Tonight’s Panorama is going to tackle two issues troubling the government. First, terrorism and violence. They Don’t like it.
Second, the new one they they’ve just noticed. In a slight shift from the diversity agenda where ‘there’s no right or wrong, only different’ – now they’ve noticed that preaching against western values is not such a good idea either.
Even our good friend Lord Ahmed is on board. In a sudden reversal of policy he now says:
“We need to empower the mainstream Muslim leadership and the scholars so they can actually hold the arguments and debates within the Muslim society.”
Just keep Geert Wilders out of the way, though, eh.
As per interview on Today it seems new Muslim thinking is: Good Muslims oppose terrorism. Although they believe man-made laws cannot be supreme, they must put immutable words of the Koran on one side and disregard God’s law while living in countries that practice man’s law. I assume they must just be content to introduce Koranic ideologies gradually, by democratic means, such as those of great philosopher Sheikh Khalid Yassin
“If you prefer the clothing of the Kaffirs [non-believers] other than the clothing of the Muslims – most of those names on most of that clothing is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians.”
Watch out Beeboids!
Oh yes, and don’t forget, it’s all because of Gaza, and this country’s foreign policy.
In that last para are you suggesting Khalid Yasin is a moderate muslim – or a complete loony?
It’s not clear which is your intention, when the evidence is clearly the latter.
I think the para’s meant ironically, Sarah.
Yes, Sue.
Islamic meetings, threatening to British society go on, uncriticised by the Labour government, despite the presence of people like Wagdi Ghuniem (see details on him in article below),Labour not wanting to affect the sensitivities of any Labour Muslim voters:
‘Harry’s Place’
“Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Hold Hamas Festival In London Today”
Labour’s dhimmi policy on Islam is delegated to Labour Lord Ahmed (who led the campaign to ban Dutuch MP Geert Wilders), and Labour (like the BBC) defers to other supporters of Islamic jihad Hamas. And there’s always the Arch-dhimmi to totally mislead on Sharia law:
‘Jihadwatch’ on today’s ‘Telegraph’ piece by Arch-dhimmi R. Williams:
The Labour government (and the BBC) need to take advice from NON-Muslim scholars, and from apostates, on the real threat from Islam.
is there actually a complaint here? isn’t this the facing up to radical islam that B-BBC has been steadfastly calling for?
In a sudden reversal of policy he now says: “We need to empower the mainstream Muslim leadership …
What is rather worrying, all things considered, is that Lord Ahmed was the man the government chose to liberally dose with taxpayers’ cash a couple of years ago to find ways to improve the quality of imams. I think he got about half a million quid.
After the events of the past week, I think we are entitled to ask ( .and I’m looking at you, BBC) how that money was spent and what sort of imams Lord A plumped for.
most of those names on most of that clothing is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians
So now the shebab see themselves as fashion victims…..
I thought we were all Muzzies now – has that bill not passed yet?
When’s Lord Ahmed of Pentonville getting sent down? Would have to had been in for a long stretch to make him pick up the soap.
The BBC/government (it does not matter which word you use because they are interchangeable these days) realise they have let the throttle out too fast with all their grovelling to terrorists (‘lets’s bring the Gitma martys over here and receive them as heroes’), and they are worried about a backlash, so they are easing off a little. Gently does it. We will get there in the end.
First thing is, we gotta stop these islmaic meetings they have. you know they only talk about how much they hate our country. ok so theyre not all terrorists, but they symphatise with them, otherwise theyd be big protests against terrorism, but i dont see them.
There are too many damn moslems here, its a threat to British Christian history and culture. I know thats politically incorrect, but not enough people stand up and speak they’re mind cus they are afraid of being called racist. well those are my views, and frankly I don’t care less if some left wing unwashed hippie calls me a racist.
Sue, what a wonderful addition you are to BBBC.
While they are at it, perhaps they would like to talk about this:
12 years of arse licking Muslims hasn’t helped has it? They were all at it this morning on the Radio 5 phone in. As usual Nicki Campbell had every vile extremist alive ringing in slagging off the British forces and making up total bollocks.
The ‘West put Saddam in power’ claimed one bushy bearded moron. Did we? Hmm and there’s me thinking Saddam was a ruthless thug who seized power himself.
Of course the really really vile Campbell just loves it. Mind you I bet he really enjoyed being around all those big hunky soldiers at Sandhurst.
A delight for the average male beeboid I’m guessing.
is there actually a complaint here? isn’t this the facing up to radical islam that B-BBC has been steadfastly calling for?
Cockney | 16.02.09 – 10:58 am |
I was wondering how long before someone brought that up.
B-BBC would certainly like the BBC and the government to face up to radical Islam.
Further, not that I speak for B-BBC, I would also like the BBC and the government to face up to the fact that to Muslims the Koran is the immutable word of Allah and each word is as important and irreplaceable as every other.
The incompatibility with western values is there immutably and irreplaceably.
The BBC and the government have been wriggling and squirming to persuade us that this is not so. The gentlemen interviewed so deferentially by James Naughty this morning were getting their knickers in a twist over this as well.
Usman Nawaz, general secretary of the Hull Islamic Society, blamed radicalisation on lack of education, and our Foreign policy. Abdul Raheem Green, a conservative Muslim preacher, Elaborated. “Good morning Jim. everything has a context.”
Where is Islam in relation to democracy?
“On a basic Philosophical level there is incompatibility, between Islamic law and laws made by man. Muslims should be taught that man made laws cannot be supreme.”
Should young Muslims obey the law of the land in which they grew up?
“Living in the country Muslims are duty bound to respect the law.” Here’s the tricky bit:
“God’s law is that when you’re living in a land where God’s law is not supreme you must obey God’s law by obeying the man-made law, because God’s supreme law says you must then obey man’s law (which cannot be supreme.) So God’s law is supreme, and says you must obey man’s law which cannot be supreme.” Pass the paracetamol
Do they have a duty to bring down the land in which they live?
Another of his memorable quotes, or those of someone with a remarkably similar name, is in the article I linked to in my post. “influential preacher, Abdurraheem Green, preaches that “Islam is not compatible with democracy” and that to prevent a wife committing “evil” a husband has the right to “apply some type of physical force… a very light beating” – though he says this should not leave any marks.
Moderate, indeed, in comparison to a good stoning to death.
Sue: Your last comments are so spot on. No one in the liberal elite has ever answered this question. What is a moderate Muslim?
We don’t use the term ‘moderate Christian’ or ‘moderate atheist’ do we?
As I’ve pointed out time and time again ALL Muslims reject homosexuality and believe it is wrong. Muslims see it as filthy and a crime against God. So just how does THAT work with the liberals?
Then take forced marriage. Hundreds of young girls are taken from this Country to rat holes like Pakistan every year to be married off to some retard Goat herder, yet nothing is done about it.
Could you imagine if white men were taking their daughters off somewhere to have them married off and effectively raped at the age of 14?
Harriet Harperson would be up in arms and rightly so.
But the liberals? nothing, not a single word of condemnation. In fact the BBC ran a series a while back saying what a good idea forced marriage is!!!!!
of course they love forced marriage, they realise in 20 years half the bloody population of this country will be muslim, and most of them will be getting into forced marriages.
So instead of the issues we should be debating – like how to sort out our financial mess and how to reverse the appalling social decline that we hear about every day, we’re debating religious issues that we thought had been settled hundreds of years ago.
The BBC is partly to blame for contributing to a climate where it’s unacceptable to tell immigrants to either fit in or seek a country which prefers fairy stories to rational debate.
“B-BBC would certainly like the BBC and the government to face up to radical Islam.”
Well it sounds as though Panorama is addressing this very issue, together with the associated theological questions. Hopefully this’ll be in a non PC and wholly objective manner, although I guess we’ll find out tonight (or some of us would do if it didn’t clash with the footy – ho hum).
We have reached a bizarre situation where on one side of the argument we have some moderate muslims (even if they are 1%, there are some) and most British people, and on the other side we have the government and the BBC supporting extreme Islam including the complete stamping on women.
I know of a muslim man in England who told his wife he was going to Pakistan to marry a 15-year old virgin and bring her back to live in the marital home. She could not object because of the power of ‘the community’ to control all their lives down to the last detail.
Muslim Wars – people like that, we need to kick out of the country. I’m sorry, but its that simple. Those values are not British, or even civilized. If someone wants to marry a 15 year old virgin fine, their choice. But not in this country. Go do it in Pakistan or Somalia – people like that bring down the whole country if they stay here.
The Islamist mob raisers/self styled leaders/self appointed community spokesmen are playing a clever game here and it fits exactly with historical British establishment policy, the Islamists are pushing for more power within the Islamic ‘community’, they are pushing for extra authority to exert more influence and dominance over ‘their people’ to ‘fight extremism’ and the British government is falling for this very clever trick hook line and sinker!
HMG is being led down the garden path, these islamist ‘leaders’ have a greater agenda, the more power they can wrest from the state the less power the state actually has over a growing mass of people, HMG are as usual doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing and they are making a blunder of epic proportions, they are in fact delivering the whole of the muslim comunity into the clutches of the mob raising power seekers instead of handing the muslim masses the proper ultimatum, fit in to our way of life, live by our rules, play a full part in our society by our rules OR LEAVE NOW!
The moronic government are handing over negotiating priviliges and political power to the wrong people for the wrong reasons at the wrong time, once these power seekers have extracted all the powers they need they will entrench their position and then use their influence to blackmail the government into all kinds of concessions, sharia law, separate policing, separate schools, separate courts and in the end separate countries!
Its all plain to see what the end game is here PLAIN AS DAY, yet the government is sleepwalking us into a disaster both for us and the muslim majority being sold off en masse to the ‘tender mercies’ of the islamist power seekers, those who would wish to assimilate into British society are now being handed over without a care, the government is actually depriving these people of a chance of a deent life in a modern democracy, the crazy result of HMGs stupidity is to make all decent people the losers while the only winners will be the mob raising power seekers!
Well said!
Sue: Your last comments are so spot on. No one in the liberal elite has ever answered this question. What is a moderate Muslim? martin | 16.02.09 – 12:55 pm
In the same way, the BBC interviewer never asks the bearded loon to define who he means by an “innocent person” (as in, “it’s against Allah’s will to kill an innocent person”)
I’ll answer both Qs, seeing as the beeb wouldn’t.
‘ a moderate muslim’ is someone who deosnt go around shouting for jihad, but deep down supports it, and hates western culture and lifestyle.
an ‘innocent person’ by muslim standards means, simply, a fellow muslim. we, the non moslems, are infidels to them.
It’s fummy how when an election looms on the horizon, govenments often make a great show of being concerned about a particular subject. Normally these issues are pushed to one side, a sudden concern for a problem of the government’s own making is a sign that they are up to something. A sudden concern over radical Islam does not mean that they have any intention to solve the proble. As the BBC are in bed with labour I suspect their motives also
The BBC/Guardian/ZaNuLab are constantly ‘warning’ about the ‘far right’ as we approach the EU elections. They are now ‘throwing a bone’ to the sections of the UK population that may sympathise with the BNP, but are in two-minds whether to acutally vote for them.
By ‘buttering up’ the ‘moderate’ electorate, they hope to retain Labour votes and ‘keep out the BNP’.
Nothing will change. Just look at the lip-service played to immigration in the run up to previous elections. Labour promised to do something and then did nothing. Now they need votes, they promise action on Islamic extremism in the UK. Once the elections are over you won’t hear another word about it.
It’s funny how when an election looms on the horizon, governments often make a great show of being concerned about a particular subject. Normally these issues are pushed to one side, a sudden concern for a problem of the government’s own making is a sign that they are up to something. A sudden concern over radical Islam does not mean that they have any intention to solve the problem. As the BBC are in bed with labour, I suspect their motives also.
The following is just the sort of non-Muslim critique of Islam, and defence of Western values, which hardly ever appears on the BBC:
‘National Review’
Bat Ye’or –
“Geert Wilders and the Fight for Europe: Does defending Western values constitute ‘inciting hatred’?”
{Article is also at ‘Jihadwatch’]:
Cranmer :
“There is an unbridgeable gulf between the God who laughs (Ps 2:4) and the one in whom there is no humour. Protests over cartoons satirising Mohammad combined with images of Muslims criticising frivolous aspects of Western culture leave the distinct impression Islam and comedy are incompatible • it is haram. The most concerning thing for Britain is that those Muslims who dare to express humour or satrise aspects of their religion are derided by those who hold to the Ayatollah Khomeini school of Islam. He once said: “An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam.”
And it is the Khomeini doctrine of Islam which Labour have pledged to uphold. It is the extremists, fundamentalists and Lord Ahmed who do not get the joke.
It is the Government’s fault, aided and abetted by most of the media, that what comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Muslim’ is more likely to be beards, bombs and burqas than stand-up comedians.”
On Brown’s audience with the Pope :
“Cranmer hopes the Pope will raise the UK’s increasing intolerance of the Christian faith and rising persecution of believers.”
In its web trailer for tonight’s ‘Panorama’ the BBC gives over a slot solely for a Muslim to show that he is in denial about the perpetrators of 7/7, under the headline:
“Muslims anger at being stigmatised”
There is no BBC trailer of British non-Muslims (who perhaps would have to appear in disguise in their own country to avoid jihad threats) who are angry and intolerant of Islamic jihadists and their supporters in Britain.
One for martin (try not to get too excited)
The real trouble we have, is that the current predominant Liberal mindset of the West is unable to recognise that we are in conflict with an enemy that has been at war with the West for 1400 years, and will accept no compromise except as a lever for further Islamisation. Islam and Muslims are mandated by Allah to rule over the Kuffar, seize his lands, money and worldly goods. No Muslim can contradict this, as he would then be an apostate, and thus a subject to be killed. The Liberal mindset cannot acknowledge that there is an ideology, which will not respond positively to charity and generosity. Islam/Muslims simply assume that as a sign of weakness, to be taken advantage off.
The present drift towards a situation – Muslims becoming ever more numerous, and demanding more as a consequence, will eventually lead to a civil war, with countless dead and untold suffering. Humanity and compassion require that separation from Islam/Muslims be undertaken as a matter of urgency, or else we are looking at the demise of the West, or a civil war that makes Bosnia look like a garden party.
We cannot change the Koran, and neither is it any of our business. We cannot make Western Muslims leave Islam, and again it is not our business. And most certainly we cannot wage war on Islam worldwide. All that is left is to save ourselves- self defence, and that is a prime moral directive that cannot be gainsaid.
Perfect assessment of the situation, well said!
I think that Lord Ahmed has changed his tune as he knows that behaving like a despot will not go down too well when he goes to court.
The BBC also knows this, so be prepared for a daily dose of positive stories about this Labour appointed peer.
“The transformation in the standing of our national religion has been truly remarkable”.
DP111 5:14
Bravo !
This is a case of common humanities wood, not being seen for all the establishments BBC/MSM trees. That have been very deliberately planted, right in front of peoples vision, over a very long time indeed.
Being a true liberal, conservative or libertarian, are not exactly the same thing, but they are closely related. Whatever the establishments MSM and education system may have repeatedly and systematically lied to us all about, all of our entire lives.
Libertarians generally agree on one thing. That is that FREEDOM of the individual is always a good place to start any argument, and a sensible place to end one.
Our problem is we do not have a written constitution that protects us ALL from either minority violence or majority dictatorship.
Over the last 12 years especially any confidence we once had in our countries common sense and unwritten constitution to protect individual property rights, has been COMPLETELY DESTROYED by our present government. this they must have done working in CONSPIRACY with our own highly dishonest and covertly operating internationalist corporate socialist ESTABLISHMENT. Otherwise it could not have happened, under any circumstances.
We now know without doubt that we as individuals can not rely on anything whatsoever, other then death and taxes. Both sides of both houses of parliament are now subservient to an unelected bunch of corrupted despotic NAZI’s namely The EUs Council of Ministers.
As we speed forever faster towards our establishments long awaited New World Order, this will become increasingly self apparent to even commentators on this site.
When exactly democracy actually died, is a debate for future generations, but the fact that is now has, is most surly not up for any kind of debate.
The people that run this world, believe that we the people are ready for their essentially Marxist communist future. They have indeed actually said as much, and in almost so many words. There is only one way they can possibly be assured that we are not at all ready.
I believe we all know in our hearts what that ONLY way is.
They got behind the time table, and are now desperately trying to make up for lost time. Many of them know only too well they are moving far too fast for things to turn out overly peaceful. However their greed and now need, has surpassed their own common sense and what was once left of the common humanity.
In an act of desperate hope over any possible expectation, that you so called educated people will pay any proper and productive attention, I will now state this.
TRUST ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER that comes out of the MSM, even the bits you agree with, especially the BBCs bits.
They are all working for the same insanely murderous elitist psychopaths. Whether their lowly reporters know they are or not. I can totally assure you all, that the people at the top of the BBC and Sky certainly know who they are working for and to what end.
The same is true for all known political parties, even including the BNP and UKIP.
Understand the above, or understand nothing worth knowing.
Please remember this.
Just because you are clearly as paranoid as hell. Does not mean that you have nothing to be paranoid about. Neither does it in anyway mean they are not most surly out to get you, and even more importantly your hard earned savings and assets yet again.
OT – why the chuff is that perennially unfunny Lenny Henry infecting both my television & radio. He was a talentless comedian and undoubtedly a talentless actor?
Is it because he’s a tool?
Faggots, homosexuals and lesbians? That’s every base covered I suppose.
But God forbid anyone should be allowed to further their ideology by democratic means. What a slap in the face that would be for Western values.
“But God forbid anyone should be allowed to further their ideology by democratic means.”
I’m all for democracy – you know that old fashioned ideal where people are elected by a majority to represent them – but not like New Labours quangos and think tanks which tend to promote people not for what they know but for what they are. In a true democracy, the BBC would have been resigned to the dustbin years ago, the EU would not exist, etc etc.
DtP asks: “OT – why the chuff is that perennially unfunny Lenny Henry infecting both my television & radio. He was a talentless comedian and undoubtedly a talentless actor?
Is it because he’s a tool?”
Now you really have raised a question which DV should highlight. On the 6 pm R4 news tonight, in effect a free 3 minute commercial to tell the world the said unfunny comedian appearing as Othello (wrong race for that BTW) in a Yorkshire playhouse – followed by an ad for some BBC radio play he is in.
Of the hundreds of talentless actors in this country, Henry aka Mr Dawn French (another quite unfunny fat, leftish BBC luvvie) is given this plug. I don’t mind infomercials on commercial broadcasting but this is the BBC using patronage to advance its own on the public purse.
A similar abuse of the charter is carried out by the weeks-long publicly-paid plugs for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s dated tripe in the guise of talent shows, while other West End shows have to pay for their publicity.
Well, programme is starting. It looks like they’re using some of the footage from the Gaza demo.
Anybody else noticed the emphasis put on any white moslems?
I’ve heard enough. Time to start the deportations.
“Kaffir” – shouted by div
“we are second class citizens” – irony is lost on these retards. Egyptian Christians?
How does a black ‘preacher’ use the word Kaffir? And how the hell did he get a red beard? Are his pubes red?
Re Panorama: Why do they play background music to interviews? Bloody patronising.
Has anyone tried going down to a mosque to integrate? Make some friends lol
Blimey, the number of white skinned islamists is bloody worrying.
“we’re being victimised”
“the people who are behind 7/7 bombings have nothing to do with Islam”
This program just proves survelance is a waste of resources. I say deport them!