Blanket coverage for Bono
Unfortunately with the wrong kind of blanket.
Bono is very busy; hassling world leaders, campaigning, singing in an American accent.
“You may not know much about it, but I bet you RECKON something”
(David Mitchell)
Celebrity opinions are just like any other opinions, but more passionate.
Besides the obvious reasons why the Beeb might be pally with Bono & chums there’s another question here.
Once again, if there is a point of a “uniquely funded” national broadcaster its to provide content that the commercial market can’t or won’t provide and that has a British emphasis. In the field of popular music they should surely be providing scarce national airtime to “edgy” British acts who might otherwise be squeezed out by established stuff and the evils of Satan Cowell.
In fairness to the Beeb Radio 1 generally performs this function pretty well but saturation U2 coverage is the antithesis of this approach given that a) they haven’t recorded anything decent in years and b) last time I looked they were Irish.
Loved your Mitchell and Webb quote! Great stuff.
Here’s a celebrity with a great message going the rounds of the internet right now. It’s priceless! A must read for everyone at B-BBC.
Last week, Robin Williams made a speech in New York. He wore a t-shirt with ” I love NY ” in Arabic.
Then he broke ranks with the celebrity Left and made this amazing speech:
Robin Williams’ plan…
‘I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here’s one plan.’
1) ‘The US will apologize to the world for our ‘interference’ in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those ‘good ‘ole’ boys’, we will never ‘interfere’ again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , and the Philippines . They don’t want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave We’ll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They’re illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don’t like it there, change it yourself and don’t hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don’t need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign ‘students’ over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don’t attend classes, they get a ‘D’ and it’s back home baby.
6) The US will make a strong effort to become self- sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don’t like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not ‘interfere.’ They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don’t need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us ‘Ugly Americans’ any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH..learn it…or LEAVE…Now, isn’t that a winner of a plan?
‘The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.’ She’s got a baseball bat and she’s yelling, ‘you want a piece of me?’ ‘
Isn’t it great!! David P – do you have more on this?
The fact that he wears sunglasses indoors tells you everything you need to know.
The Daily Politics Live Chat Midday Today
well there kind of half irish/brit.larry and the edge were born in britain.but agree,this band never really had anything to say back in the 80`s except an epic nothingness. now along with slumdog they tick all the beebs boxes
Ricky Martin. Now there’s an artist who I’d like to see given saturation coverage, especially if he wheels out Anna Kournikova again. The Robin Williams thing was a hoax from years ago though.
Classic example of the BBC mindset on the Today programme this morning with John Wilson interviewing Bono. Wilson couldn’t comprehend how anyone – even future historians – could have anything positive to say about George Bush.
John Wilson: You had quite a lot of close dealings with George Bush and now that he is no longer the most powerful man in the world are you allowed to be more candid about your opinions because I know you’re very guarded because you got him involved in your AIDS in Africa campaign? Are you allowed to have an opinion now, or do you have to be a diplomat?
John Wilson: But does it make you feel uncomfortable on a personal level because he is now the most unpopular president in history and history will judge him very harshly, and at the moment you are the man who defends George Bush in this conversation?
Bono: Yeah, it’s annoying, um…
John Wilson: In fact you are the only man.
Bono: Yeah, I might be the only one.
“From today U2 will be on BBC One, BBC Two, Radio 1, Radio 2 and Radio 4.”
The Telegraph missed out Radio 5L – they’re on Simon Mayo on Friday.
Just caught Vicki pollard on 5 lite talking about the latest poll that shows most of us hate the fat one eyed jock.
So how did the BBC do a balanced approach on this?
3 leftist guests of course. One from the Times, one from the New Statesman and some other leftie arse licker. Oh and some callers telling us that Gordon is great really.
So all is well in BBC land again. They’ve done their ‘duty’ for Nu Liebour today.
Oh and don’t forget folks. Whitey is banned from Eastenders tonight.
I just wonder how that will go down with Equity?
As for Bozo. The man is just an utter tosser.
Talking of the BBC promoting things, I notice the BBC has been hammering this strictly Come Dancing for schools all morning.
“All good harmless touching” said a teacher.
Hmm. Well firstly I can think of a certain religion that will object to that. Next is dancing really a substitute for competitive sports for boys in particular?
Oh and how long before some boy is prosecuted for touching a girl in a dancing lesson?
Finally why is the BBC bigging this up? Oh of course the BBC has a Strictly Come Dancing tour going on.
If the BBC is so keen on commercial opportunities then great. Can we scrap the TV tax please?
I missed the John Wilson interview with Bono.
How on earth can Wilson say that history will condemn Bush ? Who can say what historians of the future will say ? That is utter bias by Wilson – ignorant as well.
A central reason for Bush’s unpopularity was Iraq. With the final swep-up under way in Mosul, with promising results fromthe elections and more elections on the way, it is looking more and more as though Iraq will be chalked up as a major change for the good in the Middle East, albeit at a large cost in life. Obama will find himself bogged down in Afghanistan – Bill Ayers is now calling it a disaster – and Bush will start to be recognised as a successful Commander in Chief. Plus – people will hanker for the days of Dow Jones well above 10,000, not down at 7000 or so and still falling with no sign of a floor.
Is Bono not the multi-millionaire rock star who set up a tax haven in Holland, yet wants us (the non-multi-millionaire rock stars) to pay off 3rd-world debt from our taxes AND fund charities for the 3rd-world from what little remains after having paid the taxes which he avoids?
Allan@Oslo: YES YES YES
Amazing, isn’t it, how the BBC let facts like that simply slip through their fingers.
But then the middle class, leftist claptrap brigade wouldn’t know hypocracy if it slapped them round the face wrapped in a kipper.
Though, the people that listen to Bono’s bullshit aren’t likely to even undertsand that the Government doesn’t have any money. Just the taxpayers.
Ricky Martin 24.02.09 – 11:10 am:
Thanks Ricky, loved the Robin Williams post. I’ve emailed it to all my American-hating liberal friends.
God how I hate Bono. Hypocritical, narcissistic idiot with not one ounce of talent. Everyone knows it was The Edge who made U2, not that preening, prancing front-man. Now, having taken shed loads of my cash for his band’s albums and run away to tax-free Holland with it, he has the temerity to tell me how to spend what little of my hard-earned is left after this rapacious government has plundered its fill. To have this fool rammed down my throat by the public broadcaster I (we) fund is sickening, truly sickening.
And what the f*ck sort of a name is “Bono” anyway? Spell it backwards and you get closer to the essence of the man.
“If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.”
– Alice Cooper
We live in a world where a narcissist can give himself the false name “Bonio” and, amazingly, everyone calls him that. Bonio is a “social activist” and the only person ever to have been nominated for an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, a Grammy and a Nobel Peace Prize. His furry credentials are sexy beyond belief, so leave him alone. This is a man who has never made a single cent from his own altruism and who rises from his bed each morning only for the good of others. “Stay in bed Bonio”, they say, “stay in bed.” “No, no”, says Bonio, “I must rise for others.” This is why, recently, we were all very sad to learn that Bonio did not put in his usual appearance at Davos for this year’s World Economic Forum. And in a year when world economics needed him more than ever! The repercussions will be monumental and tragic.
Andy | 24.02.09 – 1:00 pm | #
Thanks Andy for all your great comments.
And what does Bonio, Lennox, etc have in common?
A new tour, record or gig to promote.
And what do they shout:
” We don’t know what we want, but we want it now!”
That is, to be back in the public eye….again. And again. And again.
And what do these neanderthals have in common. That favourite Beeboid word…passion. Which means lots of emotional unintelligence.
As for the rest of us…we are as mad as hell, and we won’t take it any more!
The biggest joke was the BBC’s ‘Earth day’ concert. Hundreds of over inflated ego’s spouting to the prolls about saving the world whilst THEY travel around the planet in their corporate jets and their home in every Country.
It’s not a new thing – not for Radio 1, anyway. I can remember Simon Bates going ballistic over Foreigner’s “I want to know what love is” during the winter of 84-5.
And funnily enough, one of the first emails I ever sent – which must make it about 99-00 – was to Simon Mayo telling him how tiring the endless plugs were for…..U2!
Chuffer: You didn’t send an email till 1999????
Sent my first one in about 1992.
I’m sure someone can beat that.
Robin Williams said something which irritated me recently, something lefty – so I can’t imagine he said those rational things above. There’s been a few hoaxes like this doing the rounds.
I have just been chatting with some Dutch friends who are surprised to learn that Holland is a tax haven. Or is it only for Bono ?
Anyone who names themselves after a mispelt dog biscuit and flys the world first class preaching how we should not fly the world could only be taken seriously by the BBC. Who else listens to this hypocritical old fart?
I spent most of the 1990s saying: “Farmer with email address has one too many staff.”
Last week, we lost the Internet for a couple of days – I thought my life had ended!
have you noticed how bono and robin williams are looking more and more alike
I have just been chatting with some Dutch friends who are surprised to learn that Holland is a tax haven. Or is it only for Bono ?
Grant | 24.02.09 – 4:45 pm | #
The Netherlands is not a tax haven, you are correct to mention that, but if your Dutch friends had been more aware, they would have informed you that Aruba is a tax haven, and is still a Dutch possession. So I guess you need to contact your Dutch friends back, and confirm/deny what I have just written. Tot straks jongen!.
Grant, I just remembered another tax haven that is part of the Kingdom of the Netherland, that haven being called Netherlands Antilles.
Bono’s french riviera five story beachfront villa at Eze Bord de Mer, from which he worries about world poverty
Reckon you could get several hundred starving African children in there if you wanted to. But then there is a difference between public life and private life isn’t there? Or is that what they used to call “hipocrisy”?
Im not sure how to confirm or deny this, but Bono had his hat flown first class when he forgot it.His hat.
True. Bono did have his hat fly first class.
But remember folks it’s okay for hats to fly first class as long as they belong on the over-inflated heads of eco-nutjobs like Nobo.
Though, the people that listen to Bono’s bullshit aren’t likely to even understand that the Government doesn’t have any money. Just the taxpayers.
I am afraid to tell you the following, as knowing this could send an otherwise sane, hard working, honest person, over the proverbial edge.
Read on if you wish, however you have been warned.
The government has not only no money of its own, it has now a couple or so trillion £’s worth of debt.
Whats even worse then that, is that it is OUR future taxes that are underwriting this perfectly enormous amount of government borrowing.
THIS IS A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY of the highest possible order. Which has been organized at the highest possible level. Which is a level even higher then The Bilderberg group, and The CFR.
Of course these people will argue that causing massive world wide debt slavery in complete and absolute conspiracy with elected/selected government, is better then their more normal tried and tested method of organizing yet another WORLD WAR.
Which of course it most likely is. However this was the excuse, or reasoning they gave during the 1930’s, and we all know what happened a few years later on, do we not?
In the past all such arranged to happen and therefore deliberately organized financial ‘events’ where always followed by mass murder on an ever larger scale.
So if history is anything to go by, ( which it ALWAYS has been in the past ) then I personally guess between half to 2 billion people world wide are currently living out their last few years on Earth. Of which I also guess at least 10-20 million will be British citizens.
My advice is to not panic, take up some kind of religion ASAP, and die as hard as possible. Always remembering that it is THE BBC and the people who control it, who has been working overtime keeping all us innocent, law abiding, over trusting, tax paying mushrooms in the dark, while feeding us on utter bullshit, for our entire lives.
Bono works for a record company. ALL record companies are run/owned by the same establishment that runs The BBC. Know this, and understand EVERYTHING. Know this not, and know nothing whatsoever worth knowing.
Bono is a complete idiot, with innocent Irish, and other blood on his hands. Therefore most likely has absolutely no real idea who is really pulling his strings, or why the ESTABLISHMENTS banking elites have indirectly long since been doing so.
the antidote to bono – Dambisa Moyo- author of “dead aid”.
not likely to be invited on start the week, desert island discs, today programme…. etc etc…
You’ve just got to admire Atlas’s ability to take a post on anything and construct an almost reasonable narrative that later sinto a conspiracy theory.
Come on Atlas – fess up – you’re Jeremy Clarkson aren’t you?
Wall to wall Bonio – how dreary, The Edge remains cool though.
“later turns into” sorry – I haven’t gone all Lilly Allen on you
Alas Shrugged has posted another lengthy article, lets take a peek:
“Bono works for a record company. ALL record companies are run/owned by the same”…….now what could the next words possibly be?, yep, as feared the dreaded words “the establishment”.
That interview with Dambiso Moyo says it all about Africa and pouring money down a drain – to the detriment of ordinary Africans.
He compares to China – just 20 years since the shackles of total communism were thrown off, there are now a quarter of the population at or near western-style living standards already. I was travelling a bit in China last month, amazing progress going on there.
The Radio 4 arts prog at 7.15 was given over in full to interviewing Bono et al. Utterly boring. Interviewer spent some time fishing for criticisms of George Bush – what a surprise.
And we are forced to pay for this crap ?
The problem with “conspiracy theory” as everyone knows who’s ever been anywhere near the centre of events, is that reality is just staggering from one cock-up to another, whilst the next cock-up is around the corner waiting. That’s why conspiracy theories are so popular with adolescents, who have not enough experience to know this.
ColinW 5:35
Yes, thanks. Tax havens have to be in warm climates, preferably near beaches, so that rules out Holland in winter.
Antilles seems more like Bono, than Holland !
Andrew 5:40
I would have thought Bono could afford something a bit further away from a main road. Maybe I should send him a donation, poor boy.
Atlas 7:21
I certainly agree with you that “Bono is an idiot” and also thank you for your advice not to panic. Actually, I wasn’t panicking until I read your post.
“I am afraid to tell you the following, as knowing this could send an otherwise sane, hard working, honest person, over the proverbial edge,” sats Atlas.
Yup, you’re darn right there, matey!
The Edge? ‘Cool’? Anyone afraid to admit to the world that he is bald is not cool.
So, Bono refuses to criticise Bush and yet you all rip into him still? Even though no one knows anything about his politics, people have made up their minds. I too hate celebrities interfering in political events, bandwagon jumping etc. But this is ridicuous. There is so much bias at the BBC at the moment that the key issue of discussion is about…Bono. Says it all. BBC Biased is a joke. The odd piece of bias that may exist is ignored, cos you spend all the time actually searching for bias, and we all know that anything can be found if one looks hard enough. Look down the list of recent topics, and think; how many of these issues are actually about Bias? None – they are all about stories that the contributors are angry about, and rather than just writing about thier anger, they make up this supposed bias to create a platform to air their views.
Care to comment on that? Or maybe youd prefer to just insult me, or call me a leftie or a BBC stooge? Cos whenever I or anyone raises a valid point about the lack of proof or logic on this site, thats what happens – generalisations and character assassinations. No reasoned repsonses, just insults.
Binyam 8:49
I think you are over-generalising. There are many reasoned comments on this website, if you take the time to read them. You can always scroll down when you come to the insults.
Binyam Mohamed | 24.02.09 – 8:49 pm |
you are gus haynes and i claim my five pounds.
“Oh and how long before some boy is prosecuted for touching a girl in a dancing lesson?”
Even if they have been shagging behind the bike sheds for months.
But this is ridicuous. There is so much bias at the BBC at the moment that the key issue of discussion is about…Bono. Says it all. BBC Biased is a joke. The odd piece of bias that may exist is ignored, cos you spend all the time actually searching for bias, and we all know that anything can be found if one looks hard enough.
Binyam Mohamed | 24.02.09 – 8:49 pm |
there is so much bias at the bbc
the odd piece of bias may exist
slight contradiction there gussy.
Almost always found U2 arse-clenchingly overwrought and earnest and don’t understand which slice of the demographic has sustained them at such high profile over so long a period. Even Coldpee haven’t been the recipients of so large an act of cross-channel co-ordinated fellatio by the Beeb.