Tonight’s Panorama is going to tackle two issues troubling the government. First, terrorism and violence. They Don’t like it.
Second, the new one they they’ve just noticed. In a slight shift from the diversity agenda where ‘there’s no right or wrong, only different’ – now they’ve noticed that preaching against western values is not such a good idea either.
Even our good friend Lord Ahmed is on board. In a sudden reversal of policy he now says:
“We need to empower the mainstream Muslim leadership and the scholars so they can actually hold the arguments and debates within the Muslim society.”
Just keep Geert Wilders out of the way, though, eh.
As per interview on Today it seems new Muslim thinking is: Good Muslims oppose terrorism. Although they believe man-made laws cannot be supreme, they must put immutable words of the Koran on one side and disregard God’s law while living in countries that practice man’s law. I assume they must just be content to introduce Koranic ideologies gradually, by democratic means, such as those of great philosopher Sheikh Khalid Yassin
“If you prefer the clothing of the Kaffirs [non-believers] other than the clothing of the Muslims – most of those names on most of that clothing is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians.”
Watch out Beeboids!
Oh yes, and don’t forget, it’s all because of Gaza, and this country’s foreign policy.
Still no mention of Ahmed’s text murder.
Jon – spot on. That stupid relic of a by-gone age – democracy, pah!
I’d be surprised if someone hasn’t worked out the best methods of pulling out of both the BBC and the EU. Whilst everyone farts about thinking about the edges of public service reform, it appears that alternatives aren’t really highlighted.
There are accepted maxims. I don’t think the idea of ending the license fee is useful. It has to be gradually eliminated over 15 – 20 years. Competition other than Sky should be promoted – and freeview opened. This could all be moot if I-player works better on computer projected screens so TV’s are shite.
The EU is a nice idea but it’s just too bloody expensive and burdensome, monolithic and unrepresentative – bollox really. However, there are manifest benefits such as peace. Other than that though – fair enough encourage migration but let this be a national issue and not a ‘right’. Policing was always done through Interpol, defence thru NATO (with daft submarine captain’s thinking their boats are their cocks) and money has been shown to be global anywho.
There are greater global concerns at present than full scale inter reaction with an institution no-one has a clue or even cares about.
Europe’s cool – love Europe, but not into paying for all the added extras frankly. There’s too many pointless gadgets and when the hell is the CAP gonna end – DEFRA just about good enough at screwing everything up all on their lonesome.
I think government is too big and the BBC is government because it’s a monopoly ( a bloody good one – going downhill fast though) funded thru a disproportional tax (which is morally questionable so don’t fucking preach to me – it ain’t an entrance fee – it’s a chuffing telly) but we have to give technology and art a pat on the back really. Needs a bit of culling though (the diamond skull was ridiculous).
David Cameron is a pure BBC invention – give anyone £3 billion a year for vacuous twaddle and I guarantee there’d be a queue and Call me Dave greased the right palms – good lad and good luck to him. He’s obviously got a brain – but has he got the soul??
I don’t give a toss – he’s a Tory, and the Tory party hasn’t helped itself of late. Bit of internal generation after the election seems exactly what anyone would advise – wait till you get in – find the money and get it back.
It ain’t philosophical about the BBC anymore – technology will eat itself – 10 years max.
Ooops – that was a bit long. Apols.
The BBC ‘Panorama’ programme, which should have had the title:
‘Muslim first, Britain last’
– illustrated yet again the frightening ignorance and dhimmitude of both the Labour government and the BBC in their ‘analysis’ of Islam.
Neither body gives any confidence that it has read anything substantial about the history of Islamic imperialism over that religion’s nearly 1,400 years, nor that either Labour or the BBC makes the political and religious connection between the tenets of Islam which inspire hatred of ‘kaffirs’ (us), and the imperative which Muslims adhere to, to commit jihad and to impose sharia law, (as the banned Dutch MP, Geert Wilders attempts to point out).
The most Brown and co. will ever do about the frightening threat from Islamic quarters is to recruit practitioners of Islam to organise the Muslim Labour vote, and to let them mouth the historically totally inaccurate phrase:’religion of peace’. (The occasional ‘away day’ should cover it.)
Labour’s stealth ‘policy’ (in no election Manifesto), of mass immigration over the past twelve years has left a cultural and political schism in British society, which will only get worse.
For an update on ‘the religion of peace’:
Is it wrong to want a fight with Muzzies? Is there an inbuilt backbone? If they listen to BBC coverage then they must realize how much we value this territory, that I, as a Yorkshire man with 3rd generation Irish Catholic roots can walk about this land and not piss on anyone’s doorsteps.
I don’t mind ethnics and I don’t mind chavs. I mind bureaucrats dis-empowering the professionals – making it a free for all of shite. Scum comes in any colour. Middle managers and local politicians come in 2 maybe 3 colours – boring, repetitive or wrong – it’s like a holding station: cattle shed.
Border control is weak. Mark Thatcher was right. I hate what Labour has done. My Great Great Uncle established the Engineering Union in Huddersfield and I’m a Tory and so would he be. I can’t see strategy because i’m so angry. I can’t plot a way forward because they all clammed up. Get DFC/Cameron in and tell that to a rich boy with a lad who knows what price love, caution and brilliance.
I’m not sure Dave wants to hold the job down that long.
We have been policed in the wrong direction. You have to trust the people and let them trust public services – for that is their role.
Jeremy Hardy, Stephen K Amos, Mel (from Mel & Sue), John O’Farell, Kenneth Williams, Marcus Brigstock, Charlie Brooker got close, et bloody cetera.
Wossy does a good radio show (although Andy runs the gig) – music X banter = pleasing. Mid life crisis, I had one at 18 and every 2 years since. There’s always an election going on.
Hello – some dude on BBC said ‘Waterboarding saves lives’ – good lad, bit harsh – probably gonna get bollocked.
George R – I don’t think anyone knows what Cameron’s gonna do. He can learn on the job. Let’s not fall into Labour’s trap – it ain’t a good election campaign to shout ‘where’s the money gone?’
Some dark ages petty war lord writes down, or has written down, a mish-mash of mainly incoherent ramblings and claims they were dictated to him by the Meccan Moon god. Over 1400 years later we are supposed to give these writings respect, despite them frequently calling for the mass murder of anyone and everyone who does not subscribe to them. In writing Mein Kampf, Hitler made one mistake, he should have claimed that it was dictated to him by God. Then no one in the Socialist regime and its servant, the BBC, would dare criticise either the book or anyone who based their life on the book.
‘Hitler made one mistake’
Just one? Not a few more? No?
The level of racism and hatred on these boards today, is shocking. Free speech shouldn’t be allowed to idiots like you.
I wrote ” In writing Mein Kampf, Hitler made one mistake,”. I did not say that he did not make any other mistakes. Admittedly it would have been better if I has said “one really big mistake”. As far as I remember Mein Kampf does not call for the slaughter of all non-Nazis nor of any one leaving the Nazi party and so is a little less full of hatred than the Koran.
Oh shut up Yorrick… Hitler was an admirer of islam.
Yorrick – chill out. This is liberty – I think British Power is a tosser. Chavez? That was an election that shouldn’t have been asked
I think you need to learn to read. Dagobert says:
“In writing Mein Kampf, Hitler made one mistake, he should have claimed that it was dictated to him by God.”
This is no way endorses Mein Kampf or Hitler. Instead, Dagobert is lampooning the ridiculous values of the loony-left in the UK. Dagobert is drawing a comparison with the Left’s ‘understanding’ of the most obscene and abhorrent views in the name of ‘diversity’ and ‘tolerance’.
people like that, we need to kick out of the country. I’m sorry, but its that simple.
British Power | 16.02.09 – 2:23 pm
If you kicked out an extreme muslim from the UK, it would not be so bad for him, even if he was third generation. The reason is, that if you asked him “What nationality are you?” he would say ‘Pakistani’. If you said “and what village do you come from?” he would say such and such a village even though he was born here. And if you asked him “how many relatives do you have in your village?” he would say “dozens”. And if you asked him what language he spoke he would include Urdu. And if you asked him a cultural question such as, “What should be the punishment for having a partner of the wrong religion?” he would say “death, for the honour of the family”, which is in line with the Pakistani village way of thinking.
This ability to live amongst us but remain separate is achieved by the tight control of the community. This includes the community preventing socialisation with non-muslims. And they say the BNP is racist!
“An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam.”
Susan Franklin | 16.02.09 – 4:17 pm
Plus they have no music, apart from the call to prayer which, according to Radio 4, takes 5 years to learn to do properly
Plus they have no art. Nothing to look at whilst chanting the Koran in the mosque
That religion really is a 24h 7 day brainwashing experience
There is no paradox in an institution like the BBC, employing a high proportion of gays, looking favorably on an Islam which, at least in recent times, is, in public, violently condemnatory of homosexuality.
To put it at its simplest: by discouraging contacts between unrelated members of the opposite sex, Islam, however unintentionally, encourages homosexuality – or at least the commission of homosexual acts. Much of the hatred of gays expressed for homosexuals in the Islamic world is either for western consumption or because the rules about doing these things discreetly have been broken.
It would be interesting to know how many beeboids spend their holidays in places like Tunisia or Morocco. While they are there, or while reporting from some Islamic country, the thought may well pass their minds that it would be nice if European countries were a bit more like Islamic ones.
The distinction between gay and straight would be blurry to non-existent and everybody would be seemingly bisexual. As to the treatment of women in these places – I’d imagine it would be something of indifference to them.
To put it at its simplest: by discouraging contacts between unrelated members of the opposite sex, Islam, however unintentionally, encourages homosexuality.
Unintentionally ummm?
Personally when things actually happen, I no longer believe that they are unintended consequences.
In general the law of unintentional consequences is indeed very often an myth. Spreed by those who have for one reason or another been conspiring from behind the curtain, to make it happen.
Homosexuality has long since been a way that the ruling elites like for example the catholic church have controlled certain people, the Jesuits for example. The more horrendous the crime of whatever is make and therefore the punishment. The easier it is to control these certain people. It also provides employment for the more sadistic of sexual perverts, such as executioners and inquisitors.
As any single honest man who has visited a Muslim country for long, would tell you. Gay male prostitution is perfectly rampant and usually coming to you from all directions.
wally | 16.02.09 – 11:30 pm
lets cut to the chase – because islam forbids it, arab gay sex is what the beeboids want. its more exciting.
Muslim wars
The fact that Muslims identify with the Ummah, and not the country they are ostensibly citizens of, is very disquieting.
If such is the case, then one cannot, in all honesty, call these people immigrants. Immigrants are hard working, generally mild and accomodating in the new country, and wish most of all, to integrate and assimmilate within the majority society.
Invaders or colonisers is more appropriate. Colonialism is raising its head again – but I doubt if the UN will condemn it.
Cassandra, Grant
Thank you.
Homosexuals have every reason to support Islam. Polygamy ensures there is a constant shortage of women, thus encouraging homosexuality.
Yorrick isn’t very clever. C grades were an achievement for it.
Having lived in three muslim countries, I can confirm that homosexuality, or, maybe more accurately bisexuality, is rife in these three. Can’t speak for any other muslim countries , though.
Iranian lesbian granted asylum in UK.
Isn’t it time we stopped all travel to, say, Pakistan and Somalia by males under 30 ? If only 1% of them aim to become jihadis – is that not enough reason to ban such travel – for our own safety ?
And I don’t recall any public consultation about inviting 100,000 Somalis to come to Britain. We have only the slightest historical connection with Somalia. How many are illegal immigrants ?
Some excellent posts above putting the muslim attitude in context of their 1400 year history.
Plus some excellent links
For those who switched off the Panorama programme when they saw the council letting the extremists use the hall – it got worse
For those whoi switched off when the muslim got 150,000 pound grant -it got worse
Shockingly, it turns out that the government has given them 80 million pounds so far.
As Cassandra above says, HMG is being led down the garden path. They are wasting our money. Their society is completely closed and the control of ‘the community’ is absolute. Something to do with all their kids going for 10-20 hours per week brainwashing in mosques after school.
As an example – they are not allowed white friends. Have you noticed that you never see a muslim child going anywhere with a white family. If a white family with a 10 year old boy wanted to take a 10 year old muslim boy to the cinema, for example, ‘the community’ would stop it. In a restaurant, have you ever seen a white group plus a muslim child?
‘The community’ make the SS look like amateurs.
Have you ever noticed there are no websites to find lost relations for muslims? That’s because no-one is lost. The minute they get off the plane everyone is noseying into their family affairs “which village do you come from?” etc Then the control starts.
I knew a dentist from India who would not tell the patients what his religion was. The muslim patients were more interested in whether he was muslim or hindu than in getting their teeth fixed. They simple could not stop obsessing about it.
“Can I please just do the filling?”
“Hang on a minute, important things first, what religion are you? Which village did you come from? I might know someone knows you”
They are TOTALLY OBSESSED and have no other hobbies or interests in life apart from their wicked religion.
I thin D:’s and Grimer’s theory is probably correct that the government is pretending to do something before the election. After the election, normal service will be resumed.
As DP111 said, we are heading for civil war. People who hate Britain and who work for the BBC must be very happy at the progress they are making towards the destruction of Britain. The prospect of war will not make the people who hate Britain abandon their mission, even though they and their children will suffer.
I gotta say MW that a lot of what you wrote above is absolute crap.
Then again, perhaps its just the people that you associate with is the reason why you dont see muslim kids with white families.
mailman, it is you who do not know how the muslim community operates – here is another example from personal experience:
A muslim child I know was invited to the cinema with a white family. The husband rang up the wife from Pakistan and threatened to beat up her father upon his return if she allowed the child to go.
So do you think I am correct or not when I say that 99% of muslim children aged 8-12 spend 10-20 hours per week in the mosque for brainwashing?
Does it, or does it not, say in the Koran that muslims are not allowed to be friends with non-muslims?
Here is another example of ‘the community’ in action in the news recently – a couple who were both muslim fled ‘the community’ and went to another city. They went to the Job Centre. A muslim took their details, and proceeded to contact the girl’s family, who then drove over to seize the girl.
If the BBC made an actual effort to get “British” and British Muslims to be more tolerant and integrated (which is not the same thing as condemning Islam or criticizing cultural flaws), rather than always pouring hot oil on the squeakiest wheel, we wouldn’t be having a thread like this.
The rewards system the BBC and their fellow travelers have created is really not producing the best results.
JohnA | 17.02.09 – 11:25 am
You make an excellent point about these Somalis.
I wonder how many of those who travel to Somalia, whether to see friends and family or to train for jihad, are actually refugees/asylum seekers?
Could it possibly be that one day they’re claiming that to send them back to Somalia would be terrible because of a real risk of persecution, and the next they’re booking a ticket without a care in the world. Worth investigating, I’d say.
I see lots of Saudis here in Patpong. Very bad men. .