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General BBC-related comment thread
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Just read on another site (EUReferendum) that in fact our muslim lord is not going to jail anyway – he’ll be on license. Worth reading, particularly over the compare and contrast case of the barmaid who got 21 months and a 5 year ban for the same thing.
Jeffrey Archer, jailed for perjury, had to share with proper criminals – murderers etc. Can you imagine them doing that to a muslim ‘Lord’?
‘Good afternoon, Lord Ahmed, would you like to inspect the praying facilities first or the Halal menu?’
Now I have just seen Jim T’s comment and if accurate it is even less fair.
Personally, I think all prisoners should be able to opt for solitary confinement with optional socialising time. In that way it would be more of an equal punishment for all offenders. As it is, it is torture for some, and a holiday for others.
I am partly thinking of people like myself being sent to prison for Thought Crimes eg:
– denying global warming – 2 months
– laughing at the 72 virgins idea – 2 months
– disrespecting Islam – 3 months
– not paying your TV licence fee – 10 months
I haven’t seen any evidence of what Nick Robinson was accused of saying. But on the 1pm news he couldn’t stop himself from describing Cameron pejoratively as ‘privileged’ aka a toff. It’s just another way for the BBC to dehumanise Cameron – ‘oh he’s just a toff, not a real person with feelings, he doesn’t grieve, no sympathy here.’
As for everything we know about Brown’s intense personal enmity toward Cameron, Brown’s politics and tactics I’m sickened by the suspension of disbelief by the media and some commentators regarding Brown’s two-faced disingenuous remarks.
Re Nick Robinson. The accusation as far as I can see all stems from a comment on Guido’s blog. Before we all go overboard it’s perhaps worth noting a comment Nick himself has put on his own blog:
“You’ll see a number of comments have been removed by the moderators. Some of these relate to an untrue comment on another blog about my reporting, which itself has now been removed.“
Different topic entirely – nice piece today on UK Polling Report –
about a a wierdly incompetent pice of polling/reporting by the BBC – though the Telegraph and the Mail don’t come out of it well, either.
BBC News 24 this afternoon in an item concerning the annual survey conducted by the Centre for Brand Analysis. BA having slipped out of top 10 to no 36. Big discussion as to why – terminal 5 etc. Survey company saying that this is disaster and (not surprisingly) how bad for brand to slip in this way – nods all round. Another brand that slipped out of top 10 – down to 15. BBC Worldwide – not mentioned – I wonder why? I guess that as this is a ‘commercial’ organisation it’s not really relevant to Auntie that bastion of PSB.
Kegs | 25.02.09 – 10:14 am |
‘I have just been angered to hear Nick “Toenails” Robinson say on the BBC that Cameron can’t expect any electoral advantage from this tragic event “as Gordon Brown has already lost a child of his own”.’
If Nick Robinson has said this he needs to be sacked. It’s a disgrace.
This would not be the first time Robinson talked about Cameron using a dead child as a political football.
A couple months back, Cameron used his first question of PMQs to express his sympathy for the death of BabyP and prod Mr. Brown about fixing child protection services. Brown said something like, “I regret that he’s making a political issue out of it”.
But this time he wasn’t really saying what he’s accused of saying. He was talking about the questions raised about political maneuvering a couple of years ago when Mr. Cameron publicly spoke about his son, and how his personal experience with the illness gave him a special understanding of the NHS. I didn’t get the sense that Robinson was saying anything about any current political advantage.
But it’s so nice to see the class warriors at the BBC saying that even rich, privileged people who can afford nannies can feel some sadness over their child’s death. Robinson couldn’t shut up about Cameron’s background, and how he otherwise probably wouldn’t have gotten to know people from the lower classes, nor would he have appreciated Public Service. Yes, this is the kind of thing that will humanize even toffs. What a lovely display of sympathy.
Pretty weak stuff. In any case, it sure seems that the BBC was looking for a political angle to the death of a child simply by having their political editor on to talk about it. They had the video of Cameron’s speech all cued up, so it’s not like Robinson brought it up spontaneously. But it is the Daily Politics show, and I guess even if the actual politicians don’t feel like being political today, there’s no reason for the BBC to stop. I know the basic motive behind showing the speech clip was to provide background to the larger point about how the child’s severe disability shaped Cameron’s politics and life. But Robinson did say “there, in fact, was” some political football by Cameron at the time, but almost in passing. In the end, the overall impression given by this Beeboid display of sympathy was that, if not for poor Ivan, David Cameron would still be an inhuman, upper class bastard who can’t possibly understand health care, Public Service, or anything about ordinary people.
Leave it to the BBC to use a child’s death as a weapon in the class war. Yes, I know: it’s visceral. They don’t even realize they’re doing it.
The only thing Robinson should have been there for was to talk about whether or not Prime Minister’s Questions should have been canceled.
I did not see the Robinson piece.
But if it really is bad – I hope it wakes some Tory MPs to the way the BBC despises their party. And if some are offended by clips of Robinson – I hope they pass on links to the clips to their colleagues.
There could be 2 explanations – Robinson was just being crass, not intending to offend – in which case he is still bad. But if it is seen as intentional, the idea of attacking a man who has just lost his little son is sick beyond measure.
Dick – they can’t touch you unless you own up to having a TV without a licence. Ive gone 3 years without a licence and I’m quite prepared to go to jail for it! (I could do with a nice rest)
My advice is –
Ignore all threatening letters
do not let anyone in without a warrant
say nothing if cornered on the street (a second language is usfull here)
They have to prove that you have a tv and they can only do that with YOUR cooperation. There are plenty of telly tax websites around that can give you more detailed advice and dont forget to sign the online petition which currently stands at over 500,000 signatures.
Here’s how the BBC reported yesterday’s Dow Jones rise:
US shares rose sharply on Tuesday, bouncing back from their 12-year lows set on Monday.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 236.2 points, or 3.3%, at 7,350.9.
The banks were the big gainers again after Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said nationalising them would not be a good idea…
Another reason for the rise was optimism ahead of President Barack Obama’s address to Congress.
This morning the Dow has tumbled more than 2% once again. So much for Obama’s speech. Will the BBC mention it?
Nick Robinson’s appearance which is causing the fuss can be seen here:
It’s not quite as they say on Guido, but still not unbiased.
I wonder what the BBC will have to say about this:
Exclusive: Army is fighting British jihadists in Afghanistan
British soldiers are engaged in “a surreal mini civil war” with growing numbers of home-grown jihadists who have travelled to Afghanistan to support the Taliban, senior Army officers have told The Independent.
Interceptions of Taliban communications have shown that British jihadists • some “speaking with West Midlands accents” • are active in Helmand and other parts of southern Afghanistan, according to briefing papers prepared by an official security agency.
At least they’re taking the violence abroad. What happens when they realize they can’t defeat the British Army, and take the war back home?
Reuters: “Stocks fall as Obama fails to deliver details”
Tut tut….All this bickering over a headline!To me only one headline is appropriate……..
Kegs: I heard what that piece of f**king scum Robinson said about Cameron as well.
He really is a sleazy piece of scum.
David Preiser (USA): On radio 5 this morning they were spouting on about political correctness and the queen of camp Nicki Campbell was spouting his usual bollocks about no one giving examples of political correctness.
I emailed asking why the BBC were not identifying the scum going to Afghanistan as Muslims, rather than ‘British men’ which was how Radio 5 were describing them.
Needless to say queenie Campbell didn’t bother to raise the subject.
Instead the BBC treated us to ‘Irish’ jokes to show they were not politically correct (I kid you not)
Here’s an example (don’t all laugh at once)
“What do you call an Irishman in a car?”
“The driver”
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. That is so funny.
TTR – I’ll play it by ear but am getting abuse from the family.
Political correctness grew out of Marxism. In Marxism, there is no truth, truth is a bourgeois construction that serves to bolster the rule of the capitalist class. Truth is therefore what furthers the revolutionary working class.
In PC this is taken and applied to ethnic, religious, sexual, and gender groups. The aim is “equality” and “social cohesion”. All “truth” is subsumed to this. Hence, the Jihadi’s in Afghanistan are not Muslim, because that causes people to doubt the equality of Islam, they are only “British”.
It is the philosophy of Pontius Pilate, who had Christ killed for social cohesion.
I would like to propose a competition
to rename the gibberish,nonsensical term “political correctness”,my tuppence worth is “deviant cultural revisionism” or DCR, next!
Millie Tant | 25.02.09 – 3:06 pm
You know when you see a couple being interviewed on telly ‘in their own home’ usually when something bad has happened to them, and one is speaking and the other is looking at the floor, perhaps nodding imperceptibly, – it’s sad, but you can’t empathise because you can’t take your eyes off the sofa and the wallpaper? Like that.
There’s usually a dado rail painted dark blue, with patterned wallpaper above, blue blobs in a diamond configuration on a background of dark cream: occasionally the colourway can be maroon, which emits despair. The sofa will be an organic shape, and dark cream with one or two navy vertical stripes, with patterning on the stripes, and possibly also on the background, and there can be piping.
The back of the sofa is divided into two as though it was two chairs and not a sofa which is called ‘settee.’
The curtains are short, grey and not pulled over properly because they have caught on something. The lampshade has been knocked and is at a slightly jaunty angle. There are some small bits of reproduction furniture made of dark wood and electric cables are trailing from various appliances.
Lord Ahmed is talking on the phone, probably to prove that he uses a phone, but he is not texting this time, or driving.
Well, you did ask.
A ‘privileged’ background, Robinson, is having parents who keep you safe, warm and fed. A ‘privileged’ background, Robinson, is having parents who teach you about honesty and integrity. A ‘privileged’ background, Robinson, is having parents who read and talk to you so that you can read and converse before you start school.
(Robinson has insinuated to the nation that only poor people/communists/marxists/champagne socialists can empathise with others; can feel the loss of loved ones; can feel anything, and that David Cameron, from a privileged background, wouldn’t otherwise have come into contact with the other parents who use NHS and know how they feel/are, if it wasn’t for his disabled son.)
And, Robinson, I want my government to come from a ‘privileged’ background; and I also want them to be well educated to the highest level, including Eton.
Ha ha. Love it! Especially the “settee”, big and blowsy. At least the decor kind of goes with the face and face furniture of said lord! If you ever walk around the average furniture emporium, it is amazing to see the “settees” – those shapes and the fabrics, patterns, trimmings and finishings used to gussy them up – and to think that somebody actually designed them!
richard scorner:
‘I would like to propose a competition
to rename the gibberish,nonsensical term “political correctness”,my tuppence worth is “deviant cultural revisionism” or DCR, next!’
I would call it US….Utter shite
BBC slated for pathetically inadequate sample size in poll of religious attitudes
21 muslims and 9 hindus asked
BBC only polling when it wants to get an appropriate answer…
Give Nick Robinson a break. If you had date rapist eyes which even Emo glasses can’t obscure, then you’d be that way too.
Lord Ahmed who bragged at getting Geet Wilders BANNED from this democratic free speech loving country gets the mildest of wristslap for killing someone on a motorway. Savour the eulogy to Lord Ahmed, traitor to free speech, on his contribution to our country:
Lord Ahmed’s barrister Jeremy Baker QC, described how the defendant came to Britain as a child speaking no English but built up a successful business and political career before he was made a life peer.
The barrister said his client provided an important function for the country both nationally and internationally, particularly in the field of inter-faith relations.”
FFS the man is a killer and an enemy of British values, and a Labour appointment….
I was not aware of this sickening, nauseating blog on the BBC website:
“I’m Justin Rowlatt and I am the BBC’s Ethical Man. My family and I spent a year trying to cut our carbon emissions. Now I’m back with a bigger challenge – to save the world! I’m travelling across America looking at how we can stop catastrophic global warming.”
It’s this kind of bullsh*t which makes any attempt to claim that the Beeb is not ideologically biased completely and utterly futile. Where to begin?
“The barrister said his client provided an important function for the country both nationally and internationally, particularly in the field of inter-faith relations. “
Is this a joke? The man threatens to lead an assault of angry anti-British, anti-Western Muslim bigots on the House of Lords and he’s being touted as a poster boy for “inter-faith relations”?
Notice how the Beeb makes sure that we are “left with” this ridiculous claim by including it as the last paragraph of the article as if to say “at the end of the day, we must remember that he’s a credit to this country…”
Un-freaking-believable. End the Beeb.
Another story I haven’t yet seen on the Beeb:
Armed Forces ‘are fighting British Muslims with Yorkshire accents’ in Afghanistan
The Armed Forces are increasingly fighting British Muslims with Midlands and Yorkshire accents on the battlefields of Afghanistan.
Intelligence reports show that rising numbers of home-grown jihadists have joined the Taliban so they can kill British soldiers.
And just think, there are probably thousands more of these sub-human scumbags wandering around the streets of northern England, fantasizing about killing British children.
“at the end of the day, we must remember that he’s a credit to this country…”
A television licence is only required by law to RECIEVE live broadcasts.
It is NOT for POSSESION of a tv.
It is NOT for the CAPABILITY of a tv to recieve live broadcasts.
So even if you have a tv in you house and it is INSTALLED or TUNED so that it is capable of recieving a live broadcast, you still do not need a licence.
The TV Licensing goons car will be capable of exceeding the speed limit, but he is not done for capability of his equipment (car), only if there is evidence that he had broken the speed limit.
He may also be in possesion of a mobile phone.He will not be done for possesion of equipment that is capable of being used illegally.
We are all capable of committing a crime (we could all strangle babies) but being capable of a crime is not a crime in itself.
Whether this stands up in court is a moot point, but I`m willing to go all the way up to the highest to staighten this out.
Also; Withdraw their Implied Right Of Access to your front door.And tell them their harrasment contravenes the Human Rights Act
There`s more to come.
I am pretty sad today but whenever I turn on the BBC I go into fits of anger. They’ve now got Crick the prick on Newsnight pushing the whole nasty Tory party meme. A complete numpty of a guest saying historically Tories never used the NHS – what absolute balls. The Beeb can’t get over the fact that the NHS does fail many people and seeking to improve it does not mean destroying it. It is health outcomes that matters first no ideology. Nick Robinson at least dropped the ‘privileged’ meme on the 10 o’clock news. His earlier obsession with beating the ‘privileged background’ drum was highly pejorative. You don’t get to
choose the family you’re born into. But I’m glad Ivan was born into the Cameron family because of the people David and Samantha are and
not their background and bank balance. Nicks comments suggest that Cameron is somehow less of a human being. It is class bigotry and out
of order on a day like today. Even Andrew Neil pulled up Nick on his comments during the Daily Politics that ‘no matter how much money
and privilege you end up spending the night on the hospital floor.’ Nick also said Cameron’s views on the NHS were ‘political positioning.’ Whether you believe it true or not it is hardly appropriate to say it today.
Regarding the outrageous report highlighted by
David Preiser (USA) | 25.02.09 – 4:54 pm |
MI5 has estimated that up to 4,000 British Muslims had travelled to Pakistan … Now there are signs that they are mounting missions against British and Western targets abroad. “We are now involved in a kind of surreal mini-British civil war a few thousand miles away,” said one Army officer.
Notice no documentary on this story by that enemy of Britain and ally of terrorists, the BBC, who can always find a camera crew to spy on anyone being disrespectful to Islam in private conversations (eg snooping on the police while training, if that was BBC)
I just wonder if it will kick off bigtime in my lifetime or not. Is not going over and shooting at our troops still not enough to get the message through that we have to do something soon about the ‘X’ number of muslims in this country who (a) hate us and (b) will never integrate, just become more extreme. (c) Are loyal to crazy and medieval foreign countries who love war.
Just look at them gathering in a ring around their own daughter/sister, stabbing her to death, and then saying ‘Allah be praised! My honour is restored!’ – that tells you that there is no point trying to be reasonable with these people, or expecting them to become normal. They would watch the shower scene in Psycho and say ‘nice technique in action there – I like it – reminds me of when I did the same to my sister’
Voters of Britain – what have you done?
You cannot just blame the BBC bias – however biased, they still showed Wilders being sent back, and they showed that well fed muslim arriving in his new home from Gitmo after travelling in a luxury jet.
How much slap slap in the face of Britain is it going to take before stupid voters pause before they keep cast their votes for traitors?
richard scorner:
I would like to propose a competition
to rename the gibberish,nonsensical term “political correctness”,my tuppence worth is “deviant cultural revisionism” or DCR, next!
richard scorner | 25.02.09 – 6:59 pm |
you could call it BBC-Speak
Robin I’m not 100% sure about this as I don’t know how much the Wireless telegraphy act has changed over the years but I’m pretty sure that “capability” does enter the equation. I remember a case a few years ago of a bloke who was nicked for having a VCR connected to a video monitor not a tv set, the guy pleaded that he cant be nicked because the monitor is not a TV and theorfore is not capable of recieving tv broadcasts and he got off with it lol. However, the govermnent/BBC soon closed that loophole by saying that a VCR contains a TV tuner and is therfore “Capable” of recieving TV transmitions (crafty gits)
“The barrister said his client provided an important function for the country both nationally and internationally, particularly in the field of inter-faith relations. ”
Is this a joke? The man threatens to lead an assault of angry anti-British, anti-Western Muslim bigots on the House of Lords and he’s being touted as a poster boy for “inter-faith relations”?
I wish Lord Ahmed would just turn up with his army of 10,000, then we could get rid of 10,000 enemies of Britain in one go.
Original Robin: I don’t think your statement is correct. My understanding is that if you own equipment capable of receiving any for of television a TV licence is required.
That includes a laptop computer or desktop that can receive live streaming (that is basically any computer connected to the internet) a PDA that has live TV capability or a mobile phone that can receive live TV.
Even having an old TV in the loft requires a TV licence.
The BBC is planning to try to get a mandatory requirement to register any PDA laptop etc like you do now when you buy a TV. The BBC wants to have a separate licence for all mobile devices.
This should bring in the drug users a few billion more a year.
The Tories must put the BBC out of its misery.
Also, when you buy a TV from a shop, they send the address to the BBC, so you should put it in the name of someone who already has a licence.
They should design a TV that can receive Sky and ITV but is physically incapable of receiving the BBC. I would pay extra for such a box given the option.
Don’t you just love the BBC? So why did turd sniffer Mandelson introduce the Post Office Bill a day early then?
“A good day to bury bad news” perhaps?
caveman: The licence fee does not cover just the BBC. It’s for receiving ANY TV signal.
With the switch to digital it will be easy to swap to a pay to view service for the BBC.
Sky, freesat, Virgin and so on should be able to block the BBC from your digibox unless you include the BBC as part of your subscription.
Pay as you view. What could be a better incentive for the BBC?
Obama is being compared to Churchill now by the BBC.
The ‘liberals’ have found a new hero to worship.
The BBC is forever pushing all things Islamic at us.
Strange they have not covered this international poll of Muslim attitudes towards the West :
The BBC announced that the UK economy had fallen into recession on Jan 23rd 2009 :-
‘The UK is now in recession for the first time since 1991, official government figures have confirmed.’
Imagine my surprise to find that the UK economy officially fell into recession in the second quarter of 2008.
Clearly there was no political agenda in dogmatically insisting on the ‘according to Hoyle’ definition *sarc*. But they have succeeded in shortening this recession, in the popular perception, by about 10 months.
spɹɐʇsɐq buıʎ1
Original Robin: I don’t think your statement is correct. My understanding is that if you own equipment capable of receiving any for of television a TV licence is required.
That includes a laptop computer or desktop that can receive live streaming (that is basically any computer connected to the internet) a PDA that has live TV capability or a mobile phone that can receive live TV.
Even having an old TV in the loft requires a TV licence.
The BBC is planning to try to get a mandatory requirement to register any PDA laptop etc like you do now when you buy a TV. The BBC wants to have a separate licence for all mobile devices.
This should bring in the drug users a few billion more a year.
The Tories must put the BBC out of its misery.
martin | 25.02.09 – 11:40 pm | #
On the other hand, my understanding is that it is only if you actually use it for receiving live TV transmission that you need a TV licence. (watching catch-up video of TV programmes on your computer – or delayed transmission, even by a few seconds, on a PC – is not a live broadcast.)
If a TV set is just a box sitting in a cupboard under the stairs and never used, why would a licence be required?
My second link above (2:08am) should have been to:-
Millie Tant
The legislation requires a licence for any “equipment” capable of receiving TV signal – whether it is used or not.
This critique of Obama may notfind favour with Justin Webb et al :
Hell hath no fury…
Millie Tant: You are correct that if you want recorded footage on a PC or PDA you don’t require a TV licence (yet).
However, Most modern computers and many mobile devices can now receive live streaming regardless of the fact you may not want it.
Of course the obvious thing would be for the BBC to password their live streaming and make people register for it (as Sky does).
But this would mean the BBC couldn’t then justify an extension of the TV tax to laptops etc.
Well done, Jason. Ethical Man is a brilliant find. He seems to be almost entirely about “global warming” but occasionally breaks off to save a whale.
Rowan Atkinson is a shoo-in for the film version.
Police forces need reform, who says so?, well an unelected ‘think tank’ says so.
It is amazing just how many of these ‘think tanks’ get their latest offerings published on the BBC website, I counted 14 UK economic ‘think tanks’ that have had their reports published on the BBC in the last 6 months!!!, 14 different institutions, yet not one of them predicted the recession !!.
What is the point of paying for BBC journalists if they are just going to regurgitate these politically biased reports?.
Every single one of these ‘think tanks’ has some political connection, the majority are left of center in their economic strategies, yet the BBC never gets around to mentioning what political party these institutions are linked too.