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Beeboid on News 24 speaking to Danny Boyle’s father. “Gordon Brown has sent him a well done message” beamed thick beeboid.
Unfortunately for the BBC Boyle’s father just thought Brown was ‘getting in on the act’
Beeboid was all flustered.
The BBC licking Gordon’s arse is what we do.
Trevor Kavanagh makes an excellent point about the bushy bearded halfwits living in the UK and the EU
When will the BBC and Nu Liebour wake up?
Beeboids counter-attacking on all fronts ! Lots of space given to human rights ishoos of various members of the self detonating community, who at some stage in their fight against the evil west, passed through Heathrow.
The efforts to rewrite economic reallity carry on apace and it was nothing to do with nulab.
Meanwhile the numerous important figures waiting patiently in line to meet the Dear Leader now includes Obama, the Pope, Metalica and Kate Twinset.
listen again to Andrew Marr “start the weak” (delib misspell) about how wonderful it would be to be living under a Muslim state.
Quite incredible how gullible so called intellectuals can be.
Should swap their horseshit degrees for a modicum of reality, or come spend a couple of hours with mr and mrs Blighty to see our opinions!!!
David Vance
I don’t know if others are getting this, but my browser is flagging this blog as having ‘objectionable content’.
Objectionable to the BBC maybe, but certainly no kiddie fiddlers or porn here. So could it be the language?
I was driving this morning & had to switch off “Start the Week” on radio 4 twice. First when they went over to Hamas fan Alastair Crook for an interview & later on when they were talking about some new opera by the bloke (Adams) who wrote the disgusting “Death of Klinghoffer” when, from the discussion, it seemed to me that the whole atomic bomb was invented by & perpetrated by emigre Jews! This was just too much to stomach on a Monday morning.
The BBC has shown is it is a major player in the censorship game, and can exercise enormous power. This sinister organisation is not our friend.
One-armed presenter is scaring children, parents tell BBC
Which are you? Do you support this woman being taken off the air or do you support her being on the air?
I did see her in action a few weeks ago and thought it “odd” that she had an arm missing and my daughter does go “sore sore” pointing at her missing arm everytime she is on screen BUT apart from that I severly doubt my 2yo daughter is going to be having nightmares about her.
Sometimes parents can be morons.
My only criticism is if she was only hired by Al Beeb because she had an arm missing.
The likelyhood of Al Beeb ever confirming that is probably as likely as Al Beeb willingly releasing the Balen report.
Start the Week (Badly) with Marr managed to touch all bases this morning. Alastair Crooke extolling Islam and slagging off Western civilisation, criticism by some dumb woman of Israel’s actions in Gaza plus a claim that Christianity had killled far more people than Islam – and then the trout claims that the US were evil for using the atom bomb to end WW2.
11am news mentions the bomb attack in Egypt that killed one French student and injured many more. “There is no indication who is behind the attack”. That is a fatuous statement, a grossly misleading statement. It is an entirely fair inference that this is just a repeat of previous attacks on tourists – by Islamist terrorists.
If she was only hired because of her disability, I don’t think I’d have a problem with it. After all, the backlash reveals how much absurd prejudice there is out there, and this can only help the next generation develop with fairer attitudes.
Ditto ipreferred:
It’s not like me to defend Auntie • but I think having a disabled presenter is a positive role model for children i.e. over-coming adversity etc… So providing this lady is a competent presenter and I’ve seen no evidence to the contrary – then good on her and the BBC for employing her.
As for those parents who think that a one-armed presenter is going to give their children nightmares • the solution is simple • stop complaining and start communicating with you kids i.e. tell them she is a nice lady who simply lost an arm in an accident and that there is nothing to be frightened about. If you take the time to really talk to children, it is amazing what they can take onboard.
Mohamed, just ask and Social Services will oblige your every whim.
“Binyam Mohamed, the former British resident, has been released from Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba and is on his way back to Britain.”
Britain the most stupid country in the world
Any one see last night’s BBC 1 news?
Headline story was a puff piece, pure press release, straight out of Downing Street on how Brown was to be the first to get an audiene with Obama in March, presented with excessive and flowery launguage about what a coup this was for the government. That was it. That was the story.
Quickly followed by yet more coverage and yet more panting anticipation on the Oscars. Being a bit slow on the uptake, I had begun to wonder why the BBC was giving the Oscars SO much air time, and then of course realised…..
Ian Infidel:
Agreed. And I bet the authorities won’t ask any tough questions about him sub-letting his housing association flat.
Nor will the BBC ask him any tough questions about what he was doing in Afganistan, Pakistan etc…
Forged passports – two words you won’t be hearing from a BBC reporter.
Ben R.Furman reviews Dr. Jamie Glazov`s new book and gives a brief insight of the Left’s hatred and rejection of Western civilisation
United In Hate — The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror
The BBC still dodges the question as to why the latest towel head is being allowed back into the UK. “He lived here since he was 15” screeched some female beeboid on Radio 5.
Any half decent journalist would ask “so frigging what?”
But of course the BBC probably see him as a potential Labour voter so why not?
Just Journalism Panel Event
In light of the recent Israeli elections and the situation in Gaza, Just Journalism, sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle, will be hosting the following discussion:
‘Do the British media have an obsession with Israel?’
Chaired by Stephen Pollard (Editor of the Jewish Chronicle), the panellists include
Jon Snow (Presenter of Channel 4 News)
Alex Brummer (City Editor, Daily Mail)
Peter Wilby (former Editor of the New Statesman)
Robin Shepherd (Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House)
The event will be held on Tuesday March 17th, 8.15pm, and admission is £5
For booking details, please ring the JC line at 020 7415 1573, or email
St Moazzam
St Jean the martyr
St Binyam
Just need another 9 for the twelve.
After all those Beeboid types swooning over Slumdog, they should wake up and realise that everywhere else tortures people, but the determination of the average Beeboid to implicate their own country in torturing St Binyam will not rest.
Abandon Ship!:
St Moazzam
St Jean the martyr
St Binyam
………………….Andrew Marr is having an extension built to his potting shed in order to provide space for his new friends now happily reunited.
I wonder when the the Beeboids will reflect upon the fact that not very long ago their Islamist pals turned slumdog’s home town into a free fire zone.
The bBC it’s joy of brinign Islamic terrorists to the UK and half the story.
I see the bottles of Non-alocholic champagne will be cracked open tonight. Anyway;
Profile: Binyam Mohamed
Binyam Mohamed has an unenviable distinction: The last recognised British resident to be held in the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba….
Binyam Mohamed al Habashi was born in Ethiopia on 24 July 1978.
In 1994 he arrived in the UK and sought asylum on the basis of his family’s opposition to the Ethiopian government.
I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention from which country Mr Mohhamed arrived from after having 2 years there?, also why don’t they mention that it was his fther who claimed asylum and that on not getting it, he returned to ‘Ethopia’.
I give up. Tell you what If I see this man on the tube I will have no problem smashing his f-ing teeth in.
Are you reading this bBC wankers.
Binyam Mohammed
Arrived in the UK illegally having first tried his luck in the US
Never got assylum
Left the UK illegally
Was attempting to travel illegally
There is no reason this man should be in the UK and on the contrary according the immigration ‘rules’ he should be deported back to Ethipia forthwith.
Indeed unless Brown and Nulabour make special exception for him he must be deported back to Ethiopia and receive a minimum 10 year ban on re-entry to the UK.
Any chance of a have your say on this BBC? No, didn’t think so, it would keep the moderators too busy with the banned content…
Bron: The fat one eyed snot eating tosspot wants the 4 million Moozlum votes in the UK. Do you really think he’s going to kick him out?
BBC now going full blast on the Binyan Jihadist story.
Always mentioning his allegations of torture – seldom if ever mentioning the allegations against him.
But the BBC are enabled to keep up their drumming-up of sympathy for the creep by the supine actions of UK Ministers. They should not be allowing the jihadist back into the UK in the first place.
What price now to support him and the swarm of lawyers who will surround him ? Another couple of million pounds ?
I know this has been covered elsewhere, but the love-fest on the BBC TV One O’clock news was quite obnoxious. Even my wife • who has zero interest in political affairs • was sickened by it. The return of Binyam Mohamed was the lead item. Fair enough I suppose, but was it really necessary to interrupt the remainder of the news • not once but twice • to a. show his plane landing and b. to show the plane doors opening.
Binyam Mohamed is not a visiting head of state, rock star, celebrity or even a freed hostage • he is a failed asylum seeker who broke the conditions of his residency status by travelling to Pakistan and Afghanistan. He is a suspected terrorist and a man who thinks nothing of breaking our laws and of using forged passports to bypass immigration control.
So why the rock-star treatment? Ah! The allegations of torture. Firstly, they are only that • allegations. Secondly • they were covered in detail in the original 5-8 minute piece. So did we really need to return to the story? His plane landed, the doors opened • wow! Just what were the BBC expecting to happen?
Two further points • why does the BBC continually refer to this man as a British resident. This is factually incorrect. As the GVN have repeatedly made clear, this man voluntarily breached his residency conditions and at the moment his immigration status has not yet been determined. Of course, he will be allowed to stay • but that is due to the political climate • not any automatic entitlement to British residency. He forfeited that right when he boarded the plane to Pakistan.
Second point • The BBC recounted his capture by saying • it is alleged that Binyam Mohamed tried to board a plane in Pakistan back to Britain on a forged passport. Since this odious man is not a British citizen and since he is not entitled to a British passport, then how can the British passport that he used in Pakistan be anything other than a forgery? Clearly, this is not an allegation • it is a fact. I notice that the BBC also failed to mention his nefarious sub-letting activities i.e. how he’s been coining it in at taxpayer’s expense even while he’s been living in Guantanamo Bay.
No doubt their will be a press conference, no doubt the Liberals will lap-up the allegations of torture and no doubt he’s in line for a bucket-load of compensation + book deals etc… some of which, will inevitably feed its way back into the coffers of Al Qaeda and or other radical groups. Still no more fighting for Binyam Mohamed • his job now will be to radicalize the Muslim youth here in Britain. Me and you • the taxpayer • will pay for it; while Auntie • the broadcaster we pay for • will provide the free and uncritical publicity. Brilliant, bloody brilliant!
Rob 12:47
I can only assume you mean an earlier Sunday news bulletin.
From the 10pm BBC News I could only presume that Michelle Hussein wants to move house and needs some of the £14 billion that Northern Rock will be lending for it to happen – because she just sounded so excited about the lending. It wasn’t what she said – just the way she said it.
…I did see her in action a few weeks ago and thought it “odd” that she had an arm missing and my daughter does go “sore sore” pointing at her missing arm everytime she is on screen BUT apart from that I severly doubt my 2yo daughter is going to be having nightmares about her.
Sometimes parents can be morons.
mailman | 23.02.09 – 11:52 am |
I had nightmares and fears about many things when I was a child – and a lot older than two – including a fear of a man who had an artificial limb, not that I had to see him daily on my TV or even go anywhere very close to him. I didn’t tell a soul about this at the time.
Yes, parents can be morons, as when they go along with things simply because the BBC has decided what the children should see or be told – or indoctrinated in, I should say.
When it comes to showing disabled people on TV, I would say that the BBC has been remiss for a long time. It has been too busy for years obsessing about skin colour to actually think whether it is being proportional and balanced in what it shows of all sorts of people in society (including diabled people).
However, I do not support the BBC making up for lost time by targeting very young children for some of its social engineering and indoctrination drives in an aggressive and in-your-children’s-face way. Putting on someone to flaunt a bare incomplete limb to two-year-olds upwards is not the right way. That is what it looks like to me from that photo – it’s not as if there is a cardigan sleeve or something where a limb would be, but what looks like an unfinished arm left bare to be seen. That isn’t taking account of children who might be alarmed or scared or read things into what it is and what it means. Children can imagine all sorts of things that you might not think of.
The BBC doesn’t know or care how children might view that or how they might be affected by it. Parents should, and I applaud those who have recognised that their children might think all sorts and have nightmares etc. It doesn’t mean at all that they are bigots or are bringing up their children badly – they are, rightly, protecting them from unnecessary upset and disturbance while they are young and impressionable. No doubt they will also advise them in suitable ways when it arises naturally that they meet disabled people in daily life.
So Jacqui Smith can deport a Dutch anti-Muslim rabble-rouser, and a (wacky) Christian gay-basher without much trouble.
On the other hand, a Gitmo wannabe ‘dirty bomber’ is given Hollywood treatment and will expect to join his Islamist chums on the gravy train – courtesy of Muggins Taxpayer.
On the other hand, a Gitmo wannabe ‘dirty bomber’ is given Hollywood treatment
Indeed. Meanwhile our actual Hollywood Oscar winner Kate Winslet is deemed not worthy of being seen on the front page whereas the Ethiopian terrorist is of course.
Who said Bunyan Mohammed is being given Hollywood treatment? I don’t know where on earth you came up with that idea.
And the idea that he ‘will expect to join his Islamist chums on the gravy train – courtesy of Muggins Taxpayer’
Again, based on what? It seems like you just made that up. I’ve not heard anyone say anything about benefits, or an easy life. At best you are assuming, at worst you’re making something up completely.
The traitorous nulabour regime have imported an islamist enemy into the UK and he is in line for hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayer cash, more than our dead tommies will ever get, and he will be a recruiting poster boy for the islamists who plot against us in the uk!
The BBC are beside themselves with joy at the islamists heros return, a red carpet welcome awaits him, every islamist/yuman rites brief/leftist will be over the moon and the taxpayer will be left with the bill and our tommies will go on being killed and maimed by this vermins friends and allies.
Welcome to new Britain, a place of refuge for islamists and a place for them to plot against us while being paid lavish benefits courtesy of the taxpayer, makes you want to weep doesnt it?
New labour have betrayed us all from the depths of my soul I curse them and wish them a traitors death, I wish in vain and cry alone for my dying homeland.
Gus Haynes: Been glue sniffing again have we?
He’s going to be on the benefits gravy train just like all the other bone idle bushy bearded tosspots.
He’s going to no doubt put in a claim for ‘compenshayshun’ for his time in jail.
He will no doubt be picking up a nice pay cheque for ‘his story’ from the BBC. I heard some tosspot beeboid hoping he’d get the first interview. Why? I don’t give a shit if this tosspot is never heard from again.
And are all Muzzie’s homosexuals?
I heard one BBC report claiming that part of his ‘torture’ was to have naked women paraded in front of him.
That’s torture? (Well OK if it was Clare Short, Harriet Harman, Diane Abbot or Cherie Bliar it would be)
Gus Haynes,
The terrorist vermin has already been allocated a place to stay courtesy of the taxpayer, he went to the head of the line before he even arrived in the UK, after being given a hotel room he will be handed the keys to a council rented house within a few days, benefits advisors will be on hand and he will take his place at the public teat, from there he will screw every last penny he can out of the taxpayer.
Yuman rites ambulance chasers will flock round him like carrion crows begging for a piece of the action, all this has been done a thousand times before by all the other vermin that came before him, I promise you that this terrorist scum will bleed us for everything he can get while doing everything he can to help his terrorist vermin friends wage their jihad against us.
Gus Haynes
The jihadist is being given star treatment, headlined every hour – and this will probably continue for days, he has already been endlessly trailed by the BBC. With little info given on all the stuff that caused the US authories to keep him among the hardcore still remaining at Guantanamo, just endless foghorning of his allegations of torure.
You suggest there is no reason to expect him to rely on state benefits when he arrives here ? You must be utterly naive. He already has public housing from us – which he is renting out to someone else, apparently. And he won’t be looking for legal aid to support various claims against us ? You are having a laugh, aren’t you ?
If you spout tosh like that you don’t deserve to be taken seriously.
so, 3 answers, none providing a single piece of evidence nor proof for their claims. all saying ‘you just know that he’ll get bla bla’ or ‘of course he’ll get…’. Yet no proof, at all. At all. Thats when this site becomes a mockery, when ill informed scaremongerers make claims without any evidence at all.
Yeah, I’m sure he’ll go back to being a normal, law-abiding, productive member of society with no state assistance whatsoever. Yup.
Seriously though, this guy’s now got it made. He’s basically got a free pass to commit an act of Koranic Literalism. And when he does, his apologists will cry, ‘z0mg he wuz tortchured by teh nastee americunz!11!LOL u wud do teh same!1!!LOL’ taking the onus away from him being a member of a vile, medieval deathcult and on to the fact that he had a flannel put over his face and water poured on it or a pair of knickers put over his head and his genitals made fun of.
Reminded me of their coverage of Mandelas release. Same uncritical one sided we can’t believe anybody does not agree with us attitude.
Government said that although he was being let in he would not necessary be allowed to stay here for ever.
Didn’t they same about the Afghan hijackers. He will be here as long as the tax payer funded civil rights lawyers can make money from him. Or until we get a better government in power.
Gus Haynes:
“And the idea that he ‘will expect to join his Islamist chums on the gravy train – courtesy of Muggins Taxpayer’. Again, based on what?”
1. The fact that he lived in social housing the last time he was here. In fact, officially he is still a Housing Association tenant. He has been illegally sub-letting his social housing flat to a family of Turkish (I believe) immigrants.
2. Who do you think is going to pay for….
a. The round the clock police surveillance operation. Or do you believe that a man accused of a dirty-bomb plot should be allowed to roam the streets unwatched?
b. His legal team and the inevitable claim for compensation.
c. His living expenses • until his compensation cash, exclusive TV interviews and book deals come through.
3. He has no real qualifications and worked as a cleaner (no shame in that) last time he was here; so he is unlikely to be able to support himself in the immediate future.
4. The fact that many of his fellow radicals • not only live of welfare • but revel in it.
“Who said Bunyan Mohammed is being given Hollywood treatment?”
1. He flew into RAF Northolt (not Stansted) in a private, executive jet. Hardly Ryanair is it. Who do you think paid for all of that? Islamic suicide bombers anonymous!
2. The BBC interrupted the 1 O’clock news on two occasions • once to show his jet landing; the second to show the doors of his plane opening. How often does the corporation do this? Normally only when heroes return from some misadventure or when an international figure of the most importance arrives i.e. the Pope or the U.S president.
3. How long did Bunyan Mohammed have to queue at UK immigration? When I came from Germany last week, I had a one and half hour wait for someone to scan my passport. Despite not being a UK citizen, Mr Mohammed had about a five minute wait while immigration officers filled out his temporary stay visa.
So basically Gus • he has had the Hollywood treatment and he will be sponging off us for some time to come. So please don’t try to pretend that Mr Mohamed is being treated like an average Joe.
One further point • I notice from the BBC story that “Mr Mohamed was accompanied by a doctor during his flight and said he was neither physically nor mentally capable of facing the media on the moment of his arrival back to Britain”
Yeah right! He didn’t want to face the media scrum, in case some journalists from the Daily Mail, Sun or Sky, started asking awkward question about his drug rehabilitation visit to the largest drug producing country in the world • Afghanistan. His cover story is a bit like an alcoholic caught breaking into a brewery and then claiming that he got lost looking for the local alcoholic anonymous meting in the church hall. What Mr Mohamed really meant was this… I’ll wait and give my interviews to sympathetic journalists i.e., BBC, Guardian etc…. and then the questions/interviews can be tightly controlled by my lawyers and with the first exclusive I can get a big fat donation to my favourite charity • which won’ be Christian aid.
which won’ be Christian aid.
Jonathan | 23.02.09 – 4:09 pm
Might be. Have you looked at Christian Aid, lately?
Gus Haynes,
If you ever are into horse racing, you know that you predict the outcome of a race on past form of the horses taking part.
Past form of our government in dealing with Islamofascists is very poor.
But if you dont believe me, I`ll give you 50 to 1 that the non British waster will get compensation and benefits.
Are you taking the bet ?
Point taken 🙂
Gus Haynes: You really are a twat.
“Welcome to new Britain, a place of refuge for islamists and a place for them to plot against us while being paid lavish benefits courtesy of the taxpayer, makes you want to weep doesnt it?
New labour have betrayed us all from the depths of my soul I curse them and wish them a traitors death, I wish in vain and cry alone for my dying homeland.”
You don’t cry alone. It breaks my heart every day too, and most of my friends(mostly, working class Mancunians) feel exactly the same way. That’s why they’re voting BNP in the Euro elections. How else can we stop this madness?
Seriously, does anyone think the Tories would do anything differently? I mean, where are the Tories on this? Silent, tacitly aquiescent, or boo-hooing about ‘torture’.
The Conservative Party website doesn’t mention Binyam Mohamed, neither does Ian Dale or Conservative Home. Sensible grassroots Tories get very upset over this sort of thing, but the leadership doesn’t want to know. I don’t understand why anyone with even moderately right-of-centre views would contemplate voting Tory. They’re worse than Labour – seriously.
Gus want a bet, for every whole year less than ten years that he is in this country and on benefits or in prison for crimes not yet commited I will give you £100 if for every full year over ten years he is in this country and claiming benefits or in prison for crimes not yet commited you give me £10
Are your posts on this subject meant to be taken seriously or are you having a laugh ?
This evening’s R5 Live Drive began with reference to “British resident Binyam Mohamed….”
I emailed the following:
Can we now expect the BBC to refer to “Swiss resident Lewis Hamilton” during the next F1 season and “Dubai resident Peter Ebdon” when the world snooker championships begin?
The next two bulletins, read out by Anita Anand, described him as a “British citizen”. I queried this via email and they’ve now reverted to “British resident”. In fact, Anand has just pointed out to an interviewee that Mohamed isn’t a British citizen. There was no explanation why she herself described him as such less than half an hour before.
“Nationalised banks and BBC must reveal top salaries”
(by Robert Verkaik, Law Editor)
“Highly paid executives and presenters working for the BBC, and bosses of the newly nationalised banks, must disclose details of salaries and bonuses, the information watchdog says today.
“The new rules published by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will throw light on the pay packets of senior staff employed by a range of public bodies in receipt of subsidies.
Scandals involving the broadcaster Jonathan Ross and the former Haringey children’s services boss, Sharon Shoesmith, have brought the issue of accountability and pay into the spotlight.”
I can only hope that this worthless piece of Muzzie shit has been given a council house stuffed full of MI5 bugs.
Of course the BBC are ejaculating in their collective pants at the idea of a terrorist being given the Royal Return to the UK. The BBC are nothing more than terrorists themselves, albeit cowardly armchair terrorists.
Hope the next bomb that goes off courtesy of their Islamic friends gets a few BBC staffers. No loss to anyone.