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The BBC had stated that it intended to take a more open view of “green” issues, I believe ?
Yet here we have them (or rather us) paying for Ethical Man to float around America, along with a BBC producer and some other guy. Plus we are paying for moderators to keep track of the blog.
What is the cost of all this totally biased nonsense ?
I have travelled to many parts of the world, including US places, but have never had the money or time to go on a jaunt off the beaten track in America. Maybe I should join the BBC ?
Well done for finding this jewel – but how many other scams like this are we paying for ?
I would not be surprised if Dave I-am-a-fan-of-the-BBC Cameron would, if he got elected, scrap the licence and pay the BBC out of taxation in return for their support.
Has the BBC mentioned the fact that 40% of CIA anti-terrorist effort is now focussed on the UK ? That they perceive the UK as an exporter of terrorism, a very real threat to the US ?
Radio 2 J Vine.
Pushing a story about what was the score with Lord-I predict a riot-Ahmed getting jailed for having a crash but wasn’t texting at the time.
I quote;
“So what if you text and 9 hours later you crash”
Crist talk about bending over for Labour MPs.
BBC, as B.Bragg’s political agent:
“Bragg’s strike tour to inspire”
‘Londoner’s Diary’
‘BBC’s north and south divide ‘
“IT’S NOT just those BBC toilers forced to up sticks and move from London to Salford who are disgruntled with the move. Now BBC workers already based up north are unhappy their southern counterparts are being given generous allowances for their renting costs.
“‘I can’t believe staff will be given £1,900 a month for two years to rent, have utility bills paid and be treated to a weekly return trip to London,’ wails Steve Saul, a journalist at Radio Manchester, in Ariel magazine.”
More BBC journalism at it’s best yesterday and today.
After Adair Turner’s explosive evidence to Parliament yesterday pinning the tail on Brown’s donkey, the whole news agenda this morning is now concentrated on Fred Goodwin’s pension. Adair Turner? What about him?
Wonder who leaked the news to Peston?
But, apparently, the Standard is quoting replacement RBS CEO, Hester, as saying that the government were in on Goodwin’s leaving package.
I wonder that will ever see the light of day on the BBC?
Dream on.
Beeboid looks in the mirror, does not see his own reflection.
James Reynolds’ latest China Love Diary is slap-the-forehead amusing, but in a pathetic way. He’s reporting on yet another act of public civil disobedience in China, this about a couple of people who set themselves on fire in a public street, and the Chinese media’s secrecy about it.
How news breaks in China
Reynolds is, bless him, being critical of Chinese government censorship of such things, and describes how the government-controlled media held off reporting the incident so that the mess could be cleaned up before anybody could get there to report on it. When the official news finally did come out, they deliberately kept the details out of the media, not only of the location of the incident, but of who was involved.
James reveals that the three people who did the fiery suicide were Muslim Uighers. The Chinese media censored this information. He says that they’re from the Xinjian region in the west, “one of the most sensitive areas in the country”. Sensitive? I assume this is what the BBC means by “sensitive” when it comes to covering up for China. Funny, the BBC usually has all kinds of time for what HRW says.
In any case, the real amusing part comes at the end. Reynolds is really trying to be highly critical of media censorship in China. He really thinks he is. With no trace of irony, he reports:
What should we make of the fact that Xinhua waited for more than two hours before breaking the news in Chinese on its wire service?
I know, I know. But it gets better:
I put this question to a Chinese journalist who works for a government-sponsored publication. The journalist has asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from his employers. The journalist says that Chinese media organisations have to take much greater care when they publish stories in Chinese, because the authorities are worried about the danger of social unrest.
Sound familiar?
The key part is funniest if read slowly and out loud:
The journalist also reports that media organisations in China have specifically been ordered not to use the words “Muslim” and “Xinjiang” when reporting on this story.
Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce.
Millie Tant: You are correct that if you want recorded footage on a PC or PDA you don’t require a TV licence (yet).
However, Most modern computers and many mobile devices can now receive live streaming regardless of the fact you may not want it.
Of course the obvious thing would be for the BBC to password their live streaming and make people register for it (as Sky does).
But this would mean the BBC couldn’t then justify an extension of the TV tax to laptops etc.
Martin | 26.02.09 – 9:09 am | #
Martin: some posters on this link say the same as you; some not.
The last post – at the bottom of the page – by a poster called CAM, is interesting and indicates that they act like thugs, treating everyone as a criminal, regardless of the legality of an individual’s status with the authorities not needing a licence. Most people would not want or be able to endure that kind of treatment, I think.
Braver than most:
From the Telegraph on the death of Eastenders star Wendy Richard:
“At one stage, Richard was reportedly given a script which included a vicious tirade against Margaret Thatcher. She refused to perform this sequence, accusing the scriptwriters of using the series as a soapbox for their political opinions”.
The Times:
“A Conservative supporter, she was also reputed once to have refused to deliver a rant against the then prime minister Margaret Thatcher, accusing the EastEnders writers of foisting their own political views on her”.
It is typical of the culture at the BBC that the Eastenders scriptwriters and producers could think that they have free rein to insert that political tirade.
Time was, the idea of political neutrality was ingrained among BBC staff, was an article of faith.
Now – the opposite holds.
JohnA | 26.02.09 – 3:11 pm
As posted many times here – political bias pervades most of the output whether quiz shows, drama, comedy,etc – making it particularly pernicious from our national, publically funded broadcaster with its ‘charter’. Sport is not immune – as posted at the time that well known sage and wit – Gary Lineker, feel perfectly free to make an irrelevant aside postulating Bush’s theoretical ignorance of the geography of the UK before an international football match.
I bet Ms Richards would have loved this weeks all balck episode of Eastenders 🙂
JohnA | 26.02.09 – 12:09 pm |
Your link is spot on and one of the reasons why we chose to emigrate.
The frightening thing is that no politician has the balls to adequately deal with the problem.
The BBC’s abject failure to highlight this is an indication of their complicity along with money grubbing lawyers such as Clive “Stafford” Smith.
Unreported by the BBC (I wonder why):
Lib Dem councillor facing calls to resign after dressing as Nazi storm-trooper
Of course if the Beeb DID report this, they’d probably be sure to omit the fact that he’s a Lib Dem. But we all know they won’t report it. One can, however, only imagine the fuss they’d make if a TORY councilor dressed up as a Nazi.
I had not realised that the single book that Stafford Smith – OBE! – would take to a Desert Island is the Koran.
I kid you not.
(Earlier this week Rep Pete King (R) after visiting Guantanamo described it as a Club Med in Cuba. Obama’s own Att Gen has just been there, says it is well run.)
BBC report: doesn’t make the political links between a ‘liberal’ Swedish government, its mass immigration policy, and its indulgence of ‘global intifada’ inside Sweden, and the consequences outlined here:
“Sweden probes ‘anti-US’ attacks”
“Swedish Radio reports that Global Intifada had recently distributed leaflets in Sodertalje encouraging the public to firebomb shops selling American products.”
Labour’s Britain is following the Swedish ‘liberal’ route, with similar political consequences.
I see McSnot has been found guilty of breaking the rules on sub letting his office out.
Lets get this right. He broke the rules. If I get done for speeding I get done for speeding, the fact I didn’t to it on purpose makes no difference.
However, as usual rather than running the headline “Brown broke rules” we get the “Brown Rebuked”
No BBC. Brown broke the rules. Can’t you leftie tosspots get anything right?
Just watched Kay Burley (not exactly a heavyweight interviewer) beating up that tosser Timms from the Treasury about the HBOS ex boss pension pot.
Worth watching as it’s not often you see a Labour politician getting a kicking and you won’t see it on the BBC that’s for sure.
Mervyn King’s evidence to the Treasury Select Committee: See if you can spot the difference in emphasis between these two headlines…?
“Mervyn King: Regulators unable to stop City banks taking risks due to Government”. Daily Telegraph
“Governor raps ‘gamblers’ reward’ ” • BBC
Nor does the BBC whitewash of the Governor’s testimony only extend to the headline. According to the Telegraph and Coffee House – Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, has said that financial regulators were unable to stop City banks taking huge risks because they did not get support from the British Government… Regulators who had criticised banks lending in 2006 or 07 would have had “a massively difficult task” persuading politicians to back them. “They would have been seen to be arguing against success,” said Mr King. Suggesting that politicians were in thrall to powerful banks, Mr King said any regulator who challenged the banks would have been left isolated and “lonely.”Institutions would have said “‘who are you to be saying we are taking big risks? How dare you tell us we should stop taking such risks, can you prove to us that the risks we are taking will necessarily end in tears’ – and of course they couldn’t”.
See if you can spot any direct criticism of HM GVN and the reglatory atmosphere that it created in the BBC report?
I’m sure you can guess the answer. Indeed, I congratulate the author •it must have taken a Herculean literary effort to frame Mervyn King’s testimony in such a way, so as to expunge all references to HM GVN from the BBC’s report. It truly is a shinning example of creative journalism.
No doubt MWL and Gus Haynes [SP] will argue that the BBC has simply chosen to highlight another aspect of Mervyn King’s testimony. But in light of Lord Turner’s evidence yesterday • frisking Brown’s troika based regulatory system and his obsession with light touch (or should that be don’t touch) regulation • then surely King’s comments as reported by the Telegraph are for more pertinent than Mervyn King’s refusal to be drawn on the issue of Sir Fred Goodwin’s pension. After all • Gov. of Bank of England attacks GVN headline • has got to be more interesting than what amounts to a no-comment on the pension.
So why did the BBC take this track?
On a separate note • did anybody else see the New Labour politician on Newsnight, last night? Laughable he denied that Gordon had engaged in light touch regulation • instead he insisted that the GVN had followed a soft-touch approach.
Light-touch vs soft-touch • can anybody anywhere explain the difference? Why do the BBC allow labour politicians to spout this utter bollocks (please excuse my French)…
JohnA | 26.02.09 – 4:07 pm |
In the past I’ve alluded to what I did prior to retiring. I worked in a department which liaised with all the intelligence organisations and facilitated joint efforts.
Eight years ago one of the many projects I had on the go was doing some research into a series of perverse aquittals. At the behest of my DG I wrote a peliminary analysis paper on corruption within the judiciary and the legal ‘profession’.
It was unfortunate that halfway through I was moved over to deal with something that was more pressing to our organisation at that time. As a result there was no follow up and I was later moved on to other things.
To the best of my knowledge, to this day, the only organisation that took a serious stab at criminality in the legal profession was the then Immigration Service who tackled those solicitors involved in bogus asylum applications.
What I did come across though, and I did have to tiptoe around the issue of legal priviledge, was that corruption and criminality within the legal profession was more widespread than we had thought.
A number of solicitors and barristers had conspired with their clients to pervert the course of justice. A number of them had committed perjury. Some of them were well known people who get a lot of press coverage. As judges are recruited from barristers we also looked for evidence of corruption there as a barrister on the take would have no scruples about throwing a trial. This work proved more difficult but there was a compelling case against at least three individuals.
Much of the corruption was based on financial gain but we did come across a number of examples where the motivation was ideological.
The way most of this information was gathered precluded any prosection.
Do I have faith in the ‘justice’ system? No I do not.
Nor do I. I used to drink at a wine bar at the Elephant owned by the respectd criminal brief Michael Relton. Unfortunately he stopped drinking there after he was banged up for laundering much of the proceeds of the Brinksmat mob.
jonathan: You know the answer. The BBC sucks up to Liebour as both need each other. Liebour to try to brainwash the public and the BBC in return gets a guaranteed 3.5 billion a year income.
Note that everyone is having to tighten their belts except the BBC.
Telly Tax Rebel,Martin,Millie Tant and John A,
Yesterday when I got back home I got good news. The Licensing authority is cooperating. This makes me feel I should not gloat, but be magnamanous in victory.
So I will desist from going into the details now but urge you all to fight for your rights.
We can turn the powers that be in this country into working for US, not against us and for themselves and the rest of the world.
I am sure this case involves nil pro-Hamas bias by the BBC :
Top News at 10 on Radio 4 is the stuff about rendition.
How can this possibly be the top item, for instance against the RBS fat-cat’s pension ? – other than the BBC’s obsessive desire to criticise anything to do with the war on terror and the US.
There is genuine public interest in the RBS story, albeit maybe unfairly to the guy involved. There is nil Joe Bloggs interest in rendition. “So what” is the typical view.
Once again – the BBC skewing the news, parading its bias.
Meanwhile, here is the BBC’s favourite non-climatologist James Hansen getting into hot water. It is plain that the guy is a political proseletiser rather than any form of scientific expert.,2933,501064,00.html
Original Robin posted a link to somebody complaining about BBC bias in a report about the Gaza zoo. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the report is by none other than the BBC’s favorite Hamas propagandist, Aleem Maqbool.
The blog OR links to does a good job nailing the bias about the zoo. He briefly mentions the other part of the report concerning the Gaza museum.
I’ve complained for a long time that the BBC is not only ignorant of the region’s history, but actually biased towards the Palestinian propaganda version. This report is a case in point. The Beeboids show how much they care about the history of the Gaza region. This isn’t even the first time they’ve had Maqbool do a history-focused report.
Yet, when was the last time the BBC commented on the Palestinian destruction of the archaeological treasures at the Temple Mount? Judaism is the only so-called major religion which is not allowed to be in control of its holiest site. The BBC will never mention this, at it would be sympathetic to the Israeli viewpoint. The Palestinians have for years deliberately vandalized and destroyed valuable archaeological evidence of Judaism’s holiest and most important historical site. But the BBC will talk about damage to non-Jewish artifacts in a Gaza museum.
The BBC never likes to talk about this, because it might make them appear to be pro-Israel. Of course, all Jews are affected by this, not just the Israeli ones. But the BBC doesn’t really care about Jewish concerns. Palestinian and Muslim concerns are far more important, so Israel – and by extension, Judaism – is treated unfairly.
David Preiser
I had posted the Gaza zoo stuff.
Maqbool’s piece REEKS of bias.
So Jeremy Bowen will keep him on, rather than sacking him for blatantly imbalanced and inaccurate reporting.
U bloody 2 on the BBC news again right now.
How much would you need to pay for this level of advertising?
BBC’s website and a blank on aspects of BELGIUM.
Checking the BBC’s web page:
“Country profile: Belgium”
– the BBC does not have a SINGLE reference either in the ‘religion’ section, or in the ‘population’ section to either ISLAM, or to MUSLIMS.
Turning to ‘Wikipedia’ there is some useful information here:
‘Islam in Belgium’
“An 2008 estimation shows that 6% of the Belgian population, about 628,751, is Muslim (98% Sunni). Muslims cover 25.5% of the population of Brussels, 4.0% of Wallonia and 3.9% of Flanders. The majority of Belgian Muslims live in the major cities, such as Antwerp, Brussels and Charleroi.
“The largest group of immigrants in Belgium, numbering 264,974, are Moroccans.”
And for a view of Brussels one doesn’t get from the BBC:
“Islam – the enemy within- mass deportation is the only answer”
(Youtube 5 min video clip):
Apologies if this is already covered…
something to look forward to –
Andrew Marr fronts ‘Darwin’s Dangerous Idea’ (Thursdays BBC2):
“Darwin is our greatest Briton…the war between religion and Darwinism may have been declared over by the heads of the major churches but plenty of people haven’t noticed…we need more Darwinism in our politics, not less…[his] understanding underpins modern ecology”. (quoted from blurb in 28/2-6/3 Radio Times)
Sounds like the Beeb wants Darwinism on terms acceptable to them.
NB same issue of this very on-message listings mag gives cover space and prominent place to C4’s imminent police corruption piece ‘Red Riding’, which to judge by the lengthy write-up it receives blurs documentary and politically-slanted drama in a manner whose outrageousness must have BBC producers green with envy.
This earth shattering story – about a poll indicating that 52 per cent of the Welsh favour more powers for the Welsh Assembly, is apparently the sixth most important story in the world at the moment, and deserving of a slot on the News Front Page, no less.
More important, obviously, than the Governor of the Bank of England saying that the government borrowed far too much prior to the banking crisis and more important than the head of the FSA saying that lax bank regulation was down to political pressures (aka Gordon.)
Ah, story selection. What crimes are committed in thy name.
let’s hope Andrew Marr leads the charge to have Darwinism taught in Islamic schools and mentioned approvingly in the mosques!
TPO 5:20
That is a very interesting post and it does not surprise me at all that some aspects of the legal system are corrupt. I have no faith in the legal processes of this country whatsoever.
The bBC,those not so racist police and half the story.
More minorities scanned for ID
A disproportionate number of Asian and black people are being stopped by police and fingerprinted using a new mobile scanner, the BBC has learned.
Of the 29,000 people stopped, 14% were Asian and 16.5% black despite those ethnic groups representing just 4% and 2% of the population respectively.
The figures were revealed in a Freedom of Information request made by the BBC. Police said no single group was being targeted but human rights group Liberty said community relations could worsen.
So the bBC invent a story about Asians and Blacks are getting disproportionally ID by the Old Bill.
Well I’m sorry but where in that article which while giving you the % of how many Asians and Blacks are getting ID do they inform you that Asians represent over 10% of the British prison population.
Not only that, but the bBC doesn’t mention the ethnic breakdown of these areas it says are trailing this new fingerprint scanner;
Essex, Hertfordshire, Beds, Lancashire, Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Leicester, Kent.
Now if they were scanning for illegal immigrants in say the Lakes, the Dales, Omagh and darkest Norfolk. (And I have been to Norwich) then ok I’d subscribe to this notion that coloured people are getting targeted. But seen as Luton, Dewsbury, Bradford and Leicester all fall under the remit of being enclaves of the mother country inside the UK. Then the bBC is making a non-story and inflaming racial tensions for the sake of a headline.
And its Friday.
Funny that the BBC never bothers to use FOI to find out how Police forces are fiddling the crime figures, but when the Tories do the BBC gets all worked up.
Although the BBC has correspondents there, it is very reluctant to report the persecution of Christians there; for example, the BBC apparently chooses to omit/censor this:
“Egypt: Over 20 lawyers attend court hearing for ex-Muslim to endorse his conviction and execution for apostasy”
“Muhammad commanded: ‘If anyone changes his religion, kill him (Bukhari vol. 9, bk. 84, no. 57).’
“But they’re keeping their grievances current, too: ‘Memos submitted by opposing lawyers asserted that cases such as El-Gohary’s form part of a U.S. Zionist attack on Islam in Egypt, that Christianity is an inferior religion to Islam and that Copts protect and defend converts from Islam at their own peril.’
“An update on this story. ‘Egypt – Islamic lawyers urge death sentence for convert.'”
The BBC’s uncritically reports Chris Huhne’s claim that Lib Dems will stop the ‘erosion of freedoms’:
“Lib Dems to renew ‘lost freedoms'”
But the BBC omits to point out the enormous hypocrisy in Huhne’s claim, given that he supported the ban on Dutch MP, Geert Wilders’s entry into Britain.
George R | 27.02.09 – 9:46 am
“With one small change after another over the last 20 years, the cumulative loss of civil liberties is huge”
I wonder if the small change he is referring to is the creeping appeasement of Islam? Probably not.
Chris Huhne doesn’t seem to be aware that we can only have these freedoms when there ceases to be an element within our own population who wish to curtail our freedoms altogether. If the BBC is aware of that glaring oversight in his plea, they really should give someone the opportunity to put that argument. Even if it’s only in the form of a ‘claim’ like they do with their token impartiality re Israel.
Peston biased ?
Heather Sharp’s Despair and rage among Gaza’s youths is standard BBC boilerplate right down to the compulsory Israel intensified the blockade when Hamas, which it considers a terrorist organisation, won elections in 2006 and consolidated control by force a year later. It is tedious to constantly point out that the UK, US and EU among others consider Hamas to be a terrorist organization and that Israel’s blockade was in response to attacks against Israel and not the election.
The question she failed to ask the ten young men, conveniently assembled for interview, was would they give up on violence in return for a better life? I wonder how many would then change gear and declare that they will never stop until they have a) recovered ‘their’ homes in Israel; b) they will never accept an Israel not under Islamic Waqf and the rule of Dhimmi is completely and forever unacceptable.
BTW, I asked before and no one answered. Whatever happened to Quil Lawrence who had the temerity to depart from BBC boilerplate and write that Gazans are upset with Hamas. He seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth.
For his own protection, perhaps?
Vicki Pollard on 5 lite is spinning the get the fat cat bankers pension back.
Hmm. But they won’t read out anything that suggests asking Brown for his pension back for creating this mess in the first place.
Good links by George R – and that is the kind of country the BBC would like us to turn into
Interesting post by TPO re corruption.
Standards are declining rapidly in all areas. Soon we will be like Pakistan. There you can pay money to get out of prison even for murder.
You were talking about the judiciary, but the decline also applies to finance. Old fashioned bank managers in bowler hats would never have got our banks into this mess.
…Christianity is an inferior religion to Islam and that Copts protect and defend converts from Islam at their own peril.’
George R | 27.02.09 – 9:28 am |
Some of the Coptic Christians have to live in the the rubbish dumps, in a cloud of smoke from burning rubbish. They feed scaps to their pigs.
Why not swap a few of those for some of our muslims?
There really is no hope for that part of the world.
The BBC’s reporters in the US frequently re-hash the themes in the liberal Washington Post.
I bet they don’t rehash this piece debunking climate change mania :
deegee 10:42
The question she failed to ask the ten young men, conveniently assembled for interview, was would they give up on violence in return for a better life?
There is a good article on the Sunday Express by Frederick Forsyth pointing out that the Palestinians have turned down the opportunity of their own Garden of Eden alongside Israel.
I (non-Jew)wrote a post under the article under the heading I used: ‘It’s a Great War! We love it!’ followed by something like: ‘We (Palestinians) don’t want a boring old life of Milk and Honey when there is the prospect of glory from war…etc..just look at us chanting in Gaza… or something similar..and a second post saying something like ‘the Germans are pathetic for being ashamed of what the Nazis did – we won’t be when we get our turn.’ and I got banned permanently from their site for my two posts.
They never offered any explanation, and left me up there on the site with my comments blanked out, like I am the extremist, not them, where I stand to this day as an example of what free speech has become in this country.
‘Londoner’s Diary’:
Re- BBC’s Peter Horrocks and political correctness –
‘Today PC, tomorrow the World’
“Peter Horrocks has been appointed Head of the BBC World Service. Does this usher in a new hyper-sensitive era of political correctness? Last week an email sent by Horrocks, head of the BBC’s multimedia newsroom, to TV presenters was leaked which requested that they read out URLs, email addresses and phone numbers in order to avoid offending blind people.
[Horrocks]:”The phrase ‘as you can see’ excludes people with visual impairments, and means they can’t get the information they might want,” (he wrote on his blog). “This is discourteous, and we can do better than that. Commentators, and one reported ‘BBC insider’, have said: ‘This is political correctness gone mad.’ It is not.”
‘Londoner’s Diary: “What more regulations will Horrocks dream up in his new role I wonder?”
pounce | 27.02.09 – 9:03 am |
Not only that, but the bBC doesn’t mention the ethnic breakdown of these areas it says are trailing this new fingerprint scanner;
Essex, Hertfordshire, Beds, Lancashire, Derbyshire, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Leicester, Kent.
Now if they were scanning for illegal immigrants in say the Lakes, the Dales, Omagh and darkest Norfolk. (And I have been to Norwich) then ok I’d subscribe to this notion that coloured people are getting targeted. But seen as Luton, Dewsbury, Bradford and Leicester all fall under the remit of being enclaves of the mother country inside the UK. Then the bBC is making a non-story and inflaming racial tensions for the sake of a headline.
And its Friday.
Nice one. The BBC just can’t look at this issue honestly. This is their one-dimensional thinking on evidence.
BBC report:
“Terror suspects win bail battle”
The ease with which the Labour government undertook its politically irresponsible ‘policy’ of stealth mass immigration over the past 12 years.
The difficulty Labour has now in deporting any Islamic jihadists from Britain.
And the difficulty the BBC has in mentioning the totally relevant fact that the five ‘terror suspects’ are Algerian Muslims.