I see that the BBC gives considerable prominence to to empty-headed wittering of the left wing Runnymede Trust which once again accuses our Police of being “institutionally racist.” At a time when criminals run rampant on our streets and justice is turned into a laughing stock the best the BBC can do is try and further undermine the integrity of those who at least try to uphold law and order by giving the Runnymede Trust a bully-pulpit to conduct their war on policing. Might it be possible to consider the bona fides of this Organisation when presenting their “report”? Could it be that Runnymede is institutionally biased against British Policing? I note the use of the image of Stephen Lawrence in this story, murdered “by white youths” as the BBC solemnly informs. But since then, sadly, many more black youths have lost their lives at the hands of ” black youths” in London. You never get that context. The suggestion running through this entire article is that our Police are racists and the BBC seems very content to spew this out oxic poison out hoping enough of it sticks.

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  1. Jason says:

    and i can keep going if you want…
    archduke | 16.02.09 – 1:01 am | #

    Please do! They’re all gems. Very well observed. Don’t see anything bigoted about them at all.


  2. Jason says:

    In the absence of a new general thread….

    Anyone see this?

    Gaza population ‘rising rapidly’

    The population of the Gaza Strip increased by almost 40% between 1997 and 2007, according to the results of a Palestinian census.

    The survey, taken before Israel’s recent offensive, showed the territory has a population of 1.4 million people.

    The insinuation being: Israel’s “recent offensive” may well have wiped out sufficient Palestinians to make the results of the census outdated. Oh puh-leeeeze. The BBC just gets more and more ridiculous every day.


  3. Jason says:

    Continuing with their policy of using (D)HYS pull-quotes which match their own institutionally ingrained left wing views in approximately 99.9% of cases, the Beeb used this one in a story related to the Chavez term-limits referendum:

    ” If a president is doing a good job why not just keep him forever?

    Brian, San Francisco, USA”

    Three guesses as to whom Brian voted for last November.

    Of course a more appropriate (D)HYS pull-quote format would be to use two quotes representing each side of the fence, rather than using one as a sprig of left wing parsley as they are prone to doing.


  4. AndrewSouthLondon says:

    Archduke/ Francis Thx for the Ann Coulter reference. She reads to me like one smart lady, with a good writing “voice”. Rare enough in a media full of lefty harpies and Paris Hilton wannabies.

    No wish to argue the true nature of Macarthy the man – I think I mean “Macarthyism” the “witch-hunt” fervour that goes with being “anti-racist”. Like you have to go around looking for it in order to oppose it:”Gollywog Syndrome”

    There almost certainly were Russian spies everywhere in the 50’s, but its the “Are you now or have you ever been a racist?” tone that it conjures up that sits uneasily in public debate. Only the Left are pure, all others are tainted.


  5. adam says:

    BBC is institutionally racist against Britain


  6. British Power says:

    Adam is on the mark – they are racist against Britain. Anyone who discusses immigration is racist according to the BBC. Anyone who takes a strong line against the moslem terrorists is a racist. They demonise the BNP, when have the bbc ever said anything about the BNP that wasn’t some left wing crap about it being facist? If they were a balanced non biased entity, they would give the BNP equal airtime with Labour and the other hopeless left wing parties. Gordon Browns views often offend me – maybe we should not hear from him again in case he offends me again!!


  7. Ratass Shagged says:

    “The character of our country will be defined by how we write the next chapter of British liberty • by whether we do so in a way that respects and builds on our traditions, and progressively adds to and enlarges rather then reduces the sphere of freedom.”

    can somebody explain just WHAT THE FUCK THIS MEANS?
    archduke | 16.02.09 – 1:11 am |

    I can archduke, it translates as follows:-

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bollocks blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!

    Hope thst helps.


  8. British Power says:

    “The character of our country will be defined by how we write the next chapter of British liberty • by whether we do so in a way that respects and builds on our traditions, and progressively adds to and enlarges rather then reduces the sphere of freedom.”

    Never read such bo**ocks in my life. The character of our country was just fine until we opened our doors and let the whole world in. they all came here, but did they take on our values? our culture? our history? no, we took on theirs… thats what went wrong.


  9. David Vance says:




  10. Tom says:

    I don’t suppose the BBC’s enthusiasm for this story has anything to do with the fact that the chairman of the Runnymede Trust is one Samir Shah, Trustee of the BBC, non-exec member of the BBC executive board, and former head of political programmes in BBC News?

    Or am I being unduly cynical?


  11. Millie Tant says:

    mister ed | 15.02.09 – 10:59 pm | #
    …”hate crime” attracts a higher tariff from judges because of the race relations act of 1968.

    COMMENT: the 1968 Act was civil law on racial discrimination.

    THe higher penalties for racially motivated criminal offences were brought in by Jack Straw in about 1998.
    mister ed:
    …Powell’s main point in the speech is that all Englishmen should be treated equally under the law – and all crimes should be treated equally. A murder is a murder is a murder.

    The race relations act broke that fundemental tenet of English law. and its been downhill ever since.

    THAT is what Powell was on about….

    COMMENT: One law, yes, and equality under the law for all citizens but he wasn’t talking about criminal law as such. Powell’s point was that the (civil, racial discrimination)law should not be brought into the private actions of citizens. He thought that individuals should be free to discriminate between individuals and to choose between alternative lawful courses of action. Individuals were free to choose whom they associate with, do business with etc.



  12. Millie Tant says:

    Or am I being unduly cynical?
    Tom | 16.02.09 – 2:17 pm |

    I fear not.

    Trevor Phillips used to be at the Runnymede Trust before he was appointed to the CRE.


  13. Millie Tant says:

    Incidentally, DV, I seem to recall that Trevor Phillips said recently something to the effect that the term “institutionally racist” was no longer useful or fitting, ref the police.

    (I haven’t checked this out for corroboration but I don’t think I dreamt it.)