Bail-out could raise UK debt £1.5tn.
The government’s rescue of some of Britain’s biggest banks will more than double the national debt at a stroke after government statisticians decided to classify Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland as public corporations. Their liabilities • up to £1.5tn • will be added to the taxpayer’s balance sheet.
RBS and Lloyds could add £1.5 trillion to UK debt
The Government’s stakes in Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds could add an extra £1.5 trillion to Britain’s national debt, the equivalent of 100pc of gross domestic product (GDP), the Office for National Statistics said on Thursday.
– The Telegraph
Britain faces years of tax rises as bank bailouts add £1.5TRILLION to public debt
Britain faces years of tax rises and huge cuts in public spending as the government battles to control public debt that could soar to £15trillion, an official report has revealed
The recession led to a £7bn fall in the amount of tax paid by individuals and businesses in January, data shows.
– the BBC.
Well, golly (oops!) gee, BBC – seven billion down. That’s quite a lot of money for the government to find, isn’t it?
Fortunately, this line: “It said this could add between £1tn and £1.5tn to public sector debt” is not so serious in BBC-land, and gets into the bottom paragraph of three.
I for one feel glad that the BBC has seen fit to soften the blow and indeed to try to cheer us up in these darkest days of Gordon Brown’s prudent, modernising, light-touch regulating, tough choices world-saving economic policy by concentrating on those pesky revenue losses…
You’ve just reminded me of the scene in The Muppets Movie when Joan Rivers gets Miss Piggy to pucker her lips so she can put lipstick on (to impress Kermie of course)…hilarious.
Unfortunately I couldn’t make it this week; but — like the Governor of California — “I’ll be back!”
It didn’t look all that promising anyway, so hopefully I didn’t miss too much. I shall be replaying the LiveChat in the morning (it’s a bit late for it now).
Sorry I’m a bit late on the up take, in regards to this subject, but can anybody confirm or deny for me the subject of Common Purpose, as Iv just come across This Common purpose video on You Tube, and if true the BBC and Robert Peston in particular, seem to be heavily implicated in this potential New Labour treachery.
It seems to me that someone ought to take some Common Purpose training with a hidden camera and make a documentary to expose them, even if it only goes up on YouTube or Google Video. I’m pretty sure a majority of Brits would balk at the kind of sinister political correctness on their agenda.
Why don’t you then Jason? It’s your liberty at stake just as anyone else. But the general meme on this board is always the same: “Why doesn’t SOMEONE do something about it.”
Atlas Shrugged needs to watch this because he will finally find his home with the ultimate in state conspiracy theories.
Common Purpose are of course another pack of Marxist scumbags – but I find it insulting that anyone would credit them with more than a brain cell between the lot of them. To suggest that lefty tossers are capable of creating a new world order is just a joke.
*Traffic lights are being serviced by semens. A german company. You should watch out for this, it’s important” Yeah, sure it is Gerren. The simple reason so few British companies get these jobs is because it’s important that traffic lights WORK. And the British hardly have reputation for being anything other than a pack of workshy, incompetent layabouts. Just like the allies of Common Purpose.
And I can’t believe he used the old “How did THAT get in there!” joke during his slide show. The slide being of Hitler.
Christ, I don’t know who’s worse Common Purpose or the Conspiracy Theorists.
Gerren, Gerrish, Hogwash. Who cares? The guy is a conspiracy nut who has suddenly found a purpose for his – up until now – meaningless existence.
Local government stopped funding his boat project and he got the hump. He doesn’t even try to expalin what secret, malign reason that Common Purpose had for intercepting him.
And his slide show sucks too.
Search Biased BBC
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Lousy sense of proportion here:
…compared with other news websites.
Typical BBC…
Oh, well, here it is, dodgy link notwithstanding…
Compare, dear readers, the force of the following front-page headlines from news websites and their first lines thereafter…
Bail-out could raise UK debt £1.5tn.
The government’s rescue of some of Britain’s biggest banks will more than double the national debt at a stroke after government statisticians decided to classify Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland as public corporations. Their liabilities • up to £1.5tn • will be added to the taxpayer’s balance sheet.
– The Guardian.
RBS and Lloyds could add £1.5 trillion to UK debt
The Government’s stakes in Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds could add an extra £1.5 trillion to Britain’s national debt, the equivalent of 100pc of gross domestic product (GDP), the Office for National Statistics said on Thursday.
– The Telegraph
Britain faces years of tax rises as bank bailouts add £1.5TRILLION to public debt
Britain faces years of tax rises and huge cuts in public spending as the government battles to control public debt that could soar to £15trillion, an official report has revealed
– Daily Mail
and finally…
Recession reduces total tax paid
The recession led to a £7bn fall in the amount of tax paid by individuals and businesses in January, data shows.
– the BBC.
Well, golly (oops!) gee, BBC – seven billion down. That’s quite a lot of money for the government to find, isn’t it?
Fortunately, this line: “It said this could add between £1tn and £1.5tn to public sector debt” is not so serious in BBC-land, and gets into the bottom paragraph of three.
I for one feel glad that the BBC has seen fit to soften the blow and indeed to try to cheer us up in these darkest days of Gordon Brown’s prudent, modernising, light-touch regulating, tough choices world-saving economic policy by concentrating on those pesky revenue losses…
See here how they are beginning to mock obama. Wonder if this will come up on the beeb?
Sarah Tether. Her face is too big for her head and she has no sense of humour.
Martin 11:41
Are you old enough to remember Miss Piggy from “The Muppet Show” ?
Grant: Oh yes, but isn’t that an insult to Miss Piggy?
Lay off Miss Piggy because
a) I liked her and
b) the muslim community will be offended
PS. Forgot to point out that you spelt Sarah’s name “Tether” instead of “Teather”. Bit of a giveaway, don’t you think ?
Grant: I have to admit she’s not someone I really think about 🙂
You’ve just reminded me of the scene in The Muppets Movie when Joan Rivers gets Miss Piggy to pucker her lips so she can put lipstick on (to impress Kermie of course)…hilarious.
i missed QT but have just read the live comments – tears in my eyes – thanks very much everyone. funniest thing i have read all weeek !
Unfortunately I couldn’t make it this week; but — like the Governor of California — “I’ll be back!”
It didn’t look all that promising anyway, so hopefully I didn’t miss too much. I shall be replaying the LiveChat in the morning (it’s a bit late for it now).
New York Times Stock Now Costs Less Than Sunday Paper
some great comments.
John 1:21
I thought it was one of the most boring ones, but the B-BBC comments are great entertainment !
Hi Guys,
Sorry I’m a bit late on the up take, in regards to this subject, but can anybody confirm or deny for me the subject of Common Purpose, as Iv just come across This Common purpose video on You Tube, and if true the BBC and Robert Peston in particular, seem to be heavily implicated in this potential New Labour treachery.
Not 12:42
Try this one if you want some serious background research into Common Purpose
It seems to me that someone ought to take some Common Purpose training with a hidden camera and make a documentary to expose them, even if it only goes up on YouTube or Google Video. I’m pretty sure a majority of Brits would balk at the kind of sinister political correctness on their agenda.
Why don’t you then Jason? It’s your liberty at stake just as anyone else. But the general meme on this board is always the same: “Why doesn’t SOMEONE do something about it.”
Someone is no-one.
I just watched Gerren’s talk about common purpose.
Atlas Shrugged needs to watch this because he will finally find his home with the ultimate in state conspiracy theories.
Common Purpose are of course another pack of Marxist scumbags – but I find it insulting that anyone would credit them with more than a brain cell between the lot of them. To suggest that lefty tossers are capable of creating a new world order is just a joke.
*Traffic lights are being serviced by semens. A german company. You should watch out for this, it’s important” Yeah, sure it is Gerren. The simple reason so few British companies get these jobs is because it’s important that traffic lights WORK. And the British hardly have reputation for being anything other than a pack of workshy, incompetent layabouts. Just like the allies of Common Purpose.
And I can’t believe he used the old “How did THAT get in there!” joke during his slide show. The slide being of Hitler.
Christ, I don’t know who’s worse Common Purpose or the Conspiracy Theorists.
Ratass 6:32
It is “Gerrish”, not “Gerren”.
Ratass Shagged | 20.02.09 – 6:32 pm
I agree. Fancy a pint?
Ratass Shagged | 20.02.09 – 6:13 pm | #
a) I live in America
b) I have a very sensitive gag reflex
Traffic lights are being serviced by semens. A german company.
Siemens.. I hope
frankos 11:39
It is a sticky point.
Gerren, Gerrish, Hogwash. Who cares? The guy is a conspiracy nut who has suddenly found a purpose for his – up until now – meaningless existence.
Local government stopped funding his boat project and he got the hump. He doesn’t even try to expalin what secret, malign reason that Common Purpose had for intercepting him.
And his slide show sucks too.