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Surveyor | 27.02.09 – 10:33 am |
Eventually, everybody else will wake up to what this blog has been talking about for months. Peston acts as an unofficial mouthpiece for Gordon Brown, receiving key information before the government goes public with it while pretending that it’s his “prediction”, and coordinates the BBC’s reporting of key issues with No. 10.
George R
And I bet not one of those Algerians came direct to Britain. They will have come through France – possibly Spain as well. But Britain offered them the cushiest option, the greater freedom to plot.
We are total idiots to be opening our doors to the countries of North Africa – with which we have nil historical connection (other than the fighting with Barbary Coast pirates and trying them to stop taking British slaves)
Having ignored Mervyn King’s attack on Brown’s reglatory system yesterday. Today – the BBC has chosen to ignore this…
Audit Commission Chief Warns of “Armageddon of Debt”:
“Most economists and ministers now believe that a prudent fiscal policy means not allowing public sector debt to exceed 40 per cent of GDP. But the Government is under no obligation to manage the public finances with this target in mind. Indeed, Britain is not even bound by the 60 per cent limit in the Maastricht treaty, as Margaret Thatcher managed to win an opt-out from the relevant article.
This is just as well, given what has happened since last year. With the debts of the nationalised and part-nationalised banks now on the public sector balance sheet, the ratio of public sector debt to GDP in the UK exceeds that of Italy and Japan. And it is set to grow much higher. On the basis of the planned levels of borrowing, it could exceed 65 per cent of GDP in 2010-11.
And at that scale of indebtedness, the Armageddon scenario most feared by the Treasury – that there will be insufficient lenders to match the planned level of borrowing – begins to look a distinct possibility.
That is why tax increases and spending cuts are inevitable immediately after the election, assuming that there are signs of economic recovery by then – and why any managers of a public service who are not planning now on the basis that they will have substantially less money to spend in two years time are living in cloud-cuckoo-land.”
The bias is now becoming laughable…!
Is Robert Peston being used as a newlabour stooge? asks the Daily mail!
Robert Peston IS a newlabour stooge, he knows exactly what he is doing and his reports reflect his determined support and intimate collusion with his idol Brown.
Both Peston and Robinson have connived for a long time to deflect and diminish stories that may hurt Brown, now the MSM is catching on at last!
As Robinson would crow, ‘to be fair to newlabour’ funny how he isnt so keen on being fair to the Tory enemies.
“A team of polar explorers has travelled to the Arctic in a bid to discover how quickly the sea-ice is melting and how long it might take for the ocean to become ice-free in summers”…
Well how about that for a piece of unbiased reporting on the BBC’s website? Not only is there abundant crystal-clear evidence that Arctic ice at average levels, but also there are clear signs that the-rebound this winter was much faster than normal.
I’m getting bored with pointing this nonsense out, so blatant and absurd is the routine lying that laughily passes off of journalism. Who will rid us of these idiots?
Robin Horbury: Who will rid us of these idiots?
Certainly not Dave ‘I am a fan of the BBC’ Cameron.
Thank goodness for the internet. Despite the 100% bias on the BBC on this subject, no-one except the eco-loons believe them.