfare state and will therefore want to vote for the party most likely to keep them in benefits.


  28. Bron says:

    Behave youselves, after it had happened all of the Conservatives supported the independence of the Bank of England said it was a good thing even though they had not done it themselves.

    In 2001

    And 2005

    Click to access Macroeconomicframework-Dec2005.pdf

    I personally think it is a bad thing and always said so but I was in a small minority.

    The Tories originally opposed it in 1997 but they soon caved in and became its biggest supporters by 2001.

    Anyway in this case its a lie, because the appointees are hardly truly independent, but be that as it may changing history does not constitute evidence.


  29. davo says:

    after seeing the slimy toad ponticate on newsnight i fully ecuse Boris’ use of the F word. Even the BBC interviewer woman and others on the panel were seriously pissed off with him.
    After watching Boris in the crusade series there is no doubt in mind that he is a man of intellect and values surrounded by sleaze and nihilism in his present position.
    Like in the trial of Job, he will be sorely tested by the likes of VAZ in retaining his values and integrity over the coming months


  30. GBS says:

    Many here (such as Bron) are not alone in misunderstanding the effect of the action to create an independent BoE.

    Indeed, the independence/non-independence of the BoE is an economic red-herring.

    The *fundamental* issue to debate is whether a Central Bank is a good or bad thing. That is the essential question everyone should be researching and concluding on.

    A Centralised Bank is one of the very causes of economic boom/bust cycles. However, its existence is a central plank of all statist agendas. Without a central bank they cannot manipulate the money supply to their own ends – its why the UK is heading for bankruptcy (I would bet good money on an IMF handout to the bankrupt Brown PLC in 12 months).

    As for the BoE being independent – that is piffle.

    The BoE were asked to monitor a politcally defined measure of inflation – one that excluded house price inflation.

    The effect was that centralised interest rates were kept artificially low, thus contributing towards credit expansion. And as any *sound* economist knows, wealth creation is not achieved via credit expansion (se Adam Smith for starters).

    As Adam Smith noted over 200 years ago, a house creates no wealth in itself. Even if renting it out, a house requires a tenant capable of earning an income to pay the rent.

    Most people are wedded to the idea of a nation state as the protector and provder for all (cradle to grave) and until that absurd notion is given both barrels, then this latest Depression will not be the last – history will continue record a series of *worsening* depressions and ststists will continue to blame (without irony) the private sector and capitalism.

    It would all truly be laughable state of play if only the results were not so tragic for people’s wealth.